[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] Moving towards the new plan [skip ci]

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Thu Jan 23 11:48:01 UTC 2025

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

32e0aa05 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2025-01-23T11:47:35+00:00
Moving towards the new plan [skip ci]

... as discussed between Simon and Sam

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Default.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Dict.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Equality.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Solve.hs


@@ -952,22 +952,28 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm rule_bndrs spec_e inl)
             <- tcRuleBndrs skol_info rule_bndrs $
                tcInferRho spec_e
-       -- Simplify the constraints
-       ; ev_binds_var <- newTcEvBinds
-       ; wanted <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $
-                   runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var $
-                   solveWanteds wanted
+       -- Simplify the constraints enough to perform unificaitons
+       ; wanted_clone <- cloneWC wanted
+       ; _ <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $
+              runTcS               $
+              solveWanteds wanted_clone
+       ; wanted <- liftZonkM $ zonkWC wanted
        -- Quantify over the the constraints
-       ; qevs <- mapM newEvVar $
-                 ctsPreds      $
-                 approximateWC False wanted
+       ; (quant_cts, residual_wanted)  <- getRuleQuantCts wanted
+       ; let qevs = map ctEvId (bagToList quant_cts)
+       -- Wrap the call in bindings for any other constraints
+       ; ev_binds_var1 <- newTcEvBinds
        ; let tv_bndrs = filter isTyVar rule_bndrs'
-       ; emitResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl skol_info_anon ev_binds_var
+       ; emitResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl skol_info_anon ev_binds_var1
                                  emptyVarSet tv_bndrs qevs
-                                 wanted
+                                 residual_wanted
+       ; let lhs_call = mkLHsWrap (WpLet (TcEvBinds ev_binds_var1)) spec_e'
+         -- The free vars of `lhs_call` are `qevs`, plus the explicit `rule_bndrs`
+         -- and any free tyvars of the above
+       ; 
        ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag:SpecSigE" $
          vcat [ text "nm:" <+> ppr nm
               , text "rule_bndrs':" <+> ppr rule_bndrs'
@@ -975,7 +981,6 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm rule_bndrs spec_e inl)
               , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e'
               , text "inl:" <+> ppr inl ]
-       ; let lhs_call = mkLHsWrap (WpLet (TcEvBinds ev_binds_var)) spec_e'
        ; return [SpecPragE { spe_fn_nm = nm
                            , spe_fn_id = poly_id
                            , spe_bndrs = qevs ++ rule_bndrs' -- Dependency order
@@ -1483,7 +1488,8 @@ simplifyRule name tc_lvl lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
        ; lhs_wanted <- liftZonkM $ zonkWC lhs_wanted
        -- Note [The SimplifyRule Plan] step 3
-       ; (quant_evs, residual_lhs_wanted) <-getRuleQuantCts lhs_wanted
+       ; (quant_cts, residual_lhs_wanted) <-getRuleQuantCts lhs_wanted
+       ; let qant_evs = map ctEvId (bagToTolist quant_cts)
        ; traceTc "simplifyRule" $
          vcat [ text "LHS of rule" <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)
@@ -1496,7 +1502,7 @@ simplifyRule name tc_lvl lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
        ; return (quant_evs, residual_lhs_wanted, dont_default) }
-getRuleQuantCts :: WantedConstraints -> TcM ([EvVar], WantedConstraints)
+getRuleQuantCts :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Cts, WantedConstraints)
 -- Extract all the constraints that we can quantify over,
 --   also returning the depleted WantedConstraints
@@ -1513,11 +1519,8 @@ getRuleQuantCts :: WantedConstraints -> TcM ([EvVar], WantedConstraints)
 --     see GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify.implicationNeeded. Not doing so caused #14732.
 getRuleQuantCts wc
-  = do { quant_evs <- mapM mk_one (bagToList quant_cts)
-       ; return (quant_evs, residual_wc) }
+  = float_wc emptyVarSet wc
-    (quant_cts, residual_wc) = float_wc emptyVarSet wc
     float_wc :: TcTyCoVarSet -> WantedConstraints -> (Cts, WantedConstraints)
     float_wc skol_tvs (WC { wc_simple = simples, wc_impl = implics, wc_errors = errs })
       = ( simple_yes `andCts` implic_yes

