[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Use checkTyEqRhs to make types concrete

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Jan 17 16:18:04 UTC 2025

Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

87e82e2e by sheaf at 2025-01-16T14:51:45+01:00
Use checkTyEqRhs to make types concrete

This commit refactors makeTypeConcrete to call checkTyEqRhs with
the appropriate parameters. This avoids duplicating subtle logic
in two places in the compiler.


  1. Refactor of 'TyEqFlags'. Now 'TyEqFlags' stores a 'TEFTask', which
     is a description of which of the following checks we want to
     perform in 'checkTyEqRhs':
        - occurs check
        - level check
        - concreteness check

     In the process, the 'AreUnifying' datatype has been removed, as it
     is no longer needed.

  2. Refactor of 'checkTyVar':
      a. Make use of the new 'TEFTask' data type to decide which checks
         to perform.
         In particular, this ensures that we perform **both** a
         concreteness check and a level check when both are required;
         previously we only did a concreteness check (that was a bug!).
      b. Recursively call 'checkTyVar' on the kind of unfilled
         metavariables. This deals with a bug in which we failed to
         uphold the invariant that the kind of a concrete type must
         itself be concrete. See test cases T23051, T23176.

  3. Re-write of 'makeTypeConcrete', which now simply calls
     'checkTyEqRhs' with appropriate 'TyEqFlags'/'TEFTask'.
     This gets rid of code duplication and risk for the two code paths
     going out-of-sync.

Fixes #25616. See also #23883.

- - - - -

17 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/App.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Default.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Constraint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Concrete.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcMType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs-boot
- hie.yaml
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyInferPatBind.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyInferPatSyn.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/RepPolyTuple3.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/T23153.stderr
- testsuite/tests/rep-poly/T23154.stderr


@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ module GHC.Core.Type (
         -- * Kinds
-        isConcreteType, isFixedRuntimeRepKind,
+        isConcreteType,
+        isFixedRuntimeRepKind
     ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
@@ -2869,12 +2870,14 @@ isFixedRuntimeRepKind k
 isConcreteType :: Type -> Bool
 isConcreteType = isConcreteTypeWith emptyVarSet
-isConcreteTypeWith :: TyVarSet -> Type -> Bool
+-- | Like 'isConcreteType', but allows passing in a set of 'TyVar's that
+-- should be considered concrete.
 -- See Note [Concrete types] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
--- For this "With" version we pass in a set of TyVars to be considered
--- concrete.  This supports mkSynonymTyCon, which needs to test the RHS
--- for concreteness, under the assumption that the binders are instantiated
--- to concrete types
+isConcreteTypeWith :: TyVarSet -> Type -> Bool
+-- This version, with a 'TyVarSet' argument, supports 'mkSynonymTyCon',
+-- which needs to test the RHS for concreteness, under the assumption that
+-- the binders are instantiated to concrete types
 isConcreteTypeWith conc_tvs = go
     go (TyVarTy tv)        = isConcreteTyVar tv || tv `elemVarSet` conc_tvs
@@ -2888,6 +2891,7 @@ isConcreteTypeWith conc_tvs = go
     go CastTy{}            = False
     go CoercionTy{}        = False
+    go_tc :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Bool
     go_tc tc tys
       | isForgetfulSynTyCon tc  -- E.g. type S a = Int
                                 -- Then (S x) is concrete even if x isn't
@@ -2903,7 +2907,6 @@ isConcreteTypeWith conc_tvs = go
       | otherwise  -- E.g. type families
       = False
 %*                                                                      *

@@ -1048,8 +1048,7 @@ reportNotConcreteErrs ctxt errs@(err0:_)
           | frr_errs <- go frr_errs errs
           = case err of
-                { nce_frr_origin = frr_orig
-                , nce_reasons = _not_conc } ->
+                { nce_frr_origin = frr_orig } ->
                   { frr_info_origin       = frr_orig
                   , frr_info_not_concrete = Nothing }

@@ -1202,8 +1202,7 @@ tc_inst_forall_arg conc_tvs (tvb, inner_ty) hs_ty
              -- Example: user wrote e.g. (#,#) @(F Bool) for a type family F.
              -- Emit [W] F Bool ~ kappa[conc] and pretend the user wrote (#,#) @kappa.
-             do { mco <- unifyConcrete (occNameFS $ getOccName $ tv_nm) conc ty_arg0
-                ; return $ case mco of { MRefl -> ty_arg0; MCo co -> coercionRKind co } }
+               coercionRKind <$> unifyConcrete (occNameFS $ getOccName $ tv_nm) conc ty_arg0
        ; let fun_ty    = mkForAllTy tvb inner_ty
              in_scope  = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes [fun_ty, ty_arg])

@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ defaultEquality ct
     try_default_tv lhs_tv rhs_ty
-      | MetaTv { mtv_info = info, mtv_tclvl = lvl } <- tcTyVarDetails lhs_tv
+      | MetaTv { mtv_info = info } <- tcTyVarDetails lhs_tv
       , tyVarKind lhs_tv `tcEqType` typeKind rhs_ty
       , checkTopShape info rhs_ty
       -- Do not test for touchability of lhs_tv; that is the whole point!
@@ -449,14 +449,13 @@ defaultEquality ct
            -- checkTyEqRhs: check that we can in fact unify lhs_tv := rhs_ty
            -- See Note [Defaulting equalities]
-           --   LC_Promote: promote deeper unification variables (DE4)
-           --   LC_Promote True: ...including under type families (DE5)
-           ; let flags :: TyEqFlags ()
-                 flags = TEF { tef_foralls  = False
-                             , tef_fam_app  = TEFA_Recurse
-                             , tef_lhs      = TyVarLHS lhs_tv
-                             , tef_unifying = Unifying info lvl (LC_Promote True)
-                             , tef_occurs   = cteInsolubleOccurs }
+           ; let task :: TEFTask
+                 task = unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask lhs_tv (LC_Promote True)
+                    -- LC_Promote: promote deeper unification variables (DE4)
+                    -- LC_Promote True: ...including under type families (DE5)
+                 flags :: TyEqFlags ()
+                 flags = TEF { tef_task    = task
+                             , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse }
            ; res :: PuResult () Reduction <- wrapTcS (checkTyEqRhs flags rhs_ty)
            ; case res of

@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ import GHC.Exts (oneShot)
 import Control.Monad
 import Data.IORef
 import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
+import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
 import Data.Foldable
 import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
@@ -2122,7 +2123,7 @@ checkTouchableTyVarEq ev lhs_tv rhs
        _ -> pprPanic "checkTouchableTyVarEq" (ppr lhs_tv)
             -- lhs_tv should be a meta-tyvar
-    is_concrete_lhs_tv = isConcreteInfo lhs_tv_info
+    is_concrete_lhs_tv = isJust $ concreteInfo_maybe lhs_tv_info
     check_rhs rhs
        -- Crucial special case for  alpha ~ F tys
@@ -2134,11 +2135,9 @@ checkTouchableTyVarEq ev lhs_tv rhs
        | otherwise
        = checkTyEqRhs flags rhs
-    flags = TEF { tef_foralls  = False -- isRuntimeUnkSkol lhs_tv
-                , tef_fam_app  = mkTEFA_Break ev NomEq break_wanted
-                , tef_unifying = Unifying lhs_tv_info lhs_tv_lvl (LC_Promote False)
-                , tef_lhs      = TyVarLHS lhs_tv
-                , tef_occurs   = cteInsolubleOccurs }
+    flags = TEF { tef_task    = unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask lhs_tv (LC_Promote False)
+                , tef_fam_app = mkTEFA_Break ev NomEq break_wanted
+                }
     arg_flags = famAppArgFlags flags
@@ -2147,7 +2146,8 @@ checkTouchableTyVarEq ev lhs_tv rhs
       -- Occurs check or skolem escape; so flatten
       = do { let fam_app_kind = typeKind fam_app
            ; reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars cteInsolubleOccurs
-                            lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl (tyCoVarsOfType fam_app_kind)
+                         (tyVarName lhs_tv) lhs_tv_lvl
+                         (tyCoVarsOfType fam_app_kind)
            ; if not (cterHasNoProblem reason)  -- Failed to promote free vars
              then failCheckWith reason
@@ -2210,19 +2210,15 @@ checkTypeEq ev eq_rel lhs rhs
     arg_flags = famAppArgFlags given_flags
     given_flags :: TyEqFlags (TcTyVar,TcType)
-    given_flags = TEF { tef_lhs      = lhs
-                      , tef_foralls  = False
-                      , tef_unifying = NotUnifying
-                      , tef_fam_app  = mkTEFA_Break ev eq_rel break_given
-                      , tef_occurs   = occ_prob }
+    given_flags = TEF { tef_task    = notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob lhs
+                      , tef_fam_app = mkTEFA_Break ev eq_rel break_given
+                      }
         -- TEFA_Break used for: [G] a ~ Maybe (F a)
         --                   or [W] F a ~ Maybe (F a)
-    wanted_flags = TEF { tef_lhs      = lhs
-                       , tef_foralls  = False
-                       , tef_unifying = NotUnifying
-                       , tef_fam_app  = TEFA_Recurse
-                       , tef_occurs   = occ_prob }
+    wanted_flags = TEF { tef_task    = notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob lhs
+                       , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+                       }
         -- TEFA_Recurse: see Note [Don't cycle-break Wanteds when not unifying]
     -- occ_prob: see Note [Occurs check and representational equality]
@@ -2289,7 +2285,7 @@ where both sides are TyFamLHSs.  We don't want to flatten that RHS to
 Instead we'd like to say "occurs-check" and swap LHS and RHS, which yields a
 canonical constraint
     [G] G (...(F ty)...) ~ F ty
-That tents to rewrite a big type to smaller one. This happens in T15703,
+That tends to rewrite a big type to smaller one. This happens in T15703,
 where we had:
     [G] Pure g ~ From1 (To1 (Pure g))
 Making a loop breaker and rewriting left to right just makes much bigger

