[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/ttg-booleanformula] properly store locs in BooleanFormula nodes again

Hassan Al-Awwadi (@hassan.awwadi) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Oct 27 14:01:25 UTC 2024

Hassan Al-Awwadi pushed to branch wip/ttg-booleanformula at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

35fe87ee by Hassan Al-Awwadi at 2024-10-27T14:59:45+01:00
properly store locs in BooleanFormula nodes again

- - - - -

15 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Class.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Basic.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Binds.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/BooleanFormula.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/Decl.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs


@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module GHC.CoreToIface
     , toIfaceVar
       -- * Other stuff
     , toIfaceLFInfo
+    , toIfaceBooleanFormula
       -- * CgBreakInfo
     , dehydrateCgBreakInfo
     ) where
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types ( heqTyCon )
 import GHC.Iface.Syntax
 import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula qualified as BF(BooleanFormula(..))
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Id.Info
@@ -82,11 +84,14 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Types.Demand ( isNopSig )
 import GHC.Types.Cpr ( topCprSig )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (unLoc)
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcRn)
 import Data.Maybe ( isNothing, catMaybes )
 {- Note [Avoiding space leaks in toIface*]
@@ -537,6 +542,14 @@ toIfGuidance src guidance
   , isStableSource src = IfWhen arity unsat_ok boring_ok
   | otherwise          = IfNoGuidance
+toIfaceBooleanFormula :: BF.BooleanFormula GhcRn -> IfaceBooleanFormula
+toIfaceBooleanFormula = go
+  where
+    go (BF.Var nm   ) = IfVar    $ mkIfLclName . getOccFS . unLoc $  nm
+    go (BF.And bfs  ) = IfAnd    $ map (go . unLoc) bfs
+    go (BF.Or bfs   ) = IfOr     $ map (go . unLoc) bfs
+    go (BF.Parens bf) = IfParens $     (go . unLoc) bf
 *                                                                      *

