Can't install 32-bit ghc-7.8.1 on 64-bit xubuntu 14.04

Austin Seipp austin at
Fri Apr 11 13:58:51 UTC 2014


I think that at the moment, you can't really install a 32-bit GHC on a
64-bit platform. I've actually had a few reports 'in the wild' about
there being problems with this, but I'm not sure if there's actually
an official ticket regarding it. We should dig one up or file one if
there isn't.

In theory I see no reason why this should not be doable, but I can't
imagine off the top of my head what might really be going wrong.

Simon, do you perhaps have an idea? Or have you heard of this/tried it maybe?

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 8:17 AM, kyra <kyrab at> wrote:
> Sorry for flood, but it turned out the problem remains. My previous message
> was a mistake.
> Now I've removed all GHC installations from paths but this does not help.
> Did anybody successfully install 32-bit ghc-7.8.1 on 64-bit linux?
> Regards,
> Kyra
> On 4/11/2014 16:50, kyra wrote:
>> Don't bother. That was a usual 32/64-bit mess when installer picked up
>> something from 64-bit ghc, which was in a path.
>> Cheers,
>> Kyra
>> On 4/11/2014 15:00, kyra wrote:
>>> ia32-libs is absent on modern Ubuntus.
>>> But if anyone is interested installing lib32ncurses5 and libgmp10:i386
>>> did the 'configure' trick.
>>> But now 'make install' fails with:
>>> "utils/ghc-cabal/dist-install/build/tmp/ghc-cabal-bindist" register
>>> libraries/ghc-prim dist-install
>>> "/home/awson/data/ghc-7.8.1-i386/lib/ghc-7.8.1/bin/ghc"
>>> "/home/awson/data/ghc-7.8.1-i386/lib/ghc-7.8.1/bin/ghc-pkg"
>>> "/home/awson/data/ghc-7.8.1-i386/lib/ghc-7.8.1" ''
>>> '/home/awson/data/ghc-7.8.1-i386'
>>> '/home/awson/data/ghc-7.8.1-i386/lib/ghc-7.8.1'
>>> '/home/awson/data/ghc-7.8.1-i386/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries' NO
>>> ghc-cabal: Bad interface file: dist-install/build/GHC/CString.hi
>>> magic number mismatch: old/corrupt interface file? (wanted 33214052, got
>>> 129742)
>>> Kyra
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Austin Seipp, Haskell Consultant
Well-Typed LLP,

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