@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ module GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint (
         Hole(..), HoleSort(..), isOutOfScopeHole,
         DelayedError(..), NotConcreteError(..),
-        NotConcreteReason(..),
         WantedConstraints(..), insolubleWC, emptyWC, isEmptyWC,
         isSolvedWC, andWC, unionsWC, mkSimpleWC, mkImplicWC,
@@ -132,7 +131,6 @@ import Data.Coerce
 import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
 import Control.Monad ( msum, when )
 import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe, isJust )
-import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
 -- these are for CheckTyEqResult
 import Data.Word  ( Word8 )
@@ -435,30 +433,8 @@ data NotConcreteError
       -- ^ Where did this check take place?
     , nce_frr_origin :: FixedRuntimeRepOrigin
       -- ^ Which representation-polymorphism check did we perform?
-    , nce_reasons    :: NonEmpty NotConcreteReason
-      -- ^ Why did the check fail?
--- | Why did we decide that a type was not concrete?
-data NotConcreteReason
-  -- | The type contains a 'TyConApp' of a non-concrete 'TyCon'.
-  --
-  -- See Note [Concrete types] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
-  = NonConcreteTyCon TyCon [TcType]
-  -- | The type contains a type variable that could not be made
-  -- concrete (e.g. a skolem type variable).
-  | NonConcretisableTyVar TyVar
-  -- | The type contains a cast.
-  | ContainsCast TcType TcCoercionN
-  -- | The type contains a forall.
-  | ContainsForall ForAllTyBinder TcType
-  -- | The type contains a 'CoercionTy'.
-  | ContainsCoercionTy TcCoercion
 instance Outputable NotConcreteError where
   ppr (NCE_FRR { nce_frr_origin = frr_orig })
     = text "NCE_FRR" <+> parens (ppr (frr_type frr_orig))

