[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T20264] Progress

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Oct 29 17:43:30 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T20264 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

151ac275 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-10-29T17:43:02+00:00

- - - - -

19 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/OccurAnal.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/SetLevels.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Specialise.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Rules.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Seq.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Tidy.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/FVs.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Expr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Zonk/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Info.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Var.hs


@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module GHC.Core.FVs (
         idRuleVars, stableUnfoldingVars,
         ruleFreeVars, rulesFreeVars,
-        rulesFreeVarsDSet, mkRuleInfo,
+        mkRuleInfo,
         ruleLhsFreeIds, ruleLhsFreeIdsList,
         ruleRhsFreeVars, rulesRhsFreeIds,
@@ -472,11 +472,6 @@ ruleLhsFreeIdsList = fvVarList . filterFV isLocalId . ruleFVs LhsOnly
 ruleFreeVars :: CoreRule -> VarSet
 ruleFreeVars = fvVarSet . ruleFVs BothSides
--- | Those variables free in the both the left right hand sides of rules
--- returned as a deterministic set
-rulesFreeVarsDSet :: [CoreRule] -> DVarSet
-rulesFreeVarsDSet rules = fvDVarSet $ rulesFVs BothSides rules
 -- | Those variables free in both the left right hand sides of several rules
 rulesFreeVars :: [CoreRule] -> VarSet
 rulesFreeVars rules = fvVarSet $ rulesFVs BothSides rules
@@ -484,7 +479,7 @@ rulesFreeVars rules = fvVarSet $ rulesFVs BothSides rules
 -- | Make a 'RuleInfo' containing a number of 'CoreRule's, suitable
 -- for putting into an 'IdInfo'
 mkRuleInfo :: [CoreRule] -> RuleInfo
-mkRuleInfo rules = RuleInfo rules (rulesFreeVarsDSet rules)
+mkRuleInfo rules = RuleInfo rules
 Note [Rule free var hack]  (Not a hack any more)
@@ -632,7 +627,9 @@ idRuleVars id = fvVarSet $ idRuleFVs id
 idRuleFVs :: Id -> FV
 idRuleFVs id = assert (isId id) $
-  FV.mkFVs (dVarSetElems $ ruleInfoFreeVars (idSpecialisation id))
+               rulesFVs BothSides $
+               ruleInfoRules (idSpecialisation id)
+  -- BothSides: see Note [Rule dependency info] in OccurAnal
 idUnfoldingVars :: Id -> VarSet
 -- Produce free vars for an unfolding, but NOT for an ordinary

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Make (
         mkCoreLams, mkWildCase, mkIfThenElse,
-        sortQuantVars, castBottomExpr,
+        castBottomExpr,
         -- * Constructing boxed literals
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ import GHC.Core.Utils ( exprType, mkSingleAltCase, bindNonRec )
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.Predicate    ( isCoVarType )
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Compare ( eqType )
-import GHC.Core.Coercion     ( isCoVar )
 import GHC.Core.DataCon      ( DataCon, dataConWorkId )
 import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Settings.Constants( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE )
 import GHC.Data.FastString
-import Data.List        ( partition )
 import Data.Char        ( ord )
 infixl 4 `mkCoreApp`, `mkCoreApps`
@@ -99,15 +97,6 @@ infixl 4 `mkCoreApp`, `mkCoreApps`
 -- | Sort the variables, putting type and covars first, in scoped order,
 -- and then other Ids
--- It is a deterministic sort, meaning it doesn't look at the values of
--- Uniques. For explanation why it's important See Note [Unique Determinism]
--- in GHC.Types.Unique.
-sortQuantVars :: [Var] -> [Var]
-sortQuantVars vs = sorted_tcvs ++ ids
-  where
-    (tcvs, ids) = partition (isTyVar <||> isCoVar) vs
-    sorted_tcvs = scopedSort tcvs
 -- | Bind a binding group over an expression, using a @let@ or @case@ as
 -- appropriate (see "GHC.Core#let_can_float_invariant")
 mkCoreLet :: CoreBind -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr

