[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] 2 commits: new approach from Jan 31

sheaf (@sheaf) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Feb 4 09:31:47 UTC 2025

sheaf pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

ea8fe09b by sheaf at 2025-02-03T19:29:45+01:00
new approach from Jan 31

- - - - -
2d65f88f by sheaf at 2025-02-04T10:31:36+01:00
polish up new approach

- - - - -

9 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Dict.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Equality.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Solve.hs
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/DsSpecPragmas.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/SpecPragmas.hs → testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/TcSpecPragmas.hs
- testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T


@@ -960,12 +960,16 @@ dsSpec poly_rhs (
        ; tracePm "dsSpec" (vcat [ text "poly_id" <+> ppr poly_id
                                 , text "bndrs"   <+> ppr bndrs
+                                , text "lhs_args" <+> ppr lhs_args
+                                , text "bndr_set" <+> ppr bndr_set
                                 , text "all_bndrs"   <+> ppr all_bndrs
+                                , text "rule_bndrs" <+> ppr rule_bndrs
                                 , text "const_bndrs"   <+> ppr const_bndrs
-                                , text "ds_call" <+> ppr ds_call
-                                , text "core_call" <+> ppr core_call
+                                , text "spec_bndrs" <+> ppr spec_bndrs
                                 , text "core_call fvs" <+> ppr (exprFreeVars core_call)
-                                , text "spec_const_binds" <+> ppr spec_const_binds ])
+                                , text "spec_const_binds" <+> ppr spec_const_binds
+                                , text "ds_call" <+> ppr ds_call
+                                , text "core_call" <+> ppr core_call ])
        ; finishSpecPrag poly_nm poly_rhs
                         rule_bndrs poly_id lhs_args
@@ -1004,7 +1008,7 @@ prepareSpecLHS poly_id evs the_call
       = Nothing
     transfer_to_spec_rhs qevs rhs
-      = isEmptyVarSet (exprSomeFreeVars is_quant_id rhs)
+      = isEmptyVarSet $ exprSomeFreeVars is_quant_id rhs
         is_quant_id v = isId v && v `elemVarSet` qevs
       -- See Note [Desugaring SPECIALISE pragmas] wrinkle (SP4)

