[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/25170-simpl] 2 commits: tweaks

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Jan 29 17:53:33 UTC 2025

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/25170-simpl at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

47c0da99 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2025-01-29T10:48:58+00:00

- - - - -
97108cc2 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2025-01-29T17:53:22+00:00
More fixes

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Iteration.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/List/SetOps.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Make.hs


@@ -2308,48 +2308,55 @@ rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args
 -- See Note [Rewrite rules and inlining]
 -- See also Note [Trying rewrite rules]
-rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args
-                              , ai_rewrite = TryRules _nr_wanted rules }) cont
+rebuildCall env original_info@(ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args
+                                       , ai_rewrite = TryRules _nr_wanted rules }) original_cont
   | [] <- rev_args
   = -- Try rewrite rules on unsimplified arguments, then once more when all
     -- arguments have been simplified (below). See Note [TODO]
-    let (unsimp_info, res_cont') = take_unsimpl cont
-     in applyRules (ai_args unsimp_info) res_cont'
+    let (unsimp_info, res_cont') = take_unsimpl_rev original_cont
+     in -- pprTrace "rebuildCall:1" (ppr original_info $$ ppr original_cont $$ ppr unsimp_info $$ ppr res_cont') $
+       applyRules False unsimp_info res_cont'
   | no_more_args
   = -- We've accumulated a simplified call in <fun,rev_args>
     -- so try rewrite rules; see Note [RULES apply to simplified arguments]
     -- See also Note [Rules for recursive functions]
-    applyRules rev_args cont
+    applyRules True original_info original_cont
-    applyRules rev_args' cont' = do
-      mb_match <- tryRules env rules fun (reverse rev_args') cont'
+    applyRules are_simpl info' cont' = do
+      mb_match <- tryRules env rules are_simpl fun (reverse $ ai_args info') cont'
       case mb_match of
-        Just (env', rhs, cont'') -> simplExprF env' rhs cont''
-        Nothing -> rebuildCall env (info { ai_rewrite = TryInlining }) cont'
+        Just (env', rhs, cont'') ->
+          pprTrace "Match:1" (text "aresimpl:" <+> ppr are_simpl
+              $$ ppr info' $$ text "rhs:" <+> ppr rhs $$ text "origcont:" <+> ppr cont' $$ text "newcont:" <+> ppr cont'') $
+          pprTrace "before try rules" (text "env:" <+> ppr (seInScope env) <+> ppr (seIdSubst env))
+            $ pprTrace "after try rules" (text "env':" <+> ppr (seInScope env') <+> ppr (seIdSubst env'))
+            $ simplExprF env' rhs cont''
+        Nothing -> rebuildCall env (original_info { ai_rewrite = TryInlining }) original_cont
     -- If we have run out of arguments, just try the rules; there might
     -- be some with lower arity.  Casts get in the way -- they aren't
     -- allowed on rule LHSs
-    no_more_args = case cont of
+    no_more_args = case original_cont of
                       ApplyToTy  {} -> False
                       ApplyToVal {} -> False
                       _             -> True
+    take_unsimpl_rev k
+      | (i, k') <- take_unsimpl k
+      = (i{ ai_args = reverse (ai_args i) }, k')
     take_unsimpl ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_hole_ty = fun_ty, sc_cont = k }
       | (i, k') <- take_unsimpl k
       = (addValArgTo i arg fun_ty, k')
     take_unsimpl ApplyToTy { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_hole_ty = hole_ty, sc_cont = k }
       | (i, k') <- take_unsimpl k
       = (addTyArgTo i arg_ty hole_ty, k')
-    take_unsimpl CastIt { sc_co = co, sc_opt = opt, sc_cont = k }
+    take_unsimpl CastIt { sc_co = co, sc_opt = _opt, sc_cont = k }
       | (i, k') <- take_unsimpl k
-      = (addCastTo i co', k')
-        where -- must still simpl coercions
-          co' = optOutCoercion env co opt
+      = (addCastTo i co, k')
     take_unsimpl k
-      = (info, k)
+      = (original_info, k)
 ---------- Simplify type applications and casts --------------
 rebuildCall env info (CastIt { sc_co = co, sc_opt = opt, sc_cont = cont })
@@ -2465,7 +2472,7 @@ tryInlining env logger var cont
       | not (logHasDumpFlag logger Opt_D_verbose_core2core)
       = when (isExternalName (idName var)) $
             log_inlining $
-                sep [text "Inlining done:", nest 4 (ppr var)]
+                sep [text "Inlining done:", nest 4 (ppr var)] $$ sep [text "Inlining continuation:", nest 4 (ppr cont)]
       | otherwise
       = log_inlining $
            sep [text "Inlining done: " <> ppr var,
@@ -2599,12 +2606,13 @@ See Note [No free join points in arityType] in GHC.Core.Opt.Arity
 tryRules :: SimplEnv -> [CoreRule]
+         -> Bool        -- Are the arguments already simplified?
          -> Id
          -> [ArgSpec]   -- In /normal, forward/ order
          -> SimplCont
          -> SimplM (Maybe (SimplEnv, CoreExpr, SimplCont))
-tryRules env rules fn args call_cont
+tryRules env rules are_simpl fn args call_cont
   | null rules
   = return Nothing
@@ -2613,10 +2621,11 @@ tryRules env rules fn args call_cont
                                         (argInfoAppArgs args) rules
   -- Fire a rule for the function
   = do { logger <- getLogger
+       ; pprTraceM "tryRules" (text "rule:" <+> ppr rule $$ text "rhs:" <+> ppr rule_rhs $$ text "lookedup" <+> ppr fn <+> ppr (argInfoAppArgs args))
        ; checkedTick (RuleFired (ruleName rule))
-       ; let cont' = pushSimplifiedArgs zapped_env
-                                        (drop (ruleArity rule) args)
-                                        call_cont
+       ; let cont' = pushArgs zapped_env
+                              (drop (ruleArity rule) args)
+                              call_cont
                      -- (ruleArity rule) says how
                      -- many args the rule consumed
@@ -2634,7 +2643,10 @@ tryRules env rules fn args call_cont
     ropts      = seRuleOpts env
-    zapped_env = zapSubstEnv env  -- See Note [zapSubstEnv]
+    zapped_env | are_simpl = zapSubstEnv env -- See Note [zapSubstEnv]
+               | otherwise = env             -- (we only zap when the arguments are already simplified)
+    pushArgs   | are_simpl = pushSimplifiedArgs
+               | otherwise = pushUnsimplifiedArgs
     printRuleModule rule
       = parens (maybe (text "BUILTIN")
@@ -2685,7 +2697,7 @@ trySeqRules :: SimplEnv
 -- See Note [User-defined RULES for seq]
 trySeqRules in_env scrut rhs cont
   = do { rule_base <- getSimplRules
-       ; tryRules in_env (getRules rule_base seqId) seqId out_args rule_cont }
+       ; tryRules in_env (getRules rule_base seqId) True seqId out_args rule_cont }
     no_cast_scrut = drop_casts scrut
     scrut_ty  = exprType no_cast_scrut

