Which language extensions to register for Cabal 1.22?

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Fri Dec 19 10:07:33 UTC 2014

|  ...which of the following language extensions (which are mentioned in
|  T4437) are deemed stable enough to be registered in Cabal for GHC
|  7.10?

I'm not sure what criteria you'd like to use!

PatternSynonyms, PartialTypeSignatures, and NamedWildCards are all pretty stable and should go in.

StaticPointers will definitely continue to be there in future; but the details of the API may change, and the current implementation is very much a prototype.

DeriveAnyClass: I defer to Pedro


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Herbert Valerio Riedel [mailto:hvriedel at gmail.com]
|  Sent: 18 December 2014 22:14
|  To: Simon Peyton Jones
|  Cc: Johan Tibell; Austin Seipp; Duncan Coutts
|  Subject: Which language extensions to register for Cabal 1.22?
|  Hello Simon,
|  ...which of the following language extensions (which are mentioned in
|  T4437) are deemed stable enough to be registered in Cabal for GHC
|  7.10?
|   - "DeriveAnyClass"
|   - "PatternSynonyms"
|   - "PartialTypeSignatures"
|   - "NamedWildcards"
|   - "StaticPointers"
|  Cheers,
|    hvr

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