@@ -772,8 +772,9 @@ This is done in three parts.
     (1) Typecheck the expression, capturing its constraints
-    (2) Simplify these constraints, in special TcSSpecPrag mode
-        SLD TODO add more details.
+    (2) Solve the Wanted constraints that arose from (1).
+        This is a bit subtle, as we don't want to allow arbitrary constraint
+        simplification. See Note [Fully solving constraints for specialisation].
     (3) Decide which constraints to quantify over, and quantify.
@@ -807,6 +808,69 @@ This is done in three parts.
         of the form:
            forall @a @b d1 d2 d3. f d1 d2 d3 = $sf d1 d2 d3
+Note [Fully solving constraints for specialisation]
+As far as specialisation is concerned, it is actively harmful to simplify
+constraints without fully solving them. Two key examples:
+f :: ∀ a t. (Eq a, ∀x. Eq x => Eq (t x)). t a -> Char
+{-# SPECIALISE f @Int #-}
+  Typechecking 'f' will result in [W] Eq Int, [W] ∀x. Eq x => Eq (t x).
+  We absolutely MUST leave the quantified constraint alone, because we want to
+  quantify over it. If we were to try to simplify it, we would emit an
+  implication and would thereafter never be able to quantify over the original
+  quantified constraint.
+  However, we still need to simplify quantified constraints that can be fully
+  solved from instances, otherwise we would never be able to specialise them
+  away. Example: {-# SPECIALISE f @a @[] #-}.
+g :: ∀ a. Eq a => a -> Bool
+{-# SPECIALISE g @[e] #-}
+  Typechecking 'g' will result in [W] Eq [e]. Were we to simplify this to
+  [W] Eq e, we would have difficulty generating a RULE for the specialisation:
+    $sg :: Eq e => [e] -> Bool
+    RULE ∀ e (d :: Eq [e]). g @[e] d = $sg @e (??? :: Eq e)
+      -- Can't fill in ??? because we can't run instances in reverse.
+    RULE ∀ e (d :: Eq e). g @[e] ($fEqList @e d) = $sg @e d
+      -- Bad RULE matching template: matches on the structure of a dictionary
+  Moreover, there is no real benefit to any of this, because the specialiser
+  can't do anything useful from the knowledge that a dictionary for 'Eq [e]' is
+  constructed from a dictionary for 'Eq e' using the 'Eq' instance for lists.
+  Note however that it is less important to tackle this problem in the typechecker,
+  as the desugarer would still be able to generate the correct RULE if we did
+  simplify 'Eq [e]' to 'Eq e'. See the second bullet point in (SP2) in
+  Note [Desugaring SPECIALISE pragmas] in GHC.HsToCore.Binds.
+The conclusion is this:
+  when solving the constraints that arise from a specialise pragma, following
+  the recipe described in Note [Handling new-form SPECIALISE pragmas], all
+  Wanteds should either be:
+    - fully solved (no free evidence variables), or
+    - left untouched.
+To achieve this, we proceed as follows:
+  1. Clone the Wanteds that arose from typechecking the specialise expression.
+  2. Solve these cloned Wanteds.
+  3. Look through the evidence produced by the solver to determine which
+     of these Wanteds were fully solved using instances (no free evidence variables).
+  4. Zonk the original Wanteds, to benefit from any unifications that happened in (2).
+  5. Use the information obtained in (3) to partition the original Wanteds into
+     two sets: those that can be fully solved, and the rest.
+  6. Fully solve the "fully soluble" Wanteds, and leave the rest alone (left
+     as candidates for quantification).
+     (NB: it is wasteful to do another round of solving here, but doing so is
+     more convenient than somehow transferring over the evidence terms from the
+     cloned Wanteds).
 Note [Handling old-form SPECIALISE pragmas]
@@ -978,7 +1042,7 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm rule_bndrs spec_e inl)
   -- For running commentary, see Note [Handling new-form SPECIALISE pragmas]
   = do { -- (1) Typecheck the expression, spec_e, capturing its constraints
          let skol_info_anon = SpecESkol nm
-       ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag SpecSigE 1" (ppr nm $$ ppr spec_e)
+       ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag SpecSigE {" (ppr nm $$ ppr spec_e)
        ; skol_info <- mkSkolemInfo skol_info_anon
        ; (rhs_tclvl, spec_e_wanted, (rule_bndrs', (tc_spec_e, _rho)))
             <- tcRuleBndrs skol_info rule_bndrs $
@@ -988,80 +1052,71 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm rule_bndrs spec_e inl)
          -- in a special way: every original Wanted should be either fully solved
          -- or left untouched.
-         -- We achieve this by:
-         --
-         --  2.1. Clone the wanteds that arose from typechecking spec_e.
-         --
-         --  2.2 Try to solve them, and look through the evidence to see which
-         --      ones we could fully solve.
-         --
-         --  2.3 Separate the original Wanteds into two groups, those that
-         --      we could fully solve and those that we couldn't
-         --
-         -- The fully soluble ones get solved again (a bit wasteful).
-         -- The other ones either get quantified or emitted as residuals,
-         -- depending on whether they can be quantified (see 'getRuleQuantCts'.)
+         -- See Note [Fully solving constraints for specialisation].
+         -- (2.1) Clone the Wanteds.
        ; ev_binds_var_clone <- newTcEvBinds
        ; spec_e_wanted_clone <- cloneWC spec_e_wanted
+         -- (2.2) Solve the cloned Wanteds.
        ; simpl_spec_e_wanted_clone <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $
                                 runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var_clone $
                                 solveWanteds spec_e_wanted_clone
-       ; not_fully_solved <-
+         -- (2.3) Determine which cloned Wanteds were fully solved.
+       ; not_fully_solved_ev_ids <-
            notFullySolvedWanteds ev_binds_var_clone simpl_spec_e_wanted_clone
+         -- (2.4) Zonk the original Wanteds to benefit from any unifications in (2.2)
        ; spec_e_wanted <- liftZonkM $ zonkWC spec_e_wanted
-       ; let (fully_soluble1, other1) =
-               partitionWC
-                 (\ ev_id -> not (ev_id `elemVarSet` not_fully_solved))
-                 spec_e_wanted
+         -- (2.5) Partition the original Wanteds into fully soluble Wanteds and the rest.
+       ; let (other_wanteds, fully_soluble_wanteds) =
+               partitionWC (`elemVarSet` not_fully_solved_ev_ids) spec_e_wanted
