armv7 "invalid instruction" problem building cabal

Ben Burdette bburdette at
Fri Aug 21 23:43:46 UTC 2015

On 08/21/2015 04:00 PM, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Ben Burdette wrote:
>> I've been trying to get going with ghc 7.10.2 on armv7 debian, problem
>> is described here:
> I suspect your problem may be related to this one:
> which I started work on, got stuck and haven't had time to return to.
> Erik

That does seem to be the case.  I was able to duplicate their ghci error:

/GHCi, version 7.10.2:  :? for help//
//Prelude> data Planet = Mercury | Venus deriving Eq//
//Prelude> Mercury == Mercury//
//Illegal instruction//
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ //
And my hello world program:
main = do
  putStrLn "hello"

/The results:
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ ghc hello.hs //
//[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( hello.hs, hello.o )//
//Linking hello ...//
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ ls//
//bin   ghc-7.10.2-arm-unknown-linux.tar.xz  hello.hi  hello.o//
//code  hello                                hello.hs//
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ ./hello //
//Illegal instruction//
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ ghc -O2 hello.hs//
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ ./hello //
//Illegal instruction//
//bburdette at jessie-rpi:~$ //
/Ok, thx for the help - I'll follow progress on the bug.  Let me know if
there's anything else you'd like be to try. 


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