@@ -1716,8 +1716,8 @@ makeNode !env _imp_rule_edges bndr_set (bndr, rhs@(Type rhs_ty))
     rhs_env = setNonTailCtxt OccRhs env
     -- WUD unf_uds mb_unf'
-    --   | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding bndr = Just <$> occAnalTy rhs_env unf
-    --   | otherwise                       = WUD emptyUDs Nothing
+    --   | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe bndr = Just <$> occAnalTy rhs_env unf
+    --   | otherwise                             = WUD emptyUDs Nothing
     rhs_uds = occAnalTy rhs_env rhs_ty
     inl_uds   = rhs_uds -- `andUDs` unf_uds

@@ -89,13 +89,11 @@ import GHC.Core
 import GHC.Core.Opt.Monad ( FloatOutSwitches(..) )
 import GHC.Core.Utils
 import GHC.Core.Opt.Arity   ( exprBotStrictness_maybe, isOneShotBndr )
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs    ( tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet, scopedSort )
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst  ( substTy, mkTvSubstPrs )
 import GHC.Core.FVs     -- all of it
 import GHC.Core.Subst
-import GHC.Core.Make    ( sortQuantVars )
-import GHC.Core.Type    ( Type, tyCoVarsOfType
-                        , mightBeUnliftedType, closeOverKindsDSet
-                        , typeHasFixedRuntimeRep
-                        )
+import GHC.Core.Type    ( Type, tyCoVarsOfType, mightBeUnliftedType, typeHasFixedRuntimeRep )
 import GHC.Core.Multiplicity     ( pattern ManyTy )
 import GHC.Types.Id
@@ -127,6 +125,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List        ( partition )
@@ -638,7 +637,7 @@ lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
        ; var <- newLvlVar expr1 NotJoinPoint is_mk_static
        ; let var2 = annotateBotStr var float_n_lams mb_bot_str
        ; return (Let (NonRec (TB var2 (FloatMe dest_lvl)) expr1)
-                     (mkVarApps (Var var2) abs_vars)) }
+                     (mkAbsVarApps (Var var2) abs_vars)) }
   -- OK, so the float has an unlifted type (not top-level bindable)
   --     and no new value lambdas (float_is_new_lam is False)
@@ -652,13 +651,13 @@ lvlMFE env strict_ctxt ann_expr
   , let [bx_bndr, ubx_bndr] = mkTemplateLocals [box_ty, expr_ty]
   = do { expr1 <- lvlExpr rhs_env ann_expr
        ; let l1r       = incMinorLvlFrom rhs_env
-             float_rhs = mkLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
+             float_rhs = mkAbsLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
                          Case expr1 (stayPut l1r ubx_bndr) box_ty
                              [Alt DEFAULT [] (App boxing_expr (Var ubx_bndr))]
        ; var <- newLvlVar float_rhs NotJoinPoint is_mk_static
        ; let l1u      = incMinorLvlFrom env
-             use_expr = Case (mkVarApps (Var var) abs_vars)
+             use_expr = Case (mkAbsVarApps (Var var) abs_vars)
                              (stayPut l1u bx_bndr) expr_ty
                              [Alt (DataAlt box_dc) [stayPut l1u ubx_bndr] (Var ubx_bndr)]
        ; return (Let (NonRec (TB var (FloatMe dest_lvl)) float_rhs)
@@ -1309,7 +1308,7 @@ lvlBind env (AnnRec pairs)
     new_rhs_body <- lvlRhs body_env2 Recursive is_bot NotJoinPoint rhs_body
     (poly_env, [poly_bndr]) <- newPolyBndrs dest_lvl env abs_vars [bndr]
     return (Rec [(TB poly_bndr (FloatMe dest_lvl)
-                 , mkLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
+                 , mkAbsLams abs_vars_w_lvls $
                    mkLams lam_bndrs2 $
                    Let (Rec [( TB new_bndr (StayPut rhs_lvl)
                              , mkLams lam_bndrs2 new_rhs_body)])
@@ -1399,7 +1398,7 @@ lvlRhs env rec_flag is_bot mb_join_arity expr
   = lvlFloatRhs [] (le_ctxt_lvl env) env
                 rec_flag is_bot mb_join_arity expr
-lvlFloatRhs :: [OutVar] -> Level -> LevelEnv -> RecFlag
+lvlFloatRhs :: AbsVars -> Level -> LevelEnv -> RecFlag
             -> Bool   -- Binding is for a bottoming function
             -> JoinPointHood
             -> CoreExprWithFVs
