Suggestion for GHC System User's Guide documentation change

Simon Peyton Jones simonpj at
Fri Aug 22 07:37:07 UTC 2014

I'd be ok with this. It's a bit more verbose, but if it's less confusing for our users, then go for it.

Thanks for offering to make a patch!


| -----Original Message-----
| From: ghc-devs [mailto:ghc-devs-bounces at] On Behalf Of
| Howard B. Golden
| Sent: 21 August 2014 22:30
| To: ghc-devs at
| Subject: Suggestion for GHC System User's Guide documentation change
| I suggest changing the User's Guide extensions documentation to
| consistently use the LANGUAGE pragma form to specify extensions and
| code examples, rather than a combination of LANGUAGE pragmas and -
| XExtension flags. I find the combination of the two confusing. Also,
| the reader copying code examples which require a specific LANGUAGE to
| compile will be assisted by including the LANGUAGE pragma in the code
| examples.
| For example, in section 7.3, I would change:
| --------------------------------------------
| 7.3. Syntactic extensions
| 7.3.1. Unicode syntax
| The language extension -XUnicodeSyntax enables Unicode characters to be
| used to stand for certain ASCII character sequences.
| --------------------------------------------
| To:
| --------------------------------------------
| 7.3. Syntactic extensions
| 7.3.1. Unicode syntax
| The language extension {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} enables Unicode
| characters to be used to stand for certain ASCII character sequences.
| --------------------------------------------
| Similarly, I would include the required LANGUAGE pragma(s) in _all_
| code examples. For example, in section 7.3.7, I would change:
| --------------------------------------------
| type Typ
| data TypView = Unit
|              | Arrow Typ Typ
| view :: Typ -> TypView
| -- additional operations for constructing Typ's ...
| --------------------------------------------
| To:
| --------------------------------------------
| {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
| type Typ
| data TypView = Unit
|              | Arrow Typ Typ
| view :: Typ -> TypView
| -- additional operations for constructing Typ's ...
| --------------------------------------------
| I realize that LANGUAGE pragmas must be in file headers. While it is
| possible that users may be confused if they try to put pragmas in the
| body of a source file, I believe this will be outweighed by the benefit
| of making the examples clearer about the extensions necessary to use
| them.
| If this change is accepted, I volunteer to make the necessary
| documentation patches to implement it.
| Howard B. Golden
| Northridge, CA USA
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