s/libraries/packages/g in ghc.git/.gitmodules

Herbert Valerio Riedel hvr at gnu.org
Wed Aug 7 17:01:49 CEST 2013

Hello GHC devs,

in the current ghc.git's .gitmodules file, the entries look like

| [submodule "libraries/binary"]
| 	path = libraries/binary
| 	url = http://darcs.haskell.org/libraries/binary.git/

I'd like to normalize the urls above to use the
http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/ scheme instead to match what's used
in the 'packages' file as remotepaths.

(the way I understand it, the /libraries/ folder is an historical
artifact, and should have been obsolete for a couple of years by now --
so the new gitolite setup won't support the /libraries/ alias anymore)

...is there any reason you can think of, I should not perform
this modification to the .gitmodules file?


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