Validating with Haddock

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Tue Jan 7 09:41:22 UTC 2014

| Ping. I need GHC to validate. Here's what I'm trying to achieve: as you
| might know, I worked on Haddock over summer, rewriting the whole parser,
| adding tests, fixing bugs, adding features. As Haddock ships with GHC
| however (and is technically a GHC HQ package), we can not merge it
| without making sure that GHC can build and validate with the changes.
| This has been a problem for me and Simon Hengel for quite a while. We
| now have a branch with preliminary changes on
| . We can not even begin
| to try to merge the new features if the parser they are built upon is
| not merged. With the recent calls to push out a 7.8 release candidate, I
| think we're running out of time to get this in (or is it too late
| already?). It is not the first time we've been asking for help here!

Actually I didn't know that you were asking to get something into 7.8.  Haddock is maintained by David Waern and Simon Marlow, so the question of when to merge your changes into the main Haddock HEAD is up to them, not GHC HQ.  We'll simply ship whatever Haddock we have when we cut the release candidate.  (I know there is still some fuzz about when that will be; Austin is figuring that out now.)

I'm copying David and Simon.


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