@@ -1410,7 +1409,7 @@ lvlFloatRhs abs_vars dest_lvl env rec is_bot mb_join_arity rhs
                      && any isId bndrs
                   then lvlMFE  body_env True body
                   else lvlExpr body_env      body
-       ; return (mkLams bndrs' body') }
+       ; return (mkAbsLams bndrs' body') }
     (bndrs, body)     | JoinPoint join_arity <- mb_join_arity
                       = collectNAnnBndrs join_arity rhs
@@ -1754,24 +1753,68 @@ lookupVar le v = case lookupVarEnv (le_env le) v of
                     Just (_, expr) -> expr
                     _              -> Var v
-abstractVars :: Level -> LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> [OutVar]
-        -- Find the variables in fvs, free vars of the target expression,
-        -- whose level is greater than the destination level
-        -- These are the ones we are going to abstract out
-        --
-        -- Note that to get reproducible builds, the variables need to be
-        -- abstracted in deterministic order, not dependent on the values of
-        -- Uniques. This is achieved by using DVarSets, deterministic free
-        -- variable computation and deterministic sort.
-        -- See Note [Unique Determinism] in GHC.Types.Unique for explanation of why
-        -- Uniques are not deterministic.
+type AbsVars = [Var]
+  -- A list of variables to abstract, in the correct dependency order
+  -- May include type variables with unfoldings:
+  --    when abstracting, use a let
+  --    when applying, ignore
+  -- E.g   [a, b=[a], x:a]
+  -- We might make
+  --    f = /\a let @b=[a] in  \(x:a). blah
+  -- and at an application site say
+  --    f @ty arg
+mkAbsLams :: [LevelledBndr]  -> Expr LevelledBndr -> Expr LevelledBndr
+mkAbsLams [] body = body
+mkAbsLams (bndr@(TB v _) : bndrs) body
+  | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe v
+  = Let (NonRec bndr (Type ty)) (mkAbsLams bndrs body)
+  | otherwise
+  = Lam bndr (mkAbsLams bndrs body)
+mkAbsLamTypes :: AbsVars -> Type -> Type
+mkAbsLamTypes abs_vars ty
+  = pprTrace "mkAbsLamTypes" (
+      vcat [ text "abs_vars" <+> ppr abs_vars
+           , text "abs_lam_vars" <+> ppr abs_lam_vars
+           , text "tv_unf_prs" <+> ppr tv_unf_prs
+           , text "ty" <+> ppr ty
+           , text "mkLam" <+> ppr (mkLamTypes abs_lam_vars ty)
+           , text "res" <+> ppr res ]) res
+    -- We can apply the subst at the end there is no shadowing in abs_vars
+  where
+    res = substTy subst (mkLamTypes abs_lam_vars ty)
+    abs_lam_vars   = [ v       | v <- abs_vars, isNothing (tyVarUnfolding_maybe v) ]
+    tv_unf_prs = [ (tv,ty) | tv <- abs_vars, Just ty <- [tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv] ]
+    subst = mkTvSubstPrs tv_unf_prs
+mkAbsVarApps :: Expr LevelledBndr -> AbsVars -> Expr LevelledBndr
+mkAbsVarApps fun [] = fun
+mkAbsVarApps fun (a:as)
+  | Just {} <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe a = mkAbsVarApps fun                         as
+  | otherwise                         = mkAbsVarApps (App fun (varToCoreExpr a)) as
+abstractVars :: Level -> LevelEnv -> DVarSet -> AbsVars
+-- Find the variables in fvs, free vars of the target expression,
+-- whose level is greater than the destination level
+-- These are the ones we are going to abstract out
+-- Note that to get reproducible builds, the variables need to be
+-- abstracted in deterministic order, not dependent on the values of
+-- Uniques. This is achieved by using DVarSets, deterministic free
+-- variable computation and deterministic sort.
+-- See Note [Unique Determinism] in GHC.Types.Unique for explanation of why
+-- Uniques are not deterministic.
 abstractVars dest_lvl (LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env }) in_fvs
   =  -- NB: sortQuantVars might not put duplicates next to each other
-    map zap $ sortQuantVars $
+    map zap                 $
+    dep_anal                $
     filter abstract_me      $