@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ bfMap :: (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> LIdP (GhcPass p'))
 bfMap f = go
     go (Var    a  ) = Var     $ f a
-    go (And    bfs) = And     $ map go bfs
-    go (Or     bfs) = Or      $ map go bfs
-    go (Parens bf ) = Parens  $     go bf
+    go (And    bfs) = And     $ map (fmap go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or      $ map (fmap go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens  $ fmap go bf
 bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
             => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> f (LIdP (GhcPass p')))
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
 bfTraverse f = go
     go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
-    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] go bfs
-    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] go bfs
-    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$>              go bf
+    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> traverse go bf
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ isTrue (And []) = True
 isTrue _ = False
 eval :: (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> Bool
-eval f (Var x)    = f x
-eval f (And xs)   = all (eval f) xs
-eval f (Or xs)    = any (eval f) xs
-eval f (Parens x) = eval f x
+eval f (Var x)  = f x
+eval f (And xs) = all (eval f . unLoc) xs
+eval f (Or xs)  = any (eval f . unLoc) xs
+eval f (Parens x) = eval f (unLoc x)
 -- Simplify a boolean formula.
 -- The argument function should give the truth of the atoms, or Nothing if undecided.
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ simplify :: forall p. Eq (LIdP (GhcPass p))
 simplify f (Var a) = case f a of
   Nothing -> Var a
   Just b  -> mkBool b
-simplify f (And xs)   = mkAnd (map (simplify f) xs)
-simplify f (Or xs)    = mkOr  (map (simplify f) xs)
-simplify f (Parens x) = simplify f x
+simplify f (And xs) = mkAnd (map (fmap (simplify f)) xs)
+simplify f (Or xs)  = mkOr  (map (fmap (simplify f)) xs)
+simplify f (Parens x) = simplify f (unLoc x)
 -- Test if a boolean formula is satisfied when the given values are assigned to the atoms
 -- if it is, returns Nothing
@@ -152,11 +152,11 @@ isUnsatisfied f bf
 -- If the boolean formula holds, does that mean that the given atom is always true?
 impliesAtom :: Eq (IdP (GhcPass p)) => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> LIdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool
-Var x  `impliesAtom` y = unLoc x == unLoc y
-And xs `impliesAtom` y = any (`impliesAtom` y) xs
--- we have all of xs, so one of them implying y is enough
-Or  xs `impliesAtom` y = all (`impliesAtom` y) xs
-Parens x `impliesAtom` y =  x `impliesAtom` y
+Var x  `impliesAtom` y = (unLoc x) == (unLoc y)
+And xs `impliesAtom` y = any (\x -> unLoc x `impliesAtom` y) xs
+           -- we have all of xs, so one of them implying y is enough
+Or  xs `impliesAtom` y = all (\x -> unLoc x `impliesAtom` y) xs
+Parens x `impliesAtom` y = unLoc x `impliesAtom` y
 implies :: (Uniquable (IdP (GhcPass p))) => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> Bool
 implies e1 e2 = go (Clause emptyUniqSet [e1]) (Clause emptyUniqSet [e2])
@@ -166,16 +166,16 @@ implies e1 e2 = go (Clause emptyUniqSet [e1]) (Clause emptyUniqSet [e2])
         case hyp of
             Var x | memberClauseAtoms (unLoc x) r -> True
                   | otherwise -> go (extendClauseAtoms l (unLoc x)) { clauseExprs = hyps } r
-            Parens hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = hyp':hyps }     r
-            And hyps'  -> go l { clauseExprs =  hyps' ++ hyps } r
-            Or hyps'   -> all (\hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = hyp':hyps } r) hyps'
+            Parens hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps }     r
+            And hyps'  -> go l { clauseExprs = map unLoc hyps' ++ hyps } r
+            Or hyps'   -> all (\hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps } r) hyps'
     go l r at Clause{ clauseExprs = con:cons } =
         case con of
             Var x | memberClauseAtoms (unLoc x) l -> True
                   | otherwise -> go l (extendClauseAtoms r (unLoc x)) { clauseExprs = cons }
-            Parens con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = con':cons }
-            And cons'   -> all (\con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = con':cons }) cons'
-            Or cons'    -> go l r { clauseExprs = cons' ++ cons }
+            Parens con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }
+            And cons'   -> all (\con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }) cons'
+            Or cons'    -> go l r { clauseExprs = map unLoc cons' ++ cons }
     go _ _ = False
 -- A small sequent calculus proof engine.
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr = go
   go p (Var x)  = pprVar p x
   go p (And []) = cparen (p > 0) empty
-  go p (And xs) = pprAnd p (map (go 3) xs)
+  go p (And xs) = pprAnd p (map (go 3 . unLoc) xs)
   go _ (Or  []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
-  go p (Or  xs) = pprOr p (map (go 2) xs)
-  go p (Parens x) = go p x
+  go p (Or  xs) = pprOr p (map (go 2 . unLoc) xs)
+  go p (Parens x) = go p (unLoc x)
 -- Pretty print in source syntax, "a | b | c,d,e"
 pprBooleanFormula :: (Rational -> LIdP (GhcPass p) -> SDoc)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: OutputableBndrId p => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> S
 pprBooleanFormulaNormal = go
     go (Var x)    = pprPrefixOcc (unLoc x)
-    go (And xs)   = fsep $ punctuate comma (map go xs)
+    go (And xs)   = fsep $ punctuate comma (map (go . unLoc) xs)
     go (Or [])    = keyword $ text "FALSE"
-    go (Or xs)    = fsep $ intersperse vbar (map go xs)
-    go (Parens x) = parens (go x)
+    go (Or xs)    = fsep $ intersperse vbar (map (go . unLoc) xs)
+    go (Parens x) = parens (go $ unLoc x)
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Binds
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr ( pprExpr, pprFunBind, pprPatBind )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Pat  (pprLPat )
-import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula ( BooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNormal )
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula ( LBooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNormal )
 import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Hs.Extension
 import GHC.Parser.Annotation
@@ -968,8 +968,8 @@ instance Outputable TcSpecPrag where
   ppr (SpecPrag var _ inl)
     = text (extractSpecPragName $ inl_src inl) <+> pprSpec var (text "<type>") inl
-pprMinimalSig :: OutputableBndrId p  => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
-pprMinimalSig = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
+pprMinimalSig :: OutputableBndrId p  => LBooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprMinimalSig (L _ bf) = pprBooleanFormulaNormal bf

@@ -2043,10 +2043,7 @@ instance ToHie PendingTcSplice where
 instance (HiePass p, Data (IdGhcP p))
   => ToHie (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnL (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p))) where
-    toHie (L span form) =  concatM [makeNode form (locA span), toHie form]
-instance (HiePass p, Data (IdGhcP p))
-  => ToHie (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)) where
-    toHie formula =  concatM $ case formula of
+    toHie (L span form) =  concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
       Var a ->
         [ toHie $ C Use a

