[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 6 commits: Add since tag for -fwrite-if-compression in user guide.

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Oct 30 23:46:54 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1d7cd7fe by Andreas Klebinger at 2024-10-30T19:14:28-04:00
Add since tag for -fwrite-if-compression in user guide.

Partial fix for #25395

- - - - -
b349fd1b by Alan Zimmerman at 2024-10-30T19:15:04-04:00
EPA: Remove some unused functions

- - - - -
f859d61c by Alan Zimmerman at 2024-10-30T19:15:04-04:00
EPA: use explicit vertical bar token for ExplicitSum / SumPat

- - - - -
afd077fd by Ben Gamari at 2024-10-30T19:46:23-04:00
rts/Disassembler: Fix encoding of BRK_FUN instruction

The offset of the CC field was not updated after the encoding change in
b85b11994e0130ff2401dd4bbdf52330e0bcf776. Fix this.

Fixes #25374.

- - - - -
a6891547 by Alan Zimmerman at 2024-10-30T19:46:24-04:00
EPA: Bring in last EpToken usages

For import declarations, NameAnnCommas and NPlusKPat.

And remove anchor, it is the same as epaLocationRealSrcSpan.

- - - - -
b6a270c2 by sheaf at 2024-10-30T19:46:31-04:00
Assert that ctEvCoercion is called on an equality

Calling 'ctEvCoercion' on non-equality constraints is always incorrect.
We add an assertion to this function to detect such cases; for example
a type-checking plugin might erroneously do this.

- - - - -

28 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Hs/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/ImpExp.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Pat.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Utils.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Annotation.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Lexer.x
- compiler/GHC/Parser/PostProcess.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser/Types.hs
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Names.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Types/Constraint.hs
- docs/users_guide/using-optimisation.rst
- rts/Disassembler.c
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T25374/T25374.hs
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T25374/T25374.script
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T25374/T25374A.hs
- + testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T25374/all.T
- testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T23864.hs
- utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
- utils/check-exact/Parsers.hs
- utils/check-exact/Transform.hs
- utils/check-exact/Types.hs
- utils/check-exact/Utils.hs
- utils/check-ppr/Main.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Layout.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Names.hs


@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ arrowToHsExpr = expandHsArrow (HsVar noExtField)
 data AnnExplicitSum
   = AnnExplicitSum {
       aesOpen       :: EpaLocation,
-      aesBarsBefore :: [EpaLocation],
-      aesBarsAfter  :: [EpaLocation],
+      aesBarsBefore :: [EpToken "|"],
+      aesBarsAfter  :: [EpToken "|"],
       aesClose      :: EpaLocation
       } deriving Data

@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ instance (OutputableBndrId p
 type instance XIEName    (GhcPass _) = NoExtField
-type instance XIEDefault (GhcPass _) = EpaLocation
-type instance XIEPattern (GhcPass _) = EpaLocation
-type instance XIEType    (GhcPass _) = EpaLocation
+type instance XIEDefault (GhcPass _) = EpToken "default"
+type instance XIEPattern (GhcPass _) = EpToken "pattern"
+type instance XIEType    (GhcPass _) = EpToken "type"
 type instance XXIEWrappedName (GhcPass _) = DataConCantHappen
 type instance Anno (IEWrappedName (GhcPass _)) = SrcSpanAnnA

@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ type instance XNPat GhcPs = EpToken "-"
 type instance XNPat GhcRn = EpToken "-"
 type instance XNPat GhcTc = Type
-type instance XNPlusKPat GhcPs = EpaLocation -- Of the "+"
+type instance XNPlusKPat GhcPs = EpToken "+"
 type instance XNPlusKPat GhcRn = NoExtField
 type instance XNPlusKPat GhcTc = Type
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ discarded inside tcMatchPats, where we know if visible pattern retained or erase
 data EpAnnSumPat = EpAnnSumPat
       { sumPatParens      :: (EpaLocation, EpaLocation)
-      , sumPatVbarsBefore :: [EpaLocation]
-      , sumPatVbarsAfter  :: [EpaLocation]
+      , sumPatVbarsBefore :: [EpToken "|"]
+      , sumPatVbarsAfter  :: [EpToken "|"]
       } deriving Data
 instance NoAnn EpAnnSumPat where

@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ mkHsCompAnns   :: HsDoFlavour -> [ExprLStmt GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs
 mkNPat      :: LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> Maybe (SyntaxExpr GhcPs) -> EpToken "-"
             -> Pat GhcPs
-mkNPlusKPat :: LocatedN RdrName -> LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> EpaLocation
+mkNPlusKPat :: LocatedN RdrName -> LocatedAn NoEpAnns (HsOverLit GhcPs) -> EpToken "+"
             -> Pat GhcPs
 -- NB: The following functions all use noSyntaxExpr: the generated expressions