@@ -19,39 +19,35 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.Builtin.Names       ( unsafeCoercePrimName )
-import GHC.Builtin.Types       ( liftedTypeKindTyCon, unliftedTypeKindTyCon )
+import GHC.Builtin.Types
-import GHC.Core.Coercion       ( coToMCo, mkCastTyMCo
-                               , mkGReflRightMCo, mkNomReflCo )
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep       ( Type(..), MCoercion(..) )
-import GHC.Core.TyCon          ( isConcreteTyCon )
-import GHC.Core.Type           ( isConcreteType, typeKind, mkFunTy)
+import GHC.Core.Coercion
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.Type
-import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( NotConcreteError(..), NotConcreteReason(..) )
-import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence   ( Role(..), TcCoercionN, TcMCoercionN )
+import GHC.Data.Bag
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
 import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify
 import GHC.Types.Basic         ( TypeOrKind(KindLevel) )
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Id.Info
-import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Env
-import GHC.Types.Var           ( tyVarKind, tyVarName )
+import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Utils.Misc          ( HasDebugCallStack )
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Data.FastString     ( FastString, fsLit )
 import Control.Monad      ( void )
 import Data.Functor       ( ($>) )
-import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty((:|)) )
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Class      ( lift )
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS ( WriterT, runWriterT, tell )
 {- Note [Concrete overview]
@@ -221,7 +217,6 @@ other type variables, a 'ConcreteTv' type variable is a type variable which can
 only be unified with a concrete type (in the sense of Note [Concrete types]).
 INVARIANT: the kind of a concrete metavariable is concrete.
 This invariant is upheld at the time of creation of a new concrete metavariable.
 Concrete metavariables are useful for representation-polymorphism checks:
@@ -632,7 +627,7 @@ hasFixedRuntimeRep :: HasDebugCallStack
                         -- That is, @ty'@ has a syntactically fixed RuntimeRep
                         -- in the sense of Note [Fixed RuntimeRep].
 hasFixedRuntimeRep frr_ctxt ty =
-  checkFRR_with (unifyConcrete (fsLit "cx") . ConcreteFRR) frr_ctxt ty
+  checkFRR_with (fmap (fmap coToMCo) . unifyConcrete_kind (fsLit "cx") . ConcreteFRR) frr_ctxt ty
 -- | Like 'hasFixedRuntimeRep', but we perform an eager syntactic check.
@@ -700,226 +695,86 @@ checkFRR_with check_kind frr_ctxt ty
     frr_orig :: FixedRuntimeRepOrigin
     frr_orig = FixedRuntimeRepOrigin { frr_type = ty, frr_context = frr_ctxt }
--- | Ensure that the given type @ty@ can unify with a concrete type,
+-- | Ensure that the given kind @ki@ can unify with a concrete type,
 -- in the sense of Note [Concrete types].
--- Returns a coercion @co :: ty ~# conc_ty@, where @conc_ty@ is
+-- Returns a coercion @co :: ki ~# conc_ki@, where @conc_ki@ is
 -- concrete.
--- If the type is already syntactically concrete, this
+-- If the kind is already syntactically concrete, this
 -- immediately returns a reflexive coercion. Otherwise,
 -- it creates a new concrete metavariable @concrete_tv@
--- and emits an equality constraint @ty ~# concrete_tv@,
+-- and emits an equality constraint @ki ~# concrete_tv@,
 -- to be handled by the constraint solver.
+-- Precondition: @ki@ must be of the form @TYPE rep@ or @CONSTRAINT rep at .
+unifyConcrete_kind :: HasDebugCallStack
+                   => FastString -- ^ name to use when creating concrete metavariables
+                   -> ConcreteTvOrigin
+                   -> TcKind
+                   -> TcM TcCoercionN
+unifyConcrete_kind occ_fs conc_orig ki
+  | Just (torc, rep) <- sORTKind_maybe ki
+  = do { let tc = case torc of
+                    TypeLike -> tYPETyCon
+                    ConstraintLike -> cONSTRAINTTyCon
+       ; rep_co <- unifyConcrete occ_fs conc_orig rep
+       ; return $ mkTyConAppCo Nominal tc [rep_co] }
+  | otherwise
+  = pprPanic "unifyConcrete_kind: kind is not of the form 'TYPE rep' or 'CONSTRAINT rep'" $
+      ppr ki <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ki)
+-- | Ensure the given type can be unified with
+-- a concrete type, in the sense of Note [Concrete types].
+-- Returns a coercion @co :: ty ~# conc_ty@, where @conc_ty@ is
+-- concrete.
+-- If the type is already syntactically concrete, this
+-- immediately returns a reflexive coercion.
+-- Otherwise, it will create new concrete metavariables and emit
+-- new Wanted equality constraints, to be handled by the constraint solver.
 -- Invariant: the kind of the supplied type must be concrete.
 -- We assume the provided type is already at the kind-level
 -- (this only matters for error messages).
-unifyConcrete :: HasDebugCallStack
-              => FastString -> ConcreteTvOrigin -> TcType -> TcM TcMCoercionN
+unifyConcrete :: FastString -> ConcreteTvOrigin -> TcType -> TcM TcCoercionN
 unifyConcrete occ_fs conc_orig ty
-  = do { (ty, errs) <- makeTypeConcrete conc_orig ty
-       ; case errs of
-           -- We were able to make the type fully concrete.
-         { [] -> return MRefl
-           -- The type could not be made concrete; perhaps it contains
-           -- a skolem type variable, a type family application, ...
-           --
-           -- Create a new ConcreteTv metavariable @concrete_tv@
-           -- and unify @ty ~# concrete_tv at .
-         ; _  ->
-    do { conc_tv <- newConcreteTyVar conc_orig occ_fs ki
-           -- NB: newConcreteTyVar asserts that 'ki' is concrete.
-       ; coToMCo <$> emitWantedEq orig KindLevel Nominal ty (mkTyVarTy conc_tv) } } }
-  where
-    ki :: TcKind
-    ki = typeKind ty
-    orig :: CtOrigin
-    orig = case conc_orig of
-      ConcreteFRR frr_orig -> FRROrigin frr_orig
+  = do { (co, cts) <- makeTypeConcrete occ_fs conc_orig ty
+       ; emitSimples cts
+       ; return co }
--- | Ensure that the given type is concrete.
+-- | Ensure that the given kind @ki@ is concrete.
 -- This is an eager syntactic check, and never defers
--- any work to the constraint solver.
--- Invariant: the kind of the supplied type must be concrete.
--- Invariant: the output type is equal to the input type,
---            up to zonking.
+-- any work to the constraint solver. However,
+-- it may perform unification.
--- We assume the provided type is already at the kind-level
--- (this only matters for error messages).
+-- Invariant: the output type is equal to the input type, up to zonking.
 ensureConcrete :: HasDebugCallStack
                => FixedRuntimeRepOrigin
-               -> TcType
-               -> TcM TcType
-ensureConcrete frr_orig ty
-  = do { traceTc "ensureConcrete {" (ppr frr_orig $$ ppr ty)
-       ; (ty', errs) <- makeTypeConcrete conc_orig ty
-       ; case errs of
-          { err:errs ->
-              do { traceTc "ensureConcrete } failure" $
-                     vcat [ text "ty:" <+> ppr ty
-                          , text "ty':" <+> ppr ty' ]
+               -> TcKind
+               -> TcM TcKind
+ensureConcrete frr_orig ki
+  = do { (co, cts) <- makeTypeConcrete (fsLit "cx") conc_orig ki
+       ; let trace_msg = vcat [ text "ty: " <+> ppr ki
+                              , text "co:" <+> ppr co ]
+       ; if isEmptyBag cts
+         then traceTc "ensureConcrete } success" trace_msg
+         else do { traceTc "ensureConcrete } failure" trace_msg
                  ; loc <- getCtLocM (FRROrigin frr_orig) (Just KindLevel)
                  ; emitNotConcreteError $
                        { nce_loc = loc
-                       , nce_frr_origin = frr_orig
-                       , nce_reasons = err :| errs }
-                 }
-          ; [] ->
-              traceTc "ensureConcrete } success" $
-                vcat [ text "ty: " <+> ppr ty
-                     , text "ty':" <+> ppr ty' ] }
-        ; return ty' }
+                       , nce_frr_origin = frr_orig }
+             }
+       ; return $ coercionRKind co }
     conc_orig :: ConcreteTvOrigin
     conc_orig = ConcreteFRR frr_orig
-%*                                                                      *
-                    Making a type concrete
-%*                                                                      *
-Note [Unifying concrete metavariables]
-Unifying concrete metavariables (as defined in Note [ConcreteTv]) is not
-an all-or-nothing affair as it is for other sorts of metavariables.
-Consider the following unification problem in which all metavariables
-are unfilled (and ignoring any TcLevel considerations):
-  alpha[conc] ~# TYPE (TupleRep '[ beta[conc], IntRep, gamma[tau] ])
-We can't immediately unify `alpha` with the RHS, because the RHS is not
-a concrete type (in the sense of Note [Concrete types]). Instead, we
-proceed as follows:
-  - create a fresh concrete metavariable variable `gamma'[conc]`,
-  - write gamma[tau] := gamma'[conc],
-  - write alpha[conc] := TYPE (TupleRep '[ beta[conc], IntRep, gamma'[conc] ]).
-Thus, in general, to unify `alpha[conc] ~# rhs`, we first try to turn
-`rhs` into a concrete type (see the 'makeTypeConcrete' function).
-If this succeeds, resulting in a concrete type `rhs'`, we simply fill
-`alpha[conc] := rhs'`. If it fails, then syntactic unification fails.
-Example 1:
-    alpha[conc] ~# TYPE (TupleRep '[ beta[conc], IntRep, gamma[tau] ])
-  We proceed by filling metavariables:
-    gamma[tau] := gamma[conc]
-    alpha[conc] := TYPE (TupleRep '[ beta[conc], IntRep, gamma[conc] ])
-  This successfully unifies alpha.
-Example 2:
-  For a type family `F :: Type -> Type`:
-    delta[conc] ~# TYPE (SumRep '[ zeta[tau], a[sk], F omega[tau] ])
-  We write zeta[tau] := zeta[conc], and then fail, providing the following
-  two reasons:
-    - `a[sk]` is not a concrete type variable, so the overall type
-      cannot be concrete
-    - `F` is not a concrete type constructor, in the sense of
-       Note [Concrete types]. So we keep it as is; in particular,
-       we /should not/ try to make its argument `omega[tau]` into
-       a ConcreteTv.
-  Note that making zeta concrete allows us to propagate information.
-  For example, after more typechecking, we might try to unify
-  `zeta ~# rr[sk]`. If we made zeta a ConcreteTv, we will report
-  this unsolved equality using the 'ConcreteTvOrigin' stored in zeta[conc].
-  This allows us to report ALL the problems in a representation-polymorphism
-  check (instead of only a non-empty subset).
--- | Try to turn the provided type into a concrete type, by ensuring
--- unfilled metavariables are appropriately marked as concrete.
--- Returns a zonked type which is "as concrete as possible", and
--- a list of problems encountered when trying to make it concrete.
--- INVARIANT: the returned type is equal to the input type, up to zonking.
--- INVARIANT: if this function returns an empty list of 'NotConcreteReasons',
--- then the returned type is concrete, in the sense of Note [Concrete types].
-makeTypeConcrete :: ConcreteTvOrigin -> TcType -> TcM (TcType, [NotConcreteReason])
--- TODO: it could be worthwhile to return enough information to continue solving.
--- Consider unifying `alpha[conc] ~# TupleRep '[ beta[tau], F Int ]` for
--- a type family 'F'.
--- This function will concretise `beta[tau] := beta[conc]` and return
--- that `TupleRep '[ beta[conc], F Int ]` is not concrete because of the
--- type family application `F Int`. But we could decompose by setting
--- alpha := TupleRep '[ beta, gamma[conc] ] and emitting `[W] gamma[conc] ~ F Int`.
-makeTypeConcrete conc_orig ty =
-  do { res@(ty', _) <- runWriterT $ go ty
-     ; traceTc "makeTypeConcrete" $
-        vcat [ text "ty:" <+> ppr ty
-             , text "ty':" <+> ppr ty' ]
-     ; return res }
-  where
-    go :: TcType -> WriterT [NotConcreteReason] TcM TcType
-    go ty
-      | Just ty <- coreView ty
-      = go ty
-      | isConcreteType ty
-      = pure ty
-    go ty@(TyVarTy tv) -- not a ConcreteTv (already handled above)
-      = do { mb_filled <- lift $ isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe tv
-           ; case mb_filled of
-           { Just ty -> go ty
-           ; Nothing
-               | isMetaTyVar tv
-               , TauTv <- metaTyVarInfo tv
-               -> -- Change the MetaInfo to ConcreteTv, but retain the TcLevel
-               do { kind <- go (tyVarKind tv)
-                  ; let occ_fs = occNameFS (getOccName tv)
-                        -- occ_fs: preserve the occurrence name of the original tyvar
-                        -- This helps in error messages
-                  ; lift $
-                    do { conc_tv <- setTcLevel (tcTyVarLevel tv) $
-                                    newConcreteTyVar conc_orig occ_fs kind
-                       ; let conc_ty = mkTyVarTy conc_tv
-                       ; liftZonkM $ writeMetaTyVar tv conc_ty
-                       ; return conc_ty } }
-               | otherwise
-               -- Don't attempt to make other type variables concrete
-               -- (e.g. SkolemTv, TyVarTv, CycleBreakerTv, RuntimeUnkTv).
-               -> bale_out ty (NonConcretisableTyVar tv) } }
-    go ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
-      | isConcreteTyCon tc
-      = mkTyConApp tc <$> mapM go tys
-      | otherwise
-      = bale_out ty (NonConcreteTyCon tc tys)
-    go (FunTy af w ty1 ty2)
-      = do { w <- go w
-           ; ty1 <- go ty1
-           ; ty2 <- go ty2
-           ; return $ mkFunTy af w ty1 ty2 }
-    go (AppTy ty1 ty2)
-      = do { ty1 <- go ty1
-           ; ty2 <- go ty2
-           ; return $ mkAppTy ty1 ty2 }
-    go ty@(LitTy {})
-      = return ty
-    go ty@(CastTy cast_ty kco)
-      = bale_out ty (ContainsCast cast_ty kco)
-    go ty@(ForAllTy tcv body)
-      = bale_out ty (ContainsForall tcv body)
-    go ty@(CoercionTy co)
-      = bale_out ty (ContainsCoercionTy co)
-    bale_out :: TcType -> NotConcreteReason -> WriterT [NotConcreteReason] TcM TcType
-    bale_out ty reason = do { tell [reason]; return ty }
 %*                                                                      *
                    Concrete type variables of Ids

