Building GHC head with clang on Mavericks

Kazu Yamamoto (=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCOzNLXE9CSScbKEI=?=) kazu at
Mon Nov 18 12:24:06 UTC 2013


Adding the "-v" option, GHC displays:

*** Checking old interface for main:Lexer:
*** Parser:
*** Renamer/typechecker:

<built-in>:2:2: Not in scope: `#'

"-keep-tmp-files" keeps generated .hscpp file. The beginning of the
generated .hscpp is:

# 1 "utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Lexer.hs"
# 1 "<built-in>" 1
# 1 "utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Lexer.hs" 2
{-# LANGUAGE CPP,MagicHash #-}
{-# LINE 2 "utils/genprimopcode/./Lexer.x" #-}

"<built-in>:2:2: Not in scope: `#'" in my previous message indicates
this line 2.

I don't know why Renamer/typechecker cannot handle this .hsccp file.


> Hi,
> As I wrote in the following blog article, I could build GHC head on
> Mavericks 20 days ago.
> But I cannot build it recently:
> ----
> "/usr/bin/ghc" -hisuf hi -osuf  o -hcsuf hc -static  -H32m -O  -package-db libraries/bootstrapping.conf   -i -iutils/genprimopcode/. -iutils/genprimopcode/dist/build -iutils/genprimopcode/dist/build/autogen -Iutils/genprimopcode/dist/build -Iutils/genprimopcode/dist/build/autogen       -package array  -no-user-package-db -rtsopts      -odir utils/genprimopcode/dist/build -hidir utils/genprimopcode/dist/build -stubdir utils/genprimopcode/dist/build   -c utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Lexer.hs -o utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Lexer.o 
> <built-in>:2:2: Not in scope: `#'
> make[1]: *** [utils/genprimopcode/dist/build/Lexer.o] Error 1
> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
> shift/reduce conflicts:  46
> reduce/reduce conflicts: 1
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> ----
> I seems to me that linemarkers generated by GCC(CPP) is not correctly
> handled when alex is used. Note I can build GHC head on FreeBSD and
> Linux.
> I'm using clang with clang-xcode5-wrapper.hs.
> Any suggestions?
> --Kazu

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