[Git][ghc/ghc][master] Account for skolem escape in mightEqualLater
Marge Bot (@marge-bot)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Feb 18 13:57:37 UTC 2025
Marge Bot pushed to branch master at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
ab77fc8c by sheaf at 2025-02-18T08:55:57-05:00
Account for skolem escape in mightEqualLater
This commit:
1. Refactors checkTyEqRhs to allow it be called in pure contexts,
which means it skips doing any on-the-fly promotion.
2. Calls checkTyEqRhs in mightEqualLater to check whether it a
MetaTv can unify with a RHS or whether that would cause e.g.
skolem escape errors or concreteness errors.
Fixes #25744
- - - - -
8 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Default.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Dict.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/InertSet.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Solve.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Unify.hs
- + testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T25744.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
@@ -449,13 +449,9 @@ defaultEquality ct
-- checkTyEqRhs: check that we can in fact unify lhs_tv := rhs_ty
-- See Note [Defaulting equalities]
- ; let task :: TEFTask
- task = unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask lhs_tv (LC_Promote True)
- -- LC_Promote: promote deeper unification variables (DE4)
- -- LC_Promote True: ...including under type families (DE5)
- flags :: TyEqFlags ()
- flags = TEF { tef_task = task
- , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse }
+ ; let flags :: TyEqFlags TcM ()
+ flags = defaulting_TEFTask lhs_tv
; res :: PuResult () Reduction <- wrapTcS (checkTyEqRhs flags rhs_ty)
; case res of
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Solver.InertSet
import GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad
import GHC.Tc.Solver.Types
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( uType )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify( uType, mightEqualLater )
import GHC.Hs.Type( HsIPName(..) )
@@ -979,6 +979,25 @@ matchClassInst dflags inerts clas tys loc
pred = mkClassPred clas tys
+-- | Returns True iff there are no Given constraints that might,
+-- potentially, match the given class constraint. This is used when checking to see if a
+-- Given might overlap with an instance. See Note [Instance and Given overlap]
+-- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Dict
+noMatchableGivenDicts :: InertSet -> CtLoc -> Class -> [TcType] -> Bool
+noMatchableGivenDicts inerts@(IS { inert_cans = inert_cans }) loc_w clas tys
+ = not $ anyBag matchable_given $
+ findDictsByClass (inert_dicts inert_cans) clas
+ where
+ pred_w = mkClassPred clas tys
+ matchable_given :: DictCt -> Bool
+ matchable_given (DictCt { di_ev = ev })
+ | CtGiven { ctev_loc = loc_g, ctev_pred = pred_g } <- ev
+ = isJust $ mightEqualLater inerts pred_g loc_g pred_w loc_w
+ | otherwise
+ = False
{- Note [Implementation of deprecated instances]
This note describes the implementation of the deprecated instances GHC proposal
@@ -17,9 +17,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.InertSet (
- noMatchableGivenDicts,
noGivenNewtypeReprEqs, updGivenEqs,
- mightEqualLater,
-- * Inert equalities
@@ -66,22 +64,16 @@ import GHC.Types.Basic( SwapFlag(..) )
import GHC.Core.Reduction
import GHC.Core.Predicate
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
import qualified GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep as Rep
-import GHC.Core.Class( Class )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.Class( classTyCon )
-import GHC.Core.Unify
import GHC.Builtin.Names( eqPrimTyConKey, heqTyConKey, eqTyConKey )
import GHC.Utils.Misc ( partitionWith )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
-import GHC.Data.Pair
-import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Data.Bag
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..), (<|) )
-import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Function ( on )
import Control.Monad ( forM_ )
@@ -1848,98 +1840,6 @@ noGivenNewtypeReprEqs tc inerts
-> True
_ -> False
--- | Returns True iff there are no Given constraints that might,
--- potentially, match the given class constraint. This is used when checking to see if a
--- Given might overlap with an instance. See Note [Instance and Given overlap]
--- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Dict
-noMatchableGivenDicts :: InertSet -> CtLoc -> Class -> [TcType] -> Bool
-noMatchableGivenDicts inerts@(IS { inert_cans = inert_cans }) loc_w clas tys
- = not $ anyBag matchable_given $
- findDictsByClass (inert_dicts inert_cans) clas
- where
- pred_w = mkClassPred clas tys
- matchable_given :: DictCt -> Bool
- matchable_given (DictCt { di_ev = ev })
- | CtGiven { ctev_loc = loc_g, ctev_pred = pred_g } <- ev
- = isJust $ mightEqualLater inerts pred_g loc_g pred_w loc_w
- | otherwise
- = False
-mightEqualLater :: InertSet -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> Maybe Subst
--- See Note [What might equal later?]
--- Used to implement logic in Note [Instance and Given overlap] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Dict
-mightEqualLater inert_set given_pred given_loc wanted_pred wanted_loc
- | prohibitedSuperClassSolve given_loc wanted_loc
- = Nothing
- | otherwise
- = case tcUnifyTysFG bind_fun [flattened_given] [flattened_wanted] of
- Unifiable subst
- -> Just subst
- MaybeApart reason subst
- | MARInfinite <- reason -- see Example 7 in the Note.
- -> Nothing
- | otherwise
- -> Just subst
- SurelyApart -> Nothing
- where
- in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfTypes [given_pred, wanted_pred]
- -- NB: flatten both at the same time, so that we can share mappings
- -- from type family applications to variables, and also to guarantee
- -- that the fresh variables are really fresh between the given and
- -- the wanted. Flattening both at the same time is needed to get
- -- Example 10 from the Note.
- (Pair flattened_given flattened_wanted, var_mapping)
- = flattenTysX in_scope (Pair given_pred wanted_pred)
- bind_fun :: BindFun
- bind_fun tv rhs_ty
- | isMetaTyVar tv
- , can_unify tv (metaTyVarInfo tv) rhs_ty
- -- this checks for CycleBreakerTvs and TyVarTvs; forgetting
- -- the latter was #19106.
- = BindMe
- -- See Examples 4, 5, and 6 from the Note
- | Just (_fam_tc, fam_args) <- lookupVarEnv var_mapping tv
- , anyFreeVarsOfTypes mentions_meta_ty_var fam_args
- = BindMe
- | otherwise
- = Apart
- -- True for TauTv and TyVarTv (and RuntimeUnkTv) meta-tyvars
- -- (as they can be unified)
- -- and also for CycleBreakerTvs that mentions meta-tyvars
- mentions_meta_ty_var :: TyVar -> Bool
- mentions_meta_ty_var tv
- | isMetaTyVar tv
- = case metaTyVarInfo tv of
- -- See Examples 8 and 9 in the Note
- CycleBreakerTv
- -> anyFreeVarsOfType mentions_meta_ty_var
- (lookupCycleBreakerVar tv inert_set)
- _ -> True
- | otherwise
- = False
- -- Like checkTopShape, but allows cbv variables to unify
- can_unify :: TcTyVar -> MetaInfo -> Type -> Bool
- can_unify _lhs_tv TyVarTv rhs_ty -- see Example 3 from the Note
- | Just rhs_tv <- getTyVar_maybe rhs_ty
- = case tcTyVarDetails rhs_tv of
- MetaTv { mtv_info = TyVarTv } -> True
- MetaTv {} -> False -- Could unify with anything
- SkolemTv {} -> True
- RuntimeUnk -> True
- | otherwise -- not a var on the RHS
- = False
- can_unify lhs_tv _other _rhs_ty = mentions_meta_ty_var lhs_tv
-- | Is it (potentially) loopy to use the first @ct1@ to solve @ct2@?
-- Necessary (but not sufficient) conditions for this function to return @True@:
@@ -2096,20 +1996,6 @@ Test case: typecheck/should_compile/T21208.
* *
********************************************************************* -}
--- | Return the type family application a CycleBreakerTv maps to.
-lookupCycleBreakerVar :: TcTyVar -- ^ cbv, must be a CycleBreakerTv
- -> InertSet
- -> TcType -- ^ type family application the cbv maps to
-lookupCycleBreakerVar cbv (IS { inert_cycle_breakers = cbvs_stack })
--- This function looks at every environment in the stack. This is necessary
--- to avoid #20231. This function (and its one usage site) is the only reason
--- that we store a stack instead of just the top environment.
