[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T25647] 2 commits: Wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Feb 4 17:40:06 UTC 2025

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T25647 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

cd48e19b by Simon Peyton Jones at 2025-02-04T16:27:20+00:00

- - - - -
22849523 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2025-02-04T17:39:30+00:00
Default tyvars in data/newtype insnstances

This is what fixes #25647

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Rename/Module.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T25647.hs


@@ -860,8 +860,7 @@ rnDataFamInstDecl :: AssocTyFamInfo
                   -> RnM (DataFamInstDecl GhcRn, FreeVars)
 rnDataFamInstDecl atfi (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn =
                     eqn@(FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tycon })})
-  = do { (eqn', fvs) <-
-           rnFamEqn (TyDataCtx tycon) atfi eqn rnDataDefn
+  = do { (eqn', fvs) <- rnFamEqn (TyDataCtx tycon) atfi eqn rnDataDefn
        ; return (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = eqn' }, fvs) }
 -- Renaming of the associated types in instances.

@@ -1863,8 +1863,8 @@ kcConDecl new_or_data tc_res_kind
          -- because that's done in tcConDecl
-kcConDecl new_or_data tc_res_kind
-                      -- ToDo: fix this comment NB: _tc_res_kind is unused.   See (KCD3) in
+kcConDecl new_or_data _tc_res_kind
+                      -- NB: _tc_res_kind is unused.   See (KCD3) in
                       -- Note [kcConDecls: kind-checking data type decls]
           (ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_bndrs = L _ outer_bndrs
                        , con_mb_cxt = cxt, con_g_args = args, con_res_ty = res_ty })
@@ -1876,9 +1876,10 @@ kcConDecl new_or_data tc_res_kind
         -- Why "_Tv"?  See Note [Using TyVarTvs for kind-checking GADTs]
     do { _ <- tcHsContext cxt
        ; traceTc "kcConDecl:GADT {" (ppr names $$ ppr res_ty)
-       ; _ <- tcCheckLHsTypeInContext res_ty (TheKind tc_res_kind)
+       ; con_res_kind <- newOpenTypeKind
+       ; _ <- tcCheckLHsTypeInContext res_ty (TheKind con_res_kind)
-       ; let arg_exp_kind = getArgExpKind new_or_data tc_res_kind
+       ; let arg_exp_kind = getArgExpKind new_or_data con_res_kind
              -- getArgExpKind: for newtypes, check that the argument kind
              -- is the same the kind of `res_ty`, the data con's return type
              -- See (KCD2) in Note [kcConDecls: kind-checking data type decls]
@@ -3752,30 +3753,30 @@ tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs res_kind tag_map
        ; return (NE.singleton dc) }
-tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs tc_res_kind tag_map
-  -- TODO: fix this comment NB: don't use res_kind here, as it's ill-scoped. Instead,
+tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs _tc_res_kind tag_map
+  -- NB: don't use _tc_res_kind here, as it's ill-scoped. Instead,
   -- we get the res_kind by typechecking the result type.
           (ConDeclGADT { con_names = names
                        , con_bndrs = L _ outer_hs_bndrs
                        , con_mb_cxt = cxt, con_g_args = hs_args
                        , con_res_ty = hs_res_ty })
   = addErrCtxt (DataConDefCtxt names) $
-    do { traceTc "tcConDecl 1 gadt" (ppr names $$ ppr tc_res_kind)
+    do { traceTc "tcConDecl 1 gadt" (ppr names $$ ppr _tc_res_kind)
        ; let L _ name :| _ = names
        ; skol_info <- mkSkolemInfo (DataConSkol name)
-       ; (tclvl, wanted, (outer_bndrs, (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts)))
+       ; (tclvl, wanted, (outer_bndrs, (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts, res_kind)))
            <- pushLevelAndSolveEqualitiesX "tcConDecl:GADT" $
               tcOuterTKBndrs skol_info outer_hs_bndrs       $
-              do { ctxt   <- tcHsContext cxt
+              do { ctxt <- tcHsContext cxt
