[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/specialise-assembler] 4 commits: hackage-doc-tarball: Allow ghc-boot-th to be uploaded to hackage

Matthew Pickering (@mpickering) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Feb 3 14:30:38 UTC 2025

Matthew Pickering pushed to branch wip/specialise-assembler at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

7bfc93a7 by Zubin Duggal at 2025-01-29T21:41:17-05:00
hackage-doc-tarball: Allow ghc-boot-th to be uploaded to hackage

It can't refer to files outside its source directory, so patch that part out.
This is OK because those files are only used while bootstrapping.

Also add ghci to the list of packages to be uploaded

Fixes #25687

- - - - -
704eeb02 by Roman S at 2025-01-29T21:42:05-05:00
Fix Control.Arrow (***) diagram (fixes #25698)
- - - - -
b0dfac83 by Matthew Pickering at 2025-02-03T14:30:01+00:00
perf: Replace uses of genericLength with strictGenericLength

genericLength is a recursive function and marked NOINLINE. It is not
going to specialise. In profiles, it can be seen that 3% of total compilation
time when computing bytecode is spend calling this non-specialised

In addition, we can simplify `addListToSS` to avoid traversing the input
list twice and also allocating an intermediate list (after the call to

Overall these changes reduce the time spend in 'assembleBCOs' from 5.61s
to 3.88s. Allocations drop from 8GB to 5.3G.

Fixes #25706

- - - - -
593cf5ae by Matthew Pickering at 2025-02-03T14:30:01+00:00
perf: Speed up bytecode assembler by specialising assembleI function

By specialising the assembleI function for the two intepreters we avoid
having to materialise the intermediate free-monad like structure.

The resulting generated code is much more direct.

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- .gitlab/rel_eng/upload_ghc_libs.py
- compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
- compiler/GHC/Prelude/Basic.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
- libraries/ghc-boot/GHC/Data/SizedSeq.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/Control/Arrow.hs


@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ def prep_ghc():
     build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'GHC/Platform/Constants.hs')
     build_copy_file(PACKAGES['ghc'], 'GHC/Settings/Config.hs')
+def prep_ghc_boot_th():
+    # Drop ghc-internal from `hs-source-dirs` as Hackage rejects this
+    modify_file(PACKAGES['ghc-boot-th'], 'ghc-boot-th.cabal',
+                lambda s: s.replace('../ghc-internal/src', ''))
     pkg.name: pkg
     for pkg in [
@@ -105,9 +110,10 @@ PACKAGES = {
         Package('template-haskell', Path("libraries/template-haskell"), no_prep),
         Package('ghc-heap', Path("libraries/ghc-heap"), no_prep),
         Package('ghc-boot', Path("libraries/ghc-boot"), prep_ghc_boot),
-        Package('ghc-boot-th', Path("libraries/ghc-boot-th"), no_prep),
+        Package('ghc-boot-th', Path("libraries/ghc-boot-th"), prep_ghc_boot_th),
         Package('ghc-compact', Path("libraries/ghc-compact"), no_prep),
         Package('ghc', Path("compiler"), prep_ghc),
+        Package('ghci', Path("libraries/ghci"), no_prep),
 # Dict[str, Package]

