NOTICE: Gitolite migration is complete.

Edward Z. Yang ezyang at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 13 15:39:20 CEST 2013

What happened to the libraries repositories?

    ezyang at javelin:~/Dev/ghc-clean/libraries/binary$ cat .git/config
            repositoryformatversion = 0
            filemode = true
            bare = false
            logallrefupdates = true
            ignorecase = true
    [remote "origin"]
            fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
            url = git://
            pushurl = ssh://
    [branch "master"]
            remote = origin
            merge = refs/heads/master
    ezyang at javelin:~/Dev/ghc-clean/libraries/binary$ git pull
    fatal: remote error: access denied or repository not exported: /libraries/binary


Excerpts from Herbert Valerio Riedel's message of Sat Aug 10 05:06:06 -0400 2013:
> Hello GHC Devs,
> Let me add some details and clarifications to yesterday's
> migration completion notice:
> On 2013-08-10 at 00:19:53 +0200, Austin Seipp wrote:
> > Push access is now restored and Gitolite is in place! This brings some
> > nice updates:
> >  * There's now access to the 'git' protocol for cloning anonymously.
> >    This lets you clone even the biggest repos extremely quickly, and is
> >    the fastest method for getting a copy of the tree.
> Consequently, if you are a developer (and not behind a firewall that
> filters port 9418) you should try out the following assymetric
> configuration:
>   ./sync-all -r git:// remote set-url origin
>   ./sync-all -r ssh:// remote set-url --push origin
> This uses the unauthenticated low-latency git:// protocol for fetching
> repository data, and the authenticated encrypted high-latency ssh://
> protocol for pushing into the GHC repositories.
> This setup has the advantage over using the GitHub GHC mirrors, that the
> fetch and push locations are really identical and never out-of-sync
> (e.g. if the Git mirroring breaks or lags for some reason)
> >  * Firewalled? Cloning over HTTP now uses Smart HTTP support for Git,
> >    meaning it should be faster too!
> >  * We will soon have Gitweb available, once our CNAME
> >    is in place. Eventually we'd like something akin to
> Small clarification: Smart HTTP Git transport is only enabled on
>; The legacy URLs at
> are is still served "dumbly".
> If you don't want to wait for the DNS CNAME entry, you can fake the DNS
> entry to point to, e.g. by
>   echo "" >> /etc/hosts
> (...and don't forget to remove that entry once the real DNS CNAME entry
> is in place) and then just point your browser to
> > The following people have had their keys re-added, and should be able
> > to push and pull from the new setup.
> > [...]
> You should all check your current permissions by invoking
>   ssh git at info
> you should see something like
> ,----
> | hello $USERNAME, this is gitolite 2.3-1 (Debian) running on git
> | the gitolite config gives you the following access:
> |     @R   W     ghc
> |     @R   W     ghc-tarballs
> |     @R   W     git-sandbox
> |     @R   W     haddock
> | [...]
> |     @R   W     packages/unix
> |     @R   W     packages/vector
> |     @R   W     packages/xhtml
> |     @R   W     testsuite
> `----
> Please make sure, *YOUR* username shows up in place of $USERNAME, to
> find out whether we mixed up your public keys.
> (See, if you want
> to know more about the meaning of the output)
> Note: The current setup denies non-fast-forward and ref-deletion updates
> via "git push". This will be relaxed once we reach an agreement over
> what the Git heads/tag refs namespace policy shall be (i.e. who is
> allowed to create/delete/non-fwd-update heads/tags (and which ones)).
> If you want to debug/test 'git push', feel free to push whatever you
> like to the 'git-sandbox' repository.
> > Please direct any concerns to me, like if you need something off the
> > server, need your shell account back, or need commit access.
> For technical problems with Trac&Git(olite) itself, please CC me as
> well; as I am in a different timezone from Austin, this may help reduce
> the response time for solving the issue at hand. Alternatively, you can
> also reach us on freenode's #haskell-infrastructure
> And finally, the changes resulting from the new Trac commit-hook
> integration is worth a separate posting of its own to follow shortly.
> Cheers,
>   hvr

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