Idea for improving communication between devs and potential devs

Howard B. Golden howard_b_golden at
Fri Jan 3 20:57:18 UTC 2014


I'd like to get involved in developing, but I recognize the learning curve involved. To get started I'd like to improve the Trac wiki documentation. Part of this would include additional documentation of less-documented parts of the compiler and RTS. In addition, I'd like to start some sort of "what's new" that boils down the GHC Dev mailing list discussion as LWN does for the Linux kernel mailing list. I don't imagine that I can do this all by myself, but I hope this idea would resonate with others looking to get started as well. This is meant to be more frequent and more detailed than what HCAR does for GHC now, though I don't expect anyone can do it weekly.

Please let me know what you think about this idea. I'm open to any suggestions for improving it also.

Howard B. Golden
Northridge, CA, USA

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