@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ newNamedAnonMetaTyVar tyvar_name meta_info kind
   = do  { name    <- newMetaTyVarName tyvar_name
         ; details <- newMetaDetails meta_info
         ; let tyvar = mkTcTyVar name kind details
-        ; traceTc "newAnonMetaTyVar" (ppr tyvar)
+        ; traceTc "newAnonMetaTyVar" (ppr tyvar <+> dcolon <+> ppr kind)
         ; return tyvar }
 -- makes a new skolem tv

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType (
   isImmutableTyVar, isSkolemTyVar, isMetaTyVar,  isMetaTyVarTy, isTyVarTy,
   tcIsTcTyVar, isTyVarTyVar, isOverlappableTyVar,  isTyConableTyVar,
   ConcreteTvOrigin(..), isConcreteTyVar_maybe, isConcreteTyVar,
-  isConcreteTyVarTy, isConcreteTyVarTy_maybe, isConcreteInfo,
+  isConcreteTyVarTy, isConcreteTyVarTy_maybe, concreteInfo_maybe,
   ConcreteTyVars, noConcreteTyVars,
   isAmbiguousTyVar, isCycleBreakerTyVar, metaTyVarRef, metaTyVarInfo,
   isFlexi, isIndirect, isRuntimeUnkSkol,
@@ -1266,9 +1266,9 @@ isConcreteTyVar_maybe tv
   | otherwise
   = Nothing
-isConcreteInfo :: MetaInfo -> Bool
-isConcreteInfo (ConcreteTv {}) = True
-isConcreteInfo _               = False
+concreteInfo_maybe :: MetaInfo -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
+concreteInfo_maybe (ConcreteTv conc_orig) = Just conc_orig
+concreteInfo_maybe _                      = Nothing
 -- | Is this type variable a concrete type variable, i.e.
 -- it is a metavariable with 'ConcreteTv' 'MetaInfo'?

