nofib comparisons between 7.0.4, 7.4.2, 7.6.1, and 7.6.2

Simon Marlow marlowsd at
Wed Feb 6 11:09:26 CET 2013

On 05/02/13 23:48, Johan Tibell wrote:
> I've now added the shootout programs that could be added without
> modifying the programs itself. I described why some programs weren't
> added in nofib/shootout/README.
> For the curious, here's the change in these benchmarks from 7.0.4 to 7.6.2:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Program           Size    Allocs   Runtime   Elapsed  TotalMem
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     binary-trees          +2.6%     -0.6%     -2.8%     -2.8%    -22.3%
>   fannkuch-redux          +1.4%+11514445.     +0.2%     +0.2%     +0.0%
>           n-body          +3.8%     +0.0%     +4.4%     +4.4%     +0.0%
>         pidigits          +2.2%     -6.9%     -1.7%     -1.2%    -20.0%
>    spectral-norm          +2.1%    -61.3%    -54.8%    -54.8%     +0.0%
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>              Min          +1.4%    -61.3%    -54.8%    -54.8%    -22.3%
>              Max          +3.8%+11514445.     +4.4%     +4.4%     +0.0%
>   Geometric Mean          +2.4%   +737.6%    -14.7%    -14.6%     -9.1%

This is slightly off topic, but I wanted to plant this thought in 
people's brains: we shouldn't place much significance in the average of 
a bunch of benchmarks (even the geometric mean), because it assumes that 
the benchmarks have a sensible distribution, and we have no reason to 
expect that to be the case.  For example, in the results above, we 
wouldn't expect a 14.7% reduction in runtime to be seen in a typical 

Using the median might be slightly more useful, which here would be 
something around 0% for runtime, though still technically dodgy.  When I 
get around to it I'll modify nofib-analyse to report medians instead of GMs.


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