@@ -1040,9 +1040,9 @@ export  :: { LIE GhcPs }
                                                           ; locImpExp <- return (sL span (IEModuleContents ($1, (epTok $2)) $3))
                                                           ; return $ reLoc $ locImpExp } }
         | maybe_warning_pragma 'pattern' qcon            { let span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $>
-                                                           in reLoc $ sL span $ IEVar $1 (sLLa $2 $> (IEPattern (glR $2) $3)) Nothing }
+                                                           in reLoc $ sL span $ IEVar $1 (sLLa $2 $> (IEPattern (epTok $2) $3)) Nothing }
         | maybe_warning_pragma 'default' qtycon          {% do { let { span = (maybe comb2 comb3 $1) $2 $> }
-                                                          ; locImpExp <- return (sL span (IEThingAbs $1 (sLLa $2 $> (IEDefault (glR $2) $3)) Nothing))
+                                                          ; locImpExp <- return (sL span (IEThingAbs $1 (sLLa $2 $> (IEDefault (epTok $2) $3)) Nothing))
                                                           ; return $ reLoc $ locImpExp } }
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@ qcname_ext_w_wildcard :: { LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec }
 qcname_ext :: { LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec }
         :  qcname                   { sL1a $1 (ImpExpQcName $1) }
         |  'type' oqtycon           {% do { n <- mkTypeImpExp $2
-                                          ; return $ sLLa $1 $> (ImpExpQcType (glR $1) n) }}
+                                          ; return $ sLLa $1 $> (ImpExpQcType (epTok $1) n) }}
 qcname  :: { LocatedN RdrName }  -- Variable or type constructor
         :  qvar                 { $1 } -- Things which look like functions
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@ importlist1 :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
 import  :: { OrdList (LIE GhcPs) }
         : qcname_ext export_subspec {% fmap (unitOL . reLoc . (sLL $1 $>)) $ mkModuleImpExp Nothing (fst $ unLoc $2) $1 (snd $ unLoc $2) }
         | 'module' modid            {% fmap (unitOL . reLoc) $ return (sLL $1 $> (IEModuleContents (Nothing, (epTok $1)) $2)) }
-        | 'pattern' qcon            { unitOL $ reLoc $ sLL $1 $> $ IEVar Nothing (sLLa $1 $> (IEPattern (glR $1) $2)) Nothing }
+        | 'pattern' qcon            { unitOL $ reLoc $ sLL $1 $> $ IEVar Nothing (sLLa $1 $> (IEPattern (epTok $1) $2)) Nothing }
 -- Fixity Declarations
@@ -3280,13 +3280,11 @@ tup_exprs :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (SumOrTuple b) }
                       ; return (Tuple (cos ++ $2)) } }
            | texp bars   { unECP $1 >>= \ $1 -> return $
-                            (Sum 1  (snd $2 + 1) $1 [] (map srcSpan2e $ fst $2)) }
+                            (Sum 1  (snd $2 + 1) $1 [] (fst $2)) }
            | bars texp bars0
                 { unECP $2 >>= \ $2 -> return $
-                  (Sum (snd $1 + 1) (snd $1 + snd $3 + 1) $2
-                    (map srcSpan2e $ fst $1)
-                    (map srcSpan2e $ fst $3)) }
+                  (Sum (snd $1 + 1) (snd $1 + snd $3 + 1) $2 (fst $1) (fst $3)) }
 -- Always starts with commas; always follows an expr
 commas_tup_tail :: { forall b. DisambECP b => PV (SrcSpan,[Either (EpAnn Bool) (LocatedA b)]) }
@@ -3778,10 +3776,10 @@ qcon_list : qcon                  { [$1] }
 -- See Note [ExplicitTuple] in GHC.Hs.Expr
 sysdcon_nolist :: { LocatedN DataCon }  -- Wired in data constructors
         : '(' commas ')'        {% amsr (sLL $1 $> $ tupleDataCon Boxed (snd $2 + 1))
-                                       (NameAnnCommas (NameParens (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map srcSpan2e (fst $2)) []) }
+                                       (NameAnnCommas (NameParens (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map (EpTok . srcSpan2e) (fst $2)) []) }
         | '(#' '#)'             {% amsr (sLL $1 $> $ unboxedUnitDataCon) (NameAnnOnly (NameParensHash (epTok $1) (epTok $2)) []) }
         | '(#' commas '#)'      {% amsr (sLL $1 $> $ tupleDataCon Unboxed (snd $2 + 1))
-                                       (NameAnnCommas (NameParensHash (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map srcSpan2e (fst $2)) []) }
+                                       (NameAnnCommas (NameParensHash (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map (EpTok . srcSpan2e) (fst $2)) []) }
 syscon :: { LocatedN RdrName }
         : sysdcon               {  L (getLoc $1) $ nameRdrName (dataConName (unLoc $1)) }
@@ -3822,12 +3820,12 @@ gtycon :: { LocatedN RdrName }  -- A "general" qualified tycon, including unit t
 ntgtycon :: { LocatedN RdrName }  -- A "general" qualified tycon, excluding unit tuples
         : oqtycon               { $1 }
         | '(' commas ')'        {% do { n <- mkTupleSyntaxTycon Boxed (snd $2 + 1)
-                                      ; amsr (sLL $1 $> n) (NameAnnCommas (NameParens (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map srcSpan2e (fst $2)) []) }}
+                                      ; amsr (sLL $1 $> n) (NameAnnCommas (NameParens (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map (EpTok . srcSpan2e) (fst $2)) []) }}
         | '(#' commas '#)'      {% do { n <- mkTupleSyntaxTycon Unboxed (snd $2 + 1)
-                                      ; amsr (sLL $1 $> n) (NameAnnCommas (NameParensHash (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map srcSpan2e (fst $2)) []) }}
+                                      ; amsr (sLL $1 $> n) (NameAnnCommas (NameParensHash (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) (map (EpTok . srcSpan2e) (fst $2)) []) }}
         | '(#' bars '#)'        {% do { requireLTPuns PEP_SumSyntaxType $1 $>
                                       ; amsr (sLL $1 $> $ (getRdrName (sumTyCon (snd $2 + 1))))
-                                       (NameAnnBars (epTok $1, epTok $3) (map srcSpan2e (fst $2)) []) } }
+                                       (NameAnnBars (epTok $1, epTok $3) (fst $2) []) } }
         | '(' '->' ')'          {% amsr (sLL $1 $> $ getRdrName unrestrictedFunTyCon)
                                        (NameAnnRArrow  (Just $ epTok $1) (epUniTok $2) (Just $ epTok $3) []) }
@@ -4160,13 +4158,13 @@ commas :: { ([SrcSpan],Int) }   -- One or more commas
         : commas ','             { ((fst $1)++[gl $2],snd $1 + 1) }
         | ','                    { ([gl $1],1) }
-bars0 :: { ([SrcSpan],Int) }     -- Zero or more bars
+bars0 :: { ([EpToken "|"],Int) }     -- Zero or more bars
         : bars                   { $1 }
         |                        { ([], 0) }
-bars :: { ([SrcSpan],Int) }     -- One or more bars
-        : bars '|'               { ((fst $1)++[gl $2],snd $1 + 1) }
-        | '|'                    { ([gl $1],1) }
+bars :: { ([EpToken "|"],Int) }     -- One or more bars
+        : bars '|'               { ((fst $1)++[epTok $2],snd $1 + 1) }
+        | '|'                    { ([epTok $1],1) }
 happyError :: P a

