Out with the new, in with the old for the vector library WAS: [commit: packages/vector] ghc-head: Snapshot of the real release (a3a65b5)

Geoffrey Mainland mainland at apeiron.net
Thu Nov 14 19:25:25 UTC 2013

Hi Bryan,

I apologize for not bringing this issue up in a more timely fashion.

I'm curious why the Bundle support that Roman added to the vector
library was removed. I understand that the change in representation made
it difficult for, e.g., dph to use the new vector library, but this
change in representation was vital to our work on exploiting SIMD
instructions. FWIW, I have been maintaining (and rebasing) a set of
patches to DPH that allowed it to use Roman's new version of the vector

If this is the path forward for the vector library, then I'm afraid
anyone who wants to get any real use out of the new SIMD primops in GHC
will be still stuck building their own version of the compiler using my
patched primitive, vector, and dph libraries. That also requires me to
maintain patched versions of these three libraries.

Perhaps the roll-back in functionality was just done to get 7.8 out the


On 09/26/2013 05:54 AM, git at git.haskell.org wrote:
> Repository : ssh://git@git.haskell.org/vector
> On branch  : ghc-head
> Link       :
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> commit a3a65b56a7d09e5166655c3877c389b7b71fb8af
> Author: Bryan O'Sullivan <bos at serpentine.com>
> Date:   Wed Sep 25 10:39:32 2013 -0700
>     Snapshot of the real release
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> a3a65b56a7d09e5166655c3877c389b7b71fb8af
>  Data/Vector.hs                                |   16 +-
>  Data/Vector/Fusion/Bundle/Monadic.hs          | 1098
>  Data/Vector/Fusion/{Bundle.hs => Stream.hs}   |  361 ++++----
>  Data/Vector/Fusion/Stream/Monadic.hs          |  517 +++++-------
>  Data/Vector/Fusion/{Bundle => Stream}/Size.hs |    4 +-
>  Data/Vector/Generic.hs                        |  463 ++++++-----
>  Data/Vector/Generic/Base.hs                   |    4 +-
>  Data/Vector/Generic/Mutable.hs                |  273 +++---
>  Data/Vector/Generic/Mutable/Base.hs           |  135 ---
>  Data/Vector/Generic/New.hs                    |  103 ++-
>  Data/Vector/Primitive.hs                      |   16 +-
>  Data/Vector/Storable.hs                       |   16 +-
>  Data/Vector/Unboxed.hs                        |   16 +-
>  benchmarks/vector-benchmarks.cabal            |    4 +-
>  include/vector.h                              |   10 +-
>  internal/GenUnboxTuple.hs                     |    4 +-
>  internal/unbox-tuple-instances                |   30 +-
>  old-testsuite/Main.hs                         |   13 -
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Stream/AsList.hs      |  134 ---
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Stream/Errors.hs      |   41 -
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Utils/Generator.hs    |   22 -
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Utils/List.hs         |   25 -
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Utils/Property.hs     |  155 ----
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Utils/Test.hs         |  123 ---
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Vector/AsList.hs      |  174 ----
>  old-testsuite/Testsuite/Vector/Errors.hs      |   47 --
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/README               |    8 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/Test.hs              |  200 -----
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/and.hs               |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/append.hs            |    5 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/cons.hs              |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/drop.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/elem.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/empty.hs             |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/eq.hs                |    6 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/filter.hs            |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/find.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/findIndex.hs         |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/foldl1.hs            |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/from-to.hs           |    2 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/head.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/index.hs             |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/init.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/last.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-bool.hs       |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-char.hs       |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-double.hs     |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-float.hs      |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-int16.hs      |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-int32.hs      |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-int64.hs      |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-int8.hs       |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-unit.hs       |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-word.hs       |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-word16.hs     |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-word32.hs     |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-word64.hs     |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length-word8.hs      |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/length.hs            |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/lookup.hs            |    5 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/map.hs               |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/maximum.hs           |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/maximumBy.hs         |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/minimum.hs           |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/minimumBy.hs         |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/null-ndp.hs          |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/null.hs              |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/or.hs                |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/product.hs           |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/repeat.hs            |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/replicate.hs         |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/singleton.hs         |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/snoc.hs              |    3 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/sum-complex.hs       |    5 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/sum-ratio.hs         |    5 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/sum.hs               |    8 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/tail.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/take.hs              |    4 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/takeWhile.hs         |    7 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/unfold.hs            |    5 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/zip.hs               |    6 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/zipwith.hs           |    6 -
>  old-testsuite/microsuite/zipwith3.hs          |    7 -
>  tests/Main.hs                                 |    4 +-
>  tests/Tests/Bundle.hs                         |  163 ----
>  tests/Tests/Stream.hs                         |  163 ++++
>  tests/Tests/Vector.hs                         |    4 +-
>  tests/Utilities.hs                            |   16 +-
>  tests/vector-tests.cabal                      |    6 +-
>  vector.cabal                                  |   10 +-
>  90 files changed, 991 insertions(+), 3610 deletions(-)
> Diff suppressed because of size. To see it, use:
>     git diff-tree --root --patch-with-stat --no-color
--find-copies-harder --ignore-space-at-eol --cc
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