New GHC feature proposal: Pattern families

Baldur Blöndal baldurpet at
Sun Jun 29 08:00:23 UTC 2014

Yes I reported #9226 :)

I created a wiki page for pattern families
( with a whole
host of examples, trying to keep them simple so do let me know it
anything is unclear.

In the area of pattern synonyms I agree with testing the waters a bit,
personally I'd like to change the syntax since it doesn't really scale
for using complicated view patterns (forcing you to define auxiliary
functions) and looks a bit awkward when adding type annotations and
explicitely bidirectional patterns.

I'd say explicitely bidirectional patterns are the next step forward
but it depends on the priorities:
· End users: Explicitely bidirectional patterns (#8581) and associated
pattern synonyms (#8583) are the biggest two, although the latter can
be ‘faked’ with type classes: If #8581/#8583 are implemented and if
(:)/[] weren't built-in syntax libraries like Data.Text could be used
as a drop-in replacement for String, currently users must change every
pattern match to a case statement (but I digress)
· Library authors: Exhaustiveness checks (#8779) are important for
getting abstract data types on par with normal data types.

Since you mentioned VPA (ViewPatternsAlternative) I took the liberty
of using several examples from the VPA wiki page and contrasting them
with the example found there, most of the ones I did not mention (like
“join lists”) can be implemented using PatternSynonyms, I feel some of
the VPA examples are better motivating examples than what I presented

