nofib regressions in HEAD since 7.6.2 release

Simon Marlow marlowsd at
Tue Feb 12 12:09:23 CET 2013

On 12/02/13 03:17, Johan Tibell wrote:
> Hi Nicolas!
> I tried to reproduce the difference between 7.0.4 and 7.6.2 on the
> exp3_8, wheel-sieve1, and primes and couldn't get the same percent
> difference as you. We need to reconcile these differences somehow. Lets
> start with more exact machine specs. I have a:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Program           Size    Allocs   Runtime   Elapsed  TotalMem
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       bernouilli          +3.3%     +0.2%      0.12      0.13     +0.0%
>           exp3_8          +1.1%    +53.7%      0.14      0.14   +300.0%
>      gen_regexps         +18.7%     +3.9%      0.00      0.00     +0.0%
>        integrate          -0.1%    +39.0%      0.21      0.23     +0.0%
>            kahan          +1.7%    +98.6%     +9.9%     +7.3%     +0.0%
>        paraffins          +1.3%     -1.2%      0.06      0.08     +0.0%
>           primes          +1.4%    +64.7%      0.04      0.05    +50.0%
>           queens          +0.8%     -0.5%      0.02      0.02     +0.0%
>             rfib          +1.7%    +42.8%      0.02      0.02     +0.0%
>              tak          +0.9%    +12.0%      0.01      0.01     +0.0%
>     wheel-sieve1          +0.8%    +66.6%     -4.6%     -5.8%    -12.5%
>     wheel-sieve2          +0.9%     +0.0%      0.12      0.13     +0.0%
>             x2n1         +10.3%    +87.3%      0.00      0.01   +200.0%
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>              Min          -0.1%     -1.2%     -4.6%     -5.8%    -12.5%
>              Max         +18.7%    +98.6%     +9.9%     +7.3%   +300.0%
>   Geometric Mean          +3.2%    +31.7%     +2.4%     +0.5%    +23.6%

Some of these benchmarks essentially do no allocation in their inner 
loops (x2nl, rfib, tak), so differences there just indicate changes in 
the IO library or elsewhere, and aren't significant.

Is your 7.6.2 from our binary distributions, or did you build it yourself?


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