[GHC DevOps Group] CircleCI job accounting question

Ben Gamari ben at well-typed.com
Sun Nov 12 16:37:24 UTC 2017

Jonas Chevalier <jonas.chevalier at tweag.io> writes:

> Hi Ben,
> I'm interjecting since I have been helping setting things up in the
> background.
Thanks Jonas! I'll be sure to CC you in the future.

> Send an email to support at circleci.zendesk.com and mention that you would
> like to enable the support for "macOS CircleCI 2.0" and "Configurable
> resource class" on your repository, which is a fork of ghc/ghc. In general
> it takes 1 business day to get it activated.
Thanks. Will do.

However, I'm a bit confused; does configurable resource limit support
have any bearing on whether my fork's builds count against ghc/ghc's
resource limit? My understanding is that it does not; rather, it merely
allows the CircleCI configuration to specify that it wants to run on a
large machine using the `resource_class` key in `.circleci.yml`. Is this
correct? Will all users who test using their fork need to ask for this
to be enabled?

If so, is what I said in my original message correct? Should we expect
all forks of ghc/ghc to count against a single resource limit?


- Ben

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