Best regards,

2014-06-29 9:40 GMT+02:00, Baldur Blöndal <baldurpet at>:
> Yes I reported #9226 :)
> I created a wiki page for pattern families
> ( with a whole
> host of examples, trying to keep them simple so do let me know it
> anything is unclear.
> In the area of pattern synonyms I agree with testing the waters a bit,
> personally I'd like to change the syntax since it doesn't really scale
> for using complicated view patterns (forcing you to define auxiliary
> functions) and looks a bit awkward when adding type annotations and
> explicitely bidirectional patterns.
> I'd say explicitely bidirectional patterns are the next step forward
> but it depends on the priorities:
> · End users: Explicitely bidirectional patterns (#8581) and associated
> pattern synonyms (#8583) are the biggest two, although the latter can
> be ‘faked’ with type classes: If #8581/#8583 are implemented and if
> (:)/[] weren't built-in syntax libraries like Data.Text could be used
> as a drop-in replacement for String, currently users must change every
> pattern match to a case statement (but I digress)
> · Library authors: Exhaustiveness checks (#8779) are important for
> getting abstract data types on par with normal data types.
> Since you mentioned VPA (ViewPatternsAlternative) I took the liberty
> of using several examples from the VPA wiki page and contrasting them
> with the example found there, most of the ones I did not mention (like
> “join lists”) can be implemented using PatternSynonyms, I feel some of
> the VPA examples are better motivating examples than what I presented
> before.
> Best regards,
> Baldur
> 2014-06-23 17:30 GMT+02:00, Edward Kmett <ekmett at>:
>> The main thing Baldur had asked me about was if it makes sense to talk
>> about patterns that are parameterized by expressions in places.
>> I agree that the thought is very poorly fleshed out, but as a motivation,
>> in some sense the previous form of view patterns already do this.
>> Consider (->), which takes in an expression to apply on the left and a
>> pattern for what to match against the result of it on the right.
>> The question then becomes can we allow this for arbitrary patterns?
>> There are a number of use cases for these. For example,
>> A pattern to match a regular expression might look like
>> Foo (x :~= "ab*")
>> where you want "ab*" to be passed as a parameter to the code for the
>> pattern synonym (:~=), not be something it is binding.
>> This then speaks to needing some notion of mode for the different
>> parameters.
>> One of the reasons I'm under-excited about pattern synonyms is we already
>> built all the machinery for working with prisms in lens to generalize
>> them.
>> =)
>> In lens we have a combinator 'preview :: Prism' s a -> s -> Maybe a'.
>> As a straw man proposal:
>> It'd be nice to be able to do something like
>> pattern (Match p a) <- (preview p -> Just a)
>> and have it take the arguments that go to the left hand side of the -> as
>> expressions, not patterns so that that can compile.
>> Now, I'm somewhat dubious that it worth the pain to embellish the pattern
>> language with something this complicated, but in some sense we already
>> have
>> a lot of the machinery to support it. e.g. IIRC we parse patterns first
>> as
>> expressions then convert them.
>> -Edward
>> On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 4:39 AM, Simon Peyton Jones
>> <simonpj at>
>> wrote:
>>> Baldur
>>> (My name is Simon, not Peyton, incidentally.  "Peyton Jones" is my last
>>> name.)
>>> I'm glad you are enjoying pattern synonyms. Thanks for identifying
>>> #9226,
>>> which I guess is you.
>>> I honestly don't understand your pattern family proposal.  Would you
>>> like
>>> to write a wiki page somewhere describing the
>>>   syntax
>>>   typing (static semantics)
>>>   desugaring (dynamic semantics)
>>> as clearly and precisely as you can, independent of prisms, and using
>>> the
>>> simplest possible examples to illustrate.  By all means say that prisms
>>> are
>>> a more advanced application, and give examples to show how.  But in
>>> general
>>> to specify a language feature you need a lot more than a couple of
>>> examples!
>>> Then you can ask GHC users what they think.
>>> I have to say that I'm cautious about adding further features to pattern
>>> synonyms until we've gotten more user experience with what we have.  (Do
>>> you think the explicitly bidirectional stuff on the wiki page is
>>> important?
>>>  To me that seems like the first thing a user might stumble over.)
>>> Incidentally, I'd really like to replace view patterns with
>>>, another
>>> thing that is awaiting cycles.
>>> Copying ghc-devs for interest
>>> Thanks
>>> Simon
>>> | -----Original Message-----
>>> | From: Baldur Blöndal [mailto:baldurpet at]
>>> | Sent: 18 June 2014 04:31
>>> | To: Simon Peyton Jones; gergo at