- | Just tyfam_app <- assert (isCycleBreakerTyVar cbv) $
- firstJusts (NE.map (lookupBag cbv) cbvs_stack)
- = tyfam_app
- | otherwise
- = pprPanic "lookupCycleBreakerVar found an unbound cycle breaker" (ppr cbv $$ ppr cbvs_stack)
-- | Push a fresh environment onto the cycle-breaker var stack. Useful
-- when entering a nested implication.
pushCycleBreakerVarStack :: CycleBreakerVarStack -> CycleBreakerVarStack
@@ -2118,10 +2118,7 @@ checkTouchableTyVarEq ev lhs_tv rhs
; return (pure redn) } }
- (lhs_tv_info, lhs_tv_lvl) = case tcTyVarDetails lhs_tv of
- MetaTv { mtv_info = info, mtv_tclvl = lvl } -> (info,lvl)
- _ -> pprPanic "checkTouchableTyVarEq" (ppr lhs_tv)
- -- lhs_tv should be a meta-tyvar
+ lhs_tv_info = metaTyVarInfo lhs_tv -- lhs_tv should be a meta-tyvar
is_concrete_lhs_tv = isJust $ concreteInfo_maybe lhs_tv_info
@@ -2130,49 +2127,12 @@ checkTouchableTyVarEq ev lhs_tv rhs
-- We don't want to flatten that (F tys)!
| Just (TyFamLHS tc tys) <- canTyFamEqLHS_maybe rhs
= if is_concrete_lhs_tv
- then failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
- else recurseIntoTyConApp arg_flags tc tys
+ then return $ PuFail (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+ else recurseIntoFamTyConApp flags tc tys
| otherwise
= checkTyEqRhs flags rhs
- flags = TEF { tef_task = unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask lhs_tv (LC_Promote False)
- , tef_fam_app = mkTEFA_Break ev NomEq break_wanted
- }
- arg_flags = famAppArgFlags flags
- break_wanted :: FamAppBreaker Ct
- break_wanted fam_app
- -- Occurs check or skolem escape; so flatten
- = do { let fam_app_kind = typeKind fam_app
- ; reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars cteInsolubleOccurs
- (tyVarName lhs_tv) lhs_tv_lvl
- (tyCoVarsOfType fam_app_kind)
- ; if not (cterHasNoProblem reason) -- Failed to promote free vars
- then failCheckWith reason
- else
- do { new_tv_ty <-
- case lhs_tv_info of
- ConcreteTv conc_info ->
- -- Make a concrete tyvar if lhs_tv is concrete
- -- e.g. alpha[2,conc] ~ Maybe (F beta[4])
- -- We want to flatten to
- -- alpha[2,conc] ~ Maybe gamma[2,conc]
- -- gamma[2,conc] ~ F beta[4]
- TcM.newConcreteTyVarTyAtLevel conc_info lhs_tv_lvl fam_app_kind
- _ -> TcM.newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel lhs_tv_lvl fam_app_kind
- ; let pty = mkNomEqPred fam_app new_tv_ty
- ; hole <- TcM.newVanillaCoercionHole pty
- ; let new_ev = CtWanted { ctev_pred = pty
- , ctev_dest = HoleDest hole
- , ctev_loc = cb_loc
- , ctev_rewriters = ctEvRewriters ev }
- ; return (PuOK (singleCt (mkNonCanonical new_ev))
- (mkReduction (HoleCo hole) new_tv_ty)) } }
- -- See Detail (7) of the Note
- cb_loc = updateCtLocOrigin (ctEvLoc ev) CycleBreakerOrigin
+ flags = unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask ev lhs_tv
checkTypeEq :: CtEvidence -> EqRel -> CanEqLHS -> TcType
@@ -2203,36 +2163,23 @@ checkTypeEq ev eq_rel lhs rhs
check_given_rhs rhs
-- See Note [Special case for top-level of Given equality]
| Just (TyFamLHS tc tys) <- canTyFamEqLHS_maybe rhs
- = recurseIntoTyConApp arg_flags tc tys
+ = recurseIntoFamTyConApp given_flags tc tys
| otherwise
= checkTyEqRhs given_flags rhs
- arg_flags = famAppArgFlags given_flags
+ wanted_flags = notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob lhs
+ -- checkTypeEq deals only with the non-unifying case
- given_flags :: TyEqFlags (TcTyVar,TcType)
- given_flags = TEF { tef_task = notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob lhs
- , tef_fam_app = mkTEFA_Break ev eq_rel break_given
- }
+ given_flags :: TyEqFlags TcM (TcTyVar, TcType)
+ given_flags = wanted_flags { tef_fam_app = mkTEFA_Break ev eq_rel BreakGiven }
-- TEFA_Break used for: [G] a ~ Maybe (F a)
-- or [W] F a ~ Maybe (F a)
- wanted_flags = TEF { tef_task = notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob lhs
- , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
- }
- -- TEFA_Recurse: see Note [Don't cycle-break Wanteds when not unifying]
-- occ_prob: see Note [Occurs check and representational equality]
occ_prob = case eq_rel of
NomEq -> cteInsolubleOccurs
ReprEq -> cteSolubleOccurs
- break_given :: TcType -> TcM (PuResult (TcTyVar,TcType) Reduction)
- break_given fam_app
- = do { new_tv <- TcM.newCycleBreakerTyVar (typeKind fam_app)
- ; return (PuOK (unitBag (new_tv, fam_app))
- (mkReflRedn Nominal (mkTyVarTy new_tv))) }
- -- Why reflexive? See Detail (4) of the Note
mk_new_given :: (TcTyVar, TcType) -> TcS Ct
mk_new_given (new_tv, fam_app)
@@ -2245,20 +2192,6 @@ checkTypeEq ev eq_rel lhs rhs
-- See Detail (7) of the Note
cb_loc = updateCtLocOrigin (ctEvLoc ev) CycleBreakerOrigin
-mkTEFA_Break :: CtEvidence -> EqRel -> FamAppBreaker a -> TyEqFamApp a
-mkTEFA_Break ev eq_rel breaker
- | NomEq <- eq_rel
- , not cycle_breaker_origin
- = TEFA_Break breaker
- | otherwise
- = TEFA_Recurse
- where
- -- cycle_breaker_origin: see Detail (7) of Note [Type equality cycles]
- -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality
- cycle_breaker_origin = case ctLocOrigin (ctEvLoc ev) of
- CycleBreakerOrigin {} -> True
- _ -> False
-- | Fill in CycleBreakerTvs with the variables they stand for.
-- See Note [Type equality cycles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality
@@ -924,20 +924,19 @@ solveSimpleWanteds simples
go n limit wc
| n `intGtLimit` limit
= failTcS $ TcRnSimplifierTooManyIterations simples limit wc
- | isEmptyBag (wc_simple wc)
- = return (n,wc)
- | otherwise
- = do { -- Solve
- wc1 <- solve_simple_wanteds wc
+ | isEmptyBag (wc_simple wc)
+ = return (n,wc)
+ | otherwise
+ = do { -- Solve
+ wc1 <- solve_simple_wanteds wc
- -- Run plugins
- ; (rerun_plugin, wc2) <- runTcPluginsWanted wc1
+ -- Run plugins
+ ; (rerun_plugin, wc2) <- runTcPluginsWanted wc1
- ; if rerun_plugin
- then do { traceTcS "solveSimple going round again:" (ppr rerun_plugin)
- ; go (n+1) limit wc2 } -- Loop
- else return (n, wc2) } -- Done
+ ; if rerun_plugin
+ then do { traceTcS "solveSimple going round again:" (ppr rerun_plugin)
+ ; go (n+1) limit wc2 } -- Loop
+ else return (n, wc2) } -- Done
solve_simple_wanteds :: WantedConstraints -> TcS WantedConstraints
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
@@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
swapOverTyVars, touchabilityAndShapeTest, checkTopShape, lhsPriority,
UnifyEnv(..), updUEnvLoc, setUEnvRole,
+ mightEqualLater,
@@ -45,12 +45,15 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Unify (
matchActualFunTy, matchActualFunTys,
- checkTyEqRhs, recurseIntoTyConApp,
- PuResult(..), failCheckWith, okCheckRefl, mapCheck,
- TyEqFlags(..), TEFTask(..),
- notUnifying_TEFTask, unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask,
- LevelCheck(..), TyEqFamApp(..), FamAppBreaker,
- famAppArgFlags, checkPromoteFreeVars,
+ checkTyEqRhs, recurseIntoTyConApp, recurseIntoFamTyConApp,
+ PuResult(..), okCheckRefl, mapCheck,
+ TyEqFlags(..),
+ notUnifying_TEFTask, unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask, defaulting_TEFTask,
+ pureTyEqFlags_LHSMetaTyVar, mkTEFA_Break,
+ OccursCheck(..), LevelCheck(..), ConcreteCheck(..),
+ TyEqFamApp(..), FamAppBreaker(..),
+ checkPromoteFreeVars,
simpleUnifyCheck, UnifyCheckCaller(..),
@@ -71,17 +74,21 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Tc.Types.Evidence
import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
-import GHC.Tc.Types.CtLoc( CtLoc, mkKindEqLoc, adjustCtLoc )
+import GHC.Tc.Types.CtLoc( CtLoc, mkKindEqLoc, adjustCtLoc, updateCtLocOrigin, ctLocOrigin )
import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
import GHC.Tc.Zonk.TcType
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType qualified as TcM
+import GHC.Tc.Solver.InertSet
import GHC.Core.Type
-import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep hiding (Refl)
import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs( isInjectiveInType )
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr( debugPprType {- pprTyVar -} )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.Coercion
-import GHC.Core.Predicate( mkEqPredRole )
+import GHC.Core.Unify
+import GHC.Core.Predicate( EqRel(..), mkEqPredRole, mkNomEqPred )
import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import GHC.Core.Reduction
@@ -96,17 +103,20 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Types.Unique.Set (nonDetEltsUniqSet)
-import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Outputable as Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Driver.DynFlags
import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Data.Maybe (firstJusts)
+import GHC.Data.Pair
import Control.Monad
-import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, isJust)
+import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Monoid as DM ( Any(..) )
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S ( (<>) )
import Data.Traversable (for)
@@ -3084,41 +3094,24 @@ instance (Outputable a, Outputable b) => Outputable (PuResult a b) where
(vcat [ text "redn:" <+> ppr x
, text "cts:" <+> ppr cts ])
-pprPur :: PuResult a b -> SDoc
--- For debugging
-pprPur (PuFail prob) = text "PuFail:" <> ppr prob
-pprPur (PuOK {}) = text "PuOK"
+okCheckRefl :: TcType -> PuResult a Reduction
+okCheckRefl ty = PuOK emptyBag (mkReflRedn Nominal ty)
-okCheckRefl :: TcType -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
-okCheckRefl ty = return (PuOK emptyBag (mkReflRedn Nominal ty))
-failCheckWith :: CheckTyEqResult -> TcM (PuResult a b)
-failCheckWith p = return (PuFail p)
-mapCheck :: (x -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction))
+mapCheck :: Monad m
+ => (x -> m (PuResult a Reduction))
-> [x]
- -> TcM (PuResult a Reductions)
+ -> m (PuResult a Reductions)
mapCheck f xs
= do { (ress :: [PuResult a Reduction]) <- mapM f xs
; return (unzipRedns <$> sequenceA ress) }
-- sequenceA :: [PuResult a Reduction] -> PuResult a [Reduction]
-- unzipRedns :: [Reduction] -> Reductions
+{-# INLINEABLE mapCheck #-}
-- | Options describing how to deal with a type equality
-- in the pure unifier. See 'checkTyEqRhs'
-data TyEqFlags a
- = TEF { tef_task :: TEFTask
- -- ^ LHS structure, and which checks to perform on the RHS
- , tef_fam_app :: TyEqFamApp a
- -- ^ How to deal with type family applications
- }
--- | The structure of the LHS and which checks to perform in 'checkTyEqRhs',
--- for an equality @lhs ~# rhs at .
