GHC Weekly News - 2014/12/16

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Wed Dec 17 16:37:01 UTC 2014

Austin, you may want to say when 7.8.4 will come out.


|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at] On Behalf Of
|  Austin Seipp
|  Sent: 16 December 2014 21:11
|  To: ghc-devs at
|  Subject: GHC Weekly News - 2014/12/16
|  Hi *, time for another piece of the GHC weekly news!
|    - Joachim Breitner has gotten the new GHC 7.8.4 package to
|  tentatively build on ARM quite easily for Debian. Austin also took the
|  liberty of merging all the needed patches; they'll be part of the
|  7.8.4 release
|  December/007608.html
|    - Greg Weber announced he's taken the time to set up a Docker image
|  for GHC development - if you're on Linux, Greg's image should help you
|  get up to speed with a GHC development environment in minutes!
|    - Lennart Kolmodin has spent time working on autocompletion for GHC,
|  and 7.10 will ship with bash completion scripts - which package
|  maintainers and distributions can now ship for their users. Thank you
|  Lennart!
|  December/007614.html
|    - Adam Gundry has a question about the new type checker plugin
|  infrastructure; in particular - how do we deal with the serialization
|  of type checker evidence that plugins may want to create or pass
|  around on their own? Richard, Simon and Iavor weigh in.
|    - For the past few days, Richard Eisenberg has been hunting a
|  performance regression in the compiler. After profiling, discussion on
|  IRC and elsewhere, Richard has finally made some headway, and
|  discovered one of the 'hot spots' in his patch. Unfortunately the
|  battle isn't quite over just yet, and the hunt for a few more %
|  increase remains.
|    - David Spies has hit a very strange situation with GHC 7.8.3
|  running out of memory. But it turned out this was a change in 7.8, in
|  relation to how stacks were managed. Phew!
|    - Austin made a final call for 7.8.4 bugfixes. He plans on making
|  the final release this week, if nobody has any other major complaints.
|  Finally, in a slight change, we'll also be covering some notes from
|  this week's meeting between GHC HQ (Austin, Simon PJ, SimonM, Herbert
|  and Mikolaj), including...
|    - The 7.10 RC1 looks like it's scheduled to occur this week still;
|  all of our libraries and submodules are up-to-date, and we've taken
|  the time to alert all of our maintainers about this. Thanks to Herbert
|  for taking control of this!
|    - We'll soon be implementing a new 'push hook' for the `ghc.git`
|  repository: no more trailing whitespace. Since we've recently
|  detabbed, and de-lhs-ified the tree, a knock-on effect was deleting
|  trailing whitespace. Now that we've done a lot of this, we should take
|  the time to enforce it - so they can't slip back in.
|    - Austin will be landing Phab:D169 and Phab:D396 soon to get it into
|  7.10.1 RC1.
|    - This week, Austin managed to secure two sponsors for
|  GHC/ We've been given a wonderful set of ARM buildbots
|  (running in the cloud!) and a new, incredibly powerful POWER8 machine
|  to use (with over 170 hardware threads available, for scalability
|  testing). Hooray for our friends at and for
|  helping us out!
|  Closed tickets this week include: #9871, #9808, #9870, #9605, #9874,
|  #9872, #9090, #9404, #8240, #9567, #9566, #9583, #9117, #9882, #9884,
|  #9372, #7942, #8951, #9817, #9620, #9336, #9523, #9552, #8988, #9390,
|  #9415, #9371, #7143, #9563, #8778, #4428, #4896, #9393, #9169, #7015,
|  #8943, #8621, #9132, #9857, #8024, #9831, and #9888.
|  --
|  Regards,
|  Austin Seipp, Haskell Consultant
|  Well-Typed LLP,
|  _______________________________________________
|  ghc-devs mailing list
|  ghc-devs at

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