     dVarSetElems            $
-    closeOverKindsDSet      $
-    substDVarSet subst in_fvs
+    mapUnionDVarSet close   $
+    substFreeVars subst     $
+    dVarSetElems in_fvs
         -- NB: it's important to call abstract_me only on the OutIds the
         -- come from substDVarSet (not on fv, which is an InId)
@@ -1779,44 +1822,59 @@ abstractVars dest_lvl (LE { le_subst = subst, le_lvl_env = lvl_env }) in_fvs
                         Just lvl -> dest_lvl `ltLvl` lvl
                         Nothing  -> False
-        -- We are going to lambda-abstract, so nuke any IdInfo,
-        -- and add the tyvars of the Id (if necessary)
-    zap v | isId v = warnPprTrace (isStableUnfolding (idUnfolding v) ||
-                           not (isEmptyRuleInfo (idSpecialisation v)))
-                           "absVarsOf: discarding info on" (ppr v) $
-                     setIdInfo v vanillaIdInfo
+    zap :: Var -> Var
+    -- zap: We are going to lambda-abstract, so nuke any IdInfo
+    -- But leave TyVar unfoldings alone
+    zap v | isId v    = setIdInfo v vanillaIdInfo
           | otherwise = v
+    close_set :: DVarSet -> DVarSet
+    close_set s = mapUnionDVarSet close (dVarSetElems s)
+    close :: Var -> DVarSet
+    close v | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe v
+            = close_set (tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet ty) `extendDVarSet` v
+            | otherwise
+            = close_set (tyCoVarsOfTypeDSet (varType v)) `extendDVarSet` v
+    dep_anal vs = scopedSort tcvs ++ ids
+      where
+         (tcvs, ids) = partition (isTyVar <||> isCoVar) vs
+      -- NB: scopedSort is a deterministic sort, meaning it doesn't look at the values
+      -- of Uniques. For explanation why it's important See Note [Unique Determinism]
+      -- in GHC.Types.Unique.
 type LvlM result = UniqSM result
 initLvl :: UniqSupply -> UniqSM a -> a
 initLvl = initUs_
-newPolyBndrs :: Level -> LevelEnv -> [OutVar] -> [InId]
+newPolyBndrs :: Level -> LevelEnv -> AbsVars -> [InId]
              -> LvlM (LevelEnv, [OutId])
 -- The envt is extended to bind the new bndrs to dest_lvl, but
 -- the le_ctxt_lvl is unaffected
 newPolyBndrs dest_lvl
              env@(LE { le_lvl_env = lvl_env, le_subst = subst, le_env = id_env })
              abs_vars bndrs
- = assert (all (not . isCoVar) bndrs) $   -- What would we add to the CoSubst in this case. No easy answer.
+ = assert (all (\b -> not (isCoVar b || isTyVar b)) bndrs) $   -- What would we add to the CoSubst in this case. No easy answer.
    do { uniqs <- getUniquesM
       ; let new_bndrs = zipWith mk_poly_bndr bndrs uniqs
             bndr_prs  = bndrs `zip` new_bndrs
             env' = env { le_lvl_env = addLvls dest_lvl lvl_env new_bndrs
-                       , le_subst   = foldl' add_subst subst   bndr_prs
                        , le_env     = foldl' add_id    id_env  bndr_prs }
       ; return (env', new_bndrs) }
-    add_subst env (v, v') = extendIdSubst env v (mkVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
-    add_id    env (v, v') = extendVarEnv env v ((v':abs_vars), mkVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
+    add_id env (v, v') = extendVarEnv env v ((v':abs_vars), mkAbsVarApps (Var v') abs_vars)
     mk_poly_bndr bndr uniq = transferPolyIdInfo bndr abs_vars $ -- Note [transferPolyIdInfo] in GHC.Types.Id
                              transfer_join_info bndr $
                              mkSysLocal str uniq (idMult bndr) poly_ty
                              str     = fsLit "poly_" `appendFS` occNameFS (getOccName bndr)
-                             poly_ty = mkLamTypes abs_vars (substTyUnchecked subst (idType bndr))
+                             poly_ty = mkAbsLamTypes abs_vars            $
+                                       substTyUnchecked subst (idType bndr)
     -- If we are floating a join point to top level, it stops being
     -- a join point.  Otherwise it continues to be a join point,