@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable   #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections       #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo         #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf          #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications    #-}
 (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
@@ -28,6 +33,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
   swapOverTyVars, touchabilityAndShapeTest, checkTopShape, lhsPriority,
   UnifyEnv(..), updUEnvLoc, setUEnvRole,
+  makeTypeConcrete,
   -- Holes
@@ -41,8 +47,11 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
   checkTyEqRhs, recurseIntoTyConApp,
   PuResult(..), failCheckWith, okCheckRefl, mapCheck,
-  TyEqFlags(..), TyEqFamApp(..), AreUnifying(..), LevelCheck(..), FamAppBreaker,
+  TyEqFlags(..), TEFTask(..),
+  notUnifying_TEFTask, unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask,
+  LevelCheck(..), TyEqFamApp(..), FamAppBreaker,
   famAppArgFlags,  checkPromoteFreeVars,
   simpleUnifyCheck, UnifyCheckCaller(..),
@@ -54,7 +63,7 @@ import GHC.Hs
 import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types ( ErrCtxtMsg(..) )
 import GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr   ( pprErrCtxtMsg )
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete ( hasFixedRuntimeRep, hasFixedRuntimeRep_syntactic )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Env
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate
 import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
@@ -94,11 +103,13 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Driver.DynFlags
 import GHC.Data.Bag
-import GHC.Data.FastString( fsLit )
+import GHC.Data.FastString
 import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, isJust)
 import Data.Monoid as DM ( Any(..) )
 import qualified Data.Semigroup as S ( (<>) )
+import Data.Traversable (for)
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
@@ -2927,7 +2938,7 @@ simpleUnifyCheck caller lhs_tv rhs
   = go rhs
-    !(occ_in_ty, occ_in_co) = mkOccFolders lhs_tv
+    !(occ_in_ty, occ_in_co) = mkOccFolders (tyVarName lhs_tv)
     lhs_tv_lvl         = tcTyVarLevel lhs_tv
     lhs_tv_is_concrete = isConcreteTyVar lhs_tv
@@ -2974,7 +2985,7 @@ simpleUnifyCheck caller lhs_tv rhs
     go (LitTy {})       = True
-mkOccFolders :: TcTyVar -> (TcType -> Bool, TcCoercion -> Bool)
+mkOccFolders :: Name -> (TcType -> Bool, TcCoercion -> Bool)
 -- These functions return True
 --   * if lhs_tv occurs (incl deeply, in the kind of variable)
 --   * if there is a coercion hole
@@ -2987,7 +2998,7 @@ mkOccFolders lhs_tv = (getAny . check_ty, getAny . check_co)
                             , tcf_hole  = do_hole
                             , tcf_tycobinder = do_bndr }
-    do_tcv is v = Any (not (v `elemVarSet` is) && v == lhs_tv)
+    do_tcv is v = Any (not (v `elemVarSet` is) && tyVarName v == lhs_tv)
                   `mappend` check_ty (varType v)
     do_bndr is tcv _faf = extendVarSet is tcv
@@ -3058,10 +3069,7 @@ reductionCoercion is Refl.  See `canEqCanLHSFinish_no_unification`.
 data PuResult a b = PuFail CheckTyEqResult
                   | PuOK (Bag a) b
-instance Functor (PuResult a) where
-  fmap _ (PuFail prob) = PuFail prob
-  fmap f (PuOK cts x)  = PuOK cts (f x)
+  deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
 instance Applicative (PuResult a) where
   pure x = PuOK emptyBag x
@@ -3100,82 +3108,192 @@ mapCheck f xs
 -- | Options describing how to deal with a type equality
 -- in the pure unifier. See 'checkTyEqRhs'
 data TyEqFlags a
-  = TEF { tef_foralls  :: Bool         -- Allow foralls
-        , tef_lhs      :: CanEqLHS     -- LHS of the constraint
-        , tef_unifying :: AreUnifying  -- Always NotUnifying if tef_lhs is TyFamLHS
+  = TEF { tef_task     :: TEFTask
+           -- ^ LHS structure, and which checks to perform on the RHS
         , tef_fam_app  :: TyEqFamApp a
-        , tef_occurs   :: CheckTyEqProblem }  -- Soluble or insoluble occurs check
+            -- ^ How to deal with type family applications
+        }
+-- | The structure of the LHS and which checks to perform in 'checkTyEqRhs',
+-- for an equality @lhs ~# rhs at .
+-- See Note [TEFTask].
+data TEFTask
+  -- | LHS is a type family application; we are not unifying.
+  = TEFTyFam
+    { tefTyFam_occursCheck :: CheckTyEqProblem
+       -- ^ The 'CheckTyEqProblem' to report for occurs-check failures
+       -- (soluble or insoluble)
+    , tefTyFam_tyCon :: TyCon
+    , tefTyFam_args  :: [Type]
+    }
+  -- | LHS is a 'TyVar'.
+  | TEFTyVar
+    { tefTyVar_occursCheck    :: Maybe (Name, CheckTyEqProblem)
+       -- ^ Occurs check: LHS 'TyVar' 'Name',
+       -- and which 'CheckTyEqProblem' to report for occurs-check failures
+       -- (soluble or insoluble)
+    , tefTyVar_levelCheck     :: Maybe (TcLevel, LevelCheck)
+          -- ^ Level check: LHS 'TyVar' 'TcLevel',
+          -- and which 'LevelCheck' to perform
+    , tefTyVar_concreteCheck  :: Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
+          -- ^ Concreteness check: LHS 'TyVar' 'ConcreteTvOrigin'
+          -- to use for the check
+    }
+{- Note [TEFTask]
+When we call the pure unifier, e.g. through 'checkTyEqRhs', we can decide what
+kind of checks the unifier performs via the 'TyEqFlags' argument. In particular,
+when the LHS type in a unification is a type variable, we might want to perform
+different checks; this is achieved using the 'TEFTyVar' constructor to 'TEFTask':
+  1. LHS is a skolem tyvar, or an untouchable meta-tyvar.
+     We are not unifying; we only want to perform occurs-checks.
+      TEFTyVar
+        { tefTyVar_occursCheck   = Just ...
+        , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = Nothing
+        , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Nothing
+        }
+  2. LHS is a touchable meta-tyvar.
+     We are unifying; we want to perform an occurs check, a level check,
+     and a concreteness check (when the meta-tyvar is a ConcreteTv).
+      TEFTyVar
+        { tefTyVar_occursCheck   = Just ...
+        , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = Just ...
+        , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = isConcreteTyVar_maybe lhs_tv
+        }
+  3. LHS is a fresh ConcreteTv meta-tyvar (see call to 'checkTyEqRhs' in
+     'makeTypeConcrete'). We are unifying; we only want to perform
+     a concreteness check.
+      TEFTyVar
+        { tefTyVar_occursCheck   = Nothing
+        , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = Nothing
+        , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Just ...
+        }
+-- | Create a "not unifying" 'TEFTask' from a 'CanEqLHS'.
+-- See use-case (1) in Note [TEFTask].
+notUnifying_TEFTask :: CheckTyEqProblem -> CanEqLHS -> TEFTask
+notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob = \case
+  TyFamLHS tc tys ->
+    TEFTyFam occ_prob tc tys
+  TyVarLHS tv ->
+    TEFTyVar
+      { tefTyVar_occursCheck   = Just (tyVarName tv, occ_prob)
+      , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = Nothing
+      , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Nothing
+      }
+    -- We need an occurs-check here, but no level check.
+    -- See Note [Promotion and level-checking] wrinkle (W1)
+-- | Create "unifying" 'TEFTask' from a 'TyVarLHS'.
+-- Invariant: the argument 'TyVar' is a 'MetaTv'.
+unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask :: TyVar -> LevelCheck -> TEFTask
+unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask lhs_tv lc =
+  TEFTyVar
+    { tefTyVar_occursCheck   = Just (tyVarName lhs_tv, cteInsolubleOccurs)
+    , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = Just (tcTyVarLevel lhs_tv, lc)
+    , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = isConcreteTyVar_maybe lhs_tv
+    }
+-- | Do we want to perform a concreteness check in 'checkTyEqRhs'?
+tefTaskConcrete_maybe :: TEFTask -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
+tefTaskConcrete_maybe (TEFTyFam {}) = Nothing
+tefTaskConcrete_maybe (TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_concreteCheck = conc }) = conc
+instance Outputable TEFTask where
+  ppr = \case
+    TEFTyFam occ tc tys ->
+      text "TEFTyFam" <+> ppr occ <+> ppr (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+    TEFTyVar mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc ->
+      text "TEFTyVar" <+> hcat (punctuate comma fields)
+      where
+        fields = [ text "OccursCheck:" <+> ppr tv | (tv, _) <- maybeToList mb_occ ]
+                   ++
+                 [ text "LevelCheck:" <+> ppr lc | lc <- maybeToList mb_lc ]
+                   ++
+                 [ text "ConcreteCheck" | isJust mb_conc ]
 -- | What to do when encountering a type-family application while processing
 -- a type equality in the pure unifier.
 -- See Note [Family applications in canonical constraints]
 data TyEqFamApp a
-  = TEFA_Fail                    -- Always fail
-  | TEFA_Recurse                 -- Just recurse
-  | TEFA_Break (FamAppBreaker a) -- Recurse, but replace with cycle breaker if fails,
-                                 -- using the FamAppBreaker
-data AreUnifying
-  = Unifying
-       MetaInfo         -- MetaInfo of the LHS tyvar (which is a meta-tyvar)
-       TcLevel          -- Level of the LHS tyvar
-       LevelCheck
-  | NotUnifying         -- Not attempting to unify
+  = TEFA_Fail                    -- ^ Always fail
+  | TEFA_Recurse                 -- ^ Just recurse
+  | TEFA_Break (FamAppBreaker a) -- ^ Recurse, but replace with cycle breaker if fails,
+                                 --   using the FamAppBreaker
+-- | What level check to perform, in a call to the pure unifier?
 data LevelCheck
-  = LC_None       -- Level check not needed: we should never encounter
-                  -- a tyvar at deeper level than the LHS
-  | LC_Check      -- Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar
-                  -- Fail if the level check fails
-  | LC_Promote    -- Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar
-                  -- If the level check fails, and the occurrence is a unification
-                  -- variable, promote it
-      Bool        --   False <=> don't promote under type families (the common case)
-                  --   True  <=> promote even under type families
-                  --             see Note [Defaulting equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver
+  = LC_Check      -- ^ Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar.
+                  --
+                  -- Fail if the level check fails.
+  | LC_Promote Bool
+      -- ^ Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar.
+      --
+      -- If the level check fails, and the occurrence is a unification
+      -- variable, promote it.
+      --
+      --   - False <=> don't promote under type families (the common case)
+      --   -  True <=> promote even under type families
+      --             (see Note [Defaulting equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver)
 instance Outputable (TyEqFlags a) where
   ppr (TEF { .. }) = text "TEF" <> braces (
-                        vcat [ text "tef_foralls =" <+> ppr tef_foralls
-                             , text "tef_lhs =" <+> ppr tef_lhs
-                             , text "tef_unifying =" <+> ppr tef_unifying
-                             , text "tef_fam_app =" <+> ppr tef_fam_app
-                             , text "tef_occurs =" <+> ppr tef_occurs ])
+                        vcat [ text "tef_task =" <+> ppr tef_task
+                             , text "tef_fam_app =" <+> ppr tef_fam_app ])
 instance Outputable (TyEqFamApp a) where
   ppr TEFA_Fail       = text "TEFA_Fail"
   ppr TEFA_Recurse    = text "TEFA_Recurse"
   ppr (TEFA_Break {}) = text "TEFA_Break"
-instance Outputable AreUnifying where
-  ppr NotUnifying = text "NotUnifying"
-  ppr (Unifying mi lvl lc) = text "Unifying" <+>
-         braces (ppr mi <> comma <+> ppr lvl <> comma <+> ppr lc)
 instance Outputable LevelCheck where
-  ppr LC_None        = text "LC_None"
   ppr LC_Check       = text "LC_Check"
   ppr (LC_Promote b) = text "LC_Promote" <> ppWhen b (text "(deep)")
+-- | Adjust the 'TyEqFlags' when going undter a type family:
+--  1. Only the outer family application gets the loop-breaker treatment
+--  2. Weaken level checks for tyvar promotion. For example, in @[W] alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[3])@,
+--     do not promote @beta[3]@, instead promote @(F beta[3])@.
+--  3. Occurs checks become potentially soluble (after additional type family
+--     reductions).
 famAppArgFlags :: TyEqFlags a -> TyEqFlags a
--- Adjust the flags when going undter a type family
--- Only the outer family application gets the loop-breaker treatment
--- Ditto tyvar promotion.  E.g.
---        [W] alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[3])
--- Do not promote beta[3]; instead promote (F beta[3])
-famAppArgFlags flags@(TEF { tef_unifying = unifying })
-  = flags { tef_fam_app  = TEFA_Recurse
-          , tef_unifying = zap_promotion unifying
-          , tef_occurs   = cteSolubleOccurs }
-            -- tef_occurs: under a type family, an occurs check is not definitely-insoluble
+famAppArgFlags flags@(TEF { tef_task = task })
+  = flags { tef_fam_app  = TEFA_Recurse -- (1)
+          , tef_task     = fam_app_task task
+          }
-    zap_promotion (Unifying info lvl (LC_Promote deeply))
-              | not deeply = Unifying info lvl LC_Check
-    zap_promotion unifying = unifying
+    fam_app_task :: TEFTask -> TEFTask
+    fam_app_task task = case task of
+      TEFTyFam {} ->
+        task
+          { tefTyFam_occursCheck = cteSolubleOccurs -- (3)
+          }
+      TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_occursCheck = mb_occ, tefTyVar_levelCheck = mb_lc } ->
+        task
+          { tefTyVar_occursCheck =
+              fmap (\ (tv, _old_occ_prob) -> (tv, cteSolubleOccurs)) mb_occ -- (3)
+          , tefTyVar_levelCheck =
+              fmap (\ (lvl, lc) -> (lvl, zap_lc lc)) mb_lc -- (2)
+          }
+    zap_lc = \case
+      LC_Promote deeply
+        | not deeply
+        -> LC_Check
+      lc -> lc
 type FamAppBreaker a = TcType -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
      -- Given a family-application ty, return a Reduction :: ty ~ cvb
@@ -3196,7 +3314,6 @@ checkTyEqRhs flags ty
       FunTy {ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = a, ft_res = r}
        | isInvisibleFunArg af  -- e.g.  Num a => blah
-       , not (tef_foralls flags)
        -> failCheckWith impredicativeProblem -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
        | otherwise
        -> do { w_res <- checkTyEqRhs flags w
@@ -3215,38 +3332,48 @@ checkTyEqRhs flags ty
       CoercionTy co -> do { co_res <- checkCo flags co
                           ; return (mkReflCoRedn Nominal <$> co_res) }
-      ForAllTy {}
-         | tef_foralls flags -> okCheckRefl ty
-         | otherwise         -> failCheckWith impredicativeProblem  -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
+      ForAllTy {}   -> failCheckWith impredicativeProblem -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
 checkCo :: TyEqFlags a -> Coercion -> TcM (PuResult a Coercion)
 -- See Note [checkCo]
-checkCo (TEF { tef_lhs = TyFamLHS {} }) co
-  = return (pure co)
-checkCo (TEF { tef_lhs = TyVarLHS lhs_tv
-             , tef_unifying = unifying
-             , tef_occurs = occ_prob }) co
-  -- Check for coercion holes, if unifying
-  -- See (COERCION-HOLE) in Note [Unification preconditions]
-  | hasCoercionHoleCo co
-  = failCheckWith (cteProblem cteCoercionHole)
-  -- Occurs check (can promote)
-  | Unifying _ lhs_tv_lvl (LC_Promote {}) <- unifying
-  = do { reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars occ_prob lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl (tyCoVarsOfCo co)
-       ; if cterHasNoProblem reason
-         then return (pure co)
-         else failCheckWith reason }
-  -- Occurs check (no promotion)
-  | lhs_tv `elemVarSet` tyCoVarsOfCo co
-  = failCheckWith (cteProblem occ_prob)
+checkCo (TEF { tef_task = task }) co =
+  case task of
+    TEFTyFam {} ->
+      -- NB: 'TEFTyFam' case means we are not unifying.
+      return (pure co)
+    TEFTyVar
+      { tefTyVar_concreteCheck = mb_conc
+      , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = mb_lc
+      , tefTyVar_occursCheck   = mb_occ
+      }
+        -- Coercions cannot appear in concrete types.
+        --
+        -- See Note [Concrete types] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
+        | Just {} <- mb_conc
+        -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+        -- Check for coercion holes, if unifying.
+        -- See (COERCION-HOLE) in Note [Unification preconditions]
+        | Just {} <- mb_lc -- equivalent to "we are unifying"; see Note [TEFTask]
+        , hasCoercionHoleCo co
+        -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteCoercionHole)
+        -- Occurs check (can promote)
+        | Just (lhs_tv, occ_prob) <- mb_occ
+        , Just (lhs_tv_lvl, LC_Promote {}) <- mb_lc
+        -> do { reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars occ_prob lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl (tyCoVarsOfCo co)
+              ; if cterHasNoProblem reason
+                then return (pure co)
+                else failCheckWith reason }
+        -- Occurs check (no promotion)
+        | Just (lhs_tv, occ_prob) <- mb_occ
+        , nameUnique lhs_tv `elemVarSetByKey` tyCoVarsOfCo co
+        -> failCheckWith (cteProblem occ_prob)
-  | otherwise
-  = return (pure co)
+        | otherwise
+        -> return (pure co)
 {- Note [checkCo]
@@ -3364,7 +3491,7 @@ If we have  [W] alpha ~ Maybe (F (G alpha))
 checkTyConApp :: TyEqFlags a
               -> TcType -> TyCon -> [TcType]
               -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
-checkTyConApp flags@(TEF { tef_unifying = unifying, tef_foralls = foralls_ok })
