HEADS-UP: Git submodule conversion imminent

Gabor Greif ggreif at gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 11:49:15 UTC 2014

Hi herbert,

I followed your instructions, and one of my repos converted well:

 e8a901fddc88c6560af34e18a5201deeb8d51557 libraries/stm

the other gave:

-e8a901fddc88c6560af34e18a5201deeb8d51557 libraries/stm

How can I salvage the situation?



On 6/25/14, Herbert Valerio Riedel <hvriedel at gmail.com> wrote:
> It's done!
> After pulling the latest ghc.git commit (and assuming you have made sure
> you have no unpushed data laying around in the repos listed below)
> you'll have to either run
>  - git submodule update --init
> *or*
>  - ./sync-all get
>    (a mere "./sync-all pull" will just call "git submodule update" w/o
>     the "--init" option)
> After that, a 'git submodule status' (for ghc.git @ db19c665e) should look
> like
>  [snip]

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