+         -- (2.6) Fully solve the fully-soluble Wanteds.
        ; ev_binds_var <- newTcEvBinds
-       ; simpl_fully_soluble1 <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $
+       ; simpl_fully_soluble <- setTcLevel rhs_tclvl $
                     runTcSWithEvBinds ev_binds_var $
-                    solveWanteds fully_soluble1
-       ; massertPpr (isSolvedWC simpl_fully_soluble1) $
-            vcat [ text "tcSpecPrag: fully soluble Wanteds couldn't be fully solved?"
-                 , text "spec_e_wanted:" <+> ppr spec_e_wanted
-                 , text "spec_e_wanted_clone:" <+> ppr spec_e_wanted_clone
-                 , text "simpl_spec_e_wanted_clone:" <+> ppr simpl_spec_e_wanted_clone
-                 , text "not_fully_solved:" <+> ppr not_fully_solved
-                 , text "fully_soluble1:" <+> ppr fully_soluble1
-                 , text "other1:" <+> ppr other1
-                 , text "simpl_fully_soluble1:" <+> ppr simpl_fully_soluble1
-                 ]
-         -- (3) Quantify over the constraints
-       ; (quant_cts, residual) <- getRuleQuantCts other1
+                    solveWanteds fully_soluble_wanteds
+       ; massertPpr (isSolvedWC simpl_fully_soluble) $
+           vcat [ text "tcSpecPrag (SpecSigE): unexpected unsolved constraints for" <+> quotes (ppr nm) <> colon
+                , ppr simpl_fully_soluble
+                , text "original Wanteds:" <+> ppr spec_e_wanted
+                , text "supposedly soluble Wanteds:" <+> ppr fully_soluble_wanteds
+                , text "not_fully_solved_ev_ids:" <+> ppr not_fully_solved_ev_ids
+                , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e
+                ]
+         -- (3) Quantify other constraints. The quantification candidates
+         -- are the non-fully-soluble constraints computed in (2.5).
+       ; (quant_cts, residual_wc) <- getRuleQuantCts other_wanteds
        ; let qevs = map ctEvId $ bagToList quant_cts
-         -- (4) Emit the residual (non-quantified) constraints,
-         --     and wrap the expression in the evidence let bindings
+         -- (4) Emit the residual constraints, and wrap the expression
+         -- in the evidence let bindings
        ; let tv_bndrs = filter isTyVar rule_bndrs'
        ; emitResidualConstraints rhs_tclvl skol_info_anon ev_binds_var
                                  emptyVarSet tv_bndrs qevs
-                                 residual
+                                 residual_wc
        ; let lhs_call = mkLHsWrap (WpLet (TcEvBinds ev_binds_var)) tc_spec_e
-       ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag:SpecSigE" $
+       ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag SpecSigE }" $
          vcat [ text "nm:" <+> ppr nm
               , text "rule_bndrs':" <+> ppr rule_bndrs'
               , text "qevs:" <+> ppr qevs
               , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr tc_spec_e
               , text "inl:" <+> ppr inl
-              , text (replicate 40 '=')
-              , text "spec_e_wanted:" <+> ppr spec_e_wanted
-              , text "spec_e_wanted_clone:" <+> ppr spec_e_wanted_clone
-              , text "simpl_spec_e_wanted_clone:" <+> ppr simpl_spec_e_wanted_clone
-              , text "not_fully_solved:" <+> ppr not_fully_solved
-              , text "fully_soluble1:" <+> ppr fully_soluble1
-              , text "other1:" <+> ppr other1
-              , text "simpl_fully_soluble1:" <+> ppr simpl_fully_soluble1
-              , text (replicate 40 '-')
+              , text "not_fully_solved_ev_ids:" <+> ppr not_fully_solved_ev_ids
+              , text "fully_soluble_wanteds:" <+> ppr fully_soluble_wanteds
+              , text "other_wanteds:" <+> ppr other_wanteds
               , text "quant_cts:" <+> ppr quant_cts
-              , text "residual:" <+> ppr residual
+              , text "residual_wc:" <+> ppr residual_wc
+         -- (5) Store the results in a SpecPragE record, which will be
+         -- zonked and then consumed by the desugarer.
        ; return [SpecPragE { spe_fn_nm = nm
                            , spe_fn_id = poly_id
                            , spe_bndrs = qevs ++ rule_bndrs' -- Dependency order
@@ -1076,14 +1131,14 @@ tcSpecPrag _ prag = pprPanic "tcSpecPrag" (ppr prag)
 notFullySolvedWanteds :: EvBindsVar -> WantedConstraints -> TcM VarSet
 notFullySolvedWanteds ev_binds_var wc
   = do { (unsolved_ids, ev_deps_edges) <- ev_binds_edges ev_binds_var wc
-       ; let (ev_graph, node_from_vertex, vertex_from_key) = Graph.graphFromEdges ev_deps_edges
-             evid_from_vertex v = case node_from_vertex v of ( ev_id, _, _ ) -> ev_id
-             reachable = mkVarSet
-                       $ concatMap (map evid_from_vertex . toList)
-                       $ Graph.dfs
-                           (Graph.transposeG ev_graph)
-                           (map (expectJust "tcSpecPrag (computing fully solved)" . vertex_from_key) unsolved_ids)
-       ; return reachable
+       ; let
+            (ev_graph, node_from_vertex, vertex_from_key) = Graph.graphFromEdges ev_deps_edges
+            evid_from_vertex v = case node_from_vertex v of (ev_id, _, _) -> ev_id
+            reachable = concatMap (map evid_from_vertex . toList)
+                      $ Graph.dfs
+                          (Graph.transposeG ev_graph)
+                          (map (expectJust "tcSpecPrag (computing fully solved)" . vertex_from_key) unsolved_ids)
+       ; return (mkVarSet reachable)
 ev_binds_edges :: EvBindsVar -> WantedConstraints -> TcM ([EvId], [(EvId, EvId, [EvId])])
@@ -1131,12 +1186,17 @@ partitionWC :: (EvId -> Bool) -> WantedConstraints -> (WantedConstraints, Wanted
 partitionWC f wc@(WC { wc_simple = cts, wc_impl = implics }) =
   let (yes_cts, no_cts) = partitionBag (f . ctEvId) cts
       (yes_impls, no_impls) = unzipBag $ mapBag f_impl implics
-  in ( wc { wc_simple = yes_cts, wc_impl = yes_impls }
-     , wc { wc_simple =  no_cts, wc_impl =  no_impls } )
+  in ( wc { wc_simple = yes_cts, wc_impl = mapMaybeBag prune yes_impls }
+     , wc { wc_simple =  no_cts, wc_impl = mapMaybeBag prune  no_impls } )
     f_impl i@(Implic { ic_wanted = wc' }) =
       let (yes, no) = partitionWC f wc'
       in (i { ic_wanted = yes }, i { ic_wanted = no })
+    prune :: Implication -> Maybe Implication
+    prune i =
+      if isEmptyWC ( ic_wanted i )
+      then Nothing
+      else Just i
 tcSpecWrapper :: UserTypeCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> TcM HsWrapper