+checkTyConApp flags@(TEF { tef_task = task })
               tc_app tc tys
   | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
   , let arity = tyConArity tc
@@ -3383,11 +3510,10 @@ checkTyConApp flags@(TEF { tef_unifying = unifying, tef_foralls = foralls_ok })
        -- See Note [Forgetful synonyms in checkTyConApp]
   = checkTyEqRhs flags ty'
-  | not (isTauTyCon tc || foralls_ok)
+  | not (isTauTyCon tc)
   = failCheckWith impredicativeProblem
-  | Unifying info _ _ <- unifying
-  , isConcreteInfo info
+  | Just {} <- tefTaskConcrete_maybe task
   , not (isConcreteTyCon tc)
   = failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
@@ -3404,21 +3530,19 @@ checkFamApp :: TyEqFlags a
             -> TcType -> TyCon -> [TcType]  -- Saturated family application
             -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
 -- See Note [Family applications in canonical constraints]
-checkFamApp flags@(TEF { tef_unifying = unifying, tef_occurs = occ_prob
-                       , tef_fam_app = fam_app_flag, tef_lhs = lhs })
+checkFamApp flags@(TEF { tef_task = task, tef_fam_app = fam_app_flag })
             fam_app tc tys
   = case fam_app_flag of
       TEFA_Fail -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteTypeFamily)
       -- Occurs check: F ty ~ ...(F ty)...
-      _ | TyFamLHS lhs_tc lhs_tys <- lhs
+      _ | TEFTyFam occ_prob lhs_tc lhs_tys <- task
         , tcEqTyConApps lhs_tc lhs_tys tc tys
         -> case fam_app_flag of
              TEFA_Recurse       -> failCheckWith (cteProblem occ_prob)
              TEFA_Break breaker -> breaker fam_app
-      _ | Unifying lhs_info _ _ <- unifying
-        , isConcreteInfo lhs_info
+      _ | Just {} <- tefTaskConcrete_maybe task
         -> case fam_app_flag of
              TEFA_Recurse       -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
              TEFA_Break breaker -> breaker fam_app
@@ -3441,22 +3565,55 @@ checkFamApp flags@(TEF { tef_unifying = unifying, tef_occurs = occ_prob
     arg_flags = famAppArgFlags flags
+-- | The result of a single check in 'checkTyVar', such as a concreteness check
+-- or a level check.
+data TyVarCheckResult
+  -- | Check succeded; nothing else to do.
+  = TyVarCheck_Success
+  -- | Check succeeded, but requires an additional promotion.
+  --
+  -- Invariant: at least one of the fields is not 'Nothing'.
+  | TyVarCheck_Promote
+       (Maybe TcLevel)
+         -- ^ @Just lvl@ <=> 'TyVar' needs to be promoted to @lvl@
+       (Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin)
+         -- ^ @Just conc_orig@ <=> 'TyVar' needs to be make concrete
+  -- | Check failed with some 'CheckTyEqProblem's.
+  --
+  -- Invariant: the 'CheckTyEqResult' is not 'cteOK'.
+  | TyVarCheck_Error CheckTyEqResult
+instance Semigroup TyVarCheckResult where
+  TyVarCheck_Success <> r = r
+  r <> TyVarCheck_Success = r
+  TyVarCheck_Error e1 <> TyVarCheck_Error e2 =
+    TyVarCheck_Error (e1 S.<> e2)
+  e@(TyVarCheck_Error {}) <> _ = e
+  _ <> e@(TyVarCheck_Error {}) = e
+  TyVarCheck_Promote l1 c1 <> TyVarCheck_Promote l2 c2 =
+    TyVarCheck_Promote
+      (combineMaybe minTcLevel l1 l2)
+      (combineMaybe const c1 c2) -- pick one 'ConcreteTvOrigin' arbitrarily
+combineMaybe :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
+combineMaybe _ Nothing r = r
+combineMaybe _ r Nothing = r
+combineMaybe f (Just a) (Just b) = Just (f a b)
+instance Monoid TyVarCheckResult where
+  mempty = TyVarCheck_Success
 checkTyVar :: forall a. TyEqFlags a -> TcTyVar -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
-checkTyVar (TEF { tef_lhs = lhs, tef_unifying = unifying, tef_occurs = occ_prob }) occ_tv
-  = case lhs of
-      TyFamLHS {}     -> success   -- Nothing to do if the LHS is a type-family
-      TyVarLHS lhs_tv -> check_tv unifying lhs_tv
+checkTyVar flags@(TEF { tef_task = task }) occ_tv
+  = case task of
+      TEFTyFam {}                   -> success   -- Nothing to do if the LHS is a type-family
+      TEFTyVar mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc -> check_tv mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc
     lvl_occ = tcTyVarLevel occ_tv
     success = okCheckRefl (mkTyVarTy occ_tv)
-    check_tv NotUnifying lhs_tv
-      = simple_occurs_check lhs_tv
-      -- We need an occurs-check here, but no level check
-      -- See Note [Promotion and level-checking] wrinkle (W1)
-    check_tv (Unifying info lvl prom) lhs_tv
+    check_tv mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc
       = do { mb_done <- isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe occ_tv
            ; case mb_done of
                Just {} -> success
@@ -3466,71 +3623,94 @@ checkTyVar (TEF { tef_lhs = lhs, tef_unifying = unifying, tef_occurs = occ_prob
                -- a second time; we don't want to re-promote it!
                -- Remember, the entire process started with a fully zonked type
-               Nothing -> check_unif info lvl prom lhs_tv }
+               Nothing ->
+                do_rhs_checks $
+                  -- Occurs check
+                  [ simple_occurs_check tv occ_prob | (tv, occ_prob) <- maybeToList mb_occ ]
+                  ++
+                  -- Level check
+                  [ lvl_check lc | lc <- maybeToList mb_lc ]
+                  ++
+                  -- Concreteness check
+                  [ conc_check conc | conc <- maybeToList mb_conc ]
+           }
-    -- We are in the Unifying branch of AreUnifying; and occ_tv is unfilled
-    check_unif :: MetaInfo -> TcLevel -> LevelCheck
-               -> TcTyVar -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
-    check_unif lhs_tv_info lhs_tv_lvl prom lhs_tv
-      | isConcreteInfo lhs_tv_info
-      , not (isConcreteTyVar occ_tv)
-      = if can_make_concrete occ_tv
-        then promote lhs_tv lhs_tv_info lhs_tv_lvl
-        else failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+    simple_occurs_check :: Name -> CheckTyEqProblem -> TyVarCheckResult
+    simple_occurs_check lhs_tv occ_prob
+      | lhs_tv == tyVarName occ_tv || check_kind (tyVarKind occ_tv)
+      = TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem occ_prob)
+      | otherwise
+      = TyVarCheck_Success
+      where (check_kind, _) = mkOccFolders lhs_tv
+    conc_check :: ConcreteTvOrigin -> TyVarCheckResult
+    conc_check conc_orig
+      | not (isConcreteTyVar occ_tv)
+      = if isMetaTyVar occ_tv
+        then TyVarCheck_Promote Nothing (Just conc_orig)
+        else TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+      | otherwise
+      = TyVarCheck_Success
+    lvl_check :: (TcLevel, LevelCheck) -> TyVarCheckResult
+    lvl_check (lhs_tv_lvl, lc)
       | lvl_occ `strictlyDeeperThan` lhs_tv_lvl
-      = case prom of
-           LC_None    -> pprPanic "check_unif" (ppr lhs_tv $$ ppr occ_tv)
-           LC_Check   -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
+      = case lc of
+           LC_Check   -> TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
            LC_Promote {}
-             | isSkolemTyVar occ_tv  -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
-             | otherwise             -> promote lhs_tv lhs_tv_info lhs_tv_lvl
-      | otherwise
-      = simple_occurs_check lhs_tv
-    ---------------------
-    simple_occurs_check lhs_tv
-      | lhs_tv == occ_tv || check_kind (tyVarKind occ_tv)
-      = failCheckWith (cteProblem occ_prob)
+             | isSkolemTyVar occ_tv  -> TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
+             | otherwise             -> TyVarCheck_Promote (Just lhs_tv_lvl) Nothing
       | otherwise
-      = success
-      where
-        (check_kind, _) = mkOccFolders lhs_tv
+      = TyVarCheck_Success
-    ---------------------
-    can_make_concrete occ_tv = case tcTyVarDetails occ_tv of
-      MetaTv { mtv_info = info } -> case info of
-                                      ConcreteTv {} -> True
-                                      TauTv {}      -> True
-                                      _             -> False
-      _ -> False  -- Don't attempt to make other type variables concrete
-                  -- (e.g. SkolemTv, TyVarTv, CycleBreakerTv, RuntimeUnkTv).
+    -- Combine the results of individual checks. See 'TyVarCheckResult'.
+    do_rhs_checks :: [TyVarCheckResult] -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+    do_rhs_checks checks =
+      case mconcat checks of
+        TyVarCheck_Success -> success
+        TyVarCheck_Promote mb_lvl mb_conc -> promote mb_lvl mb_conc
+        TyVarCheck_Error cte_prob -> failCheckWith cte_prob
-    -- occ_tv is definitely a MetaTyVar
-    promote lhs_tv lhs_tv_info lhs_tv_lvl
+    -- occ_tv is definitely a MetaTyVar; we need to promote it/make it concrete
+    promote :: Maybe TcLevel -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+    promote mb_lhs_tv_lvl mb_conc
       | MetaTv { mtv_info = info_occ, mtv_tclvl = lvl_occ } <- tcTyVarDetails occ_tv
-      = do { let new_info | isConcreteInfo lhs_tv_info = lhs_tv_info
-                          | otherwise                  = info_occ
-                 new_lvl = lhs_tv_lvl `minTcLevel` lvl_occ
-                           -- c[conc,3] ~ p[tau,2]: want to clone p:=p'[conc,2]
-                           -- c[tau,2]  ~ p[tau,3]: want to clone p:=p'[tau,2]
+      = do { let new_info | Just conc <- mb_conc = ConcreteTv conc
+                          | otherwise            = info_occ
+                 new_lvl =
+                    case mb_lhs_tv_lvl of
+                      Nothing         -> lvl_occ
+                      Just lhs_tv_lvl -> lhs_tv_lvl `minTcLevel` lvl_occ
+                        -- c[conc,3] ~ p[tau,2]: want to clone p:=p'[conc,2]
+                        -- c[tau,2]  ~ p[tau,3]: want to clone p:=p'[tau,2]
            -- Check the kind of occ_tv
-           ; reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars occ_prob lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl (tyCoVarsOfType (tyVarKind occ_tv))
-           ; if cterHasNoProblem reason  -- Successfully promoted
-             then do { new_tv_ty <- promote_meta_tyvar new_info new_lvl occ_tv
-                     ; okCheckRefl new_tv_ty }
-             else failCheckWith reason }
+           --
+           -- This is important for several reasons:
+           --
+           --  1. To ensure there is no occurs check or skolem-escape
+           --     in the kind of occ_tv.
+           --  2. If the LHS is a concrete type variable and the RHS is an
+           --     unfilled meta-tyvar, we need to ensure that the kind of
+           --     'occ_tv' is concrete.   Test cases: T23051, T23176.
+           ; let occ_kind = tyVarKind occ_tv
+           ; kind_result <- checkTyEqRhs flags occ_kind
+           ; traceTc "checkTyVar: kind check" $
+               vcat [ text "occ_tv:" <+> ppr occ_tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr occ_kind
+                    , text "checkTyEqRHS result:" <+> pprPur kind_result
+                    ]
+           ; for kind_result $ \ kind_redn ->
+        do { let kind_co  = reductionCoercion kind_redn
+                 new_kind = reductionReducedType kind_redn
+           ; new_tv_ty <- promote_meta_tyvar new_info new_lvl (setTyVarKind occ_tv new_kind)
+           ; return $ mkGReflLeftRedn Nominal new_tv_ty (mkSymCo kind_co)
+           } }
       | otherwise = pprPanic "promote" (ppr occ_tv)
 checkPromoteFreeVars :: CheckTyEqProblem    -- What occurs check problem to report
-                     -> TcTyVar -> TcLevel
+                     -> Name -> TcLevel
                      -> TyCoVarSet -> TcM CheckTyEqResult
 -- Check this set of TyCoVars for
 --   (a) occurs check
@@ -3540,11 +3720,11 @@ checkPromoteFreeVars occ_prob lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl vs
        ; return (mconcat oks) }
     do_one :: TyCoVar -> TcM CheckTyEqResult
-    do_one v | isCoVar v           = return cteOK
-             | lhs_tv == v         = return (cteProblem occ_prob)
-             | no_promotion        = return cteOK
-             | not (isMetaTyVar v) = return (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
-             | otherwise           = promote_one v
+    do_one v | isCoVar v             = return cteOK
+             | tyVarName v == lhs_tv = return (cteProblem occ_prob)
+             | no_promotion          = return cteOK
+             | not (isMetaTyVar v)   = return (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
+             | otherwise             = promote_one v
         no_promotion = not (tcTyVarLevel v `strictlyDeeperThan` lhs_tv_lvl)
@@ -3606,3 +3786,119 @@ checkTopShape info xi
                         _                             -> False
       CycleBreakerTv -> False  -- We never unify these
       _ -> True
+-- Making a type concrete.
+-- | Try to turn the provided type into a concrete type, by ensuring
+-- unfilled metavariables are appropriately marked as concrete.
+-- Returns a coercion whose RHS is a zonked type which is "as concrete as possible",
+-- and a collection of Wanted equality constraints that are necessary to make
+-- the type concrete.
+-- For example, for an input @TYPE a[sk]@ we will return a coercion with RHS
+-- @TYPE gamma[conc]@ together with the Wanted equality constraint @a ~# gamma at .
+-- INVARIANT: the RHS type of the returned coercion is equal to the input type,
+-- up to zonking and the returned Wanted equality constraints.
+-- INVARIANT: if this function returns an empty list of constraints
+-- then the RHS type of the returned coercion is concrete,
+-- in the sense of Note [Concrete types].
+makeTypeConcrete :: FastString -> ConcreteTvOrigin
+                 -> TcType -> TcM (TcCoercion, Cts)
+makeTypeConcrete occ_fs conc_orig ty =
+  do { traceTc "makeTypeConcrete {" $
+        vcat [ text "ty:" <+> ppr ty ]
+     -- To make a type 'ty' concrete, we query what would happen were we
+     -- to try unifying
+     --
+     --   alpha[conc] ~# ty
+     --
+     -- for a fresh concrete metavariable 'alpha'.
+     --
+     -- We do this by calling 'checkTyEqRhs' with suitable 'TyEqFlags'.
+     -- NB: we don't actually need to create a fresh concrete metavariable
+     -- in order to call 'checkTyEqRhs'.
+     ; let ty_eq_flags =
+             TEF { tef_task =
+                    TEFTyVar
+                      { tefTyVar_occursCheck   = Nothing
+                          -- LHS is a fresh meta-tyvar: no occurs check needed
+                      , tefTyVar_levelCheck    = Nothing
+                      , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Just conc_orig
+                      }
+                 , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Fail
+                 }
+     -- NB: 'checkTyEqRhs' expects a fully zonked type as input.
+     ; ty' <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcType ty
+     ; pu_res <- checkTyEqRhs @() ty_eq_flags ty'
+     -- NB: 'checkTyEqRhs' will also check the kind, thus upholding the
+     -- invariant that the kind of a concrete type must also be a concrete type.
+     ; (cts, final_co) <-
+         case pu_res of
+           PuOK _ redn ->
+            do { traceTc "makeTypeConcrete: unifier success" $
+                   vcat [ text "ty:" <+> ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)
+                        , text "redn:" <+> ppr redn
+                        ]
+               ; return (emptyBag, mkSymCo $ reductionCoercion redn)
+                  -- NB: the unifier returns a 'Reduction' with the concrete
+                  -- type on the left, but we want a coercion with it on the
+                  -- right; so we use 'mkSymCo'.
+               }
+           PuFail _prob ->
+             do { traceTc "makeTypeConcrete: unifier failure" $
+                   vcat [ text "ty:" <+> ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)
+                        , text "problem:" <+> ppr _prob
+                        ]
+                  -- We failed to make 'ty' concrete. In order to continue
+                  -- typechecking, we proceed as follows:
+                  --
+                  --   - create a new concrete metavariable alpha[conc]
+                  --   - emit the equality @ty ~# alpha[conc]@.
+                  --
+                  -- This equality will eventually get reported as insoluble
+                  -- to the user.
+                -- The kind of a concrete metavariable must itself be concrete,
+                -- so we need to do a concreteness check on the kind first.
+                ; let ki = typeKind ty
+                ; (kind_co, kind_cts) <-
+                    if isConcreteType ki
+                    then return (mkNomReflCo ki, emptyBag)
+                    else makeTypeConcrete occ_fs conc_orig ki
+                -- Now create the new concrete metavariable.
+                ; conc_tv <- newConcreteTyVar conc_orig occ_fs (coercionRKind kind_co)
+                ; let conc_ty = mkTyVarTy conc_tv
+                      pty = mkEqPredRole Nominal ty' conc_ty
+                ; hole <- newCoercionHoleO orig pty
+                ; loc <- getCtLocM orig (Just KindLevel)
+                ; let ct = mkNonCanonical
+                         $ CtWanted { ctev_pred      = pty
+                                    , ctev_dest      = HoleDest hole
+                                    , ctev_loc       = loc
+                                    , ctev_rewriters = emptyRewriterSet }
+                ; return (kind_cts S.<> unitBag ct, HoleCo hole)
+                }
+     ; traceTc "makeTypeConcrete }" $
+        vcat [ text "ty :" <+> _ppr_ty ty
+             , text "ty':" <+> _ppr_ty ty'
+             , text "final_co:" <+> _ppr_co final_co ]
+     ; return (final_co, cts)
+     }
+  where
+    _ppr_ty ty = ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)
+    _ppr_co co = ppr co <+> dcolon <+> parens (_ppr_ty (coercionLKind co)) <+> text "~#" <+> parens (_ppr_ty (coercionRKind co))
+    orig :: CtOrigin
+    orig = case conc_orig of
+      ConcreteFRR frr_orig -> FRROrigin frr_orig

