Status and future of the LLVM backend

Ben Gamari bgamari.foss at
Mon Dec 8 16:43:33 UTC 2014

Joachim Breitner <mail at> writes:

> Hi,
> Am Montag, den 08.12.2014, 16:34 +0100 schrieb Karel Gardas:
>> On 12/ 8/14 03:49 PM, Joachim Breitner wrote:
>> > So what does that tell us? Maybe Peter can help us: Is it normal for a
>> > Debian system to pretend that its a pre-v6 ARM, even if the actual
>> > hardware is not?
>> Sorry to get into this, but are you using EABI[1] port of HardFloat[2] 
>> port? Wheezy claims to support[2], the release before this was[1].
> I’m currently working on what Debian calls armel, so [1]. We’ll also
> have to get it working on armhf (which seems to be [2]). Maybe things
> are different there
Indeed I think Karel has identified the difference in that case. I'm on
armhf. Thanks Karel! I didn't realize that armel supported such old

>> I'm not sure what you use so I'm asking, anyway, if you use[1], then 
>> it's normal it pretends it's pre-ARMv6. I.e. this is similar to i386 
>> debian port in the past which was running happily on i686 but pretend to 
>> be i386 to be compatible with all the supported hardware...
> Yes, that makes sense.
> In that case, the use of the slow spinlock implementation is correct,
> and GHC’s build system needs to be fixed to work in that situation,
> right?
Indeed. It seems that armel is indeed supposed to support down to
ARMv5 for which we'll need the spinlock fallback.


- Ben
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