Status of Haskell Platform 2014.2.0.0

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at
Tue Jul 15 22:14:37 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan <bos at>

> Well, it was rather late to hear that you weren't going to upgrade
> attoparsec, too ;-)

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Mark Lentczner <mark.lentczner at>

> SO, In anticipation of releasing a HP shortly (1 month?) after GHC 7.8...
> I'd like to get going on nailing down package versions.

        , incLib "attoparsec"               ""

> In brief, an attacker can DoS a user of attoparsec by handing them a
> floating point number with a sufficiently large exponent (e.g.
> 1e1000000000). This will cause it to try to create an Integer with the
> given number of digits, thus possibly OOMing a machine or crashing a
> process.

But only if you use the Data.Atooparsec.Text parsers double, number, and
rational parser, right?

- Mark
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