--- See Note [TEFTask].
-data TEFTask
+data TyEqFlags m a
-- | LHS is a type family application; we are not unifying.
= TEFTyFam
{ tefTyFam_occursCheck :: CheckTyEqProblem
@@ -3126,186 +3119,385 @@ data TEFTask
-- (soluble or insoluble)
, tefTyFam_tyCon :: TyCon
, tefTyFam_args :: [Type]
+ , tef_fam_app :: TyEqFamApp m a
+ -- ^ How to deal with type family applications
-- | LHS is a 'TyVar'.
| TEFTyVar
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck :: Maybe (Name, CheckTyEqProblem)
- -- ^ Occurs check: LHS 'TyVar' 'Name',
- -- and which 'CheckTyEqProblem' to report for occurs-check failures
- -- (soluble or insoluble)
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck :: Maybe (TcLevel, LevelCheck)
- -- ^ Level check: LHS 'TyVar' 'TcLevel',
- -- and which 'LevelCheck' to perform
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck :: Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
- -- ^ Concreteness check: LHS 'TyVar' 'ConcreteTvOrigin'
- -- to use for the check
+ -- NB: this constructor does not actually store a 'TyVar', in order to
+ -- support being called from 'makeTypeConcrete' (which works as if we
+ -- created a fresh 'ConcreteTv' metavariable; see (3) in Note [TyEqFlags])
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck :: OccursCheck
+ -- ^ Occurs check
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck :: LevelCheck m
+ -- ^ Level check
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck :: ConcreteCheck m
+ -- ^ Concreteness check
+ , tef_fam_app :: TyEqFamApp m a
+ -- ^ How to deal with type family applications
-{- Note [TEFTask]
-When we call the pure unifier, e.g. through 'checkTyEqRhs', we can decide what
+-- | What to do when encountering a type-family application while processing
+-- a type equality in the pure unifier.
+-- See Note [Family applications in canonical constraints]
+data TyEqFamApp m a where
+ -- | Always fail
+ TEFA_Fail :: TyEqFamApp m a
+ -- | Just recurse
+ TEFA_Recurse :: TyEqFamApp m a
+ -- | Recurse, but replace with cycle breaker if fails,
+ -- using the specified 'FamAppBreaker'
+ TEFA_Break :: FamAppBreaker a -> TyEqFamApp TcM a
+-- | A defunctionalisation of family application breaker functions.
+-- Interpreter: `famAppBreaker`
+data FamAppBreaker a where
+ BreakGiven :: FamAppBreaker (TcTyVar, TcType)
+ BreakWanted :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> FamAppBreaker Ct
+data OccursCheck where
+ -- | No occurs check.
+ OC_None :: OccursCheck
+ -- | Do an occurs check between the LHS tyvar and the RHS.
+ OC_Check ::
+ { occurs_tv_name :: Name
+ -- ^ The 'Name' to perform an occurs-check on
+ , occurs_problem :: CheckTyEqProblem
+ -- ^ Which 'CheckTyEqProblem' to report for occurs-check failures
+ -- (soluble or insoluble)
+ } -> OccursCheck
+-- | What level check to perform, in a call to the pure unifier?
+-- A defunctionalisation of the possible level-check functions
+-- Interpreter: `tyVarLevelCheck`
+data LevelCheck m where
+ -- | No level check.
+ LC_None :: LevelCheck m
+ -- | Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar.
+ --
+ -- Fail if the level check fails.
+ --
+ -- True <=> lenient check, e.g. the levels have a chance of working out
+ -- after promotion.
+ LC_Check ::
+ { lc_lvlc :: TcLevel
+ , lc_lenient :: Bool
+ } -> LevelCheck m
+ -- | Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar.
+ --
+ -- If the level check fails, and the occurrence is a unification
+ -- variable, promote it.
+ --
+ -- - False <=> don't promote under type families (the common case)
+ -- - True <=> promote even under type families
+ -- (see Note [Defaulting equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver)
+ LC_Promote
+ :: { lc_lvlp :: TcLevel
+ , lc_deep :: Bool
+ } -> LevelCheck TcM
+data ConcreteCheck m where
+ -- | No concreteness check.
+ CC_None :: ConcreteCheck m
+ -- | Simple check for concreteness, leniently returning 'OK'
+ -- if concreteness could be achieved after promotion.
+ CC_Check :: ConcreteCheck m
+ -- | Proper concreteness check: promote non-concrete metavariables,
+ -- failing if there are any problems.
+ CC_Promote :: ConcreteTvOrigin -> ConcreteCheck TcM
+{- Note [TyEqFlags]
+When we call the eager unifier, e.g. through 'checkTyEqRhs', we specify what
kind of checks the unifier performs via the 'TyEqFlags' argument. In particular,
when the LHS type in a unification is a type variable, we might want to perform
-different checks; this is achieved using the 'TEFTyVar' constructor to 'TEFTask':
+different checks; this is achieved using the 'TEFTyVar' constructor to 'TyEqFlags':
- 1. LHS is a skolem tyvar, or an untouchable meta-tyvar.
+ 1. `notUnifying_TEFTask`
+ LHS is a skolem tyvar, or an untouchable meta-tyvar.
We are not unifying; we only want to perform occurs-checks.
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck = Just ...
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = Nothing
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Nothing
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check ...
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_None
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_None
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
- 2. LHS is a touchable meta-tyvar.
+ 2a. `unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask`
We are unifying; we want to perform an occurs check, a level check,
and a concreteness check (when the meta-tyvar is a ConcreteTv).
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck = Just ...
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = Just ...
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = isConcreteTyVar_maybe lhs_tv
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check ...
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_Promote ...
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_Promote or CC_None
+ -- depending on whether or not the lhs tv is concrete
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ }
+ 2b. `defaulting_TEFTask`
+ We are in the top-level defaulting code, considering unifying a
+ touchable meta-tyvar with a type.
+ TEFTyVar
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_None
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_None
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_Promote or CC_None
+ -- depending on whether or not the lhs tv is concrete
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
- 3. LHS is a fresh ConcreteTv meta-tyvar (see call to 'checkTyEqRhs' in
- 'makeTypeConcrete'). We are unifying; we only want to perform
+ 3. `makeTypeConcrete`
+ LHS is a fresh ConcreteTv meta-tyvar (see call to 'checkTyEqRhs' in
+ `makeTypeConcrete`). We are unifying; we only want to perform
a concreteness check.