@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ specVar env@(SE { se_subst = Core.Subst in_scope ids _ _ }) v
   --           probably has little effect, but it's the right thing.
   --           We need zapSubst because `e` is an OutExpr
-specExpr :: SpecEnv -> CoreExpr -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
+specExpr, specExpr' :: SpecEnv -> CoreExpr -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
 ---------------- First the easy cases --------------------
 specExpr env e = -- pprTrace "specExpr" (ppr e) $

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import GHC.Core         -- All of it
 import GHC.Core.Subst
 import GHC.Core.SimpleOpt ( exprIsLambda_maybe )
 import GHC.Core.FVs       ( exprFreeVars, bindFreeVars
-                          , rulesFreeVarsDSet, orphNamesOfExprs )
+                          , orphNamesOfExprs )
 import GHC.Core.Utils     ( exprType, mkTick, mkTicks
                           , stripTicksTopT, stripTicksTopE
                           , isJoinBind, mkCastMCo )
@@ -336,12 +336,10 @@ pprRulesForUser rules
 extendRuleInfo :: RuleInfo -> [CoreRule] -> RuleInfo
-extendRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs1 fvs1) rs2
-  = RuleInfo (rs2 ++ rs1) (rulesFreeVarsDSet rs2 `unionDVarSet` fvs1)
+extendRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs1) rs2 = RuleInfo (rs2 ++ rs1)
 addRuleInfo :: RuleInfo -> RuleInfo -> RuleInfo
-addRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs1 fvs1) (RuleInfo rs2 fvs2)
-  = RuleInfo (rs1 ++ rs2) (fvs1 `unionDVarSet` fvs2)
+addRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs1) (RuleInfo rs2) = RuleInfo (rs1 ++ rs2)
 addIdSpecialisations :: Id -> [CoreRule] -> Id
 addIdSpecialisations id rules

@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ seqOneShot :: OneShotInfo -> ()
 seqOneShot l = l `seq` ()
 seqRuleInfo :: RuleInfo -> ()
-seqRuleInfo (RuleInfo rules fvs) = seqRules rules `seq` seqDVarSet fvs
+seqRuleInfo (RuleInfo rules) = seqRules rules
 seqCaf :: CafInfo -> ()
 seqCaf c = c `seq` ()

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Subst (
         substTyUnchecked, substCo, substExpr, substExprSC, substBind, substBindSC,
         substUnfolding, substUnfoldingSC,
         lookupIdSubst, lookupIdSubst_maybe, substIdType, substIdOcc,
-        substTickish, substDVarSet, substIdInfo,
+        substTickish, substFreeVars, substIdInfo,
         -- ** Operations on substitutions
         emptySubst, mkEmptySubst, mkTCvSubst, mkOpenSubst, isEmptySubst,
@@ -524,9 +524,8 @@ substIdOcc subst v = case lookupIdSubst subst v of
 -- | Substitutes for the 'Id's within the 'RuleInfo' given the new function 'Id'
 substRuleInfo :: Subst -> Id -> RuleInfo -> RuleInfo
-substRuleInfo subst new_id (RuleInfo rules rhs_fvs)
+substRuleInfo subst new_id (RuleInfo rules)
   = RuleInfo (map (substRule subst subst_ru_fn) rules)
-                  (substDVarSet subst rhs_fvs)
     subst_ru_fn = const (idName new_id)
@@ -562,9 +561,9 @@ substRule subst subst_ru_fn rule@(Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args
     (subst', bndrs') = substBndrs subst bndrs
-substDVarSet :: HasDebugCallStack => Subst -> DVarSet -> DVarSet
-substDVarSet subst@(Subst _ _ tv_env cv_env) fvs
-  = mkDVarSet $ fst $ foldr subst_fv ([], emptyVarSet) $ dVarSetElems fvs
+substFreeVars :: HasDebugCallStack => Subst -> [Var] -> [Var]
+substFreeVars subst@(Subst _ _ tv_env cv_env) fvs
+  = fst $ foldr subst_fv ([], emptyVarSet) $ fvs
   subst_fv :: Var -> ([Var], VarSet) -> ([Var], VarSet)
   subst_fv fv acc

