[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/ncg-simd] X86 genCCall: promote arg before calling evalArgs
sheaf (@sheaf)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Sep 21 13:58:46 UTC 2024
sheaf pushed to branch wip/ncg-simd at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
0a288d07 by sheaf at 2024-09-21T15:56:57+02:00
X86 genCCall: promote arg before calling evalArgs
The job of evalArgs is to ensure each argument is put into a temporary
register, so that it can then be loaded directly into one of the
argument registers for the C call, without the generated code clobbering
any other register used for argument passing.
However, if we promote arguments after calling evalArgs, there is the
possibility that the code used for the promotion will clobber a register,
defeating the work of evalArgs.
To avoid this, we first promote arguments, and only then call evalArgs.
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/X86/CodeGen.hs
@@ -3243,33 +3243,39 @@ genCCall
-> [CmmFormal]
-> [CmmActual]
-> NatM InstrBlock
-genCCall bid addr conv dest_regs args = do
+genCCall bid addr conv@(ForeignConvention _ argHints _ _) dest_regs args = do
+ platform <- getPlatform
is32Bit <- is32BitPlatform
- (instrs0, args') <- evalArgs bid args
+ let args_hints = zip args (argHints ++ repeat NoHint)
+ prom_args = map (maybePromoteCArgToW32 platform) args_hints
+ (instrs0, args') <- evalArgs bid prom_args
instrs1 <- if is32Bit
then genCCall32 addr conv dest_regs args'
else genCCall64 addr conv dest_regs args'
return (instrs0 `appOL` instrs1)
-maybePromoteCArg :: Platform -> Width -> (CmmExpr, ForeignHint) -> CmmExpr
-maybePromoteCArg platform wto (arg, hint)
- | wfrom < wto = case hint of
- SignedHint -> CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv wfrom wto) [arg]
- _ -> CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv wfrom wto) [arg]
+maybePromoteCArgToW32 :: Platform -> (CmmExpr, ForeignHint) -> CmmExpr
+maybePromoteCArgToW32 platform (arg, hint)
+ | wfrom < wto =
+ -- As wto=W32, we only need to handle integer conversions,
+ -- never Float -> Double.
+ case hint of
+ SignedHint -> CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv wfrom wto) [arg]
+ _ -> CmmMachOp (MO_UU_Conv wfrom wto) [arg]
| otherwise = arg
- wfrom = cmmExprWidth platform arg
+ ty = cmmExprType platform arg
+ wfrom = typeWidth ty
+ wto = W32
genCCall32 :: CmmExpr -- ^ address of the function to call
-> ForeignConvention -- ^ calling convention
-> [CmmFormal] -- ^ where to put the result
-> [CmmActual] -- ^ arguments (of mixed type)
-> NatM InstrBlock
-genCCall32 addr (ForeignConvention _ argHints _ _) dest_regs args = do
+genCCall32 addr _conv dest_regs args = do
config <- getConfig
let platform = ncgPlatform config
- args_hints = zip args (argHints ++ repeat NoHint)
- prom_args = map (maybePromoteCArg platform W32) args_hints
-- If the size is smaller than the word, we widen things (see maybePromoteCArg)
arg_size_bytes :: CmmType -> Int
@@ -3339,7 +3345,7 @@ genCCall32 addr (ForeignConvention _ argHints _ _) dest_regs args = do
delta0 <- getDeltaNat
setDeltaNat (delta0 - arg_pad_size)
- push_codes <- mapM push_arg (reverse prom_args)
+ push_codes <- mapM push_arg (reverse args)
delta <- getDeltaNat
massert (delta == delta0 - tot_arg_size)
@@ -3414,11 +3420,9 @@ genCCall64 :: CmmExpr -- ^ address of function to call
-> [CmmFormal] -- ^ where to put the result
-> [CmmActual] -- ^ arguments (of mixed type)
-> NatM InstrBlock
-genCCall64 addr conv@(ForeignConvention _ argHints _ _) dest_regs args = do
+genCCall64 addr conv dest_regs args = do
config <- getConfig
let platform = ncgPlatform config
- args_hints = zip args (argHints ++ repeat NoHint)
- prom_args = map (maybePromoteCArg platform W32) args_hints
word_size = platformWordSizeInBytes platform
wordFmt = archWordFormat (target32Bit platform)
@@ -3434,7 +3438,7 @@ genCCall64 addr conv@(ForeignConvention _ argHints _ _) dest_regs args = do
, usedRegs = arg_regs_used
, assignArgsCode = assign_args_code
- <- loadArgs config prom_args
+ <- loadArgs config args
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