@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify where
 import GHC.Prelude
-import GHC.Core.Type         ( Mult )
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType   ( TcTauType )
-import GHC.Tc.Types          ( TcM )
-import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence ( TcCoercion )
-import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin   ( CtOrigin, TypedThing )
+import GHC.Core.Type           ( Mult )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType     ( TcTauType )
+import GHC.Tc.Types            ( TcM )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint ( Cts )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence   ( TcCoercion )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin     ( CtOrigin, TypedThing )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType     ( TcType, ConcreteTvOrigin )
+import GHC.Data.FastString ( FastString )
 -- This boot file exists only to tie the knot between
@@ -15,3 +19,6 @@ unifyType          :: Maybe TypedThing -> TcTauType -> TcTauType -> TcM TcCoerci
 unifyInvisibleType :: TcTauType -> TcTauType -> TcM TcCoercion
 tcSubMult :: CtOrigin -> Mult -> Mult -> TcM ()
+makeTypeConcrete :: FastString -> ConcreteTvOrigin
+                 -> TcType -> TcM (TcCoercion, Cts)

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 # cradle: {bios: {program: "./hadrian/hie-bios.bat"}}
 # The format is documented here - https://github.com/mpickering/hie-bios
-cradle: {bios: {program: "./hadrian/hie-bios"}}
+cradle: {bios: {program: "./hadrian/hie-bios.bat"}}