@@ -172,8 +172,10 @@ canDictCt ev cls tys
   | otherwise
   = Stage $
     do { dflags <- getDynFlags
-       ; let fuel | classHasSCs cls = wantedsFuel dflags
-                  | otherwise       = doNotExpand
+       ; let fuel | classHasSCs cls
+                  = wantedsFuel dflags
+                  | otherwise
+                  = doNotExpand
                   -- See Invariants in `CCDictCan.cc_pend_sc`
        ; continueWith (DictCt { di_ev = ev, di_cls = cls
                               , di_tys = tys, di_pend_sc = fuel }) }
@@ -842,7 +844,6 @@ shortCutSolver dflags ev_w
                         ; loc' <- lift $ checkInstanceOK (ctEvLoc ev) what pred
                         ; lift $ checkReductionDepth loc' pred
                         ; evc_vs <- mapM (new_wanted_cached ev loc' solved_dicts') preds
                                    -- Emit work for subgoals but use our local cache
                                    -- so we can solve recursive dictionaries.
@@ -856,10 +857,6 @@ shortCutSolver dflags ev_w
                 _other_inst_res -> mzero }
-        ForAllPred _tvs _theta _body ->
-          -- TODO: implement short-cut solving for quantified constraints
-          mzero
         _other_pred -> mzero
         pred = ctEvPred ev
@@ -887,12 +884,11 @@ tryInstances :: DictCt -> SolverStage ()
 tryInstances dict_ct
   = Stage $ do { dflags <- getDynFlags
                ; inerts <- getInertSet
-               ; mode   <- getModeTcS
-               ; try_instances inerts dflags mode dict_ct }
+               ; try_instances inerts dflags dict_ct }
-try_instances :: InertSet -> DynFlags -> TcSMode -> DictCt -> TcS (StopOrContinue ())
+try_instances :: InertSet -> DynFlags -> DictCt -> TcS (StopOrContinue ())
 -- Try to use type-class instance declarations to simplify the constraint
-try_instances inerts dflags mode
+try_instances inerts dflags
   work_item@(DictCt { di_ev = ev, di_cls = cls
                     , di_tys = xis })
   | isGiven ev   -- Never use instances for Given constraints
@@ -903,16 +899,6 @@ try_instances inerts dflags mode
   = do { setEvBindIfWanted ev EvCanonical (ctEvTerm solved_ev)
        ; stopWith ev "Dict/Top (cached)" }
-  | TcSSpecPrag <- mode
-    -- In TcSSpecPrag mode, we only want to "fully solve" constraints
-    -- from instances. Making partial progress using instances is
-    -- actively harmful; see Note [Handling new-form SPECIALISE pragmas].
-  = do { shortcut_worked <- shortCutSolver dflags ev
-       ; if shortcut_worked
-         then stopWith ev "TcSSpecPrag DictCt: short-cut fully solved Wanted from instances"
-         else continueWith ()
-       }
   | otherwise  -- Wanted, but not cached
   = do { lkup_res <- matchClassInst dflags inerts cls xis dict_loc
        ; case lkup_res of