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE CPP             #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor   #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash       #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples   #-}
 --  (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
@@ -53,7 +55,6 @@ import Data.Array.Base  ( UArray(..) )
 import Foreign hiding (shiftL, shiftR)
 import Data.Char        ( ord )
-import Data.List        ( genericLength )
 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
@@ -177,6 +178,17 @@ assembleOneBCO interp profile pbco = do
   UnitFlatBag ubco' <- mallocStrings interp (UnitFlatBag ubco)
   return ubco'
+{-# NOINLINE inspectInstrs #-}
+inspectInstrs :: Platform -> Bool -> Word -> [BCInstr] -> (Word, LabelEnvMap)
+inspectInstrs platform long_jump e instrs =
+  inspectAsm long_jump e (mapM_ (assembleI @InspectAsm platform) instrs)
+{-# NOINLINE runInstrs #-}
+runInstrs :: AsmState -> Platform -> Bool -> LabelEnv -> [BCInstr] -> IO AsmState
+runInstrs initial_state platform long_jumps env instrs =
+  flip execStateT initial_state $ runAsm long_jumps env (mapM_ (assembleI @RunAsm platform) instrs)
 assembleBCO :: Platform -> ProtoBCO Name -> IO UnlinkedBCO
 assembleBCO platform
             (ProtoBCO { protoBCOName       = nm
@@ -185,9 +197,7 @@ assembleBCO platform
                       , protoBCOBitmapSize = bsize
                       , protoBCOArity      = arity }) = do
   -- pass 1: collect up the offsets of the local labels.
-  let asm = mapM_ (assembleI platform) instrs
-      initial_offset = 0
+  let initial_offset = 0
       -- Jump instructions are variable-sized, there are long and short variants
       -- depending on the magnitude of the offset.  However, we can't tell what
@@ -197,11 +207,11 @@ assembleBCO platform
       -- and if the final size is indeed small enough for short jumps, we are
       -- done.  Otherwise, we repeat the calculation, and we force all jumps in
       -- this BCO to be long.
-      (n_insns0, lbl_map0) = inspectAsm platform False initial_offset asm
+      (n_insns0, lbl_map0) = inspectInstrs platform False initial_offset instrs
       ((n_insns, lbl_map), long_jumps)
         | isLargeW (fromIntegral $ Map.size lbl_map0)
           || isLargeW n_insns0
-                    = (inspectAsm platform True initial_offset asm, True)
+                    = (inspectInstrs platform True initial_offset instrs, True)
         | otherwise = ((n_insns0, lbl_map0), False)
       env :: LocalLabel -> Word
@@ -210,8 +220,8 @@ assembleBCO platform
         (Map.lookup lbl lbl_map)
   -- pass 2: run assembler and generate instructions, literals and pointers
-  let initial_state = (emptySS, emptySS, emptySS)
-  (final_insns, final_lits, final_ptrs) <- flip execStateT initial_state $ runAsm platform long_jumps env asm
+  let initial_state = AsmState emptySS emptySS emptySS
+  AsmState final_insns final_lits final_ptrs <- runInstrs initial_state platform long_jumps env instrs
   -- precomputed size should be equal to final size
   massertPpr (n_insns == sizeSS final_insns)
@@ -238,9 +248,9 @@ mkBitmapArray bsize bitmap
       fromIntegral bsize : map (fromInteger . fromStgWord) bitmap
 -- instrs nonptrs ptrs
-type AsmState = (SizedSeq Word16,
-                 SizedSeq BCONPtr,
-                 SizedSeq BCOPtr)
+data AsmState = AsmState {-# UNPACK #-} !(SizedSeq Word16)
+                         {-# UNPACK #-} !(SizedSeq BCONPtr)
+                         {-# UNPACK #-} !(SizedSeq BCOPtr)
 data Operand
   = Op Word
@@ -260,39 +270,9 @@ truncHalfWord platform w = case platformWordSize platform of
   PW8 | w <= 4294967295 -> Op (fromIntegral w)
   _ -> pprPanic "GHC.ByteCode.Asm.truncHalfWord" (ppr w)
-data Assembler a
-  = AllocPtr (IO BCOPtr) (Word -> Assembler a)
-  | AllocLit [BCONPtr] (Word -> Assembler a)
-  | AllocLabel LocalLabel (Assembler a)
-  | Emit Word16 [Operand] (Assembler a)
-  | NullAsm a
-  deriving (Functor)
-instance Applicative Assembler where
-    pure = NullAsm
-    (<*>) = ap
-instance Monad Assembler where
-  NullAsm x >>= f = f x
-  AllocPtr p k >>= f = AllocPtr p (k >=> f)
-  AllocLit l k >>= f = AllocLit l (k >=> f)
-  AllocLabel lbl k >>= f = AllocLabel lbl (k >>= f)
-  Emit w ops k >>= f = Emit w ops (k >>= f)
-ioptr :: IO BCOPtr -> Assembler Word
-ioptr p = AllocPtr p return
-ptr :: BCOPtr -> Assembler Word
-ptr = ioptr . return
-lit :: [BCONPtr] -> Assembler Word
-lit l = AllocLit l return
-label :: LocalLabel -> Assembler ()
-label w = AllocLabel w (return ())
-emit :: Word16 -> [Operand] -> Assembler ()
-emit w ops = Emit w ops (return ())
+ptr :: MonadAssembler m => BCOPtr -> m Word
+ptr = ioptr . return
 type LabelEnv = LocalLabel -> Word
@@ -303,36 +283,57 @@ largeOp long_jumps op = case op of
    IOp i     -> isLargeI i
    LabelOp _ -> long_jumps
-runAsm :: Platform -> Bool -> LabelEnv -> Assembler a -> StateT AsmState IO a
-runAsm platform long_jumps e = go
-  where
-    go (NullAsm x) = return x
-    go (AllocPtr p_io k) = do
-      p <- lift p_io
-      w <- state $ \(st_i0,st_l0,st_p0) ->
-        let st_p1 = addToSS st_p0 p
-        in (sizeSS st_p0, (st_i0,st_l0,st_p1))
-      go $ k w
-    go (AllocLit lits k) = do
-      w <- state $ \(st_i0,st_l0,st_p0) ->
+newtype RunAsm a = RunAsm { runRunAsm :: Bool -> LabelEnv -> StateT AsmState IO a }
+instance Functor RunAsm where
+  fmap f (RunAsm x) = RunAsm (\b c -> fmap f (x b c) )
+instance Applicative RunAsm where
+  pure x = RunAsm $ \_ _ -> pure x
+  (RunAsm f) <*> (RunAsm x) = RunAsm $ \b c -> f b c <*> x b c
+  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
+instance Monad RunAsm where
+  return  = pure
+  (RunAsm m) >>= f = RunAsm $ \b c -> m b c >>= (\d -> runRunAsm (f d) b c)