@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ tidyLetBndr rec_tidy_env env@(tidy_env, var_env) tv
         ki'      = tidyType env (tyVarKind tv)
         name'    = mkInternalName (varUnique tv) occ' noSrcSpan
-        mb_unf   = tyVarUnfolding tv
+        mb_unf   = tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
         occ_info = tyVarOccInfo tv
         tv' | Just unf <- mb_unf = mkTyVarWithUnfolding name' ki' (tidyType rec_tidy_env unf)
             | otherwise          = mkTyVar name' ki'

@@ -1077,7 +1077,10 @@ scopedSort = go [] []
       | otherwise
       = (tv:a:as, fvs `unionVarSet` fv_tv : fvs : fvss)
-        fv_tv = tyCoVarsOfType (tyVarKind tv)
+        -- If tv has an unfolding, expand it instead of looking at its kind
+        fv_tv = case tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv of
+                   Just ty -> tyCoVarsOfType ty
+                   Nothing -> tyCoVarsOfType (tyVarKind tv)
        -- lists not in correspondence
     insert _ _ _ = panic "scopedSort"

@@ -1103,14 +1103,13 @@ cloneTyVarBndr subst@(Subst in_scope id_env tv_env cv_env) tv uniq
     , tv')
     old_ki  = tyVarKind tv
-    old_unf = tyVarUnfolding tv
     tv1 | not (noFreeVarsOfType old_ki)   -- Kind is not closed
         = setTyVarKind tv (substTy subst old_ki)
         | otherwise
         = tv
-    tv2 | Just unf <- old_unf
+    tv2 | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
         , not (noFreeVarsOfType unf)  -- Unfolding is not closed
         = tv1 `setTyVarUnfolding` substTy subst unf

@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ import GHC.Data.Maybe   ( orElse, isJust, firstJust )
 unfoldView :: Type -> Maybe Type
 -- Look through type variables, see Note [Type and coercion lets] in GHC.Core
 {-# INLINE unfoldView #-}
-unfoldView (TyVarTy tv) = tyVarUnfolding tv
+unfoldView (TyVarTy tv) = tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
 unfoldView _ = Nothing
 rewriterView :: Type -> Maybe Type
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ rewriterView (TyConApp tc tys)
   | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc
   , isForgetfulSynTyCon tc || not (isFamFreeTyCon tc)
   = expandSynTyConApp_maybe tc tys
-rewriterView (TyVarTy tv) = tyVarUnfolding tv
+rewriterView (TyVarTy tv) = tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
 rewriterView _other
   = Nothing
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ coreView :: Type -> Maybe Type
 -- By being non-recursive and inlined, this case analysis gets efficiently
 -- joined onto the case analysis that the caller is already doing
 coreView (TyConApp tc tys) = expandSynTyConApp_maybe tc tys
-coreView (TyVarTy tv)      = tyVarUnfolding tv  -- c.f. unfoldView
+coreView (TyVarTy tv)      = tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv  -- c.f. unfoldView
 coreView _                 = Nothing
 -- See Note [Inlining coreView].
 {-# INLINE coreView #-}
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ coreFullView ty@(TyConApp tc _)
   | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc = core_full_view ty
 coreFullView (TyVarTy tv)
   -- c.f. unfoldView
-  | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding tv = core_full_view ty
+  | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv = core_full_view ty
 coreFullView ty = ty
 {-# INLINE coreFullView #-}
@@ -2732,7 +2732,7 @@ sORTKind_maybe :: Kind -> Maybe (TypeOrConstraint, Type)
 -- This is a "hot" function.  Do not call splitTyConApp_maybe here,
 -- to avoid the faff with FunTy
 sORTKind_maybe (TyVarTy tv)
-  | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding tv
+  | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
   = sORTKind_maybe ty
 sORTKind_maybe (TyConApp tc tys)
   -- First, short-cuts for Type and Constraint that do no allocation
@@ -2883,8 +2883,8 @@ isConcreteTypeWith :: TyVarSet -> Type -> Bool
 isConcreteTypeWith conc_tvs = go
     go (TyVarTy tv)
-      | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding tv = go ty
-      | otherwise                    = isConcreteTyVar tv || tv `elemVarSet` conc_tvs
+      | Just ty <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv = go ty
+      | otherwise                          = isConcreteTyVar tv || tv `elemVarSet` conc_tvs
     go (AppTy ty1 ty2)     = go ty1 && go ty2
     go (TyConApp tc tys)   = go_tc tc tys
     go ForAllTy{}          = False

