how to checkout proper submodules

Daniel Trstenjak daniel.trstenjak at
Thu Jun 6 10:59:19 CEST 2013

Hi Kazu,

On Thu, Jun 06, 2013 at 10:42:03AM +0900, Kazu Yamamoto wrote:
> Please read "A successful Git branching model" to know why fast-forward
> is not used recently.

I think you've to differentiate the case of merging a feature branch
into the master branch and the case of merging a local with a remote
branch, like just calling git pull/push on the master branch.

A fast-forward in the case of merging a feature branch is loosing
information, because you can't see anymore which commits have been
involved in developing a feature.

In the second case, merging a local with a remote branch, you gain
no information by the merge commits, but just mess up your history.

Therefore I'm using 'git pull --rebase' to prevent the creation
of these merge commits.


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