@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ module GHC.Parser.Annotation (
   DeltaPos(..), deltaPos, getDeltaLine,
-  anchor,
   spanAsAnchor, realSpanAsAnchor,
@@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ module GHC.Parser.Annotation (
   srcSpan2e, realSrcSpan,
   -- ** Building up annotations
-  reAnnL, reAnnC,
   addAnnsA, widenSpanL, widenSpanT, widenAnchorT, widenAnchorS,
@@ -94,7 +92,6 @@ module GHC.Parser.Annotation (
   noComments, comment, addCommentsToEpAnn, setCommentsEpAnn,
   transferAnnsA, transferAnnsOnlyA, transferCommentsOnlyA,
   transferPriorCommentsA, transferFollowingA,
-  commentsOnlyA, removeCommentsA,
   ) where
@@ -352,7 +349,7 @@ instance Outputable a => Outputable (GenLocated TokenLocation a) where
 -- | Used in the parser only, extract the 'RealSrcSpan' from an
 -- 'EpaLocation'. The parser will never insert a 'DeltaPos', so the
 -- partial function is safe.
-epaLocationRealSrcSpan :: EpaLocation -> RealSrcSpan
+epaLocationRealSrcSpan :: EpaLocation' a -> RealSrcSpan
 epaLocationRealSrcSpan (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan r _)) = r
 epaLocationRealSrcSpan _ = panic "epaLocationRealSrcSpan"
@@ -403,9 +400,6 @@ data EpAnn ann
         deriving (Data, Eq, Functor)
 -- See Note [XRec and Anno in the AST]
-anchor :: (EpaLocation' a) -> RealSrcSpan
-anchor (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan r _)) = r
-anchor _ = panic "anchor"
 spanAsAnchor :: SrcSpan -> (EpaLocation' a)
 spanAsAnchor ss  = EpaSpan ss
@@ -604,13 +598,13 @@ data NameAnn
   -- | Used for @(,,,)@, or @(#,,,#)@
   | NameAnnCommas {
       nann_adornment :: NameAdornment,
-      nann_commas    :: [EpaLocation],
+      nann_commas    :: [EpToken ","],
       nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
   -- | Used for @(# | | #)@
   | NameAnnBars {
       nann_parensh   :: (EpToken "(#", EpToken "#)"),
-      nann_bars      :: [EpaLocation],
+      nann_bars      :: [EpToken "|"],
       nann_trailing  :: [TrailingAnn]
   -- | Used for @()@, @(##)@, @[]@
@@ -643,10 +637,10 @@ data NameAnn
 -- such as parens or backquotes. This data type identifies what
 -- particular pair are being used.
 data NameAdornment
-  = NameParens     (EpToken "(")  (EpToken ")") -- ^ '(' ')'
-  | NameParensHash (EpToken "(#") (EpToken "#)")-- ^ '(#' '#)'
-  | NameBackquotes (EpToken "`")  (EpToken "`")-- ^ '`'
-  | NameSquare     (EpToken "[")  (EpToken "]")-- ^ '[' ']'
+  = NameParens     (EpToken "(")  (EpToken ")")
+  | NameParensHash (EpToken "(#") (EpToken "#)")
+  | NameBackquotes (EpToken "`")  (EpToken "`")
+  | NameSquare     (EpToken "[")  (EpToken "]")
   | NameNoAdornment
   deriving (Eq, Data)
@@ -929,12 +923,6 @@ srcSpan2e :: SrcSpan -> EpaLocation
 srcSpan2e ss@(RealSrcSpan _ _) = EpaSpan ss
 srcSpan2e span = EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan (realSrcSpan span) Strict.Nothing)
-reAnnC :: AnnContext -> EpAnnComments -> Located a -> LocatedC a
-reAnnC anns cs (L l a) = L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) a
-reAnnL :: ann -> EpAnnComments -> Located e -> GenLocated (EpAnn ann) e
-reAnnL anns cs (L l a) = L (EpAnn (spanAsAnchor l) anns cs) a
 getLocAnn :: Located a  -> SrcSpanAnnA
 getLocAnn (L l _) = noAnnSrcSpan l
@@ -1094,16 +1082,6 @@ transferPriorCommentsA (EpAnn a1 an1 cs1) (EpAnn a2 an2 cs2)
     cs1' = setFollowingComments emptyComments fc
     cs2' = setPriorComments cs2 (priorComments cs2 <> pc)
--- | Remove the exact print annotations payload, leaving only the
--- anchor and comments.
-commentsOnlyA :: NoAnn ann => EpAnn ann -> EpAnn ann
-commentsOnlyA (EpAnn a _ cs) = EpAnn a noAnn cs
--- | Remove the comments, leaving the exact print annotations payload
-removeCommentsA :: EpAnn ann -> EpAnn ann
-removeCommentsA (EpAnn a an _) = EpAnn a an emptyComments
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Semigroup instances, to allow easy combination of annotation elements
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -3672,8 +3672,8 @@ allocateComments
   -> ([LEpaComment], [LEpaComment])
 allocateComments ss comment_q =
-    (before,rest)  = break (\(L l _) -> isRealSubspanOf (anchor l) ss) comment_q
-    (middle,after) = break (\(L l _) -> not (isRealSubspanOf (anchor l) ss)) rest
+    (before,rest)  = break (\(L l _) -> isRealSubspanOf (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) ss) comment_q
+    (middle,after) = break (\(L l _) -> not (isRealSubspanOf (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) ss)) rest
     comment_q' = before ++ after
     newAnns = middle
@@ -3691,14 +3691,14 @@ splitPriorComments ss prior_comments =
     -- And the token preceding the comment is on a different line
     cmp :: RealSrcSpan -> LEpaComment -> Bool
     cmp later (L l c)
-         = srcSpanStartLine later - srcSpanEndLine (anchor l) == 1
-          && srcSpanEndLine (ac_prior_tok c) /= srcSpanStartLine (anchor l)
+         = srcSpanStartLine later - srcSpanEndLine (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) == 1
+          && srcSpanEndLine (ac_prior_tok c) /= srcSpanStartLine (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l)
     go :: [LEpaComment] -> RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment]
        -> ([LEpaComment], [LEpaComment])
     go decl_comments _ [] = ([],decl_comments)
     go decl_comments r (c@(L l _):cs) = if cmp r c
-                              then go (c:decl_comments) (anchor l) cs
+                              then go (c:decl_comments) (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) cs
                               else (reverse (c:cs), decl_comments)
     go [] ss prior_comments
@@ -3710,7 +3710,7 @@ allocatePriorComments
   -> (Strict.Maybe [LEpaComment], [LEpaComment], [LEpaComment])
 allocatePriorComments ss comment_q mheader_comments =
-    cmp (L l _) = anchor l <= ss
+    cmp (L l _) = epaLocationRealSrcSpan l <= ss
     (newAnns,after) = partition cmp comment_q
     comment_q'= after
     (prior_comments, decl_comments) = splitPriorComments ss newAnns

