We need to add role annotations for 7.8

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 15:09:57 UTC 2014

Thank you to everyone who has been helping me understand this issue in
greater depth.

*tl;dr: As long as we don't expect any libraries beyond to core to
annotate, I'm cool. This presumes that the extra safety isn't, in practice,
dependent on transitive adoption by libraries. It also implies that
representational is the only possible default, and that there can be no
migration from it.*

My approach to thinking about this is guided by thinking about supporting
an eco-system with 1000s of libraries (hackage), a few dozen of which are
heavily promoted (the platform), and a small set that are closely tied to
the compiler (the core). The availability, speed of release, motivation,
and even skill of the the developers varies widely over that range.

I also think about the various "stances" of different developers:

   - *End developer*: makes use of libraries, but just builds apps
   - *Internal developer*: makes libraries for internal use in a project
   - *Casual library writer*: makes libraries, primarily for their own
   needs, but distributed on hackage
   - *Popular library writer:* actively maintains libraries which are
   widely used
   - *Core library writer: *maintainer of a core package that stays in lock
   step with the compiler

Then, I think about, for each of these, what is the effect on a new feature
on them, their existing code, and future code? Does it affect them only if
they are using the feature? If they aren't using the feature? For library
writers, how does the feature affect clients? If a client wants to use a
feature, under what conditions does the library need to do something? This
last issue of the "transitivity" the feature is often the biggest concern.

*Given that... onto type roles:*

The default of *representational* is the only option, because a default of
*nominal* would require far too many developers to have to update their
code. I don't believe that we can ever migrate to *nominal* as default.

The feature implies that any abstract data type that uses a type parameter
in certain ways needs annotate to get the full safety afforded now
afforded. However, without annotation, the data type is still no worse off
than it was before (there is added safety, but not perhaps relevant to the
stand point of the library writer). Further, this (pre-existing) non-safety
isn't likely a huge concern. Making sure the docs take the tone that most
developers need to nothing, and when developers need to be concerned seems
like an important way to ensure the right outcome.

A key question here is transitivity: Is it possible for module A to not
annotate a type, and then have module B by a different author use the type
in A in another abstract type, that *is* annotated, and get the benefit.
Seems the answer is "partially". If the answer were "no", then use of the
feature would be dependent on transitive adoption, and that is where the
big burden on developers comes from.

The degree to which we believe this "partially" is important: If we are
willing to believe that the only library writers we care about doing this
are those in the core, then fine. In this case we shouldn't feel compelled
to suggest to library writers that they annotate, ever. I'm good with this.
If the team here thinks otherwise, that we need to start a campaign to get
every library writer to eventually annotate, then I have deep objections.

I read the paper, and understand how the authors felt the syntax options
were all less than perfect, and choose what they did. But that choice,
perhaps unwittingly, the implication that it forces -XCPP on all libraries
except perhaps some of the core. This is because they all need to support
previous compilers. So, a one line annotation has turned into an ugly
beast, and perhaps added -XCPP where there was none, which is really
unfortunate. (I, like many, consider it a defeat when one has to resort to

It seems to me that the paper didn't really consider less-perfect,
heuristic solutions. It might have had significantly less impact on library
writers were some heuristic (no constructors exported? has any type
constraint on the parameter? etc..) might have allowed most data types to
go without annotation at the cost of a few (where *nominal* was incorrectly
inferred) requiring immediate action. In this situation, a non-language
feature (pragma or other device) might have been more palatable.

Finally, on the choice of terms, *nominal*, *representational*, and
*phantom* all seem like clear, self-explanatory choices to me.

- Mark
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