HEADS UP: New primops in HEAD

Gabor Greif ggreif at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 21:39:43 UTC 2013

On 9/18/13, Jan Stolarek <jan.stolarek at p.lodz.pl> wrote:
> New comparison primops are now in HEAD. This change breaks backwards
> compatibility for comparison primops. What you need to do after pulling the
> latest HEAD is:
> 1) Upgrade to latest versions of Alex and Happy (cabal update && cabal
> install alex happy).

With your recipe I was able to build GHC. But I got this:

make -r --no-print-directory -f ghc.mk phase=final all
--html --hoogle --title="ghc-prim- GHC primitives"
--optghc=-hisuf --optghc=dyn_hi --optghc=-osuf --optghc=dyn_o
--optghc=-hcsuf --optghc=dyn_hc --optghc=-fPIC --optghc=-dynamic
--optghc=-H32m --optghc=-O --optghc=-package-name
--optghc=ghc-prim- --optghc=-hide-all-packages --optghc=-i
--optghc=-Ilibraries/ghc-prim/. --optghc=-optP-include
--optghc=-package --optghc=rts-1.0 --optghc=-package-name
--optghc=ghc-prim --optghc=-XHaskell98 --optghc=-XCPP
--optghc=-XMagicHash --optghc=-XForeignFunctionInterface
--optghc=-XUnliftedFFITypes --optghc=-XUnboxedTuples
--optghc=-XEmptyDataDecls --optghc=-XNoImplicitPrelude --optghc=-O2
--optghc=-no-user-package-db --optghc=-rtsopts --optghc=-odir
--optghc=libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build --optghc=-hidir
--optghc=libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build --optghc=-stubdir
libraries/ghc-prim/./GHC/CString.hs  libraries/ghc-prim/./GHC/Debug.hs
libraries/ghc-prim/./GHC/Tuple.hs  libraries/ghc-prim/./GHC/Types.hs
libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/Prim.hs +RTS
Haddock coverage:
Warning: Couldn't find .haddock for export GHC.Prim.Int64#
Warning: Couldn't find .haddock for export GHC.Prim.Word64#
   3% (  1 / 38) in 'GHC.IntWord64'
  80% (  8 / 10) in 'GHC.Types'
  17% (  1 /  6) in 'GHC.CString'
   3% (  2 / 63) in 'GHC.Tuple'
   0% (  0 /  3) in 'GHC.Debug'
   0% (  0 /354) in 'GHC.PrimopWrappers'
  33% (181 /553) in 'GHC.Prim'
 100% (  3 /  3) in 'GHC.Magic'
  38% (  6 / 16) in 'GHC.Classes'
attempting to use module 'ghc-prim:GHC.Types'
(libraries/ghc-prim/./GHC/Types.hs) which is not loaded
make[1]: *** [libraries/ghc-prim/dist-install/doc/html/ghc-prim/ghc-prim.haddock]
Error 1
make[1]: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: Target `default' not remade because of errors.

Any idea what this could be?

Anyway, using `make --keep-going` I was able to install (almost)
everything, and it looks good.



> 2) Rebase your branches on top of HEAD, if these branches were in a
> repository affected by primop change. Repositories that will were affected:
> GHC, testsuite, array, base, dph, ghc-prim, integer-gmp, integer-simple,
> primitive, template-haskell.
> 3) Blow away your build. Be sure to run ./configure to pick up new versions
> of Alex and Happy
> Janek
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