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck = Nothing
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = Nothing
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Just ...
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_None
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_None
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_Promote conc_orig
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ }
+ 4. `pureTyEqFlags_LHSMetaTyVar`
+ We want to perform a non-monadic check, i.e. we want to know whether we are able
+ to unify 'lhs_tv' with 'rhs_ty', but don't want to actually perform
+ a side-effecting unification. This is used in 'mightEqualLater'.
+ TEFTyVar
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check ...
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_Check ...
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_Check or CC_None
+ -- depending on whether or not the lhs tv is concrete
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ Here 'LC_Check True' and 'ConcreteSimpleCheck' make 'checkTyEqRhs' perform
+ conservative pure checks, without actually carrying out any promotion.
--- | Create a "not unifying" 'TEFTask' from a 'CanEqLHS'.
+-- | Create a "not unifying" 'TyEqFlags' from a 'CanEqLHS'.
--- See use-case (1) in Note [TEFTask].
-notUnifying_TEFTask :: CheckTyEqProblem -> CanEqLHS -> TEFTask
+-- See use-case (1) in Note [TyEqFlags].
+notUnifying_TEFTask :: CheckTyEqProblem -> CanEqLHS -> TyEqFlags m a
notUnifying_TEFTask occ_prob = \case
TyFamLHS tc tys ->
- TEFTyFam occ_prob tc tys
+ TEFTyFam
+ { tefTyFam_tyCon = tc
+ , tefTyFam_args = tys
+ , tefTyFam_occursCheck = occ_prob
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ }
TyVarLHS tv ->
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck = Just (tyVarName tv, occ_prob)
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = Nothing
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Nothing
- }
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check (tyVarName tv) occ_prob
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_None
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_None
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ }
-- We need an occurs-check here, but no level check.
-- See Note [Promotion and level-checking] wrinkle (W1)
+ -- TEFA_Recurse: see Note [Don't cycle-break Wanteds when not unifying]
--- | Create "unifying" 'TEFTask' from a 'TyVarLHS'.
+-- | Create "unifying" 'TyEqFlags' from a 'TyVarLHS'.
--- Invariant: the argument 'TyVar' is a 'MetaTv'.
-unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask :: TyVar -> LevelCheck -> TEFTask
-unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask lhs_tv lc =
+-- Invariant: the argument 'TcTyVar' is a 'MetaTv'.
+unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TyEqFlags TcM Ct
+unifyingLHSMetaTyVar_TEFTask ev lhs_tv =
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck = Just (tyVarName lhs_tv, cteInsolubleOccurs)
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = Just (tcTyVarLevel lhs_tv, lc)
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = isConcreteTyVar_maybe lhs_tv
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check (tyVarName lhs_tv) cteInsolubleOccurs
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_Promote { lc_lvlp = tcTyVarLevel lhs_tv
+ , lc_deep = False }
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = mkConcreteCheck lhs_tv
+ , tef_fam_app = mkTEFA_Break ev NomEq (BreakWanted ev lhs_tv)
+defaulting_TEFTask :: TcTyVar -> TyEqFlags TcM a
+-- Used during top-level defauting in GHC.Tc.Solver.Default.defaultEquality
+-- Invariant: the argument 'TcTyVar' is a 'MetaTv'.
+defaulting_TEFTask lhs_tv =
+ TEFTyVar
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check (tyVarName lhs_tv) cteInsolubleOccurs
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_Promote { lc_lvlp = tcTyVarLevel lhs_tv
+ , lc_deep = True }
+ -- LC_Promote: promote deeper unification variables (DE4)
+ -- lc_deep = True: ...including under type families (DE5)
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = mkConcreteCheck lhs_tv
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ }
+mkConcreteCheck :: TcTyVar -> ConcreteCheck TcM
+mkConcreteCheck lhs_tv = case isConcreteTyVar_maybe lhs_tv of
+ Nothing -> CC_None
+ Just conc_orig -> CC_Promote conc_orig
+-- | 'TyEqFlags' for a pure call of 'checkTyEqRhs'.
+-- A call to 'checkTyEqRhs' with these 'TyEqFlags' will perform an optimistic
+-- check: it will return 'PuFail' if there is definitely a problem, but it
+-- might return 'PuOK' if it isn't entirely sure.
+pureTyEqFlags_LHSMetaTyVar :: TyVar -> TyEqFlags Identity ()
+pureTyEqFlags_LHSMetaTyVar lhs_tv =
+ TEFTyVar
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_Check (tyVarName lhs_tv) cteInsolubleOccurs
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_Check { lc_lvlc = tcTyVarLevel lhs_tv
+ , lc_lenient = True }
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = case isConcreteTyVar_maybe lhs_tv of
+ Nothing -> CC_None
+ Just {} -> CC_Check -- No promotion
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse }
+mkTEFA_Break :: CtEvidence -> EqRel -> FamAppBreaker a -> TyEqFamApp TcM a
+mkTEFA_Break ev eq_rel breaker
+ | NomEq <- eq_rel
+ , not cycle_breaker_origin
+ = TEFA_Break breaker
+ | otherwise
+ = TEFA_Recurse
+ where
+ -- cycle_breaker_origin: see Detail (7) of Note [Type equality cycles]
+ -- in GHC.Tc.Solver.Equality
+ cycle_breaker_origin = case ctLocOrigin (ctEvLoc ev) of
+ CycleBreakerOrigin {} -> True
+ _ -> False
-- | Do we want to perform a concreteness check in 'checkTyEqRhs'?
-tefTaskConcrete_maybe :: TEFTask -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
-tefTaskConcrete_maybe (TEFTyFam {}) = Nothing
-tefTaskConcrete_maybe (TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_concreteCheck = conc }) = conc
+tefConcrete :: TyEqFlags m a -> Bool
+tefConcrete (TEFTyFam {}) = False
+tefConcrete (TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_concreteCheck = conc }) =
+ case conc of
+ CC_None -> False
+ CC_Check -> True
+ CC_Promote {} -> True
+-- | Given a family-application ty, return a @'Reduction' :: ty ~ cvb@
+-- where @cbv@ is a fresh loop-breaker tyvar (for Given), or
+-- just a fresh 'TauTv' (for Wanted)
+famAppBreaker :: FamAppBreaker a -> TcType -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+famAppBreaker BreakGiven fam_app
+ = do { new_tv <- TcM.newCycleBreakerTyVar (typeKind fam_app)
+ ; return (PuOK (unitBag (new_tv, fam_app))
+ (mkReflRedn Nominal (mkTyVarTy new_tv))) }
+ -- Why reflexive? See Detail (4) of the Note
+famAppBreaker (BreakWanted ev lhs_tv) fam_app
+ -- Occurs check or skolem escape; so flatten
+ = do { reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars cteInsolubleOccurs
+ (tyVarName lhs_tv) lhs_tv_lvl
+ (tyCoVarsOfType fam_app_kind)
+ ; if not (cterHasNoProblem reason) -- Failed to promote free vars
+ then return $ PuFail reason
+ else
+ do { new_tv_ty <-
+ case lhs_tv_info of
+ ConcreteTv conc_info ->
+ -- Make a concrete tyvar if lhs_tv is concrete
+ -- e.g. alpha[2,conc] ~ Maybe (F beta[4])
+ -- We want to flatten to
+ -- alpha[2,conc] ~ Maybe gamma[2,conc]
+ -- gamma[2,conc] ~ F beta[4]
+ TcM.newConcreteTyVarTyAtLevel conc_info lhs_tv_lvl fam_app_kind
+ _ -> TcM.newMetaTyVarTyAtLevel lhs_tv_lvl fam_app_kind
+ ; let pty = mkNomEqPred fam_app new_tv_ty
+ ; hole <- TcM.newVanillaCoercionHole pty
+ ; let new_ev = CtWanted { ctev_pred = pty
+ , ctev_dest = HoleDest hole
+ , ctev_loc = cb_loc
+ , ctev_rewriters = ctEvRewriters ev }
+ ; return (PuOK (singleCt (mkNonCanonical new_ev))
+ (mkReduction (HoleCo hole) new_tv_ty)) } }
+ where
+ (lhs_tv_info, lhs_tv_lvl) =
+ case tcTyVarDetails lhs_tv of
+ MetaTv { mtv_info = info, mtv_tclvl = lvl } -> (info,lvl)
+ -- lhs_tv should be a meta-tyvar
+ _ -> pprPanic "checkTouchableTyVarEq" (ppr lhs_tv)
+ fam_app_kind = typeKind fam_app
+ -- See Detail (7) of the Note
+ cb_loc = updateCtLocOrigin (ctEvLoc ev) CycleBreakerOrigin
-instance Outputable TEFTask where
+instance Outputable (TyEqFlags m a) where
ppr = \case
- TEFTyFam occ tc tys ->
- text "TEFTyFam" <+> ppr occ <+> ppr (mkTyConApp tc tys)
- TEFTyVar mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc ->
- text "TEFTyVar" <+> hcat (punctuate comma fields)
+ TEFTyFam occ tc tys fam_app ->
+ text "TEFTyFam" <> braces (
+ hcat [ ppr occ
+ , ppr (mkTyConApp tc tys)
+ , ppr fam_app ] )
+ TEFTyVar occ lc conc fam_app ->
+ text "TEFTyVar" <> braces (hcat (punctuate comma fields))
- fields = [ text "OccursCheck:" <+> ppr tv | (tv, _) <- maybeToList mb_occ ]
+ fields = [ text "OccursCheck:" <+> ppr occ ]
- [ text "LevelCheck:" <+> ppr lc | lc <- maybeToList mb_lc ]
+ [ text "LevelCheck:" <+> ppr lc ]
- [ text "ConcreteCheck" | isJust mb_conc ]
--- | What to do when encountering a type-family application while processing
--- a type equality in the pure unifier.