+  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
+runAsm :: Bool -> LabelEnv -> RunAsm a -> StateT AsmState IO a
+runAsm long_jumps e (RunAsm{runRunAsm}) = runRunAsm long_jumps e
+instance MonadAssembler RunAsm where
+  ioptr p_io = RunAsm $ \_ _ -> do
+                 p <- lift p_io
+                 w <- state $ \(AsmState st_i0 st_l0 st_p0) ->
+                   let st_p1 = addToSS st_p0 p
+                   in (sizeSS st_p0, AsmState st_i0 st_l0 st_p1)
+                 return w
+  lit lits = RunAsm $ \_ _ ->
+      state $ \(AsmState st_i0 st_l0 st_p0) ->
         let st_l1 = addListToSS st_l0 lits
-        in (sizeSS st_l0, (st_i0,st_l1,st_p0))
-      go $ k w
-    go (AllocLabel _ k) = go k
-    go (Emit w ops k) = do
-      let largeArgs = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
-          opcode
-            | largeArgs = largeArgInstr w
-            | otherwise = w
-          words = concatMap expand ops
-          expand (SmallOp w) = [w]
-          expand (LabelOp w) = expand (Op (e w))
-          expand (Op w) = if largeArgs then largeArg platform (fromIntegral w) else [fromIntegral w]
-          expand (IOp i) = if largeArgs then largeArg platform (fromIntegral i) else [fromIntegral i]
-      state $ \(st_i0,st_l0,st_p0) ->
-        let st_i1 = addListToSS st_i0 (opcode : words)
-        in ((), (st_i1,st_l0,st_p0))
-      go k
+        in (sizeSS st_l0, AsmState st_i0 st_l1 st_p0)
+  label _ = return ()
+  emit platform w ops = RunAsm $ \long_jumps e -> do
+                let largeArgs = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
+                    opcode
+                      | largeArgs = largeArgInstr w
+                      | otherwise = w
+                    words = concatMap expand ops
+                    expand (SmallOp w) = [w]
+                    expand (LabelOp w) = expand (Op (e w))
+                    expand (Op w) = if largeArgs then largeArg platform (fromIntegral w) else [fromIntegral w]
+                    expand (IOp i) = if largeArgs then largeArg platform (fromIntegral i) else [fromIntegral i]
+                state $ \(AsmState st_i0 st_l0 st_p0) ->
+                  let st_i1 = addListToSS st_i0 (opcode : words)
+                  in ((), AsmState st_i1 st_l0 st_p0)
+  {-# INLINE emit #-}
+  {-# INLINE label #-}
+  {-# INLINE lit #-}
+  {-# INLINE ioptr #-}
 type LabelEnvMap = Map LocalLabel Word
@@ -343,26 +344,78 @@ data InspectState = InspectState
   , lblEnv :: LabelEnvMap
-inspectAsm :: Platform -> Bool -> Word -> Assembler a -> (Word, LabelEnvMap)
-inspectAsm platform long_jumps initial_offset
-  = go (InspectState initial_offset 0 0 Map.empty)
-  where
-    go s (NullAsm _) = (instrCount s, lblEnv s)
-    go s (AllocPtr _ k) = go (s { ptrCount = n + 1 }) (k n)
-      where n = ptrCount s
-    go s (AllocLit ls k) = go (s { litCount = n + genericLength ls }) (k n)
-      where n = litCount s
-    go s (AllocLabel lbl k) = go s' k
-      where s' = s { lblEnv = Map.insert lbl (instrCount s) (lblEnv s) }
-    go s (Emit _ ops k) = go s' k
-      where
-        s' = s { instrCount = instrCount s + size }
-        size = sum (map count ops) + 1
+newtype InspectEnv = InspectEnv { _inspectLongJumps :: Bool
+                                }
+newtype InspectAsm a = InspectAsm { runInspectAsm :: InspectEnv -> InspectState -> (# InspectState,  a #) }
+instance Functor InspectAsm where
+  fmap f (InspectAsm k) = InspectAsm $ \a b -> case k a b of
+                                                  (# b', c #) -> (# b', f c #)
+instance Applicative InspectAsm where
+  pure x = InspectAsm $ \_ s -> (# s, x #)
+  (InspectAsm f) <*> (InspectAsm x) = InspectAsm $ \a b -> case f a b of
+                                                              (# s', f' #) ->
+                                                                case x a s' of
+                                                                  (# s'', x' #) -> (# s'', f' x' #)
+instance Monad InspectAsm where
+  return = pure
+  (InspectAsm m) >>= f = InspectAsm $ \ a b -> case m a b of
+                                                (# s', a' #) -> runInspectAsm (f a') a s'
+get_ :: InspectAsm InspectState
+get_ = InspectAsm $ \_ b -> (# b, b #)
+put_ :: InspectState -> InspectAsm ()
+put_ !s = InspectAsm $ \_ _ -> (# s, () #)
+modify_ :: (InspectState -> InspectState) -> InspectAsm ()
+modify_ f = InspectAsm $ \_ s -> let !s' = f s in (# s', () #)
+ask_ :: InspectAsm InspectEnv
+ask_ = InspectAsm $ \a b -> (# b, a #)
+inspectAsm :: Bool -> Word -> InspectAsm () -> (Word, LabelEnvMap)
+inspectAsm long_jumps initial_offset (InspectAsm s) =
+  case s (InspectEnv long_jumps) (InspectState initial_offset 0 0 Map.empty) of
+    (# res, () #) -> (instrCount res, lblEnv res)
+{-# INLINE inspectAsm #-}
+instance MonadAssembler InspectAsm where
+  ioptr _ = do
+    s <- get_
+    let n = ptrCount s
+    put_ (s { ptrCount = n + 1 })
+    return n
+  lit ls = do
+    s <- get_
+    let n = litCount s
+    put_ (s { litCount = n + strictGenericLength ls })
+    return n
+  label lbl = modify_ (\s -> s { lblEnv = Map.insert lbl (instrCount s) (lblEnv s) })
+  emit platform _ ops = do
+    InspectEnv long_jumps <- ask_
+    let size = sum (map count ops) + 1
         largeOps = any (largeOp long_jumps) ops
         count (SmallOp _) = 1
         count (LabelOp _) = count (Op 0)
         count (Op _) = if largeOps then largeArg16s platform else 1
         count (IOp _) = if largeOps then largeArg16s platform else 1
+    s <- get_
+    put_ (s { instrCount = instrCount s + size })
+  {-# INLINE emit #-}
+  {-# INLINE label #-}
+  {-# INLINE lit #-}
+  {-# INLINE ioptr #-}