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Utils (
         ArgInfo(..), ArgSpec(..), RewriteCall(..), mkArgInfo,
         addValArgTo, addCastTo, addTyArgTo,
         argInfoExpr, argInfoAppArgs,
-        pushSimplifiedArgs, pushSimplifiedRevArgs,
+        pushSimplifiedArgs, pushSimplifiedRevArgs, pushUnsimplifiedArgs,
         isStrictArgInfo, lazyArgContext,
@@ -405,12 +405,13 @@ argInfoAppArgs (CastBy {}                : _)  = []  -- Stop at a cast
 argInfoAppArgs (ValArg { as_arg = arg }  : as) = arg     : argInfoAppArgs as
 argInfoAppArgs (TyArg { as_arg_ty = ty } : as) = Type ty : argInfoAppArgs as
-pushSimplifiedArgs, pushSimplifiedRevArgs
+pushSimplifiedArgs, pushSimplifiedRevArgs, pushUnsimplifiedArgs
   :: SimplEnv
   -> [ArgSpec]   -- In normal, forward order for pushSimplifiedArgs,
                  -- in /reverse/ order for pushSimplifiedRevArgs
   -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
 pushSimplifiedArgs    env args cont = foldr  (pushSimplifiedArg env)             cont args
+pushUnsimplifiedArgs  env args cont = foldr  (pushUnsimplifiedArg env)           cont args
 pushSimplifiedRevArgs env args cont = foldl' (\k a -> pushSimplifiedArg env a k) cont args
 pushSimplifiedArg :: SimplEnv -> ArgSpec -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
@@ -423,6 +424,15 @@ pushSimplifiedArg env (ValArg { as_arg = arg, as_hole_ty = hole_ty }) cont
 pushSimplifiedArg _ (CastBy c) cont
   = CastIt { sc_co = c, sc_cont = cont, sc_opt = True }
+pushUnsimplifiedArg :: SimplEnv -> ArgSpec -> SimplCont -> SimplCont
+pushUnsimplifiedArg _env (TyArg { as_arg_ty = arg_ty, as_hole_ty = hole_ty }) cont
+  = ApplyToTy  { sc_arg_ty = arg_ty, sc_hole_ty = hole_ty, sc_cont = cont }
+pushUnsimplifiedArg env (ValArg { as_arg = arg, as_hole_ty = hole_ty }) cont
+  = ApplyToVal { sc_arg = arg, sc_env = env, sc_dup = NoDup
+               , sc_hole_ty = hole_ty, sc_cont = cont }
+pushUnsimplifiedArg _ (CastBy c) cont
+  = CastIt { sc_co = c, sc_cont = cont, sc_opt = False }
 argInfoExpr :: OutId -> [ArgSpec] -> OutExpr
 -- NB: the [ArgSpec] is reversed so that the first arg
 -- in the list is the last one in the application

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
 import Data.Ord (comparing)
 import qualified Data.Set as S
-getNth :: Outputable a => [a] -> Int -> a
+getNth :: (HasCallStack, Outputable a) => [a] -> Int -> a
 getNth xs n = assertPpr (xs `lengthExceeds` n) (ppr n $$ ppr xs) $
              xs !! n

@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ mkDictSelRhs clas val_index
                                 -- varToCoreExpr needed for equality superclass selectors
                                 --   sel a b d = case x of { MkC _ (g:a~b) _ -> CO g }
-dictSelRule :: Int -> Arity -> RuleFun
+dictSelRule :: HasCallStack => Int -> Arity -> RuleFun
 -- Tries to persuade the argument to look like a constructor
 -- application, using exprIsConApp_maybe, and then selects
 -- from it

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