@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ tryDefaultGroup wanteds (Proposal assignments)
 errInvalidDefaultedTyVar :: WantedConstraints -> Proposal -> NonEmpty TcTyVar -> TcS ()
 errInvalidDefaultedTyVar wanteds (Proposal assignments) problematic_tvs
-  = failTcS $ TcRnInvalidDefaultedTyVar tidy_wanteds tidy_assignments tidy_problems
+  = failWithTcS $ TcRnInvalidDefaultedTyVar tidy_wanteds tidy_assignments tidy_problems
     proposal_tvs = concatMap (\(tv, ty) -> tv : tyCoVarsOfTypeList ty) assignments
     tidy_env = tidyFreeTyCoVars emptyTidyEnv $ proposal_tvs ++ NE.toList problematic_tvs

@@ -885,7 +885,8 @@ try_instances inerts work_item@(DictCt { di_ev = ev, di_cls = cls
   | otherwise  -- Wanted, but not cached
    = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
-        ; lkup_res <- matchClassInst dflags inerts cls xis dict_loc
+        ; mode   <- getModeTcS
+        ; lkup_res <- matchClassInst dflags mode inerts cls xis dict_loc
         ; case lkup_res of
                OneInst { cir_what = what }
                   -> do { insertSafeOverlapFailureTcS what work_item
@@ -940,10 +941,14 @@ checkInstanceOK loc what pred
        | otherwise
        = loc
-matchClassInst :: DynFlags -> InertSet
+matchClassInst :: DynFlags -> TcSMode
+               -> InertSet
                -> Class -> [Type]
                -> CtLoc -> TcS ClsInstResult
-matchClassInst dflags inerts clas tys loc
+matchClassInst dflags mode inerts clas tys loc
+  | TcSSpecPrag <- mode  -- See Note [Handling new-form SPECIALISE pragmas]
+  = return NoInstance    -- in GHc.Tc.Gen.Sig
 -- First check whether there is an in-scope Given that could
 -- match this constraint.  In that case, do not use any instance
 -- whether top level, or local quantified constraints.

@@ -2018,8 +2018,9 @@ finishCanWithIrred :: CtIrredReason -> CtEvidence
                    -> TcS (StopOrContinue (Either IrredCt a))
 finishCanWithIrred reason ev
   = do { -- Abort fast if we have any insoluble Wanted constraints,
-         -- and the TcS abort-if-insoluble flag is on.
-         when (isInsolubleReason reason) tryEarlyAbortTcS
+         -- and the TcSMode is TcsHoleFits
+         mode <- getModeTcS
+       ; when (mode == TcSHoleFits && isInsolubleReason reason) failTcS 
        ; continueWith $ Left $ IrredCt { ir_ev = ev, ir_reason = reason } }