 -- Bring in all the bci_ bytecode constants.
 #include "Bytecodes.h"
@@ -386,31 +439,41 @@ largeArg16s platform = case platformWordSize platform of
    PW8 -> 4
    PW4 -> 2
-assembleI :: Platform
+class Monad m => MonadAssembler m where
+  ioptr :: IO BCOPtr -> m Word
+  lit :: [BCONPtr] -> m Word
+  label :: LocalLabel -> m ()
+  emit :: Platform -> Word16 -> [Operand] -> m ()
+{-# SPECIALISE assembleI :: Platform -> BCInstr -> InspectAsm () #-}
+{-# SPECIALISE assembleI :: Platform -> BCInstr -> RunAsm () #-}
+assembleI :: forall m . MonadAssembler m
+          => Platform
           -> BCInstr
-          -> Assembler ()
+          -> m ()
 assembleI platform i = case i of
-  STKCHECK n               -> emit bci_STKCHECK [Op n]
-  PUSH_L o1                -> emit bci_PUSH_L [wOp o1]
-  PUSH_LL o1 o2            -> emit bci_PUSH_LL [wOp o1, wOp o2]
-  PUSH_LLL o1 o2 o3        -> emit bci_PUSH_LLL [wOp o1, wOp o2, wOp o3]
-  PUSH8 o1                 -> emit bci_PUSH8 [bOp o1]
-  PUSH16 o1                -> emit bci_PUSH16 [bOp o1]
-  PUSH32 o1                -> emit bci_PUSH32 [bOp o1]
-  PUSH8_W o1               -> emit bci_PUSH8_W [bOp o1]
-  PUSH16_W o1              -> emit bci_PUSH16_W [bOp o1]
-  PUSH32_W o1              -> emit bci_PUSH32_W [bOp o1]
+  STKCHECK n               -> emit_ bci_STKCHECK [Op n]
+  PUSH_L o1                -> emit_ bci_PUSH_L [wOp o1]
+  PUSH_LL o1 o2            -> emit_ bci_PUSH_LL [wOp o1, wOp o2]
+  PUSH_LLL o1 o2 o3        -> emit_ bci_PUSH_LLL [wOp o1, wOp o2, wOp o3]
+  PUSH8 o1                 -> emit_ bci_PUSH8 [bOp o1]
+  PUSH16 o1                -> emit_ bci_PUSH16 [bOp o1]
+  PUSH32 o1                -> emit_ bci_PUSH32 [bOp o1]
+  PUSH8_W o1               -> emit_ bci_PUSH8_W [bOp o1]
+  PUSH16_W o1              -> emit_ bci_PUSH16_W [bOp o1]
+  PUSH32_W o1              -> emit_ bci_PUSH32_W [bOp o1]
   PUSH_G nm                -> do p <- ptr (BCOPtrName nm)
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_G [Op p]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_G [Op p]
   PUSH_PRIMOP op           -> do p <- ptr (BCOPtrPrimOp op)
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_G [Op p]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_G [Op p]
   PUSH_BCO proto           -> do let ul_bco = assembleBCO platform proto
                                  p <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_bco)
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_G [Op p]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_G [Op p]
   PUSH_ALTS proto pk
                            -> do let ul_bco = assembleBCO platform proto
                                  p <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_bco)
-                                 emit (push_alts pk) [Op p]
+                                 emit_ (push_alts pk) [Op p]
   PUSH_ALTS_TUPLE proto call_info tuple_proto
                            -> do let ul_bco = assembleBCO platform proto
                                      ul_tuple_bco = assembleBCO platform
@@ -419,121 +482,124 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
                                  p_tup <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_tuple_bco)
                                  info <- word (fromIntegral $
                                               mkNativeCallInfoSig platform call_info)
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_ALTS_T
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_ALTS_T
                                       [Op p, Op info, Op p_tup]
-  PUSH_PAD8                -> emit bci_PUSH_PAD8 []
-  PUSH_PAD16               -> emit bci_PUSH_PAD16 []
-  PUSH_PAD32               -> emit bci_PUSH_PAD32 []
+  PUSH_PAD8                -> emit_ bci_PUSH_PAD8 []
+  PUSH_PAD16               -> emit_ bci_PUSH_PAD16 []
+  PUSH_PAD32               -> emit_ bci_PUSH_PAD32 []
   PUSH_UBX8 lit            -> do np <- literal lit
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_UBX8 [Op np]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_UBX8 [Op np]
   PUSH_UBX16 lit           -> do np <- literal lit
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_UBX16 [Op np]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_UBX16 [Op np]
   PUSH_UBX32 lit           -> do np <- literal lit
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_UBX32 [Op np]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_UBX32 [Op np]
   PUSH_UBX lit nws         -> do np <- literal lit
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_UBX [Op np, wOp nws]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_UBX [Op np, wOp nws]
   -- see Note [Generating code for top-level string literal bindings] in GHC.StgToByteCode
   PUSH_ADDR nm             -> do np <- lit [BCONPtrAddr nm]
-                                 emit bci_PUSH_UBX [Op np, SmallOp 1]
-  PUSH_APPLY_N             -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_N []
-  PUSH_APPLY_V             -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_V []
-  PUSH_APPLY_F             -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_F []
-  PUSH_APPLY_D             -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_D []
-  PUSH_APPLY_L             -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_L []
-  PUSH_APPLY_P             -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_P []
-  PUSH_APPLY_PP            -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_PP []
-  PUSH_APPLY_PPP           -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPP []
-  PUSH_APPLY_PPPP          -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPPP []
-  PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP         -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP []
