Is evacuate for StgMutArrPtrs and StgArrPtrs expensive to GC?

Andrew Farmer afarmer
Tue Oct 1 20:30:56 UTC 2013

I did indeed implement dynamic nursery sizing and did some preliminary
benchmarking. The headline figure: 15% speedup on the nofib/gc benchmarks,
though the variance was pretty large, and there were some slowdowns.

My scheme was very simple... I kept track of the size and rough collection
time of the previous three collections and did a sort of crude binary
search to find a minimum in the search space. I did it this way because it
was simple and required constant time and memory to make a decision. Though
one of the conclusions was that collection time was a bad metric, due to
the way the RTS re-uses blocks. As Simon pointed out, tracking retainment
or some other metric would probably be better, but I need to explore it.
Another result: the default size is almost always too small (at least for
the nofib programs). CPUs come with huge caches, and using the RTS flag -A
to set the allocation area to be roughly the size of the L3 cache usually
gave pretty decent speedups.

I did this for a class project, and had to put it down to focus on other
things, and just haven't picked it back up. I still have a patch laying
around, and several pages of notes with ideas for improvement in both the
metric and search. I'm hoping to pick it back up again in a couple months,
with an eye on a workshop paper, and a real patch for 7.10.

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:36 AM, Simon Marlow <marlowsd at> wrote:

> It's typical for benchmarks that allocate a large data structure to spend
> a lot of time in the GC.  The data gets copied twice - once in the young
> generation and then again when promoted to the old generation.  You can
> make this kind of benchmark much faster by just using a bigger allocation
> area.
> There's nothing inherently costly about StgMutArrPtrs compared to other
> objects, except that they are variable size and therefore we can't unroll
> the copy loop, but I don't think that's a big effect.  The actual copying
> is the major cost.
> The way to improve this kind of benchmark would be to add some heuristics
> for varying the nursery size based on the quantity of data retained, for
> example.  I think there's a lot of room for improvement here, but someone
> needs to do some careful benchmarking and experimentation. Andrew Farmer
> did some work on this and allegedly got good results but we never saw the
> code (hint hint!).
> Cheers,
> Simon
> On 1 October 2013 06:43, Johan Tibell <johan.tibell at> wrote:
>> The code for 'allocate' in rts/sm/Storage.c doesn't seem that
>> expensive. An extra branch compared to inline allocation and
>> allocation is done in the next nursery block (risking fragmentation?).
>> -- Johan
>> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Johan Tibell <johan.tibell at>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > When I benchmark Data.HashMap.insert from unordered-containers
>> > (inserting the keys [0..10000]) the runtime is dominated by GC:
>> >
>> > $ cat Test.hs
>> > module Main where
>> >
>> > import           Control.DeepSeq
>> > import           Control.Exception
>> > import           Control.Monad
>> > import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
>> > import           Data.List (foldl')
>> >
>> > main = do
>> >     let ks = [0..10000] :: [Int]
>> >     evaluate (rnf ks)
>> >     forM_ ([0..1000] :: [Int]) $ \ x -> do
>> >         evaluate $ HM.null $ foldl' (\ m k -> HM.insert k x m) HM.empty
>> ks
>> >
>> > $ perf record -g ./Test +RTS -s
>> >    6,187,678,112 bytes allocated in the heap
>> >    3,309,887,128 bytes copied during GC
>> >        1,299,200 bytes maximum residency (1002 sample(s))
>> >          118,816 bytes maximum slop
>> >                5 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)
>> >
>> >                                     Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max
>> pause
>> >   Gen  0     11089 colls,     0 par    1.31s    1.30s     0.0001s
>>  0.0005s
>> >   Gen  1      1002 colls,     0 par    0.49s    0.51s     0.0005s
>>  0.0022s
>> >
>> >   INIT    time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
>> >   MUT     time    1.02s  (  1.03s elapsed)
>> >   GC      time    1.80s  (  1.80s elapsed)
>> >   EXIT    time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
>> >   Total   time    2.82s  (  2.84s elapsed)
>> >
>> >   %GC     time      63.7%  (63.5% elapsed)
>> >
>> >   Alloc rate    6,042,264,963 bytes per MUT second
>> >
>> >   Productivity  36.3% of total user, 36.1% of total elapsed
>> >
>> > $ perf report
>> > 41.46%  Test  Test               [.] evacuate
>> > 15.47%  Test  Test               [.] scavenge_block
>> > 11.04%  Test  Test               [.] s3cN_info
>> >  8.74%  Test  Test               [.] s3aZ_info
>> >  3.59%  Test  Test               [.] 0x7ff5
>> >  2.83%  Test  Test               [.] scavenge_mut_arr_ptrs
>> >  2.69%  Test       [.] 0x147fd9
>> >  2.51%  Test  Test               [.] allocate
>> >  2.00%  Test  Test               [.] s3oo_info
>> >  0.91%  Test  Test               [.] todo_block_full
>> >  0.87%  Test  Test               [.] hs_popcnt64
>> >  0.80%  Test  Test               [.] s3en_info
>> >  0.62%  Test  Test               [.] s3el_info
>> >
>> > Is GC:ing StgMutArrPtrs and StgArrPtrs, which I create a lot of, more
>> > expensive than GC:ing normal heap objects (i.e. for standard data
>> > types)?
>> >
>> > -- Johan
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