[commit: ghc] ghc-7.8: change deriveConstants to use nm in a POSIX way (fixes #8781) (e7563ec)

Jost Berthold berthold at Mathematik.Uni-Marburg.de
Mon Mar 24 08:54:07 UTC 2014

On 03/24/2014 08:39 AM, Karel Gardas wrote:
> Guys,
> could you be so kind and test attached patch?

The 32-bit Windows machine is at home; I will try your patch at night.

Fairly certain that it works, though. A very similar patch (which I was 
just going to propose here) worked for me yesterday night:
                                  _ -> Nothing
                                _ -> Nothing
+                            [('_':x0), "C", x1] ->
+                                 do name <- stripPrefix prefix x0
+                                    case readHex x1 of
+                                     [(size, "")] -> return (name,size)
+                                     _            -> fail "not a size"
                              _ -> Nothing
(using do-notation for Maybe, assuming exactly one "_")

/ Jost

> Thanks!
> Karel
> On 03/24/14 07:49 AM, kyra wrote:
>> On 3/23/2014 20:51, Jost Berthold wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> With the patch to deriveConstants, a build on an older Windows (32bit
>>> Vista, MinGW32 installation, which used to work) now fails with error
>>> Can't find "STD_HDR_SIZE"
>> Same here: Windows 64-bit, MSYS2, nm being called is from binutils 2.24.
>> Kyra
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