--- See Note [Family applications in canonical constraints]
-data TyEqFamApp a
- = TEFA_Fail -- ^ Always fail
- | TEFA_Recurse -- ^ Just recurse
- | TEFA_Break (FamAppBreaker a) -- ^ Recurse, but replace with cycle breaker if fails,
- -- using the FamAppBreaker
--- | What level check to perform, in a call to the pure unifier?
-data LevelCheck
- = LC_Check -- ^ Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar.
- --
- -- Fail if the level check fails.
- | LC_Promote Bool
- -- ^ Do a level check between the LHS tyvar and the occurrence tyvar.
- --
- -- If the level check fails, and the occurrence is a unification
- -- variable, promote it.
- --
- -- - False <=> don't promote under type families (the common case)
- -- - True <=> promote even under type families
- -- (see Note [Defaulting equalities] in GHC.Tc.Solver)
-instance Outputable (TyEqFlags a) where
- ppr (TEF { .. }) = text "TEF" <> braces (
- vcat [ text "tef_task =" <+> ppr tef_task
- , text "tef_fam_app =" <+> ppr tef_fam_app ])
-instance Outputable (TyEqFamApp a) where
- ppr TEFA_Fail = text "TEFA_Fail"
- ppr TEFA_Recurse = text "TEFA_Recurse"
- ppr (TEFA_Break {}) = text "TEFA_Break"
-instance Outputable LevelCheck where
- ppr LC_Check = text "LC_Check"
- ppr (LC_Promote b) = text "LC_Promote" <> ppWhen b (text "(deep)")
--- | Adjust the 'TyEqFlags' when going undter a type family:
+ [ text "ConcreteCheck:" <+> ppr conc ]
+ ++
+ [ text "FamApp:" <+> ppr fam_app ]
+instance Outputable (TyEqFamApp m a) where
+ ppr TEFA_Fail = text "TEFA_Fail"
+ ppr TEFA_Recurse = text "TEFA_Recurse"
+ ppr (TEFA_Break breaker) = text "TEFA_BreakGiven" <+> ppr breaker
+instance Outputable (FamAppBreaker a) where
+ ppr BreakGiven = text "BreakGiven"
+ ppr (BreakWanted ev tv) = parens $ text "BreakWanted" <+> ppr ev <+> ppr tv
+instance Outputable OccursCheck where
+ ppr OC_None = text "OC_None"
+ ppr (OC_Check { occurs_tv_name = nm }) = text "OC_Check" <+> ppr nm
+instance Outputable (ConcreteCheck m) where
+ ppr CC_None = text "CC_None"
+ ppr CC_Check = text "CC_Check"
+ ppr (CC_Promote {}) = text "CC_Promote"
+instance Outputable (LevelCheck m) where
+ ppr (LC_None) = text "LC_None"
+ ppr (LC_Check lvl lenient) = text "LC_Check" <+> ppr lvl <+> ppWhen lenient (text "(lenient)")
+ ppr (LC_Promote lvl deep) = text "LC_Promote" <+> ppr lvl <+> ppWhen deep (text "(deep)")
+-- | Adjust the 'TyEqFlags' when going under a type family:
-- 1. Only the outer family application gets the loop-breaker treatment
-- 2. Weaken level checks for tyvar promotion. For example, in @[W] alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[3])@,
-- do not promote @beta[3]@, instead promote @(F beta[3])@.
-- 3. Occurs checks become potentially soluble (after additional type family
-- reductions).
-famAppArgFlags :: TyEqFlags a -> TyEqFlags a
-famAppArgFlags flags@(TEF { tef_task = task })
- = flags { tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse -- (1)
- , tef_task = fam_app_task task
- }
+famAppArgFlags :: TyEqFlags m a -> TyEqFlags m a
+famAppArgFlags flags = case flags of
+ TEFTyFam {} ->
+ flags
+ { tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse -- (1)
+ , tefTyFam_occursCheck = cteSolubleOccurs -- (3)
+ }
+ TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_occursCheck = occ, tefTyVar_levelCheck = mb_lc } ->
+ flags
+ { tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse -- (1)
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = zap_lc mb_lc -- (2)
+ , tefTyVar_occursCheck = soluble_occ occ -- (3)
+ }
- fam_app_task :: TEFTask -> TEFTask
- fam_app_task task = case task of
- TEFTyFam {} ->
- task
- { tefTyFam_occursCheck = cteSolubleOccurs -- (3)
- }
- TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_occursCheck = mb_occ, tefTyVar_levelCheck = mb_lc } ->
- task
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck =
- fmap (\ (tv, _old_occ_prob) -> (tv, cteSolubleOccurs)) mb_occ -- (3)
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck =
- fmap (\ (lvl, lc) -> (lvl, zap_lc lc)) mb_lc -- (2)
- }
+ soluble_occ = \case
+ OC_Check tv _ -> OC_Check tv cteSolubleOccurs
+ OC_None -> OC_None
zap_lc = \case
- LC_Promote deeply
+ LC_Promote { lc_lvlp = lvl, lc_deep = deeply }
| not deeply
- -> LC_Check
+ -> LC_Check { lc_lvlc = lvl, lc_lenient = False }
lc -> lc
-type FamAppBreaker a = TcType -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
- -- Given a family-application ty, return a Reduction :: ty ~ cvb
- -- where 'cbv' is a fresh loop-breaker tyvar (for Given), or
- -- just a fresh TauTv (for Wanted)
-checkTyEqRhs :: forall a. TyEqFlags a
- -> TcType -- Already zonked
- -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+checkTyEqRhs :: forall m a
+ . Monad m
+ => TyEqFlags m a
+ -> TcType -- Already zonked
+ -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
checkTyEqRhs flags ty
= case ty of
- LitTy {} -> okCheckRefl ty
+ LitTy {} -> return $ okCheckRefl ty
TyConApp tc tys -> checkTyConApp flags ty tc tys
TyVarTy tv -> checkTyVar flags tv
-- Don't worry about foralls inside the kind; see Note [Checking for foralls]
@@ -3314,7 +3506,7 @@ checkTyEqRhs flags ty
FunTy {ft_af = af, ft_mult = w, ft_arg = a, ft_res = r}
| isInvisibleFunArg af -- e.g. Num a => blah
- -> failCheckWith impredicativeProblem -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
+ -> return $ PuFail impredicativeProblem -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
| otherwise
-> do { w_res <- checkTyEqRhs flags w
; a_res <- checkTyEqRhs flags a
@@ -3332,45 +3524,47 @@ checkTyEqRhs flags ty
CoercionTy co -> do { co_res <- checkCo flags co
; return (mkReflCoRedn Nominal <$> co_res) }
- ForAllTy {} -> failCheckWith impredicativeProblem -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
+ ForAllTy {} -> return $ PuFail impredicativeProblem -- Not allowed (TyEq:F)
+{-# INLINEABLE checkTyEqRhs #-}
-checkCo :: TyEqFlags a -> Coercion -> TcM (PuResult a Coercion)
+checkCo :: Monad m => TyEqFlags m a -> Coercion -> m (PuResult a Coercion)
-- See Note [checkCo]
-checkCo (TEF { tef_task = task }) co =
- case task of
+checkCo flags co =
+ case flags of
TEFTyFam {} ->
-- NB: 'TEFTyFam' case means we are not unifying.
return (pure co)
- { tefTyVar_concreteCheck = mb_conc
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = mb_lc
- , tefTyVar_occursCheck = mb_occ
+ { tefTyVar_concreteCheck = conc
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = lc
+ , tefTyVar_occursCheck = occ
-- Coercions cannot appear in concrete types.
-- See Note [Concrete types] in GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete.
- | Just {} <- mb_conc
- -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+ | case conc of { CC_None -> False; _ -> True }
+ -> return $ PuFail (cteProblem cteConcrete)
-- Check for coercion holes, if unifying.
