TypeNats trial on new ghc branch 7.8

Carter Schonwald carter.schonwald at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 16:03:43 UTC 2014

Hey Gabriel,
As far as I could determine, there is no solver powers in 7.8
the "solver" can simply just check that  (2 + 3 )~5 and other simple
"compute to get equality" situations

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Christiaan Baaij <
christiaan.baaij at gmail.com> wrote:

> The "simplified" solver, as in
> https://github.com/ghc/ghc/tree/type-nats-simple, has been integrated as
> far as I know.
> I've been experimenting with my own solver:
> https://gist.github.com/christiaanb/8396614
> Here are some examples of the stuff that works with my solver:
> https://github.com/christiaanb/clash-prelude/blob/newnats/src/CLaSH/Sized/Vector.hs
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 4:23 PM, Gabriel Riba <griba2001 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I know that the TypeNats solver may not have been merged with 7.8 branch
>> but the compiler error looks so simple:
>> Couldn't match type ‛(n + m) - 1’ with ‛(n - 1) + m’
>>     ---------------------------------
>>     {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, TypeOperators,
>> PolyKinds,
>> ExistentialQuantification #-}
>>     import GHC.TypeLits
>>     data Vect :: Nat -> * -> * where
>>       Nil ::  Vect 0 a
>>       Cons :: a -> Vect (n-1) a -> Vect n a
>>     data MyProxy (n::Nat) = forall a. MyProxy (Vect n a)
>>     toProxy :: Vect (n::Nat) a -> MyProxy n
>>     toProxy v = MyProxy v
>>     len :: KnownNat n => Vect (n::Nat) a -> Integer
>>     len v = (natVal . toProxy) v                         -- Ok
>>     append :: Vect n a -> Vect m a -> Vect (n+m) a
>>     append Nil ys = ys
>>     append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (append xs ys)  -- compiler error
>>     main = do
>>       print $ len Nil                          -- Ok
>>       print $ len (Cons (1::Int) Nil)          -- Ok
>>     ------------------------------------------------------
>> Error on "append  (Cons x xs) ys = ..."
>>     Couldn't match type ‛(n + m) - 1’ with ‛(n - 1) + m’
>>     Expected type: Vect ((n + m) - 1) a
>>       Actual type: Vect ((n - 1) + m) a
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