+                 ; (res_ty, res_kind) <- tcInferLHsTypeKind hs_res_ty
+                              -- See Note [GADT return kinds]
                    -- See Note [Datatype return kinds]
-                 ; let exp_kind = getArgExpKind new_or_data tc_res_kind
+                 ; let exp_kind = getArgExpKind new_or_data res_kind
                  ; btys <- tcConGADTArgs exp_kind hs_args
-                 ; res_ty <- tcCheckLHsType hs_res_ty tc_res_kind
-                              -- See Note [GADT return kinds]
-                 ; traceTc "tcConDecl 1a gadt" (ppr res_ty)
+                 ; traceTc "tcConDecl 1a gadt" (ppr res_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr res_kind)
                  -- For data instances (only), ensure that the return type,
                  -- res_ty, is a substitution instance of the header.
@@ -3792,7 +3793,7 @@ tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs tc_res_kind tag_map
                  ; let (arg_tys, stricts) = unzip btys
                  ; field_lbls <- lookupConstructorFields name
-                 ; return (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts)
+                 ; return (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts, res_kind)
        ; outer_bndrs <- scopedSortOuter outer_bndrs
@@ -3806,7 +3807,7 @@ tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs tc_res_kind tag_map
        ; traceTc "tcConDecl:GADT" (vcat [ text "names:" <+> ppr names
                                         , text "tkvs:" <+> ppr tkvs
                                         , text "res_ty:" <+> ppr res_ty
-                                        , text "tc_res_kind" <+> ppr tc_res_kind ])
+                                        , text "res_kind:" <+> ppr res_kind ])
        ; reportUnsolvedEqualities skol_info tkvs tclvl wanted
        ; let tvbndrs =  mkTyVarBinders InferredSpec tkvs ++ outer_tv_bndrs
@@ -3828,14 +3829,6 @@ tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs tc_res_kind tag_map
              arg_tys'   = substScaledTys arg_subst arg_tys
              res_ty'    = substTy  arg_subst res_ty
-             eq_preds' = pprTrace "eq_preds"
-                           (vcat [ ppr names
-                                 , text "res_tmpl:" <+> ppr res_tmpl
-                                 , text "res_ty:" <+> ppr res_ty
-                                 , text "tc_res_kind:" <+> ppr tc_res_kind
-                                 , text "eq_preds:" <+> ppr eq_preds ]) $
-                         eq_preds
        -- Can't print univ_tvs, arg_tys etc, because we are inside the knot here
        ; traceTc "tcConDecl 2" (ppr names $$ ppr field_lbls)
        ; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
@@ -3848,7 +3841,7 @@ tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs tc_res_kind tag_map
              ; let bang_opts = SrcBangOpts (initBangOpts dflags)
              ; buildDataCon fam_envs bang_opts name is_infix
                             rep_nm stricts field_lbls
-                            univ_tvs ex_tvs tvbndrs' eq_preds'
+                            univ_tvs ex_tvs tvbndrs' eq_preds
                             ctxt' arg_tys' res_ty' rep_tycon tag_map
                   -- NB:  we put data_tc, the type constructor gotten from the
                   --      constructor type signature into the data constructor;

@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ tcDataFamInstHeader mb_clsinfo skol_info fam_tc hs_outer_bndrs fixity
        -- See GHC.Tc.TyCl Note [Generalising in tcTyFamInstEqnGuts]
        ; dvs  <- candidateQTyVarsWithBinders outer_tvs lhs_ty
-       ; qtvs <- quantifyTyVars skol_info TryNotToDefaultNonStandardTyVars dvs
+       ; qtvs <- quantifyTyVars skol_info DefaultNonStandardTyVars dvs
        ; let final_tvs = scopedSort (qtvs ++ outer_tvs)
              -- This scopedSort is important: the qtvs may be /interleaved/ with
              -- the outer_tvs.  See Note [Generalising in tcTyFamInstEqnGuts]