@@ -2018,7 +2018,7 @@ finishCanWithIrred :: CtIrredReason -> CtEvidence
                    -> TcS (StopOrContinue (Either IrredCt a))
 finishCanWithIrred reason ev
   = do { -- Abort fast if we have any insoluble Wanted constraints,
-         -- and the TcSMode is TcsHoleFits
+         -- and the TcSMode is TcSHoleFits
          mode <- getModeTcS
        ; when (mode == TcSHoleFits && isInsolubleReason reason) failTcS

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad (
     -- The TcS monad
     TcS, TcSMode(..),
     runTcS, runTcSEarlyAbort, runTcSWithEvBinds, runTcSInerts,
-    runTcSEqualities, runTcSSpecPragWithEvBinds,
+    runTcSEqualities,
     failTcS, failWithTcS, warnTcS, addErrTcS, wrapTcS, ctLocWarnTcS,
     nestTcS, nestImplicTcS, setEvBindsTcS,
     emitImplicationTcS, emitTvImplicationTcS,
@@ -856,14 +856,11 @@ data TcSMode
                  -- See Note [Speeding up valid hole-fits].
-  | TcSSpecPrag  -- ^ Don't use instance declarations or unpack forall constraints;
-                 -- used when simplifying a SPECIALISE pragma.
   deriving( Eq )
 instance Outputable TcSMode where
   ppr TcSVanilla  = text "TcSVanilla"
   ppr TcSHoleFits = text "TcSHoleFits"
-  ppr TcSSpecPrag = text "TcSSpecPrag"
 newtype TcS a = TcS { unTcS :: TcSEnv -> TcM a }
@@ -994,10 +991,6 @@ csTraceTcM mk_doc
 runTcSWithEvBinds :: EvBindsVar -> TcS a -> TcM a
 runTcSWithEvBinds = runTcSWorker True TcSVanilla
--- | This version of 'runTcSWithEvBinds' uses the 'TcSSpecPrag' mode.
-runTcSSpecPragWithEvBinds :: EvBindsVar -> TcS a -> TcM a
-runTcSSpecPragWithEvBinds = runTcSWorker True TcSSpecPrag
 runTcS :: TcS a -> TcM (a, EvBindMap)
 runTcS tcs
   = do { ev_binds_var <- TcM.newTcEvBinds