-  PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP        -> emit bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP []
-  SLIDE     n by           -> emit bci_SLIDE [wOp n, wOp by]
-  ALLOC_AP  n              -> emit bci_ALLOC_AP [truncHalfWord platform n]
-  ALLOC_AP_NOUPD n         -> emit bci_ALLOC_AP_NOUPD [truncHalfWord platform n]
-  ALLOC_PAP arity n        -> emit bci_ALLOC_PAP [truncHalfWord platform arity, truncHalfWord platform n]
-  MKAP      off sz         -> emit bci_MKAP [wOp off, truncHalfWord platform sz]
-  MKPAP     off sz         -> emit bci_MKPAP [wOp off, truncHalfWord platform sz]
-  UNPACK    n              -> emit bci_UNPACK [wOp n]
+                                 emit_ bci_PUSH_UBX [Op np, SmallOp 1]
+  PUSH_APPLY_N             -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_N []
+  PUSH_APPLY_V             -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_V []
+  PUSH_APPLY_F             -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_F []
+  PUSH_APPLY_D             -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_D []
+  PUSH_APPLY_L             -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_L []
+  PUSH_APPLY_P             -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_P []
+  PUSH_APPLY_PP            -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_PP []
+  PUSH_APPLY_PPP           -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPP []
+  PUSH_APPLY_PPPP          -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPPP []
+  PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP         -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPPPP []
+  PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP        -> emit_ bci_PUSH_APPLY_PPPPPP []
+  SLIDE     n by           -> emit_ bci_SLIDE [wOp n, wOp by]
+  ALLOC_AP  n              -> emit_ bci_ALLOC_AP [truncHalfWord platform n]
+  ALLOC_AP_NOUPD n         -> emit_ bci_ALLOC_AP_NOUPD [truncHalfWord platform n]
+  ALLOC_PAP arity n        -> emit_ bci_ALLOC_PAP [truncHalfWord platform arity, truncHalfWord platform n]
+  MKAP      off sz         -> emit_ bci_MKAP [wOp off, truncHalfWord platform sz]
+  MKPAP     off sz         -> emit_ bci_MKPAP [wOp off, truncHalfWord platform sz]
+  UNPACK    n              -> emit_ bci_UNPACK [wOp n]
   PACK      dcon sz        -> do itbl_no <- lit [BCONPtrItbl (getName dcon)]
-                                 emit bci_PACK [Op itbl_no, wOp sz]
+                                 emit_ bci_PACK [Op itbl_no, wOp sz]
   LABEL     lbl            -> label lbl
   TESTLT_I  i l            -> do np <- int i
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_I [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_I [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_I  i l            -> do np <- int i
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_I [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_I [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_W  w l            -> do np <- word w
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_W [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_W [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_W  w l            -> do np <- word w
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_W [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_W [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_I64  i l          -> do np <- word64 (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_I64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_I64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_I64  i l          -> do np <- word64 (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_I64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_I64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_I32  i l          -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_I32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_I32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_I32 i l           -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_I32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_I32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_I16  i l          -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_I16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_I16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_I16 i l           -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_I16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_I16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_I8  i l           -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_I8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_I8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_I8 i l            -> do np <- word (fromIntegral i)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_I8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_I8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_W64  w l          -> do np <- word64 w
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_W64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_W64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_W64  w l          -> do np <- word64 w