-- See (COERCION-HOLE) in Note [Unification preconditions]
- | Just {} <- mb_lc -- equivalent to "we are unifying"; see Note [TEFTask]
+ | case lc of { LC_None {} -> False; _ -> True } -- equivalent to "we are unifying"; see Note [TyEqFlags]
, hasCoercionHoleCo co
- -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteCoercionHole)
+ -> return $ PuFail (cteProblem cteCoercionHole)
-- Occurs check (can promote)
- | Just (lhs_tv, occ_prob) <- mb_occ
- , Just (lhs_tv_lvl, LC_Promote {}) <- mb_lc
+ | OC_Check lhs_tv occ_prob <- occ
+ , LC_Promote { lc_lvlp = lhs_tv_lvl } <- lc
-> do { reason <- checkPromoteFreeVars occ_prob lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl (tyCoVarsOfCo co)
- ; if cterHasNoProblem reason
- then return (pure co)
- else failCheckWith reason }
+ ; return $
+ if cterHasNoProblem reason
+ then pure co
+ else PuFail reason }
-- Occurs check (no promotion)
- | Just (lhs_tv, occ_prob) <- mb_occ
+ | OC_Check lhs_tv occ_prob <- occ
, nameUnique lhs_tv `elemVarSetByKey` tyCoVarsOfCo co
- -> failCheckWith (cteProblem occ_prob)
+ -> return $ PuFail (cteProblem occ_prob)
| otherwise
-> return (pure co)
@@ -3488,11 +3682,11 @@ If we have [W] alpha ~ Maybe (F (G alpha))
-checkTyConApp :: TyEqFlags a
+checkTyConApp :: Monad m
+ => TyEqFlags m a
-> TcType -> TyCon -> [TcType]
- -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
-checkTyConApp flags@(TEF { tef_task = task })
- tc_app tc tys
+ -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
+checkTyConApp flags tc_app tc tys
| isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
, let arity = tyConArity tc
= if tys `lengthIs` arity
@@ -3501,7 +3695,6 @@ checkTyConApp flags@(TEF { tef_task = task })
fun_app = mkTyConApp tc fun_args
; fun_res <- checkFamApp flags fun_app tc fun_args
; extra_res <- mapCheck (checkTyEqRhs flags) extra_args
- ; traceTc "Over-sat" (ppr tc <+> ppr tys $$ ppr arity $$ pprPur fun_res $$ pprPur extra_res)
; return (mkAppRedns <$> fun_res <*> extra_res) }
| Just ty' <- rewriterView tc_app
@@ -3511,80 +3704,97 @@ checkTyConApp flags@(TEF { tef_task = task })
= checkTyEqRhs flags ty'
| not (isTauTyCon tc)
- = failCheckWith impredicativeProblem
+ = return $ PuFail impredicativeProblem
- | Just {} <- tefTaskConcrete_maybe task
+ | tefConcrete flags
, not (isConcreteTyCon tc)
- = failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+ = return $ PuFail (cteProblem cteConcrete)
| otherwise -- Recurse on arguments
= recurseIntoTyConApp flags tc tys
-recurseIntoTyConApp :: TyEqFlags a -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+recurseIntoTyConApp :: Monad m
+ => TyEqFlags m a
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType]
+ -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
recurseIntoTyConApp flags tc tys
= do { tys_res <- mapCheck (checkTyEqRhs flags) tys
; return (mkTyConAppRedn Nominal tc <$> tys_res) }
+recurseIntoFamTyConApp :: Monad m
+ => TyEqFlags m a
+ -> TyCon -> [TcType]
+ -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
+recurseIntoFamTyConApp flags tc tys
+ = recurseIntoTyConApp (famAppArgFlags flags) tc tys
+ -- famAppArgFlags: adjust flags when going under fam app
-checkFamApp :: TyEqFlags a
+checkFamApp :: forall m a.
+ Monad m
+ => TyEqFlags m a
-> TcType -> TyCon -> [TcType] -- Saturated family application
- -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+ -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
-- See Note [Family applications in canonical constraints]
-checkFamApp flags@(TEF { tef_task = task, tef_fam_app = fam_app_flag })
- fam_app tc tys
- = case fam_app_flag of
- TEFA_Fail -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteTypeFamily)
- -- Occurs check: F ty ~ ...(F ty)...
- _ | TEFTyFam occ_prob lhs_tc lhs_tys <- task
- , tcEqTyConApps lhs_tc lhs_tys tc tys
+checkFamApp flags fam_app tc tys
+ = case flags of
+ TEFTyVar { tef_fam_app = fam_app_flag, tefTyVar_concreteCheck = conc }
+ -> case conc of
+ CC_None -> case fam_app_flag of
+ TEFA_Fail -> fail_with cteTypeFamily
+ TEFA_Recurse -> recurseIntoFamTyConApp flags tc tys
+ TEFA_Break brk -> famAppBreaker brk fam_app
+ _ -> fail_with cteConcrete
+ TEFTyFam { tefTyFam_tyCon = lhs_tc, tefTyFam_args = lhs_tys
+ , tefTyFam_occursCheck = occ_prob, tef_fam_app = fam_app_flag }
+ | tcEqTyConApps lhs_tc lhs_tys tc tys
+ -- This occurrence is the same as the LHS
-> case fam_app_flag of
- TEFA_Recurse -> failCheckWith (cteProblem occ_prob)
- TEFA_Break breaker -> breaker fam_app
+ TEFA_Fail -> fail_with cteTypeFamily
+ TEFA_Recurse -> fail_with occ_prob
+ TEFA_Break brk -> famAppBreaker brk fam_app
- _ | Just {} <- tefTaskConcrete_maybe task
+ | otherwise
-> case fam_app_flag of
- TEFA_Recurse -> failCheckWith (cteProblem cteConcrete)
- TEFA_Break breaker -> breaker fam_app
- TEFA_Recurse
- -> do { tys_res <- mapCheck (checkTyEqRhs arg_flags) tys
- ; traceTc "under" (ppr tc $$ pprPur tys_res $$ ppr flags)
- ; return (mkTyConAppRedn Nominal tc <$> tys_res) }
- -- For TEFA_Break, try recursion; and break if there is a problem
- -- e.g. alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[2]) No problem: just unify
- -- alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[4]) Level-check problem: break
- -- NB: in the latter case, don't promote beta[4]; hence arg_flags!
- TEFA_Break breaker
- -> do { tys_res <- mapCheck (checkTyEqRhs arg_flags) tys
- ; case tys_res of
- PuOK cts redns -> return (PuOK cts (mkTyConAppRedn Nominal tc redns))
- PuFail {} -> breaker fam_app }
+ TEFA_Fail -> fail_with cteTypeFamily
+ TEFA_Recurse -> recurseIntoFamTyConApp flags tc tys
+ TEFA_Break brk -> do { rec_res <- recurseIntoFamTyConApp flags tc tys
+ ; case rec_res of
+ PuOK {} -> return rec_res
+ PuFail {} -> famAppBreaker brk fam_app }
+ -- For TEFA_Break, try recursion; and break if there is a problem
+ -- e.g. alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[2]) No problem: just unify
+ -- alpha[2] ~ Maybe (F beta[4]) Level-check problem: break
+ -- NB: in the latter case, don't promote beta[4]; hence arg_flags!
- arg_flags = famAppArgFlags flags
+ fail_with prob = return $ PuFail (cteProblem prob)
-- | The result of a single check in 'checkTyVar', such as a concreteness check
-- or a level check.
-data TyVarCheckResult
+data TyVarCheckResult m where
-- | Check succeded; nothing else to do.
- = TyVarCheck_Success
+ TyVarCheck_Success :: TyVarCheckResult m
-- | Check succeeded, but requires an additional promotion.
-- Invariant: at least one of the fields is not 'Nothing'.
- | TyVarCheck_Promote
- (Maybe TcLevel)
+ TyVarCheck_Promote
+ :: Maybe TcLevel
-- ^ @Just lvl@ <=> 'TyVar' needs to be promoted to @lvl@
- (Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin)
+ -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
-- ^ @Just conc_orig@ <=> 'TyVar' needs to be make concrete
+ -> TyVarCheckResult TcM
-- | Check failed with some 'CheckTyEqProblem's.
-- Invariant: the 'CheckTyEqResult' is not 'cteOK'.
