[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/fix-bytecode-stubs] driver: fix foreign stub handling logic in hscParsedDecls

Cheng Shao (@TerrorJack) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Oct 29 12:12:11 UTC 2024

Cheng Shao pushed to branch wip/fix-bytecode-stubs at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

e93dc025 by Cheng Shao at 2024-10-29T12:11:52+00:00
driver: fix foreign stub handling logic in hscParsedDecls

This patch fixes foreign stub handling logic in `hscParsedDecls`.
Previously foreign stubs were simply ignored here, so any feature that
involve foreign stubs would not work in ghci (e.g. CApiFFI). The patch
reuses `generateByteCode` logic and eliminates a large chunk of
duplicate logic that implements Core to bytecode generation pipeline
here. Fixes #25414.

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
- compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
- testsuite/tests/ghci/scripts/all.T


@@ -2525,46 +2525,21 @@ hscParsedDecls hsc_env decls = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ do
     (tidy_cg, mod_details) <- liftIO $ hscTidy hsc_env simpl_mg
     let !CgGuts{ cg_module    = this_mod,
-                 cg_binds     = core_binds,
-                 cg_tycons    = tycons,
-                 cg_modBreaks = mod_breaks,
-                 cg_spt_entries = spt_entries
+                 cg_binds     = core_binds
                  } = tidy_cg
         !ModDetails { md_insts     = cls_insts
                     , md_fam_insts = fam_insts } = mod_details
             -- Get the *tidied* cls_insts and fam_insts
-        data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon tycons
-    {- Prepare For Code Generation -}
-    -- Do saturation and convert to A-normal form
-    prepd_binds <- {-# SCC "CorePrep" #-} liftIO $ do
-      cp_cfg <- initCorePrepConfig hsc_env
-      corePrepPgm
-        (hsc_logger hsc_env)
-        cp_cfg
-        (initCorePrepPgmConfig (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (interactiveInScope $ hsc_IC hsc_env))
-        this_mod iNTERACTIVELoc core_binds data_tycons
-    (stg_binds_with_deps, _infotable_prov, _caf_ccs__caf_cc_stacks, _stg_cg_info)
-        <- {-# SCC "CoreToStg" #-}
-           liftIO $ myCoreToStg (hsc_logger hsc_env)
-                                (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
-                                (interactiveInScope (hsc_IC hsc_env))
-                                True
-                                this_mod
-                                iNTERACTIVELoc
-                                prepd_binds
-    let (stg_binds,_stg_deps) = unzip stg_binds_with_deps
-    {- Generate byte code -}
-    cbc <- liftIO $ byteCodeGen hsc_env this_mod
-                                stg_binds data_tycons mod_breaks spt_entries
+    {- Generate byte code & foreign stubs -}
+    linkable <- liftIO $ generateFreshByteCode hsc_env
+      (moduleName this_mod)
+      (mkCgInteractiveGuts tidy_cg)
     let src_span = srcLocSpan interactiveSrcLoc
-    _ <- liftIO $ loadDecls interp hsc_env src_span cbc
+    _ <- liftIO $ loadDecls interp hsc_env src_span linkable
     {- Load static pointer table entries -}
     liftIO $ hscAddSptEntries hsc_env (cg_spt_entries tidy_cg)
@@ -2843,7 +2818,9 @@ hscCompileCoreExpr' hsc_env srcspan ds_expr = do
                 [] -- spt entries
       {- load it -}
-      (fv_hvs, mods_needed, units_needed) <- loadDecls interp hsc_env srcspan bcos
+      bco_time <- getCurrentTime
+      (fv_hvs, mods_needed, units_needed) <- loadDecls interp hsc_env srcspan $
+        Linkable bco_time this_mod $ NE.singleton $ BCOs bcos
       {- Get the HValue for the root -}
       return (expectJust "hscCompileCoreExpr'"
          $ lookup (idName binding_id) fv_hvs, mods_needed, units_needed)

@@ -669,32 +669,40 @@ initLinkDepsOpts hsc_env = opts
   ********************************************************************* -}
-loadDecls :: Interp -> HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> CompiledByteCode -> IO ([(Name, ForeignHValue)], [Linkable], PkgsLoaded)
-loadDecls interp hsc_env span cbc at CompiledByteCode{..} = do
+loadDecls :: Interp -> HscEnv -> SrcSpan -> Linkable -> IO ([(Name, ForeignHValue)], [Linkable], PkgsLoaded)
+loadDecls interp hsc_env span linkable = do
     -- Initialise the linker (if it's not been done already)
     initLoaderState interp hsc_env
     -- Take lock for the actual work.
     modifyLoaderState interp $ \pls0 -> do
+      -- Link the foreign objects first; BCOs in linkable are ignored here.
+      (pls1, objs_ok) <- loadObjects interp hsc_env pls0 [linkable]
+      when (failed objs_ok) $ throwGhcExceptionIO $ ProgramError "loadDecls: failed to load foreign objects"
       -- Link the packages and modules required
-      (pls, ok, links_needed, units_needed) <- loadDependencies interp hsc_env pls0 span needed_mods
+      (pls, ok, links_needed, units_needed) <- loadDependencies interp hsc_env pls1 span needed_mods
       if failed ok
         then throwGhcExceptionIO (ProgramError "")
         else do
           -- Link the expression itself
           let le  = linker_env pls
-              le2 = le { itbl_env = plusNameEnv (itbl_env le) bc_itbls
-                       , addr_env = plusNameEnv (addr_env le) bc_strs }
+              le2 = le { itbl_env = foldl' (\acc cbc -> plusNameEnv acc (bc_itbls cbc)) (itbl_env le) cbcs
+                       , addr_env = foldl' (\acc cbc -> plusNameEnv acc (bc_strs cbc)) (addr_env le) cbcs }
           -- Link the necessary packages and linkables
-          new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs interp (pkgs_loaded pls) le2 [cbc]
+          new_bindings <- linkSomeBCOs interp (pkgs_loaded pls) le2 cbcs
           nms_fhvs <- makeForeignNamedHValueRefs interp new_bindings
           let ce2  = extendClosureEnv (closure_env le2) nms_fhvs
               !pls2 = pls { linker_env = le2 { closure_env = ce2 } }
           return (pls2, (nms_fhvs, links_needed, units_needed))
+    cbcs = linkableBCOs linkable
     free_names = uniqDSetToList $
-      foldr (unionUniqDSets . bcoFreeNames) emptyUniqDSet bc_bcos
+      foldl'
+        (\acc cbc -> foldl' (\acc' bco -> bcoFreeNames bco `unionUniqDSets` acc') acc (bc_bcos cbc))
+        emptyUniqDSet cbcs
     needed_mods :: [Module]
     needed_mods = [ nameModule n | n <- free_names,

@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ test('T20455', normal, ghci_script, ['T20455.script'])
 test('shadow-bindings', normal, ghci_script, ['shadow-bindings.script'])
 test('T925', normal, ghci_script, ['T925.script'])
 test('T7388', normal, ghci_script, ['T7388.script'])
-test('T25414', [expect_broken(25414)], ghci_script, ['T25414.script'])
+test('T25414', normal, ghci_script, ['T25414.script'])
 test('T20627', normal, ghci_script, ['T20627.script'])
 test('T20473a', normal, ghci_script, ['T20473a.script'])
 test('T20473b', normal, ghci_script, ['T20473b.script'])

View it on GitLab: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/commit/e93dc025480286f253d51b03ec1223730e34b5d1

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