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_W64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_W64 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_W32  w l          -> do np <- word (fromIntegral w)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_W32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_W32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_W32  w l          -> do np <- word (fromIntegral w)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_W32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_W32 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_W16  w l          -> do np <- word (fromIntegral w)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_W16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_W16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_W16  w l          -> do np <- word (fromIntegral w)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_W16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_W16 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_W8  w l           -> do np <- word (fromIntegral w)
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_W8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_W8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_W8  w l           -> do np <- word (fromIntegral w)
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_W8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_W8 [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_F  f l            -> do np <- float f
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_F [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_F [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_F  f l            -> do np <- float f
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_F [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_F [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTLT_D  d l            -> do np <- double d
-                                 emit bci_TESTLT_D [Op np, LabelOp l]
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTLT_D [Op np, LabelOp l]
   TESTEQ_D  d l            -> do np <- double d
-                                 emit bci_TESTEQ_D [Op np, LabelOp l]
-  TESTLT_P  i l            -> emit bci_TESTLT_P [SmallOp i, LabelOp l]
-  TESTEQ_P  i l            -> emit bci_TESTEQ_P [SmallOp i, LabelOp l]
-  CASEFAIL                 -> emit bci_CASEFAIL []
-  SWIZZLE   stkoff n       -> emit bci_SWIZZLE [wOp stkoff, IOp n]
-  JMP       l              -> emit bci_JMP [LabelOp l]
-  ENTER                    -> emit bci_ENTER []
-  RETURN rep               -> emit (return_non_tuple rep) []
-  RETURN_TUPLE             -> emit bci_RETURN_T []
+                                 emit_ bci_TESTEQ_D [Op np, LabelOp l]
+  TESTLT_P  i l            -> emit_ bci_TESTLT_P [SmallOp i, LabelOp l]
+  TESTEQ_P  i l            -> emit_ bci_TESTEQ_P [SmallOp i, LabelOp l]
+  CASEFAIL                 -> emit_ bci_CASEFAIL []
+  SWIZZLE   stkoff n       -> emit_ bci_SWIZZLE [wOp stkoff, IOp n]
+  JMP       l              -> emit_ bci_JMP [LabelOp l]
+  ENTER                    -> emit_ bci_ENTER []
+  RETURN rep               -> emit_ (return_non_tuple rep) []
+  RETURN_TUPLE             -> emit_ bci_RETURN_T []
   CCALL off m_addr i       -> do np <- addr m_addr
-                                 emit bci_CCALL [wOp off, Op np, SmallOp i]
-  PRIMCALL                 -> emit bci_PRIMCALL []
+                                 emit_ bci_CCALL [wOp off, Op np, SmallOp i]
+  PRIMCALL                 -> emit_ bci_PRIMCALL []
   BRK_FUN arr tick_mod tickx info_mod infox cc ->
                               do p1 <- ptr (BCOPtrBreakArray arr)
                                  tick_addr <- addr tick_mod
                                  info_addr <- addr info_mod
                                  np <- addr cc
-                                 emit bci_BRK_FUN [ Op p1
+                                 emit_ bci_BRK_FUN [ Op p1
                                                   , Op tick_addr, Op info_addr
                                                   , SmallOp tickx, SmallOp infox
                                                   , Op np
 #if MIN_VERSION_rts(1,0,3)
   BCO_NAME name            -> do np <- lit [BCONPtrStr name]
-                                 emit bci_BCO_NAME [Op np]
+                                 emit_ bci_BCO_NAME [Op np]
+    emit_ = emit platform
+    literal :: Literal -> m Word
     literal (LitLabel fs _)   = litlabel fs
     literal LitNullAddr       = word 0
     literal (LitFloat r)      = float (fromRational r)
@@ -573,16 +639,16 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
     -- Note that we only support host endianness == target endianness for now,
     -- even with the external interpreter. This would need to be fixed to
     -- support host endianness /= target endianness
-    int :: Int -> Assembler Word
+    int :: Int -> m Word
     int  i = word (fromIntegral i)
-    float :: Float -> Assembler Word
+    float :: Float -> m Word
     float f = word32 (castFloatToWord32 f)
-    double :: Double -> Assembler Word
+    double :: Double -> m Word
     double d = word64 (castDoubleToWord64 d)
-    word64 :: Word64 -> Assembler Word
+    word64 :: Word64 -> m Word
     word64 ww = case word_size of
        PW4 ->
         let !wl = fromIntegral ww
@@ -592,17 +658,17 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
             BigEndian    -> words [wh,wl]
        PW8 -> word (fromIntegral ww)
-    word8 :: Word8 -> Assembler Word
+    word8 :: Word8 -> m Word
     word8  x = case platformByteOrder platform of
       LittleEndian -> word (fromIntegral x)
       BigEndian    -> word (fromIntegral x `unsafeShiftL` (word_size_bits - 8))
-    word16 :: Word16 -> Assembler Word
+    word16 :: Word16 -> m Word
     word16 x = case platformByteOrder platform of
       LittleEndian -> word (fromIntegral x)
       BigEndian    -> word (fromIntegral x `unsafeShiftL` (word_size_bits - 16))
-    word32 :: Word32 -> Assembler Word
+    word32 :: Word32 -> m Word
     word32 x = case platformByteOrder platform of
       LittleEndian -> word (fromIntegral x)
       BigEndian    -> case word_size of