- | TyVarCheck_Error CheckTyEqResult
+ TyVarCheck_Error
+ :: CheckTyEqResult -> TyVarCheckResult m
-instance Semigroup TyVarCheckResult where
+instance Semigroup (TyVarCheckResult m) where
TyVarCheck_Success <> r = r
r <> TyVarCheck_Success = r
TyVarCheck_Error e1 <> TyVarCheck_Error e2 =
@@ -3600,80 +3810,48 @@ combineMaybe :: (a -> a -> a) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
combineMaybe _ Nothing r = r
combineMaybe _ r Nothing = r
combineMaybe f (Just a) (Just b) = Just (f a b)
-instance Monoid TyVarCheckResult where
+instance Monoid (TyVarCheckResult m) where
mempty = TyVarCheck_Success
-checkTyVar :: forall a. TyEqFlags a -> TcTyVar -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
-checkTyVar flags@(TEF { tef_task = task }) occ_tv
- = case task of
- TEFTyFam {} -> success -- Nothing to do if the LHS is a type-family
- TEFTyVar mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc -> check_tv mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc
+checkTyVar :: forall m a. Monad m => TyEqFlags m a -> TcTyVar -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
+checkTyVar flags occ_tv
+ = case flags of
+ TEFTyFam {}
+ -> success -- Nothing to do if the LHS is a type-family
+ TEFTyVar { tefTyVar_occursCheck = occ, tefTyVar_levelCheck = lc
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = conc }
+ -> do { already_promoted <- promotionDone occ_tv lc conc
+ ; if already_promoted
+ then success
+ -- Already promoted; job done
+ -- Example alpha[2] ~ Maybe (beta[4], beta[4])
+ -- We promote the first occurrence, and then encounter it
+ -- a second time; we don't want to re-promote it!
+ -- Remember, the entire process started with a fully zonked type
+ -- so the only reason for a filled meta-tyvar is promotion
+ else do_rhs_checks
+ [ simpleOccursCheck occ occ_tv
+ , tyVarLevelCheck lc occ_tv
+ , tyVarConcretenessCheck conc occ_tv ]
+ }
- lvl_occ = tcTyVarLevel occ_tv
- success = okCheckRefl (mkTyVarTy occ_tv)
- ---------------------
- check_tv mb_occ mb_lc mb_conc
- = do { mb_done <- isFilledMetaTyVar_maybe occ_tv
- ; case mb_done of
- Just {} -> success
- -- Already promoted; job done
- -- Example alpha[2] ~ Maybe (beta[4], beta[4])
- -- We promote the first occurrence, and then encounter it
- -- a second time; we don't want to re-promote it!
- -- Remember, the entire process started with a fully zonked type
- Nothing ->
- do_rhs_checks $
- -- Occurs check
- [ simple_occurs_check tv occ_prob | (tv, occ_prob) <- maybeToList mb_occ ]
- ++
- -- Level check
- [ lvl_check lc | lc <- maybeToList mb_lc ]
- ++
- -- Concreteness check
- [ conc_check conc | conc <- maybeToList mb_conc ]
- }
- ---------------------
- simple_occurs_check :: Name -> CheckTyEqProblem -> TyVarCheckResult
- simple_occurs_check lhs_tv occ_prob
- | lhs_tv == tyVarName occ_tv || check_kind (tyVarKind occ_tv)
- = TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem occ_prob)
- | otherwise
- = TyVarCheck_Success
- where (check_kind, _) = mkOccFolders lhs_tv
- conc_check :: ConcreteTvOrigin -> TyVarCheckResult
- conc_check conc_orig
- | not (isConcreteTyVar occ_tv)
- = if isMetaTyVar occ_tv
- then TyVarCheck_Promote Nothing (Just conc_orig)
- else TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteConcrete)
- | otherwise
- = TyVarCheck_Success
- lvl_check :: (TcLevel, LevelCheck) -> TyVarCheckResult
- lvl_check (lhs_tv_lvl, lc)
- | lvl_occ `strictlyDeeperThan` lhs_tv_lvl
- = case lc of
- LC_Check -> TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
- LC_Promote {}
- | isSkolemTyVar occ_tv -> TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
- | otherwise -> TyVarCheck_Promote (Just lhs_tv_lvl) Nothing
- | otherwise
- = TyVarCheck_Success
+ success = return $ okCheckRefl (mkTyVarTy occ_tv)
-- Combine the results of individual checks. See 'TyVarCheckResult'.
- do_rhs_checks :: [TyVarCheckResult] -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+ do_rhs_checks :: [TyVarCheckResult m] -> m (PuResult a Reduction)
do_rhs_checks checks =
case mconcat checks of
- TyVarCheck_Success -> success
- TyVarCheck_Promote mb_lvl mb_conc -> promote mb_lvl mb_conc
- TyVarCheck_Error cte_prob -> failCheckWith cte_prob
+ TyVarCheck_Success -> success
+ TyVarCheck_Promote mb_lvl mb_conc -> promote flags mb_lvl mb_conc
+ TyVarCheck_Error cte_prob -> return $ PuFail cte_prob
-- occ_tv is definitely a MetaTyVar; we need to promote it/make it concrete
- promote :: Maybe TcLevel -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
- promote mb_lhs_tv_lvl mb_conc
+ promote :: TyEqFlags TcM a -> Maybe TcLevel -> Maybe ConcreteTvOrigin
+ -> TcM (PuResult a Reduction)
+ promote flags mb_lhs_tv_lvl mb_conc
| MetaTv { mtv_info = info_occ, mtv_tclvl = lvl_occ } <- tcTyVarDetails occ_tv
= do { let new_info | Just conc <- mb_conc = ConcreteTv conc
| otherwise = info_occ
@@ -3695,19 +3873,77 @@ checkTyVar flags@(TEF { tef_task = task }) occ_tv
-- 'occ_tv' is concrete. Test cases: T23051, T23176.
; let occ_kind = tyVarKind occ_tv
; kind_result <- checkTyEqRhs flags occ_kind
- ; traceTc "checkTyVar: kind check" $
- vcat [ text "occ_tv:" <+> ppr occ_tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr occ_kind
- , text "checkTyEqRHS result:" <+> pprPur kind_result
- ]
; for kind_result $ \ kind_redn ->
do { let kind_co = reductionCoercion kind_redn
new_kind = reductionReducedType kind_redn
- ; new_tv_ty <- promote_meta_tyvar new_info new_lvl (setTyVarKind occ_tv new_kind)
+ occ_tv' = setTyVarKind occ_tv new_kind
+ ; new_tv_ty <- promote_meta_tyvar new_info new_lvl occ_tv'
; return $ mkGReflLeftRedn Nominal new_tv_ty (mkSymCo kind_co)
} }
| otherwise = pprPanic "promote" (ppr occ_tv)
+promotionDone :: Monad m => TcTyVar -> LevelCheck m -> ConcreteCheck m -> m Bool
+promotionDone occ_tv (LC_Promote {}) _ = isFilledMetaTyVar occ_tv
+promotionDone occ_tv _ (CC_Promote {}) = isFilledMetaTyVar occ_tv
+promotionDone _ _ _ = return False
+simpleOccursCheck :: OccursCheck -> TcTyVar -> TyVarCheckResult m
+-- ^ The "interpreter" for 'OccursCheck'
+simpleOccursCheck OC_None _
+ = TyVarCheck_Success
+simpleOccursCheck (OC_Check lhs_tv occ_prob) occ_tv
+ | lhs_tv == tyVarName occ_tv || check_kind (tyVarKind occ_tv)
+ = TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem occ_prob)
+ | otherwise
+ = TyVarCheck_Success
+ where
+ (check_kind, _) = mkOccFolders lhs_tv
+tyVarLevelCheck :: LevelCheck m -> TcTyVar -> TyVarCheckResult m
+-- ^ The "interpreter" for 'LevelCheck'
+tyVarLevelCheck LC_None _ = TyVarCheck_Success
+tyVarLevelCheck lc occ_tv
+ | not occ_is_deeper
+ = TyVarCheck_Success
+ | isSkolemTyVar occ_tv
+ = TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
+ | otherwise
+ = case lc of
+ LC_Check { lc_lenient = lenient } ->
+ if lenient
+ then TyVarCheck_Success
+ else TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteSkolemEscape)
+ LC_Promote { lc_lvlp = lhs_tv_lvl } ->
+ TyVarCheck_Promote (Just lhs_tv_lvl) Nothing
+ where
+ occ_is_deeper =
+ case lc of
+ LC_Check { lc_lvlc = lhs_tv_lvl } ->
+ tcTyVarLevel occ_tv `strictlyDeeperThan` lhs_tv_lvl
+ LC_Promote { lc_lvlp = lhs_tv_lvl } ->
+ tcTyVarLevel occ_tv `strictlyDeeperThan` lhs_tv_lvl
+tyVarConcretenessCheck :: ConcreteCheck m -> TcTyVar -> TyVarCheckResult m
+-- ^ The "interpreter" for 'ConcreteCheck'
+tyVarConcretenessCheck cc occ_tv
+ | CC_None <- cc -- No concreteness checks => ok
+ = TyVarCheck_Success
+ | isConcreteTyVar occ_tv -- It's concrete already => ok
+ = TyVarCheck_Success
+ | not (isMetaTyVar occ_tv) -- Not a meta-tyvar => error
+ = TyVarCheck_Error (cteProblem cteConcrete)
+ | otherwise -- It's a non-concrete meta-tyvar
+ = case cc of
+ CC_Check -> TyVarCheck_Success
+ CC_Promote conc_orig -> TyVarCheck_Promote Nothing (Just conc_orig)
+ -- CC_None is dealt with at the top
checkPromoteFreeVars :: CheckTyEqProblem -- What occurs check problem to report
-> Name -> TcLevel
@@ -3733,8 +3969,10 @@ checkPromoteFreeVars occ_prob lhs_tv lhs_tv_lvl vs
-- so the "intervening given equalities" test above will catch it
-- Coercion holes get filled with coercions, so again no problem.
