Why isn't (.) CONLIKE?

David Feuer david.feuer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 16:50:57 UTC 2014

Speaking of CONLIKE, I'd have expected (.) to be CONLIKE, since it looks
much like a constructor. Would that be bad for some reason? Or is it
already treated well enough not to need that?
On Aug 28, 2014 11:56 AM, "Simon Peyton Jones" <simonpj at microsoft.com>

>  Actually the CONLIKE thing still allows them to float, but makes RULES
> continue to work even though they’ve been floated.   See the user manual.
> *From:* Dan Doel [mailto:dan.doel at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 28 August 2014 16:48
> *To:* Simon Peyton Jones
> *Cc:* John Lato; David Feuer; ghc-devs
> *Subject:* Re: Why isn't ($) inlining when I want?
> Okay, so marking things as conlike will make GHC avoid floating them?
> I'm pretty sure that in most vector cases, this is a straight
> pessimization. There is no way to avoid the extra allocation of integers,
> because most intermediate vector types are unboxed, so the integer
> allocation will be performed regardless. Only boxed vectors might be an
> exception.
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 4:14 AM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
> wrote:
>  I remember doing some work on the “floating of constant lists” question.
> First, [1..n] turns into (enumFromTo 1 n), and if enumFromTo was
> expensive, then sharing it might be a good plan.  So GHC would have to know
> that it was cheap.
> I did experiment with “cheapBuild” see
> https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7206, but as you’ll see there,
> the results were equivocal.  By duplicating the [1..n] we were allocating
> two copies of (I# 4), (I# 5) etc, and that increased allocation and GC time.
> So it’s unclear, in general, whether in these examples it is better to
> share the [1..n] between all calls of ‘loop’, or to duplicate it.
> All that said, Dan’s question of why X fuses and very-similar Y doesn’t
> was a surprise to me; I’ll look into that.
> Simon
> *From:* John Lato [mailto:jwlato at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 28 August 2014 00:17
> *To:* Dan Doel
> *Cc:* Simon Peyton Jones; David Feuer; ghc-devs
> *Subject:* Re: Why isn't ($) inlining when I want?
> I sometimes think the solution is to make let-floating apply in fewer
> cases.  I'm not sure we ever want to float out intermediate lists, the cost
> of creating them is very small relative to the memory consumption if they
> do happen to get shared.
> My approach is typically to mark loop INLINE.  This very often results in
> the code I want (with vector, which I use more than lists), but it is a big
> hammer to apply.
> John
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 5:56 AM, Dan Doel <dan.doel at gmail.com> wrote:
>  I think talking about inlining of $ may not be addressing the crux of
> the problem here.
> The issue seems to be about functions like the one in the first message.
> For instance:
>     loop :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
>     loop g = sum . map g $ [1..1000000]
> Suppose for argument that we have a fusion framework that would handle
> this. The problem is that this does not actually turn into a loop over
> integers, because the constant [1..1000000] gets floated out. It instead
> builds a list/vector/whatever.
> By contrast, if we write:
>     loop' :: Int
>     loop' = sum . map (+1) $ [1..1000000]
> this does turn into a loop over integers, with no intermediate list.
> Presumably this is due to there being no work to be saved ever by floating
> the list out. These are the examples people usually test fusion with.
> And if loop is small enough to inline, it turns out that the actual code
> that gets run will be the same as loop', because everything will get
> inlined and fused. But it is also possible to make loop big enough to not
> inline, and then the floating will pessimize the overall code.
> So the core issue is that constant floating blocks some fusion
> opportunities. It is trying to save the work of building the structure more
> than once, but fusion can cause the structure to not be built at all. And
> the floating happens before fusion can reasonably be expected to work.
> Can anything be done about this?
> I've verified that this kind of situation also affects vector. And it
> seems to be an issue even if loop is written:
>     loop g = sum (map g [1..1000000])
> -- Dan
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:38 PM, Simon Peyton Jones <simonpj at microsoft.com>
> wrote:
> You'll have to do more detective work! In your dump I see "Inactive
> unfolding $".  So that's why it's not being inlined.  That message comes
> from CoreUnfold, line 941 or so.  The Boolean active_unfolding is passed in
> to callSiteInline from Simplify, line 1408 or so.  It is generated by the
> function activeUnfolding, defined in SimplUtils.
> But you have probably change the "CompilerPhase" data type, so I can't
> guess what is happening.  But if you just follow it through I'm sure you'll
> find it.
> Simon
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: David Feuer [mailto:david.feuer at gmail.com]
> | Sent: 27 August 2014 17:22
> | To: Simon Peyton Jones
> | Cc: ghc-devs
> | Subject: Re: Why isn't ($) inlining when I want?
> |
> | I just ran that (results attached), and as far as I can tell, it
> | doesn't even *consider* inlining ($) until phase 2.
> |
> | On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 4:03 AM, Simon Peyton Jones
> | <simonpj at microsoft.com> wrote:
> | > It's hard to tell since you are using a modified compiler.  Try running
> | with -ddump-occur-anal -dverbose-core2core -ddump-inlinings.  That will
> | show you every inlining, whether failed or successful. You can see the
> | attempt to inline ($) and there is some info with the output that may
> | help to explain why it did or did not work.
> | >
> | > Try that
> | >
> | > Simon
> | >
> | > | -----Original Message-----
> | > | From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of
> | David
> | > | Feuer
> | > | Sent: 27 August 2014 04:50