@@ -1212,28 +1212,11 @@ solveForAll :: CtEvidence -> [TcTyVar] -> TcThetaType -> PredType -> ExpansionFu
             -> TcS (StopOrContinue Void)
 -- Precondition: already rewritten by inert set
 solveForAll ev tvs theta pred fuel
-  = do { mode <- getModeTcS
-       ; solve_forAll ev tvs theta pred fuel mode
-       }
-solve_forAll :: CtEvidence -> [TcTyVar] -> TcThetaType -> PredType
-             -> ExpansionFuel -> TcSMode
-             -> TcS (StopOrContinue Void)
-solve_forAll ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest, ctev_rewriters = rewriters, ctev_loc = loc })
-             tvs theta pred _fuel _mode
-  | TcSSpecPrag <- mode
-  = do { dflags <- getDynFlags
-       ; shortcut_worked <- shortCutSolver dflags ev
-       ; if shortcut_worked
-         then stopWith ev "TcSSpecPrag QC: short-cut fully solved Wanted from instances"
-         else do { let qci = QCI { qci_ev = ev, qci_tvs = tvs
-                                 , qci_pred = pred, qci_pend_sc = fuel }
-                 ; addInertForAll qci
-                 ; stopWith ev "TcSSpecPrag QC: Wanted kept as inert" }
-                 }
-  | otherwise
+  | CtGiven {} <- ev
+  -- See Note [Solving a Given forall-constraint]
+  = do { addInertForAll qci
+       ; stopWith ev "Given forall-constraint" }
+  | CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest, ctev_rewriters = rewriters, ctev_loc = loc } <- ev
   = -- See Note [Solving a Wanted forall-constraint]
     TcS.setSrcSpan (getCtLocEnvLoc $ ctLocEnv loc) $
     -- This setSrcSpan is important: the emitImplicationTcS uses that
@@ -1279,11 +1262,6 @@ solve_forAll ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest, ctev_rewriters = rewriters, ctev_l
                       ClassPred cls tys -> pSizeClassPred cls tys
                       _                 -> pSizeType pred
- -- See Note [Solving a Given forall-constraint]
-solve_forAll ev@(CtGiven {}) tvs _theta pred fuel _mode
-  = do { addInertForAll qci
-       ; stopWith ev "Given forall-constraint" }
-  where
     qci = QCI { qci_ev = ev, qci_tvs = tvs
               , qci_pred = pred, qci_pend_sc = fuel }