@@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ toIfaceLetBndr tv
                                (toIfaceKind (tyVarKind tv))
-    info | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding tv = [HsTypeUnfold (toIfaceType unf)]
-         | otherwise                     = []
+    info | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv = [HsTypeUnfold (toIfaceType unf)]
+         | otherwise                           = []
 toIfaceLetBndr id  = IfLetBndr (mkIfLclName (occNameFS (getOccName id)))
                                (toIfaceType (idType id))

@@ -690,8 +690,7 @@ ds_app (XExpr (ConLikeTc con tvs tys)) _hs_args core_args
        ; let core_fun = mkLams tvs $ mkLams ids $
                         ds_con `mkTyApps` mkTyVarTys tvs
                                `mkVarApps` ids
-       ; pprTrace "ds_conl" (ppr tvs) $
-         return (mkApps core_fun core_args) }
+       ; return (mkApps core_fun core_args) }
 ds_app (XExpr (HsRecSelTc (FieldOcc { foLabel = L _ sel_id }))) _hs_args core_args
   = ds_app_rec_sel sel_id sel_id core_args

@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ pprArrow (mb_conc, ppr_mult) af mult
 ppr_tv_occ :: TyVar -> SDoc
 ppr_tv_occ tv
   = sdocOption sdocPrintTyVarUnfoldings $ \print_unf ->
-    ppr tv <> case tyVarUnfolding tv of
+    ppr tv <> case tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv of
                 Just ty | print_unf -> braces (ppr ty)
                 _                   -> empty

@@ -3689,7 +3689,7 @@ tcConDecl new_or_data dd_info rep_tycon tc_bndrs res_kind tag_map
        ; let bang_opts = SrcBangOpts (initBangOpts dflags)
        ; dc <- buildDataCon fam_envs bang_opts name is_infix rep_nm
                             stricts field_lbls
-                            tc_tvs ex_tvs user_tvbs
+                            (binderVars tc_bndrs) ex_tvs user_tvbs
                             [{- no eq_preds -}] ctxt arg_tys
                             user_res_ty rep_tycon tag_map
                   -- NB:  we put data_tc, the type constructor gotten from the

@@ -1089,8 +1089,7 @@ zonkExpr (XExpr (ExpandedThingTc thing e))
 zonkExpr (XExpr (ConLikeTc con tvs tys))
   = runZonkBndrT (zonkTyBndrsX tvs) $ \ tvs' ->
     do { tys' <- mapM zonkScaledTcTypeToTypeX tys
-       ; pprTrace "zok-conl" (ppr tvs') $
-         return (XExpr (ConLikeTc con tvs' tys')) }
+       ; return (XExpr (ConLikeTc con tvs' tys')) }
     -- The tvs come straight from the data-con, and so are strictly redundant
     -- See Wrinkles of Note [Typechecking data constructors] in GHC.Tc.Gen.Head

