[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/12935] fixup! determinism: Sampling uniques in the CG
Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Sep 17 09:05:18 UTC 2024
Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/12935 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
53d54e2b by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-09-17T10:04:56+01:00
fixup! determinism: Sampling uniques in the CG
- - - - -
2 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Driver/GenerateCgIPEStub.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DSM.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import GHC.Unit.Module (moduleNameString)
import qualified GHC.Utils.Logger as Logger
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr)
import GHC.Types.Unique.DSM
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as T
Note [Stacktraces from Info Table Provenance Entries (IPE based stack unwinding)]
@@ -216,15 +215,15 @@ generateCgIPEStub hsc_env this_mod denv (nonCaffySet, moduleLFInfos, infoTablesW
-- of the code! Instead, make sure all labels generated for IPE related code
-- sources uniques from the DUniqSupply gotten from CgStream (see its use in
-- initInfoTableProv/emitIpeBufferListNode).
- dus <- liftEff $ UDSMT $ T.get
+ (mIpeStub, ipeCmmGroup) <- liftEff $ UDSMT $ \dus -> do
- -- Yield Cmm for Info Table Provenance Entries (IPEs)
- let denv' = denv {provInfoTables = Map.mapKeys cit_lbl infoTablesWithTickishes}
- (((mIpeStub, dus'), ipeCmmGroup), _) =
- runC (initStgToCmmConfig dflags this_mod) fstate cgState $
- getCmm (initInfoTableProv initStats (Map.keys infoTablesWithTickishes) denv' dus)
+ -- Yield Cmm for Info Table Provenance Entries (IPEs)
+ let denv' = denv {provInfoTables = Map.mapKeys cit_lbl infoTablesWithTickishes}
+ (((mIpeStub, dus'), ipeCmmGroup), _) =
+ runC (initStgToCmmConfig dflags this_mod) fstate cgState $
+ getCmm (initInfoTableProv initStats (Map.keys infoTablesWithTickishes) denv' dus)
- liftEff $ UDSMT $ T.put dus'
+ return ((mIpeStub, ipeCmmGroup), dus')
(_, ipeCmmGroupSRTs) <- liftEff $ withDUS $ cmmPipeline logger cmm_cfg (emptySRT this_mod) (removeDeterm ipeCmmGroup)
Stream.yield ipeCmmGroupSRTs
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Fix
import GHC.Types.Unique
import qualified GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict as Strict
import qualified GHC.Types.Unique.Supply as USM
-import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@@ -129,48 +128,68 @@ instance MonadGetUnique USM.UniqSM where
-- | Transformer version of 'UniqDSM' to use when threading a deterministic
-- uniq supply over a Monad. Specifically, it is used in the `Stream` of Cmm
-- decls.
-newtype UniqDSMT m result = UDSMT { unUDSMT :: T.StateT DUniqSupply m (result) }
- deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)
+newtype UniqDSMT m result = UDSMT' { unUDSMT :: DUniqSupply -> m (result, DUniqSupply) }
+ deriving (Functor)
+-- Similar to GHC.Utils.Monad.State.Strict, using Note [The one-shot state monad trick]
+pattern UDSMT :: (DUniqSupply -> m (result, DUniqSupply)) -> UniqDSMT m result
+pattern UDSMT m <- UDSMT' m
+ where
+ UDSMT m = UDSMT' (oneShot $ \s -> m s)
+instance Monad m => Applicative (UniqDSMT m) where
+ pure x = UDSMT $ \s -> pure (x, s)
+ UDSMT f <*> UDSMT x = UDSMT $ \s0 -> do
+ (f', s1) <- f s0
+ (x', s2) <- x s1
+ pure (f' x', s2)
+instance Monad m => Monad (UniqDSMT m) where
+ UDSMT x >>= f = UDSMT $ \s0 -> do
+ (x', s1) <- x s0
+ case f x' of UDSMT y -> y s1
+instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (UniqDSMT m) where
+ liftIO x = UDSMT $ \s -> (,s) <$> liftIO x
instance Monad m => MonadGetUnique (UniqDSMT m) where
- getUniqueM = UDSMT $ do
- us <- T.get
+ getUniqueM = UDSMT $ \us -> do
let (u, us') = takeUniqueFromDSupply us
- T.put us'
- return u
+ return (u, us')
-- | Set the tag of the running @UniqDSMT@ supply to the given tag and run an action with it.
-- All uniques produced in the given action will use this tag, until the tag is changed
-- again.
setTagUDSMT :: Monad m => Char {-^ Tag -} -> UniqDSMT m a -> UniqDSMT m a
-setTagUDSMT tag act = do
- origtag <- UDSMT (T.gets getTagDUniqSupply)
- UDSMT (T.modify (newTagDUniqSupply tag))
- a <- act
- UDSMT (T.modify (newTagDUniqSupply origtag)) -- restore original tag
- return a
+setTagUDSMT tag (UDSMT act) = UDSMT $ \us -> do
+ let origtag = getTagDUniqSupply us
+ new_us = newTagDUniqSupply tag us
+ (a, us') <- act new_us
+ let us'_origtag = newTagDUniqSupply origtag us'
+ -- restore original tag
+ return (a, us'_origtag)
-- | Like 'runUniqueDSM' but for 'UniqDSMT'
runUDSMT :: DUniqSupply -> UniqDSMT m a -> m (a, DUniqSupply)
-runUDSMT dus (UDSMT st) = T.runStateT st dus
+runUDSMT dus (UDSMT st) = st dus
-- | Lift an IO action that depends on, and threads through, a unique supply
-- into UniqDSMT IO.
withDUS :: (DUniqSupply -> IO (a, DUniqSupply)) -> UniqDSMT IO a
-withDUS f = UDSMT $ do
- us <- T.get
+withDUS f = UDSMT $ \us -> do
(a, us') <- liftIO (f us)
- _ <- T.put us'
- return a
+ return (a, us')
-- | Change the monad underyling an applied @UniqDSMT@, i.e. transform a
-- @UniqDSMT m@ into a @UniqDSMT n@ given @m ~> n at .
hoistUDSMT :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> UniqDSMT m a -> UniqDSMT n a
-hoistUDSMT nt (UDSMT s) = UDSMT $ T.mapStateT nt s
+hoistUDSMT nt (UDSMT m) = UDSMT $ \s -> nt (m s)
-- | Lift a monadic action @m a@ into an @UniqDSMT m a@
liftUDSMT :: Functor m => m a -> UniqDSMT m a
-liftUDSMT m = UDSMT $ T.StateT $ \s -> (,s) <$> m
+liftUDSMT m = UDSMT $ \s -> (,s) <$> m
-- MonadUniqDSM
@@ -184,8 +203,4 @@ instance MonadUniqDSM UniqDSM where
liftUniqDSM = id
instance Monad m => MonadUniqDSM (UniqDSMT m) where
- liftUniqDSM act = do
- us <- UDSMT T.get
- let (a, us') = runUniqueDSM us act
- UDSMT (T.put us')
- return a
+ liftUniqDSM act = UDSMT $ \us -> pure $ runUniqueDSM us act
View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/53d54e2b2fe19d93b3ac92690cf6f6afb5054996
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