Windows build gotchas

Herbert Valerio Riedel hvriedel at
Thu Jan 1 18:42:33 UTC 2015

Hello Martin,

Here's just some minor additional context information...

On 2015-01-01 at 19:01:53 +0100, Martin Foster wrote:


>    - I note "./sync-all --help" says, under "Flags", that "--windows also
>    clones the ghc-tarballs repository (enabled by default on Windows)", and
>    I've confirmed that default behaviour experimentally - but
> tells
>    you to manually clone ghc-tarballs when on Windows. Is that line on the
>    wiki obsolete, or am I overlooking something?

Somewhat related: when

is landed, we can finally forget about having to clone that
objectionable ghc-tarballs repo...


> I noticed that the cabal output made reference to
> "C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Roaming\cabal\", so tried moving that out of the
> way, but it only made the problem worse. I did figure it out eventually: in
> addition to that directory, "%APPDATA%\cabal", there were also files left
> over in "%APPDATA%\ghc". Once I removed that directory as well, things
> started working again - but it took me a lot of time & frustration to get
> there.

That's btw because Cabal/GHC uses `getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"` and
`getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc"` respectively...


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