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 RepPolyInferPatBind.hs:21:1: error: [GHC-55287]
     The binder ‘x’ does not have a fixed runtime representation.
     Its type is:
@@ -8,9 +7,8 @@ RepPolyInferPatBind.hs:21:2: error: [GHC-55287]
     • The pattern binding does not have a fixed runtime representation.
       Its type is:
         T :: TYPE R
-      Cannot unify ‘R’ with the type variable ‘c0’
-      because the former is not a concrete ‘RuntimeRep’.
     • When checking that the pattern signature: T
         fits the type of its context: T
       In the pattern: x :: T
       In a pattern binding: (x :: T) = x

@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 RepPolyInferPatSyn.hs:22:16: error: [GHC-55287]
     • The pattern synonym argument pattern
       does not have a fixed runtime representation.
       Its type is:
         T :: TYPE R
-      Cannot unify ‘R’ with the type variable ‘c0’
-      because the former is not a concrete ‘RuntimeRep’.
     • When checking that the pattern signature: T
         fits the type of its context: T
       In the pattern: a :: T
       In the declaration for pattern synonym ‘P’

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 RepPolyTuple3.hs:21:9: error: [GHC-18872]
     • Couldn't match kind ‘FloatRep’ with ‘IntRep’
         arising from a representation-polymorphism check
     • In the expression: (#,#) @RR @RR x
       In an equation for ‘bar’: bar x = (#,#) @RR @RR x

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 T23153.hs:8:1: error: [GHC-52083]
     The argument ‘(h ())’ of ‘f’
     cannot be assigned a fixed runtime representation, not even by defaulting.
@@ -13,3 +12,4 @@ T23153.hs:8:1: error: [GHC-52083]
     The argument ‘(h ())’ of ‘f’
     cannot be assigned a fixed runtime representation, not even by defaulting.
     Suggested fix: Add a type signature.

@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+T23154.hs:7:1: error: [GHC-52083]
+    The first pattern in the equation for ‘f’
+    cannot be assigned a fixed runtime representation, not even by defaulting.
+    Suggested fix: Add a type signature.
 T23154.hs:7:1: error: [GHC-52083]
     The first pattern in the equation for ‘f’
@@ -8,3 +12,4 @@ T23154.hs:7:1: error: [GHC-52083]
     The first pattern in the equation for ‘f’
     cannot be assigned a fixed runtime representation, not even by defaulting.
     Suggested fix: Add a type signature.

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