@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ checkAPat loc e0 = do
                      | nPlusKPatterns && (plus == plus_RDR)
                      -> return (mkNPlusKPat (L nloc n) (L (l2l lloc) lit)
-                                (entry l))
+                                (EpTok $ entry l))
    -- Improve error messages for the @-operator when the user meant an @-pattern
    PatBuilderOpApp _ op _ _ | opIsAt (unLoc op) -> do
@@ -3158,7 +3158,7 @@ data ImpExpSubSpec = ImpExpAbs
                    | ImpExpAllWith [LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec]
 data ImpExpQcSpec = ImpExpQcName (LocatedN RdrName)
-                  | ImpExpQcType EpaLocation (LocatedN RdrName)
+                  | ImpExpQcType (EpToken "type") (LocatedN RdrName)
                   | ImpExpQcWildcard (EpToken "..") (EpToken ",")
 mkModuleImpExp :: Maybe (LWarningTxt GhcPs) -> (EpToken "(", EpToken ")") -> LocatedA ImpExpQcSpec

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import GHC.Parser.Annotation
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax
 data SumOrTuple b
-  = Sum ConTag Arity (LocatedA b) [EpaLocation] [EpaLocation]
+  = Sum ConTag Arity (LocatedA b) [EpToken "|"] [EpToken "|"]
   -- ^ Last two are the locations of the '|' before and after the payload
   | Tuple [Either (EpAnn Bool) (LocatedA b)]

@@ -2107,13 +2107,13 @@ printMinimalImports hsc_src imports_w_usage
 to_ie_post_rn_var :: LocatedA (IdP GhcRn) -> LIEWrappedName GhcRn
 to_ie_post_rn_var (L l n)
-  | isDataOcc $ occName n = L l (IEPattern (entry l)   (L (l2l l) n))
+  | isDataOcc $ occName n = L l (IEPattern noAnn      (L (l2l l) n))
   | otherwise             = L l (IEName    noExtField (L (l2l l) n))
 to_ie_post_rn :: LocatedA (IdP GhcRn) -> LIEWrappedName GhcRn
 to_ie_post_rn (L l n)
-  | isTcOcc occ && isSymOcc occ = L l (IEType (entry l)   (L (l2l l) n))
+  | isTcOcc occ && isSymOcc occ = L l (IEType noAnn      (L (l2l l) n))
   | otherwise                   = L l (IEName noExtField (L (l2l l) n))
   where occ = occName n

@@ -2306,8 +2306,10 @@ ctEvExpr ev@(CtWanted { ctev_dest = HoleDest _ })
 ctEvExpr ev = evId (ctEvEvId ev)
 ctEvCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => CtEvidence -> TcCoercion
-ctEvCoercion (CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id })
-  = mkCoVarCo ev_id
+ctEvCoercion _given@(CtGiven { ctev_evar = ev_id })
+  = assertPpr (isCoVar ev_id)
+    (text "ctEvCoercion used on non-equality Given constraint:" <+> ppr _given)
+  $ mkCoVarCo ev_id
 ctEvCoercion (CtWanted { ctev_dest = dest })
   | HoleDest hole <- dest
   = -- ctEvCoercion is only called on type equalities

@@ -1851,6 +1851,8 @@ as such you shouldn't need to set any of them explicitly. A flag
     :default: 2
+    :since: 9.12.1
     This flag defines the level of compression of interface files when writing to disk.
     The higher the flag, the more we deduplicate the interface file, at the cost of a higher compilation time.
     Deduplication (when applied to :ghc-flag:`--make` mode and :ghc-flag:`--interactive` mode) decreases the size of interface files as well as reducing

@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ disInstr ( StgBCO *bco, int pc )
       case bci_BRK_FUN:
          debugBelch ("BRK_FUN  " );  printPtr( ptrs[instrs[pc]] );
          debugBelch (" %d ", instrs[pc+1]); printPtr( ptrs[instrs[pc+2]] );
-         CostCentre* cc = (CostCentre*)literals[instrs[pc+3]];
+         CostCentre* cc = (CostCentre*)literals[instrs[pc+5]];
          if (cc) {
            debugBelch(" %s", cc->label);
-         pc += 4;
+         pc += 6;
       case bci_SWIZZLE: {
          W_     stkoff = BCO_GET_LARGE_ARG;