@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Id.Info (
         -- ** The RuleInfo type
-        isEmptyRuleInfo, ruleInfoFreeVars,
-        ruleInfoRules, setRuleInfoHead,
+        isEmptyRuleInfo, ruleInfoRules, setRuleInfoHead,
         ruleInfo, setRuleInfo, tagSigInfo,
         -- ** The CAFInfo type
@@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ import GHC.Core
 import GHC.Core.Class
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.PrimOps (PrimOp)
 import GHC.Types.Name
-import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Core.TyCon
@@ -768,33 +766,21 @@ and put in the global list.
 -- Records the specializations of this 'Id' that we know about
 -- in the form of rewrite 'CoreRule's that target them
-data RuleInfo
-  = RuleInfo
-        [CoreRule]
-        DVarSet         -- Locally-defined free vars of *both* LHS and RHS
-                        -- of rules.  I don't think it needs to include the
-                        -- ru_fn though.
-                        -- Note [Rule dependency info] in "GHC.Core.Opt.OccurAnal"
+newtype RuleInfo = RuleInfo [CoreRule]
 -- | Assume that no specializations exist: always safe
 emptyRuleInfo :: RuleInfo
-emptyRuleInfo = RuleInfo [] emptyDVarSet
+emptyRuleInfo = RuleInfo []
 isEmptyRuleInfo :: RuleInfo -> Bool
-isEmptyRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs _) = null rs
--- | Retrieve the locally-defined free variables of both the left and
--- right hand sides of the specialization rules
-ruleInfoFreeVars :: RuleInfo -> DVarSet
-ruleInfoFreeVars (RuleInfo _ fvs) = fvs
+isEmptyRuleInfo (RuleInfo rs) = null rs
 ruleInfoRules :: RuleInfo -> [CoreRule]
-ruleInfoRules (RuleInfo rules _) = rules
+ruleInfoRules (RuleInfo rules) = rules
 -- | Change the name of the function the rule is keyed on all of the 'CoreRule's
 setRuleInfoHead :: Name -> RuleInfo -> RuleInfo
-setRuleInfoHead fn (RuleInfo rules fvs)
-  = RuleInfo (map (setRuleIdName fn) rules) fvs
+setRuleInfoHead fn (RuleInfo rules) = RuleInfo (map (setRuleIdName fn) rules)

@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Var (
         mkTyVar, mkTyVarWithUnfolding, mkTcTyVar,
         -- ** Taking 'TyVar's apart
-        tyVarName, tyVarKind, tyVarUnfolding, tyVarOccInfo, tcTyVarDetails, setTcTyVarDetails,
+        tyVarName, tyVarKind, tyVarUnfolding_maybe, tyVarOccInfo, tcTyVarDetails, setTcTyVarDetails,
         -- ** Modifying 'TyVar's
         setTyVarName, setTyVarUnique, setTyVarKind, setTyVarUnfolding, setTyVarOccInfo,
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@ updateVarTypeM upd var
     result = do { ty' <- upd (varType var)
                 ; return (var { varType = ty' }) }
 {- *********************************************************************
 *                                                                      *
 *                   FunTyFlag
@@ -1018,9 +1019,9 @@ tyVarName = varName
 tyVarKind :: TyVar -> Kind
 tyVarKind = varType
-tyVarUnfolding :: TyVar -> Maybe Type
-tyVarUnfolding (TyVar { tv_unfolding = unf }) = unf
-tyVarUnfolding _ = Nothing
+tyVarUnfolding_maybe :: TyVar -> Maybe Type
+tyVarUnfolding_maybe (TyVar { tv_unfolding = unf }) = unf
+tyVarUnfolding_maybe _ = Nothing
 tyVarOccInfo :: TyVar -> OccInfo
 tyVarOccInfo (TcTyVar {}) = noOccInfo
@@ -1057,7 +1058,7 @@ updateTyVarKindM update tv
 updateTyVarUnfolding :: (Type -> Type) -> TyVar -> TyVar
 updateTyVarUnfolding update tv
-  | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding tv
+  | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
   = tv {tv_unfolding = Just (update unf)}
   | otherwise
@@ -1065,7 +1066,7 @@ updateTyVarUnfolding update tv
 updateTyVarUnfoldingM :: (Monad m) => (Type -> m Type) -> TyVar -> m TyVar
 updateTyVarUnfoldingM update tv
-  | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding tv
+  | Just unf <- tyVarUnfolding_maybe tv
   = do { unf' <- update unf
        ; return $ tv {tv_unfolding = Just unf'} }

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