> | > | To: ghc-devs; Carter Schonwald
> | > | Subject: Why isn't ($) inlining when I want?
> | > |
> | > | tl;dr  I added a simplifier run with inlining enabled between
> | > | specialization and floating out. It seems incapable of inlining
> | > | saturated applications of ($), and I can't figure out why. These are
> | > | inlined later, when phase 2 runs. Am I running the simplifier wrong
> | or
> | > | something?
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | I'm working on this simple little fusion pipeline:
> | > |
> | > | {-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
> | > | takeWhile p xs = build builder
> | > |   where
> | > |     builder c n = foldr go n xs
> | > |       where
> | > |         go x r = if p x then x `c` r else n
> | > |
> | > | foo c n x = foldr c n . takeWhile (/= (1::Int)) $ [-9..10]
> | > |
> | > | There are some issues with the enumFrom definition that break things.
> | > | If I use a fusible unfoldr that produces some numbers instead, that
> | > | issue goes away. Part of that problem (but not all of it) is that the
> | > | simplifier doesn't run to apply rules between specialization and full
> | > | laziness, so there's no opportunity for the specialization of
> | > | enumFromTo to Int to trigger the rewrite to a build form and fusion
> | > | with foldr before full laziness tears things apart. The other problem
> | > | is that inlining doesn't happen at all before full laziness, so
> | things
> | > | defined using foldr and/or build aren't actually exposed as such
> | until
> | > | afterwards. Therefore I decided to try adding a simplifier run with
> | > | inlining between specialization and floating out:
> | > |
> | > |         runWhen do_specialise CoreDoSpecialising,
> | > |
> | > |         runWhen full_laziness $ CoreDoSimplify max_iter
> | > |                        (base_mode { sm_phase = InitialPhase
> | > |                                   , sm_names = ["PostGentle"]
> | > |                                   , sm_rules = rules_on
> | > |                                   , sm_inline = True
> | > |                                   , sm_case_case = False }),
> | > |
> | > |         runWhen full_laziness $
> | > |            CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches {
> | > |                                  floatOutLambdas   = Just 0,
> | > |                                  floatOutConstants = True,
> | > |                                  floatOutPartialApplications = False
> | },
> | > |
> | > | The weird thing is that for some reason this doesn't inline ($), even
> | > | though it appears to be saturated. Using the modified thing with (my
> | > | version of) unfoldr:
> | > |
> | > | foo c n x = (foldr c n . takeWhile (/= (1::Int))) $ unfoldr (potato
> | 10)
> | > | (-9)
> | > |
> | > | potato :: Int -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
> | > | potato n m | m <= n = Just (m, m)
> | > |            | otherwise = Nothing
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | I get this out of the specializer:
> | > |
> | > | foo
> | > | foo =
> | > |   \ @ t_a1Za @ c_a1Zb c_a1HT n_a1HU _ ->
> | > |     $ (. (foldr c_a1HT n_a1HU)
> | > |          (takeWhile
> | > |             (let {
> | > |                ds_s21z
> | > |                ds_s21z = I# 1 } in
> | > |              \ ds_d1Zw -> neInt ds_d1Zw ds_s21z)))
> | > |       (let {
> | > |          n_s21x
> | > |          n_s21x = I# 10 } in
> | > |        unfoldr
> | > |          (\ m_a1U7 ->
> | > |             case leInt m_a1U7 n_s21x of _ {
> | > |               False -> Nothing;
> | > |               True -> Just (m_a1U7, m_a1U7)
> | > |             })
> | > |          ($fNumInt_$cnegate (I# 9)))
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | and then I get this out of my extra simplifier run:
> | > |
> | > | foo
> | > | foo =
> | > |   \ @ t_a1Za @ c_a1Zb c_a1HT n_a1HU _ ->
> | > |     $ (\ x_a20f ->
> | > |          foldr
> | > |            (\ x_a1HR r_a1HS ->
> | > |               case case x_a1HR of _ { I# x_a20R ->
> | > |                    tagToEnum#
> | > |                      (case x_a20R of _ {
> | > |                         __DEFAULT -> 1;
> | > |                         1 -> 0
> | > |                       })
> | > |                    }
> | > |               of _ {
> | > |                 False -> n_a1HU;
> | > |                 True -> c_a1HT x_a1HR r_a1HS
> | > |               })
> | > |            n_a1HU
> | > |            x_a20f)
> | > |       (let {
> | > |          b'_a1ZS
> | > |          b'_a1ZS = $fNumInt_$cnegate (I# 9) } in
> | > |        $ (build)
> | > |          (\ @ b1_a1ZU c_a1ZV n_a1ZW ->
> | > |             letrec {
> | > |               go_a1ZX
> | > |               go_a1ZX =
> | > |                 \ b2_a1ZY ->
> | > |                   case case case b2_a1ZY of _ { I# x_a218 ->
> | > |                             tagToEnum# (<=# x_a218 10)
> | > |                             }
> | > |                        of _ {
> | > |                          False -> Nothing;
> | > |                          True -> Just (b2_a1ZY, b2_a1ZY)
> | > |                        }
> | > |                   of _ {
> | > |                     Nothing -> n_a1ZW;
> | > |                     Just ds_a203 ->
> | > |                       case ds_a203 of _ { (a1_a207, new_b_a208) ->
> | > |                       c_a1ZV a1_a207 (go_a1ZX new_b_a208)
> | > |                       }
> | > |                   }; } in
> | > |             go_a1ZX b'_a1ZS))
> | > |
> | > |
> | > | That is, neither the $ in the code nor the $ that was inserted when
> | > | inlining unfoldr got inlined themselves, even though both appear to
> | be
> | > | saturated. As a result, foldr/build doesn't fire, and full laziness
> | > | tears things apart. Later on, in simplifier phase 2, $ gets inlined.
> | > | What's preventing this from happening in the PostGentle phase I
> | added?
> | > |
> | > | David Feuer
> | > | _______________________________________________
> | > | ghc-devs mailing list
> | > | ghc-devs at haskell.org
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