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import T25374A
+fieldsSam :: NP xs -> NP xs -> Bool
+fieldsSam UNil UNil = True
+x :: Bool
+x = fieldsSam UNil UNil

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+:load T25374

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedDatatypes #-}
+module T25374A where
+import GHC.Exts
+type NP :: [UnliftedType] -> UnliftedType
+data NP xs where
+  UNil :: NP '[]
+  (::*) :: x -> NP xs -> NP (x ': xs)

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This shouldn't crash the disassembler
+test('T25374', [extra_hc_opts('+RTS -Di -RTS'), ignore_stderr, unless(debug_rts(), skip)], ghci_script, [''])

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ insertCommentsByPos ::
   -> (EpAnnComments -> [LEpaComment] -> EpAnnComments)
   -> EpAnn a
   -> WithComments (EpAnn a)
-insertCommentsByPos cond = insertComments (cond . anchor . getLoc)
+insertCommentsByPos cond = insertComments (cond . epaLocationRealSrcSpan . getLoc)
 insertComments ::
      (LEpaComment -> Bool)

@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ splitAfterTrailingAnns tas cs = (before, after)
         (s:_) -> (b,a)
             s_pos = ss2pos s
-            (b,a) = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > s_pos)
+            (b,a) = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > s_pos)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -731,12 +731,6 @@ printStringAtNC el str = do
   el' <- printStringAtAAC NoCaptureComments (noCommentsToEpaLocation el) str
   return (epaToNoCommentsLocation el')
-printStringAtAAL :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
-  => a -> Lens a EpaLocation -> String -> EP w m a
-printStringAtAAL an l str = do
-  r <- printStringAtAAC CaptureComments (view l an) str
-  return (set l r an)
 printStringAtAAC :: (Monad m, Monoid w)
   => CaptureComments -> EpaLocation -> String -> EP w m EpaLocation
 printStringAtAAC capture (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan r _)) s = printStringAtRsC capture r s
@@ -1020,10 +1014,6 @@ lal_rest k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { al_rest = new })
 -- -------------------------------------
-lid :: Lens a a
-lid k parent = fmap (\new -> new)
-                    (k parent)
 lfst :: Lens (a,b) a
 lfst k parent = fmap (\new -> (new, snd parent))
                      (k (fst parent))
@@ -1036,8 +1026,8 @@ lsnd k parent = fmap (\new -> (fst parent, new))
 -- data AnnExplicitSum
 --   = AnnExplicitSum {
 --       aesOpen       :: EpaLocation,
---       aesBarsBefore :: [EpaLocation],
---       aesBarsAfter  :: [EpaLocation],
+--       aesBarsBefore :: [EpToken "|"],
+--       aesBarsAfter  :: [EpToken "|"],
 --       aesClose      :: EpaLocation
 --       } deriving Data
@@ -1045,11 +1035,11 @@ laesOpen :: Lens AnnExplicitSum EpaLocation
 laesOpen k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { aesOpen = new })
                          (k (aesOpen parent))
-laesBarsBefore :: Lens AnnExplicitSum [EpaLocation]
+laesBarsBefore :: Lens AnnExplicitSum [EpToken "|"]
 laesBarsBefore k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { aesBarsBefore = new })
                                (k (aesBarsBefore parent))
-laesBarsAfter :: Lens AnnExplicitSum [EpaLocation]
+laesBarsAfter :: Lens AnnExplicitSum [EpToken "|"]
 laesBarsAfter k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { aesBarsAfter = new })
                                (k (aesBarsAfter parent))
@@ -1215,19 +1205,19 @@ lga_sep k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { ga_sep = new })
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- data EpAnnSumPat = EpAnnSumPat
 --       { sumPatParens      :: (EpaLocation, EpaLocation)
---       , sumPatVbarsBefore :: [EpaLocation]
---       , sumPatVbarsAfter  :: [EpaLocation]
+--       , sumPatVbarsBefore :: [EpToken "|"]
+--       , sumPatVbarsAfter  :: [EpToken "|"]
 --       } deriving Data
 lsumPatParens :: Lens EpAnnSumPat (EpaLocation, EpaLocation)
 lsumPatParens k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { sumPatParens = new })