@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
 module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     -- The TcS monad
-    TcS, runTcS, runTcSEarlyAbort, runTcSWithEvBinds, runTcSInerts,
-    failTcS, warnTcS, addErrTcS, wrapTcS, ctLocWarnTcS,
-    runTcSEqualities,
+    TcS, TcSMode(..),
+    runTcS, runTcSEarlyAbort, runTcSWithEvBinds, runTcSInerts,
+    runTcSEqualities, runTcSSpecPrag,
+    failTcS, failWithTcS, warnTcS, addErrTcS, wrapTcS, ctLocWarnTcS,
     nestTcS, nestImplicTcS, setEvBindsTcS,
     emitImplicationTcS, emitTvImplicationTcS,
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     stopWithStage, nopStage,
     -- Tracing etc
-    panicTcS, traceTcS, tryEarlyAbortTcS,
+    panicTcS, traceTcS, getModeTcS,
     traceFireTcS, bumpStepCountTcS, csTraceTcS,
     wrapErrTcS, wrapWarnTcS,
     resetUnificationFlag, setUnificationFlag,
@@ -856,6 +857,7 @@ data TcSMode
   | TcSSpecPrag  -- Don't use instance declarations or upack forall constraints
                  -- when simplifying a SPECIALISE pragma
+  deriving( Eq )
 instance Outputable TcSMode where
   ppr TcSVanilla  = text "TcSVanilla"
@@ -922,9 +924,11 @@ wrapWarnTcS :: TcM a -> TcS a
 wrapWarnTcS = wrapTcS
 panicTcS  :: SDoc -> TcS a
-failTcS   :: TcRnMessage -> TcS a
+failTcS     :: TcS a
+failWithTcS :: TcRnMessage -> TcS a
 warnTcS, addErrTcS :: TcRnMessage -> TcS ()
-failTcS      = wrapTcS . TcM.failWith
+failTcS      = wrapTcS TcM.failM
+failWithTcS  = wrapTcS . TcM.failWith
 warnTcS msg  = wrapTcS (TcM.addDiagnostic msg)
 addErrTcS    = wrapTcS . TcM.addErr
 panicTcS doc = pprPanic "GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad" doc
@@ -986,11 +990,13 @@ csTraceTcM mk_doc
                        msg }) }
 {-# INLINE csTraceTcM #-}  -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
-runTcS :: TcS a                -- What to run
-       -> TcM (a, EvBindMap)
+runTcSWithEvBinds :: EvBindsVar -> TcS a -> TcM a
+runTcSWithEvBinds = runTcSWorker True TcSVanilla
+runTcS :: TcS a -> TcM (a, EvBindMap)
 runTcS tcs
   = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
-       ; res <- runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var tcs
+       ; res <- runTcSWorker True TcSVanilla aev_binds_var tcs
        ; ev_binds <- TcM.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
        ; return (res, ev_binds) }
@@ -1000,39 +1006,43 @@ runTcS tcs
 runTcSEarlyAbort :: TcS a -> TcM a
 runTcSEarlyAbort tcs
   = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
-       ; runTcSWithEvBinds' True TcSHoleFits ev_binds_var tcs }
+       ; runTcSWorker' True TcSHoleFits ev_binds_var tcs }
 -- | This can deal only with equality constraints.
 runTcSEqualities :: TcS a -> TcM a
 runTcSEqualities thing_inside
-  = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newNoTcEvBinds
-       ; runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var thing_inside }
+  = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newNoTcEvBinds  -- No bindings
+       ; runTcSWorker True TcSVanilla ev_binds_var thing_inside }
+-- | This version of runTcS uses mode TcSSpecPrag
+runTcSSpecPrag :: TcS a -> TcM (a, Bag EvBind)
+runTcSSpecPrag thing_inside
+  = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
+       ; res <- runTcSWorker True TcSSpecPrag ev_binds_var tcs
+       ; ev_binds <- TcM.getTcEvBindsMap ev_binds_var
+       ; return (res, evBindMapBinds ev_binds) }
 -- | A variant of 'runTcS' that takes and returns an 'InertSet' for
 -- later resumption of the 'TcS' session.
 runTcSInerts :: InertSet -> TcS a -> TcM (a, InertSet)
 runTcSInerts inerts tcs = do
-  ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
-  runTcSWithEvBinds' False False ev_binds_var $ do
-    setInertSet inerts
-    a <- tcs
-    new_inerts <- getInertSet
-    return (a, new_inerts)
-runTcSWithEvBinds :: EvBindsVar
-                  -> TcS a
-                  -> TcM a
-runTcSWithEvBinds = runTcSWithEvBinds' True TcSVanilla
-runTcSWithEvBinds' :: Bool -- ^ Restore type variable cycles afterwards?
-                           -- Don't if you want to reuse the InertSet.
-                           -- See also Note [Type equality cycles]
-                           -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality
-                   -> TcSMode
-                   -> EvBindsVar
-                   -> TcS a
-                   -> TcM a
-runTcSWithEvBinds' restore_cycles mode ev_binds_var tcs
+  = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds
+       ; runTcWorker False TcSVanilla ev_binds_var $
+         do { setInertSet inerts
+            ; a <- tcs
+            ; new_inerts <- getInertSet
+            ; return (a, new_inerts) } }
+-- runTcSWorker is not exported
+runTcSWorker :: Bool -- ^ Restore type variable cycles afterwards?
+                     -- Don't if you want to reuse the InertSet.
+                     -- See also Note [Type equality cycles]
+                     -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality
+             -> TcSMode
+             -> EvBindsVar
+             -> TcS a
+             -> TcM a
+runTcSWorker restore_cycles mode ev_binds_var tcs
   = do { unified_var <- TcM.newTcRef 0
        ; step_count <- TcM.newTcRef 0
        ; inert_var <- TcM.newTcRef emptyInert
@@ -1101,7 +1111,7 @@ nestImplicTcS :: EvBindsVar
               -> TcLevel -> TcS a
               -> TcS a
 nestImplicTcS ref inner_tclvl (TcS thing_inside)
-  = TcS $ \ env@(TcSEnv { tcs_inerts = old_inert_var } ->
+  = TcS $ \ env@(TcSEnv { tcs_inerts = old_inert_var }) ->
     do { inerts <- TcM.readTcRef old_inert_var
        ; let nest_inert = inerts { inert_cycle_breakers = pushCycleBreakerVarStack
                                                             (inert_cycle_breakers inerts)

@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ solveSimpleWanteds simples
     -- See Note [The solveSimpleWanteds loop]
     go n limit wc
       | n `intGtLimit` limit
-      = failTcS $ TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations simples limit wc
+      = failWithTcS $ TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations simples limit wc
      | isEmptyBag (wc_simple wc)
      = return (n,wc)

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