>>> | Subject: New GHC feature proposal: Pattern families
>>> |
>>> | Hello Peyton and Gergo,
>>> |
>>> | I'm a master's student at Chalmers, a minor GHC contributor and have
>>> | written about the pattern synonyms extension
>>> | ( and
>>> | included is a proposal for an extension I call “pattern families”
>>> | allowing users to create patterns parameterized by an expression. I
>>> feel
>>> | like patterns don't get nearly as much attention as the type system
>>> and
>>> | this is my attempt to balance things out :)
>>> |
>>> | I discussed the proposal with Edward Kmett who suggested an example
>>> with
>>> | prisms and that I contact you two for comments. The syntax is still in
>>> | flux.
>>> |
>>> | Some motivating examples for your consideration.
>>> |
>>> |
>>> | Edward suggested a pattern to match a prism which would look like
>>> this:
>>> | <edwardk> an example where you want it is if you want to use a pattern
>>> | synonym to match a prism <edwardk> foo (Match _Left a) = ...
>>> | [...]
>>> | <edwardk> the example of a single pattern that can match every prism
>>> | would be a nice example
>>> |
>>> | which would be quite easy to implement:
>>> |
>>> | | pattern Match prism a ← ((^? prism) → Just a)
>>> | |
>>> | | bar :: Either c (Either a b) → a
>>> | | bar (Match (_Right._Left) a) = a
>>> | | bar _ = error "Not a Right (Left ...)"
>>> |
>>> | This can be used for any prism:
>>> | | jsonBlob = "[{\"someObject\": {\"version\": [1,0,3]}}]"
>>> | |
>>> | | foo (Match (nth 0) (Match (key "someObject") (Match (key "version")
>>> | (Match (nth 1) a)))) = a
>>> | | ghci> foo jsonBlob
>>> | | Number 0.0
>>> |
>>> | and defining more specilized patterns we can make it terser:
>>> | | pattern Get i a ← ((^? nth i) → Just a) pattern Key str a ← ((^? key
>>> | | str) → Just a)
>>> | |
>>> | | baz (Get 0 (Key "someObject" (Key "version" (Get 1 a)))) = a baz (0
>>> | | `Get` "someObject" `Key` "version" `Key` 1 `Get` a) = a baz (a :→
>>> | | "someObject" :⇒ "version" :⇒ 1 :→ a) = a
>>> | where
>>> | | pattern i   :→ a ← Get i a
>>> | | pattern str :⇒ a ← Key str a
>>> |
>>> | So this is excellent for pattern matching on any sort of nested
>>> | structure: records, JSON, XML, HTML, ASTs, … Since this also supports
>>> | pattern matching on any value that satisfies a predicate.
>>> |
>>> |     N+K PATTERNS
>>> | Generalizing n+k patterns: We create a pattern family indexed by its
>>> | first argument:
>>> |
>>> | | pattern (a :+) :: Num a ⇒ a → a
>>> | |               k :+ n ← (unSucc k → Just n) -- [1] unSucc defined
>>> below
>>> |
>>> | where (a :+) indicates that 'k' is an index of the pattern family
>>> | allowing it to be supplied to the view pattern.
>>> | The pattern can be used as follows:
>>> | | fact 0          = 1
>>> | | fact m@(1 :+ n) = m * fact n
>>> |
>>> |     PATTERN MATCHING REGULAR EXPRESSIONS The pattern (:=~) is inspired
>>> | by the operator (=~) from Text.Regex.Posix.Wrap (regex-posix), note
>>> that
>>> | its second argument is the index here:
>>> | | pattern (:=~ String) :: RegexContext Regex a c ⇒ a → c
>>> | |               n :=~ pattern ← ((=~ pattern) → n)
>>> |
>>> | Used as:
>>> | | vowels :: RegexContext Regex src tgt ⇒ src → tgt vowels (n :=~
>>> | | "[aeiou]") = n
>>> | |
>>> | | ghci> vowels "honorificabilitudinitatibus" ∷ Int
>>> | | 13
>>> |
>>> | where you can of course pattern match on the resulting value:
>>> |
>>> | | has5Vowels :: String → Int
>>> | | has5Vowels (5 :=~ "[aeiou]") = True
>>> | | has5Voewls _                         = False
>>> |
>>> | Here is an example of a snippet inferring the type of an if
>>> expression:
>>> |
>>> | | infer Γ (If cond t e) =
>>> | |   case (infer Γ cond, infer Γ t, infer Γ e) of
>>> | |     (Just TBool, Just τ₁, Just τ₂)
>>> | |       | τ₁ == τ₂ = Just t₁
>>> |
>>> | Here is how it might look with pattern families:
>>> |
>>> | | infer Γ (If (Infer Γ TBool) (Infer Γ τ₁) (Infer Γ τ₂))
>>> | |   | τ₁ == τ₂ = Just τ₁
>>> |
>>> | (or even nicer if we use (:⇑) = Infer)
>>> | | infer Γ (If (Γ :⇑ TBool) (Γ :⇑ τ₁) (Γ :⇑ τ₂)) …
>>> |
>>> | From what I can see this is a relatively straight-forward translation
>>> | into view patterns where a variable bound by a view pattern is an
>>> | “index” to the pattern family and unbound variables are regular
>>> | patterns. In the examples above I use special syntax for the index
>>> where
>>> | the type is included but even without any annotation it can be
>>> inferred
>>> | from context.
>>> |
>>> | If the proposal is fine by you I offer to do the implementation work,
>>> | all feedback welcome!
>>> |
>>> | Best regards,
>>> | Baldur Blöndal
>>> |
>>> |     APPENDIX
>>> | | unSucc :: Int → Int → Maybe Int
>>> | | unSucc k n
>>> | |     | n - k < 0   = Nothing
>>> | |     | otherwise = Just (n - k)
>>> | |
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