                               (k (sumPatParens parent))
-lsumPatVbarsBefore :: Lens EpAnnSumPat [EpaLocation]
+lsumPatVbarsBefore :: Lens EpAnnSumPat [EpToken "|"]
 lsumPatVbarsBefore k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { sumPatVbarsBefore = new })
                               (k (sumPatVbarsBefore parent))
-lsumPatVbarsAfter :: Lens EpAnnSumPat [EpaLocation]
+lsumPatVbarsAfter :: Lens EpAnnSumPat [EpToken "|"]
 lsumPatVbarsAfter k parent = fmap (\new -> parent { sumPatVbarsAfter = new })
                               (k (sumPatVbarsAfter parent))
@@ -2985,9 +2975,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (HsExpr GhcPs) where
   exact (ExplicitSum an alt arity expr) = do
     an0 <- markLensFun an laesOpen (\loc -> printStringAtAA loc "(#")
-    an1 <- markLensFun an0 laesBarsBefore (\locs -> mapM (\l -> printStringAtAA l "|") locs)
+    an1 <- markLensFun an0 laesBarsBefore (\locs -> mapM markEpToken locs)
     expr' <- markAnnotated expr
-    an2 <- markLensFun an1 laesBarsAfter (\locs -> mapM (\l -> printStringAtAA l "|") locs)
+    an2 <- markLensFun an1 laesBarsAfter (\locs -> mapM markEpToken locs)
     an3 <- markLensFun an2 laesClose (\loc -> printStringAtAA loc "#)")
     return (ExplicitSum an3 alt arity expr')
@@ -4186,12 +4176,12 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName) where
             _ -> error "ExactPrint (LocatedN RdrName)"
         NameAnnCommas a commas t -> do
           a0 <- markNameAdornmentO a
-          commas' <- forM commas (\loc -> printStringAtAAC NoCaptureComments loc ",")
+          commas' <- forM commas markEpToken
           a1 <- markNameAdornmentC a0
           return (NameAnnCommas a1 commas' t)
         NameAnnBars (o,c) bars t -> do
           o' <- markEpToken o
-          bars' <- forM bars (\loc -> printStringAtAAC NoCaptureComments loc "|")
+          bars' <- mapM markEpToken bars
           c' <- markEpToken c
           return (NameAnnBars (o',c') bars' t)
         NameAnnOnly a t -> do
@@ -4247,7 +4237,7 @@ printUnicode :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => EpaLocation -> RdrName -> EP w m EpaLocat
 printUnicode anc n = do
   let str = case (showPprUnsafe n) of
             -- TODO: unicode support?
-              "forall" -> if spanLength (anchor anc) == 1 then "∀" else "forall"
+              "forall" -> if spanLength (epaLocationRealSrcSpan anc) == 1 then "∀" else "forall"
               s -> s
   loc <- printStringAtAAC NoCaptureComments (EpaDelta noSrcSpan (SameLine 0) []) str
   case loc of
@@ -4617,15 +4607,15 @@ instance ExactPrint (IEWrappedName GhcPs) where
     n' <- markAnnotated n
     return (IEName x n')
   exact (IEDefault r n) = do
-    r' <- printStringAtAA r "default"
+    r' <- markEpToken r
     n' <- markAnnotated n
     return (IEDefault r' n')
   exact (IEPattern r n) = do
-    r' <- printStringAtAA r "pattern"
+    r' <- markEpToken r
     n' <- markAnnotated n
     return (IEPattern r' n')
   exact (IEType r n) = do
-    r' <- printStringAtAA r "type"
+    r' <- markEpToken r
     n' <- markAnnotated n
     return (IEType r' n')
@@ -4684,9 +4674,9 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
   exact (SumPat an pat alt arity) = do
     an0 <- markLensFun an (lsumPatParens . lfst) (\loc -> printStringAtAA loc "(#")
-    an1 <- markLensFun an0 lsumPatVbarsBefore (\locs -> mapM (\l -> printStringAtAA l "|") locs)
+    an1 <- markLensFun an0 lsumPatVbarsBefore (\locs -> mapM markEpToken locs)
     pat' <- markAnnotated pat
-    an2 <- markLensFun an1 lsumPatVbarsAfter (\locs -> mapM (\l -> printStringAtAA l "|") locs)
+    an2 <- markLensFun an1 lsumPatVbarsAfter (\locs -> mapM markEpToken locs)
     an3 <- markLensFun an2 (lsumPatParens . lsnd)  (\loc -> printStringAtAA loc "#)")
     return (SumPat an3 pat' alt arity)
@@ -4715,7 +4705,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (Pat GhcPs) where
   exact (NPlusKPat an n k lit2 a b) = do
     n' <- markAnnotated n
-    an' <- printStringAtAAL an lid "+"
+    an' <- markEpToken an
     k' <- markAnnotated k
     return (NPlusKPat an' n' k' lit2 a b)