@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ module GHC.Prelude.Basic
   , shiftL, shiftR
   , setBit, clearBit
   , head, tail
+  , strictGenericLength
   ) where
@@ -130,3 +132,15 @@ head = Prelude.head
 tail :: HasCallStack => [a] -> [a]
 tail = Prelude.tail
 {-# INLINE tail #-}
+{- |
+The 'genericLength' function defined in base can't be specialised due to the
+NOINLINE pragma.
+It is also not strict in the accumulator, and strictGenericLength is not exported.
+See #25706 for why it is important to use a strict, specialised version.
+strictGenericLength :: Num a => [x] -> a
+strictGenericLength = fromIntegral . length

@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Name.Env (mkNameEnv)
 import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Types.SptEntry
-import Data.List ( genericReplicate, genericLength, intersperse
+import Data.List ( genericReplicate, intersperse
                  , partition, scanl', sortBy, zip4, zip6 )
 import Foreign hiding (shiftL, shiftR)
 import Control.Monad
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ schemeR_wrk fvs nm original_body (args, body)
          -- make the arg bitmap
          bits = argBits platform (reverse (map (idArgRep platform) all_args))
-         bitmap_size = genericLength bits
+         bitmap_size = strictGenericLength bits
          bitmap = mkBitmap platform bits
      body_code <- schemeER_wrk sum_szsb_args p_init body
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ schemeE d s p (StgLet _ext binds body) = do
      platform <- targetPlatform <$> getDynFlags
      let (xs,rhss) = case binds of StgNonRec x rhs  -> ([x],[rhs])
                                    StgRec xs_n_rhss -> unzip xs_n_rhss
-         n_binds = genericLength xs
+         n_binds = strictGenericLength xs
          fvss  = map (fvsToEnv p') rhss
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ schemeE d s p (StgLet _ext binds body) = do
          sizes = map (\rhs_fvs -> sum (map size_w rhs_fvs)) fvss
          -- the arity of each rhs
-         arities = map (genericLength . fst . collect) rhss
+         arities = map (strictGenericLength . fst . collect) rhss
          -- This p', d' defn is safe because all the items being pushed
          -- are ptrs, so all have size 1 word.  d' and p' reflect the stack
@@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@ implement_tagToId
 implement_tagToId d s p arg names
   = assert (notNull names) $
     do (push_arg, arg_bytes) <- pushAtom d p (StgVarArg arg)
-       labels <- getLabelsBc (genericLength names)
+       labels <- getLabelsBc (strictGenericLength names)
        label_fail <- getLabelBc
        label_exit <- getLabelBc
        dflags <- getDynFlags