- promote_one tv = do { _ <- promote_meta_tyvar TauTv lhs_tv_lvl tv
- ; return cteOK }
+ promote_one :: TyVar -> TcM CheckTyEqResult
+ promote_one tv =
+ do { _ <- promote_meta_tyvar TauTv lhs_tv_lvl tv
+ ; return cteOK }
promote_meta_tyvar :: MetaInfo -> TcLevel -> TcTyVar -> TcM TcType
promote_meta_tyvar info dest_lvl occ_tv
@@ -3823,19 +4061,17 @@ makeTypeConcrete occ_fs conc_orig ty =
-- NB: we don't actually need to create a fresh concrete metavariable
-- in order to call 'checkTyEqRhs'.
; let ty_eq_flags =
- TEF { tef_task =
- TEFTyVar
- { tefTyVar_occursCheck = Nothing
- -- LHS is a fresh meta-tyvar: no occurs check needed
- , tefTyVar_levelCheck = Nothing
- , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = Just conc_orig
- }
- , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Fail
- }
+ TEFTyVar
+ { tefTyVar_occursCheck = OC_None
+ -- LHS is a fresh meta-tyvar: no occurs check needed
+ , tefTyVar_levelCheck = LC_None
+ , tefTyVar_concreteCheck = CC_Promote conc_orig
+ , tef_fam_app = TEFA_Recurse
+ }
-- NB: 'checkTyEqRhs' expects a fully zonked type as input.
; ty' <- liftZonkM $ zonkTcType ty
- ; pu_res <- checkTyEqRhs @() ty_eq_flags ty'
+ ; pu_res <- checkTyEqRhs @TcM @() ty_eq_flags ty'
-- NB: 'checkTyEqRhs' will also check the kind, thus upholding the
-- invariant that the kind of a concrete type must also be a concrete type.
@@ -3902,3 +4138,128 @@ makeTypeConcrete occ_fs conc_orig ty =
orig :: CtOrigin
orig = case conc_orig of
ConcreteFRR frr_orig -> FRROrigin frr_orig
+-- mightEqualLater
+mightEqualLater :: InertSet -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> TcPredType -> CtLoc -> Maybe Subst
+-- See Note [What might equal later?]
+-- Used to implement logic in Note [Instance and Given overlap] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Dict
+mightEqualLater inert_set given_pred given_loc wanted_pred wanted_loc
+ | prohibitedSuperClassSolve given_loc wanted_loc
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = case tcUnifyTysFG bind_fun [flattened_given] [flattened_wanted] of
+ Unifiable subst
+ -> Just subst
+ MaybeApart reason subst
+ | MARInfinite <- reason -- see Example 7 in the Note.
+ -> Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ -> Just subst
+ SurelyApart -> Nothing
+ where
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfTypes [given_pred, wanted_pred]
+ -- NB: flatten both at the same time, so that we can share mappings
+ -- from type family applications to variables, and also to guarantee
+ -- that the fresh variables are really fresh between the given and
+ -- the wanted. Flattening both at the same time is needed to get
+ -- Example 10 from the Note.
+ (Pair flattened_given flattened_wanted, var_mapping)
+ = flattenTysX in_scope (Pair given_pred wanted_pred)
+ bind_fun :: BindFun
+ bind_fun tv rhs_ty
+ | MetaTv { mtv_info = info } <- tcTyVarDetails tv
+ = if ok_shape tv info rhs_ty && can_unify tv rhs_ty
+ then BindMe
+ else Apart
+ -- See Examples 4, 5, and 6 from the Note
+ | Just (_fam_tc, fam_args) <- lookupVarEnv var_mapping tv
+ , anyFreeVarsOfTypes mentions_meta_ty_var fam_args
+ = BindMe
+ | otherwise
+ = Apart
+ where
+ can_unify :: TcTyVar -> TcType -> Bool
+ can_unify tv rhs_ty
+ -- See Note [Use checkTyEqRhs in mightEqualLater]
+ | PuOK {} <- runIdentity $ checkTyEqRhs (pureTyEqFlags_LHSMetaTyVar tv) rhs_ty
+ = True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ -- True for TauTv and TyVarTv (and RuntimeUnkTv) meta-tyvars
+ -- (as they can be unified)
+ -- and also for CycleBreakerTvs that mentions meta-tyvars
+ mentions_meta_ty_var :: TyVar -> Bool
+ mentions_meta_ty_var tv
+ | isMetaTyVar tv
+ = case metaTyVarInfo tv of
+ -- See Examples 8 and 9 in the Note
+ CycleBreakerTv
+ -> anyFreeVarsOfType mentions_meta_ty_var
+ (lookupCycleBreakerVar tv inert_set)
+ _ -> True
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+ -- Like checkTopShape, but allows cbv variables to unify
+ ok_shape :: TcTyVar -> MetaInfo -> Type -> Bool
+ ok_shape _lhs_tv TyVarTv rhs_ty -- see Example 3 from the Note
+ | Just rhs_tv <- getTyVar_maybe rhs_ty
+ = case tcTyVarDetails rhs_tv of
+ MetaTv { mtv_info = TyVarTv } -> True
+ MetaTv {} -> False -- Could unify with anything
+ SkolemTv {} -> True
+ RuntimeUnk -> True
+ | otherwise -- not a var on the RHS
+ = False
+ ok_shape lhs_tv _other _rhs_ty = mentions_meta_ty_var lhs_tv
+{- Note [Use checkTyEqRhs in mightEqualLater]
+In 'mightEqualLater', we are checking whether two types ty1 and ty2 might become
+equal after further unifications. To do this, we call the pure unifier, via
+the function 'tcUnifyTysFG'. However, it is important that we don't return
+false positives:
+ 1. Level check: ty1 = alpha[tau:1] /~ ty2 = k[sk:3]
+ 2. Occurs check: ty1 = beta[tau] /~ ty2 = Maybe beta[tau]
+ 3. Concreteness: ty1 = kappa[conc] /~ ty2 = k[sk].
+In these examples, ty1 and ty2 cannot unify; to inform the pure unifier of this
+fact, we use 'checkTyEqRhs' to provide the 'BindFun'.
+Failing to account for this caused #25744:
+ work item = [W] w1: Eq (g[sk:1] x[sk:3])
+ inerts = { [G] g1: Eq x[sk:3]
+ , [G] g2: forall y. Eq y => Eq (g[sk:1] y)
+ , [G] g3: Eq (f[tau:1] v[tau:1]) }
+We want to solve w1 using g1 and g2. The presence of g3 is irrelevant, because
+we cannot unify 'f[tau:1] v[tau:1]' and 'g[sk:1] x[sk:3]' due to skolem escape.
+-- | Return the type family application a CycleBreakerTv maps to.
+lookupCycleBreakerVar :: TcTyVar -- ^ cbv, must be a CycleBreakerTv
+ -> InertSet
+ -> TcType -- ^ type family application the cbv maps to
+lookupCycleBreakerVar cbv (IS { inert_cycle_breakers = cbvs_stack })
+-- This function looks at every environment in the stack. This is necessary
+-- to avoid #20231. This function (and its one usage site) is the only reason
+-- that we store a stack instead of just the top environment.
+ | Just tyfam_app <- assert (isCycleBreakerTyVar cbv) $
+ firstJusts (NE.map (lookupBag cbv) cbvs_stack)
+ = tyfam_app
+ | otherwise
+ = pprPanic "lookupCycleBreakerVar found an unbound cycle breaker" (ppr cbv $$ ppr cbvs_stack)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
+module T25744 where
+foo :: ( forall x. Eq x => Eq ( f x ) ) => f Int -> Bool
+foo _ = False
+bar :: forall g. ( forall y. Eq y => Eq ( g y ) ) => g Int -> Bool
+bar = withUnrelated foo
+withUnrelated :: ( Eq ( f v ) => r ) -> r
+withUnrelated f = error "not important"
@@ -884,6 +884,7 @@ test('T21909', normal, compile, [''])
test('T21909b', normal, compile, [''])
test('T21443', normal, compile, [''])
test('T22194', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T25744', normal, compile, [''])
[ extra_files(['QualifiedRecordUpdate_aux.hs']) ]
, multimod_compile, ['QualifiedRecordUpdate', '-v0'])
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