@@ -289,7 +289,8 @@ fixModuleTrailingComments (GHC.L l p) = GHC.L l p'
               pc = GHC.priorComments cs
               fc = GHC.getFollowingComments cs
-              bf (GHC.L anc _) = GHC.anchor anc > ss
+              bf (GHC.L anc _) = GHC.epaLocationRealSrcSpan anc > ss
               (prior,f) = break bf fc
               cs'' = GHC.EpaCommentsBalanced (pc <> prior) f
             in cs''
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ fixModuleHeaderComments (GHC.L l p) = GHC.L l p'
         -- Move any comments on the decl that occur prior to the location
         pc = GHC.priorComments csd
         fc = GHC.getFollowingComments csd
-        bf (GHC.L anch _) = GHC.anchor anch > r
+        bf (GHC.L anch _) = GHC.epaLocationRealSrcSpan anch > r
         (move,keep) = break bf pc
         csd' = GHC.EpaCommentsBalanced keep fc

@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ captureTypeSigSpacing (L l (SigD x (TypeSig (AnnSig (EpUniTok dca u) mp md) ns (
     -- we want DPs for the distance from the end of the ns to the
     -- AnnDColon, and to the start of the ty
     rd = case last ns of
-      L (EpAnn anc' _ _) _ -> anchor anc'
+      L (EpAnn anc' _ _) _ -> epaLocationRealSrcSpan anc'
     dca' = case dca of
           EpaSpan ss@(RealSrcSpan r _) -> (EpaDelta ss (ss2delta (ss2posEnd rd) r) [])
           _                            -> dca
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ setEntryDP (L (EpAnn (EpaSpan ss@(RealSrcSpan r _)) an cs) a) dp
                 col = deltaColumn delta
                 edp' = if line == 0 then SameLine col
                                     else DifferentLine line col
-                edp = edp' `debug` ("setEntryDP :" ++ showGhc (edp', (ss2pos $ anchor $ getLoc lc), r))
+                edp = edp' `debug` ("setEntryDP :" ++ showGhc (edp', (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan $ getLoc lc), r))
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -552,12 +552,12 @@ trailingCommentsDeltas _ [] = []
 trailingCommentsDeltas r (la@(L (EpaDelta _ dp _) _):las)
   = (getDeltaLine dp, la): trailingCommentsDeltas r las
 trailingCommentsDeltas r (la@(L l _):las)
-  = deltaComment r la : trailingCommentsDeltas (anchor l) las
+  = deltaComment r la : trailingCommentsDeltas (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) las
     deltaComment rs' (L loc c) = (abs(ll - al), L loc c)
         (al,_) = ss2posEnd rs'
-        (ll,_) = ss2pos (anchor loc)
+        (ll,_) = ss2pos (epaLocationRealSrcSpan loc)
 priorCommentsDeltas :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment]
                     -> [(Int, LEpaComment)]
@@ -565,14 +565,14 @@ priorCommentsDeltas r cs = go r (sortEpaComments cs)
     go :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment] -> [(Int, LEpaComment)]
     go _   [] = []
-    go _   (la@(L l@(EpaDelta _ dp _) _):las) = (getDeltaLine dp, la) : go (anchor l) las
-    go rs' (la@(L l _):las) = deltaComment rs' la : go (anchor l) las
+    go _   (la@(L l@(EpaDelta _ dp _) _):las) = (getDeltaLine dp, la) : go (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) las
+    go rs' (la@(L l _):las) = deltaComment rs' la : go (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) las
     deltaComment :: RealSrcSpan -> LEpaComment -> (Int, LEpaComment)
     deltaComment rs' (L loc c) = (abs(ll - al), L loc c)
         (al,_) = ss2pos rs'
-        (ll,_) = ss2pos (anchor loc)
+        (ll,_) = ss2pos (epaLocationRealSrcSpan loc)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -664,14 +664,14 @@ addCommentOrigDeltasAnn (EpAnn e a cs) = EpAnn e a (addCommentOrigDeltas cs)
 -- TODO: this is replicating functionality in ExactPrint. Sort out the
 -- import loop`
 anchorFromLocatedA :: LocatedA a -> RealSrcSpan
-anchorFromLocatedA (L (EpAnn anc _ _) _) = anchor anc
+anchorFromLocatedA (L (EpAnn anc _ _) _) = epaLocationRealSrcSpan anc
 -- | Get the full span of interest for comments from a LocatedA.
 -- This extends up to the last TrailingAnn
 fullSpanFromLocatedA :: LocatedA a -> RealSrcSpan
 fullSpanFromLocatedA (L (EpAnn anc (AnnListItem tas)  _) _) = rr
-    r = anchor anc
+    r = epaLocationRealSrcSpan anc
     trailing_loc ta = case ta_location ta of
         EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _) -> [s]
         _ -> []
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ balanceSameLineComments (L la (Match anm mctxt pats (GRHSs x grhss lb)))
           (csp,csf) = case anc1 of
             EpaComments cs -> ([],cs)
             EpaCommentsBalanced p f -> (p,f)
-          (move',stay') = break (simpleBreak 0) (trailingCommentsDeltas (anchor anc) csf)
+          (move',stay') = break (simpleBreak 0) (trailingCommentsDeltas (epaLocationRealSrcSpan anc) csf)
           move = map snd move'
           stay = map snd stay'
           cs1 = epaCommentsBalanced csp stay

@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}
-module Types
-  where
+module Types where
 import GHC hiding (EpaComment)
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable hiding ( (<>) )
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ instance Ord Comment where
   -- When we have CPP injected comments with a fake filename, or LINE
   -- pragma, the file name changes, so we need to compare the
   -- locations only, with out the filename.
-  compare (Comment _ ss1 _ _) (Comment _ ss2 _ _) = compare (ss2pos $ anchor ss1) (ss2pos $ anchor ss2)
+  compare (Comment _ ss1 _ _) (Comment _ ss2 _ _) = compare (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ss1) (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ss2)
       ss2pos ss = (srcSpanStartLine ss,srcSpanStartCol ss)

