Building patches that change format of interface files

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at
Wed Apr 15 12:26:31 UTC 2015

Technically, you can skip recompiling the stage1 compiler. But I never
bother: all of the libraries must be rebuilt; you have, after all,
changed the interface file format.


Excerpts from Jan Stolarek's message of 2015-04-15 13:20:10 +0100:
> GHC Devs,
> Once I compile GHC I use the "cd ghc; make 2" trick to re-compile any changes. That however does 
> not work if my code changes modify the format of interface files - the resulting compiler is 
> unusable. In fact the only way to get a working compiler after interface format change that I am 
> aware of is to rebuild everything from scratch. Needless to say, this takes a lot of time. Is 
> there a better way? I'd like to test D841 but if this means rebuilding everything then I'll have 
> to pass.
> Janek
> ---
> Politechnika Łódzka
> Lodz University of Technology
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