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, CPP #-}
 module GHC.Data.SizedSeq
   ( SizedSeq(..)
   , emptySS
@@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ module GHC.Data.SizedSeq
 import Prelude -- See note [Why do we import Prelude here?]
 import Control.DeepSeq
 import Data.Binary
-import Data.List (genericLength)
 import GHC.Generics
+#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,20,0)
+import Data.List (foldl')
 data SizedSeq a = SizedSeq {-# UNPACK #-} !Word [a]
   deriving (Generic, Show)
@@ -37,9 +40,9 @@ emptySS = SizedSeq 0 []
 addToSS :: SizedSeq a -> a -> SizedSeq a
 addToSS (SizedSeq n r_xs) x = SizedSeq (n+1) (x:r_xs)
+-- NB, important this is eta-expand so that foldl' is inlined.
 addListToSS :: SizedSeq a -> [a] -> SizedSeq a
-addListToSS (SizedSeq n r_xs) xs
-  = SizedSeq (n + genericLength xs) (reverse xs ++ r_xs)
+addListToSS s xs = foldl' addToSS s xs
 ssElts :: SizedSeq a -> [a]
 ssElts (SizedSeq _ r_xs) = reverse r_xs

@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ class Category a => Arrow a where
     --   The default definition may be overridden with a more efficient
     --   version if desired.
-    -- >   b ╭─────╮ b'
+    -- >   b ╭─────╮ c
     -- > >───┼─ f ─┼───>
     -- > >───┼─ g ─┼───>
-    -- >   c ╰─────╯ c'
+    -- >   b'╰─────╯ c'
     (***) :: a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b,b') (c,c')
     f *** g = first f >>> arr swap >>> first g >>> arr swap
       where swap ~(x,y) = (y,x)

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