@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ workInComments ocs new = cs'
                                         (sortEpaComments $ fc ++ cs_after)
-                   = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > (ss2pos $ anchor ac) )
+                   = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ac) )
 insertTopLevelCppComments ::  HsModule GhcPs -> [LEpaComment] -> (HsModule GhcPs, [LEpaComment])
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ insertTopLevelCppComments (HsModule (XModulePs an lo mdeprec mbDoc) mmn mexports
     (an1,cs0a) = case lo of
         EpExplicitBraces (EpTok (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _))) _close ->
-                (stay,cs0a') = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > (ss2pos $ s)) cs0
+                (stay,cs0a') = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > (ss2pos $ s)) cs0
                 cs' = workInComments (comments an0) stay
             in (an0 { comments = cs' }, cs0a')
         _ -> (an0,cs0)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ insertTopLevelCppComments (HsModule (XModulePs an lo mdeprec mbDoc) mmn mexports
     (an2, cs0b) = case am_decls $ anns an1 of
         (AddSemiAnn (EpTok (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _))):_) -> (an1 {comments = cs'}, cs0b')
-            (stay,cs0b') = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > (ss2pos $ s)) cs0a
+            (stay,cs0b') = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > (ss2pos $ s)) cs0a
             cs' = workInComments (comments an1) stay
         _ -> (an1,cs0a)
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ insertTopLevelCppComments (HsModule (XModulePs an lo mdeprec mbDoc) mmn mexports
                            (csh', cs0b') = case annListBracketsLocs $ al_brackets $ anns l of
                                (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _),_) ->(h, n)
-                                   (h,n) = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > (ss2pos s) )
+                                   (h,n) = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > (ss2pos s) )
                                _ -> ([], cs0b)
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ splitOnWhere w (EpTok (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _))) csIn = (hc, fc)
     splitFunc Before anc_pos c_pos = c_pos < anc_pos
     splitFunc After  anc_pos c_pos = anc_pos < c_pos
-    (hc,fc) = break (\(L ll _) ->  splitFunc w (ss2pos $ anchor ll) (ss2pos s)) csIn
+    (hc,fc) = break (\(L ll _) ->  splitFunc w (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) (ss2pos s)) csIn
 splitOnWhere _ _ csIn = (csIn,[])
 balanceFirstLocatedAComments :: [LocatedA a] -> ([LocatedA a], [LEpaComment])
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ balanceFirstLocatedAComments ((L (EpAnn anc an csd) a):ds) = (L (EpAnn anc an cs
         EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _) -> (csd', hc)
                `debug` ("balanceFirstLocatedAComments: (csd,csd',attached,header)=" ++ showAst (csd,csd',attached,header))
-            (priors, inners) =  break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > (ss2pos s) )
+            (priors, inners) =  break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > (ss2pos s) )
                                        (priorComments csd)
             pcds = priorCommentsDeltas' s priors
             (attached, header) = break (\(d,_c) -> d /= 1) pcds
@@ -388,14 +388,14 @@ priorCommentsDeltas' r cs = go r (reverse cs)
     go :: RealSrcSpan -> [LEpaComment] -> [(Int, LEpaComment)]
     go _   [] = []
-    go _   (la@(L l@(EpaDelta _ dp _) _):las) = (getDeltaLine dp, la) : go (anchor l) las
-    go rs' (la@(L l _):las) = deltaComment rs' la : go (anchor l) las
+    go _   (la@(L l@(EpaDelta _ dp _) _):las) = (getDeltaLine dp, la) : go (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) las
+    go rs' (la@(L l _):las) = deltaComment rs' la : go (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) las
     deltaComment :: RealSrcSpan -> LEpaComment -> (Int, LEpaComment)
     deltaComment rs' (L loc c) = (abs(ll - al), L loc c)
         (al,_) = ss2pos rs'
-        (ll,_) = ss2pos (anchor loc)
+        (ll,_) = ss2pos (epaLocationRealSrcSpan loc)
   :: Pos
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ allocatePriorComments
   -> ([LEpaComment], [LEpaComment])
 allocatePriorComments ss_loc comment_q =
-    cmp (L l _) = ss2pos (anchor l) <= ss_loc
+    cmp (L l _) = ss2pos (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l) <= ss_loc
     (newAnns,after) = partition cmp comment_q
     (after, newAnns)
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ insertRemainingCppComments (L l p) cs = L l p'
             EpTok (EpaSpan (RealSrcSpan s _)) -> ss2pos s
             _ -> (1,1)
         _ -> (1,1)
-    (new_before, new_after) = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > end_loc ) cs
+    (new_before, new_after) = break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > end_loc ) cs
     addTrailingComments end_loc' cur new = epaCommentsBalanced pc' fc'
@@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ insertRemainingCppComments (L l p) cs = L l p'
             (L ac _:_) -> (sortEpaComments $ pc ++ cs_before, sortEpaComments $ fc ++ cs_after)
-                   = if (ss2pos $ anchor ac) > end_loc'
-                       then break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ anchor ll) > (ss2pos $ anchor ac) ) new
+                   = if (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ac) > end_loc'
+                       then break (\(L ll _) -> (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ll) > (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan ac) ) new
                        else (new_before, new_after)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ normaliseCommentText (x:xs) = x:normaliseCommentText xs
 -- |Must compare without span filenames, for CPP injected comments with fake filename
 cmpComments :: Comment -> Comment -> Ordering
-cmpComments (Comment _ l1 _ _) (Comment _ l2 _ _) = compare (ss2pos $ anchor l1) (ss2pos $ anchor l2)
+cmpComments (Comment _ l1 _ _) (Comment _ l2 _ _) = compare (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan l1) (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan l2)
 -- |Sort, comparing without span filenames, for CPP injected comments with fake filename
 sortComments :: [Comment] -> [Comment]
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ sortComments cs = sortBy cmpComments cs
 sortEpaComments :: [LEpaComment] -> [LEpaComment]
 sortEpaComments cs = sortBy cmp cs
-    cmp (L l1 _) (L l2 _) = compare (ss2pos $ anchor l1) (ss2pos $ anchor l2)
+    cmp (L l1 _) (L l2 _) = compare (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan l1) (ss2pos $ epaLocationRealSrcSpan l2)
 -- | Makes a comment which originates from a specific keyword.
 mkKWComment :: String -> NoCommentsLocation -> Comment
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ mkKWComment kw (EpaSpan (UnhelpfulSpan _))   = Comment kw (EpaDelta noSrcSpan (S
 mkKWComment kw (EpaDelta ss dp cs)           = Comment kw (EpaDelta ss dp cs) placeholderRealSpan (Just kw)
 sortAnchorLocated :: [GenLocated EpaLocation a] -> [GenLocated EpaLocation a]
-sortAnchorLocated = sortBy (compare `on` (anchor . getLoc))
+sortAnchorLocated = sortBy (compare `on` (epaLocationRealSrcSpan . getLoc))
 -- | Calculates the distance from the start of a string to the end of
 -- a string.

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ getPragmas (L _ (HsModule { hsmodExt = XModulePs { hsmodAnn = anns' } })) = prag
     tokComment (L _ (EpaComment (EpaLineComment  s) _)) = s
     tokComment _ = ""
-    cmp (L l1 _) (L l2 _) = compare (anchor l1) (anchor l2)
+    cmp (L l1 _) (L l2 _) = compare (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l1) (epaLocationRealSrcSpan l2)
     comments' = map tokComment $ sortBy cmp $ priorComments $ epAnnComments anns'
     pragmas = filter (\c -> isPrefixOf "{-#" c ) comments'
     pragmaStr = intercalate "\n" pragmas

@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
 import Data.Maybe
 import Data.Ord (comparing)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set hiding (Set)
-import GHC hiding (LexicalFixity (..), NoLink, anchor, moduleInfo)
+import GHC hiding (LexicalFixity (..), NoLink, moduleInfo)
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Unit.State
 import System.Directory

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.DocMarkup
 import Data.List (intersperse)
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import GHC hiding (anchor)
+import GHC
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import Text.XHtml hiding (name, p, quote)

@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Layout
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import GHC hiding (anchor)
+import GHC
 import GHC.Types.Name (nameOccName)
 import Text.XHtml hiding (name, quote, title)

@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Haddock.Backends.Xhtml.Names
   ) where
 import Data.List (stripPrefix)
-import GHC hiding (LexicalFixity (..), anchor)
+import GHC hiding (LexicalFixity (..))
 import GHC.Data.FastString (unpackFS)
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader

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