@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
 module DsSpecPragmas where
-import Control.Monad.ST ( ST )
+import Control.Monad.ST
+  ( ST )
+import Data.Proxy
+  ( Proxy(..) )
 -- Some specialise pragmas that are difficult to generate the correct RULE for.
@@ -17,22 +20,28 @@ f1 _ _ = 111
 -- Make sure we don't generate a rule with an LHS of the form
---  forall @e (d :: Eq e). f @[e] ($fEqList d) = ...
+--  forall @e (d :: Eq e). f1 @[e] ($fEqList d) = ...
 --     but rather
---  forall @e (d :: Eq [e]). f @[e] d = ...
+--  forall @e (d :: Eq [e]). f1 @[e] d = ...
 {-# SPECIALISE f1 :: Eq [e] => Word -> [e] -> Int #-}
+f1_qc :: ( forall x. Eq x => Eq ( f x ), Eq a, Num b ) => Proxy f -> a -> b -> Char
+f1_qc _ _ _ = 'q'
+-- Like 'f1', but with a local instance (quantified constraint).
+{-# SPECIALISE f1_qc :: ( forall y. Eq y => Eq ( g y ), Eq ( g e ) ) => Proxy g -> g e -> Word -> Char #-}
-f2 :: ( Eq a, Eq b ) => a -> b -> Int
-f2 a b = if ( a == a ) == ( b == b ) then 1 else 2
+f2 :: ( Eq a, Eq b, Num c ) => a -> b -> c -> Int
+f2 _ _ _ = 2
 -- Make sure the rule LHS is of the form
 --   f2 @c @c d1 d2     and not    f2 @c @c d d
-{-# SPECIALISE f2 :: Eq c => c -> c -> Int #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE f2 :: Eq c => c -> c -> Word -> Int #-}
@@ -69,15 +78,30 @@ f5 x = x == x
 {-# SPECIALISE f5 :: D Int -> Bool #-}
-f6 :: ( Eq a, Eq ( T a ), forall x. ( Eq x, Eq ( T x ) ) => Eq ( f x ) ) => f a -> Bool
-f6 z = z == z
+f5_qc :: ( Eq a, Eq ( T a ), forall x. ( Eq x, Eq ( T x ) ) => Eq ( f x ) ) => f a -> Bool
+f5_qc z = z == z
 -- Discharge a quantified constraint using a top-level instance
 -- whose context includes a type family application.
-{-# SPECIALISE f6 :: D Int -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE f5_qc :: D Int -> Bool #-}
 -- Quantify over this same quantified constraint, but discharge the
 -- other dictionary constraints.
-{-# SPECIALISE f6 :: ( forall y. ( Eq y, Eq ( T y ) ) => Eq ( g y ) ) => g Int -> Bool #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE f5_qc :: ( forall y. ( Eq y, Eq ( T y ) ) => Eq ( g y ) ) => g Int -> Bool #-}
+f6 :: ( Eq a, Ord b, Num c ) => a -> b -> c -> Char
+f6 _ _ _ = 'c'
+-- Check that we do perform simplification among Wanteds that we quantify over.
+{-# SPECIALISE f6 :: Ord c => c -> c -> Word -> Char #-}
+f6_qc :: ( forall x. Eq x => Eq ( f x ), forall y. Eq y => Ord ( g y ), Num c ) => Proxy f -> Proxy g -> c -> Char
+f6_qc _ _ _ = 'd'
+-- Like 'f6', but with quantified constraints.
+{-# SPECIALISE f6_qc :: ( forall z. Eq z => Ord ( h z ) ) => Proxy h -> Proxy h -> Word -> Char #-}

testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/SpecPragmas.hs → testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/TcSpecPragmas.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE NamedWildCards, PartialTypeSignatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, NamedWildCards, PartialTypeSignatures #-}
 module SpecPragmas where
+import Data.Proxy
+  ( Proxy(..) )
+import Data.Type.Equality
+  ( (:~~:)(HRefl) )
+import Data.Typeable
+  ( Typeable, heqT )
 foo :: Num a => a -> a
 foo x = x + 1
@@ -32,3 +41,16 @@ baz a b = realToFrac a + fromIntegral b
 {-# SPECIALISE [~1] forall a. forall. baz @a @_ @a #-}
+tyEq :: ( Typeable a, Typeable b ) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> Float
+tyEq ( _ :: Proxy a ) ( _ :: Proxy b ) =
+  case heqT @a @b of
+    Nothing    -> 17.9
+    Just HRefl -> 1.1
+-- Check that we don't emit a "useless specialisation" warning, as the
+-- specialisation allows us to drop dead code in the body of 'f7'.
+{-# SPECIALISE tyEq :: Typeable c => Proxy c -> Proxy c -> Float #-}

@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ test('ExplicitSpecificityA1', normal, compile, [''])
 test('ExplicitSpecificityA2', normal, compile, [''])
 test('ExplicitSpecificity4', normal, compile, [''])
 test('RuleEqs', normal, compile, [''])
-test('SpecPragmas', normal, compile, [''])
+test('TcSpecPragmas', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T17775-viewpats-a', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T17775-viewpats-b', normal, compile_fail, [''])
 test('T17775-viewpats-c', normal, compile_fail, [''])

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