@@ -18,25 +18,33 @@ newtype Fix1b f where
 -- A plain newtype, GADT syntax, with a return kind signature
 -- Should infer Fix2 :: forall r k. (k -> TYPE r) -> TYPE r
-newtype Fix2 f :: TYPE r where
-   In2 :: forall ff. ff (Fix2 ff) -> Fix2 ff
+-- Rejected because of deafulting; maybe that's OK
+-- newtype Fix2 f :: TYPE r where
+--   In2 :: forall ff. ff (Fix2 ff) -> Fix2 ff
 -- Plain newtype, H98 syntax, standalone kind signature
--- Should get In3 :: forall r k (f :: k -> TYPE r). Fix4 @r @k f -> Fix4 @r @k f
---type Fix3 :: forall r k. (k -> TYPE r) -> k
---newtype Fix3 f = In3 (f (Fix3 f))
+-- Should get In3 :: forall r (f :: TYPE r -> TYPE r). Fix3 @r f -> Fix3 @r f
+type Fix3 :: forall r. (TYPE r -> TYPE r) -> TYPE r
+newtype Fix3 f = In3 (f (Fix3 f))
+-- This variant produces a /terrible/ message
+-- type Fix3a :: forall r k. (TYPE r -> TYPE r) -> TYPE r
+-- newtype Fix3a f = In3a (f (Fix3 f))
 -- Plain newtype, H98 syntax, standalone kind signature
 -- Should get In4 :: forall r k (f :: k -> TYPE r). Fix4 @r @k f -> Fix4 @r @k f
-type Fix4 :: forall r k. (k -> TYPE r) -> k
+type Fix4 :: forall r. (TYPE r -> TYPE r) -> TYPE r
 newtype Fix4 f where
-  In4 :: forall rr kk (ff :: kk -> TYPE rr).
-         ff (Fix4 ff) -> Fix4 @rr @kk ff
+  In4 :: forall rr (ff :: TYPE rr -> TYPE rr).
+         ff (Fix4 ff) -> Fix4 @rr ff
+-- Rejected because of defulting; maybe that's OK
+--type Fix4a :: forall r. (TYPE r -> TYPE r) -> TYPE r
+--newtype Fix4a f where
+--  In4a :: ff (Fix4a ff) -> Fix4a ff
 -------------------- Data families with newtype instance -----------------
 -- data instance in GADT sytntax
 data family Dix1 :: (k -> Type) -> k
 data instance Dix1 f where
@@ -47,17 +55,25 @@ data family Dix2 :: (k -> Type) -> k
 newtype instance Dix2 f where
   DIn2 :: forall ff. ff (Dix2 ff) -> Dix2 ff
+data family Dix2a :: (k -> Type) -> k
+newtype instance Dix2a f :: Type where
+  DIn2a :: forall ff. ff (Dix2a ff) -> Dix2a ff
 -- newtype instance in H98 syntax
 data family Dix3 :: (k -> Type) -> k
 newtype instance Dix3 f = DIn3 (f (Dix3 f))
 -- newtype instance in GADT syntax
+-- Rejected because of defaulting
 data family Dix4 :: (k -> TYPE r) -> k
 newtype instance Dix4 f where
   DIn4 :: forall ff. ff (Dix4 ff) -> Dix4 ff
+--data family Dix4a :: (k -> TYPE r) -> k
+--newtype instance forall r f. Dix4a f :: TYPE r where
+--  DIn4a :: forall r (ff :: TYPE r -> TYPE r). ff (Dix4a ff) -> Dix4a ff
 -- newtype instance in H98 syntax
 data family Dix5 :: (k -> TYPE r) -> k
 newtype instance Dix5 f = DIn5 (f (Dix5 f))

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