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module GHC.Iface.Syntax (
-        toIfaceBooleanFormula, fromIfaceBooleanFormula,
+        fromIfaceBooleanFormula,
         -- Free Names
         freeNamesIfDecl, freeNamesIfRule, freeNamesIfFamInst,
@@ -216,29 +216,22 @@ data IfaceClassBody
      ifMinDef    :: IfaceBooleanFormula       -- Minimal complete definition
+-- See also 'BooleanFormula'
 data IfaceBooleanFormula
   = IfVar IfLclName
   | IfAnd [IfaceBooleanFormula]
   | IfOr [IfaceBooleanFormula]
   | IfParens IfaceBooleanFormula
-toIfaceBooleanFormula :: BooleanFormula GhcRn -> IfaceBooleanFormula
-toIfaceBooleanFormula = go
-  where
-    go (Var nm   ) = IfVar    $ mkIfLclName . getOccFS . unLoc $  nm
-    go (And bfs  ) = IfAnd    $ map go bfs
-    go (Or bfs   ) = IfOr     $ map go bfs
-    go (Parens bf) = IfParens $     go bf
 -- | note that this makes unbound names, so if you actually want
 -- proper Names, you'll need to properly Rename it (lookupIfaceTop).
 fromIfaceBooleanFormula :: IfaceBooleanFormula -> BooleanFormula GhcRn
 fromIfaceBooleanFormula = go
    go (IfVar nm   ) = Var    $ noLocA . mkUnboundName . mkVarOccFS . ifLclNameFS $ nm
-   go (IfAnd bfs  ) = And    $ map go bfs
-   go (IfOr bfs   ) = Or     $ map go bfs
-   go (IfParens bf) = Parens $     go bf
+   go (IfAnd bfs  ) = And    $ map (noLocA . go) bfs
+   go (IfOr bfs   ) = Or     $ map (noLocA . go) bfs
+   go (IfParens bf) = Parens $     (noLocA . go) bf
 data IfaceTyConParent
   = IfNoParent

@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
 import GHC.Builtin.Names (ioTyConName, rOOT_MAIN)
 import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
+import GHC.CoreToIface(toIfaceBooleanFormula)
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula (mkOr, BooleanFormula)
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula qualified as BF(BooleanFormula(..))
@@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ mergeIfaceDecl d1 d2
       in d1 { ifBody = (ifBody d1) {
                 ifSigs  = ops,
-                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula . mkOr . map fromIfaceBooleanFormula $ [ bf1, bf2]
+                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula . mkOr . map (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) $ [ bf1, bf2]
             } `withRolesFrom` d2
     -- It doesn't matter; we'll check for consistency later when
@@ -851,11 +852,12 @@ tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
           return (ATI tc mb_def)
    tc_boolean_formula :: IfaceBooleanFormula -> IfL (BooleanFormula GhcRn)
-   tc_boolean_formula (IfVar nm    ) = BF.Var . noLocA <$>
-    (lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS . ifLclNameFS) nm
-   tc_boolean_formula (IfAnd ibfs  ) = BF.And    <$> traverse tc_boolean_formula ibfs
-   tc_boolean_formula (IfOr ibfs   ) = BF.Or     <$> traverse tc_boolean_formula ibfs
-   tc_boolean_formula (IfParens ibf) = BF.Parens <$> tc_boolean_formula ibf
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfAnd ibfs  ) = BF.And    . map noLocA <$> traverse tc_boolean_formula ibfs
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfOr ibfs   ) = BF.Or     . map noLocA <$> traverse tc_boolean_formula ibfs
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfParens ibf) = BF.Parens .     noLocA <$>          tc_boolean_formula ibf
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfVar nm    ) = BF.Var    .     noLocA <$>          tc_id nm
+    where
+      tc_id = lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS . ifLclNameFS
    mk_sc_doc pred = text "Superclass" <+> ppr pred
    mk_at_doc tc = text "Associated type" <+> ppr tc

@@ -3715,26 +3715,30 @@ overloaded_label :: { Located (SourceText, FastString) }
 -- Warnings and deprecations
-name_boolformula_opt :: { BooleanFormula GhcPs }
+name_boolformula_opt :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
         : name_boolformula          { $1 }
-        | {- empty -}               { mkTrue }
+        | {- empty -}               { noLocA mkTrue }
-name_boolformula :: { BooleanFormula GhcPs }
-        : name_boolformula_and       { $1 }
+name_boolformula :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
+        : name_boolformula_and      { $1 }
         | name_boolformula_and '|' name_boolformula
-                           { (Or [$1, $3]) }
+                           {% do { h <- addTrailingVbarL $1 (gl $2)
+                                 ; return (sLLa $1 $> (Or [h,$3])) } }
-name_boolformula_and :: { BooleanFormula GhcPs }
-        : name_boolformula_and_list { (And ($1)) }
+name_boolformula_and :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
+        : name_boolformula_and_list
+                  { sLLa (head $1) (last $1) (And ($1)) }
-name_boolformula_and_list :: { [BooleanFormula GhcPs] }
-        : name_boolformula_atom  { [$1] }
+name_boolformula_and_list :: { [LBooleanFormula GhcPs] }
+        : name_boolformula_atom                               { [$1] }
         | name_boolformula_atom ',' name_boolformula_and_list
-                                 {  ($1 : $3) }
+            {% do { h <- addTrailingCommaL $1 (gl $2)
+                  ; return (h : $3) } }
-name_boolformula_atom :: { BooleanFormula GhcPs }
-        : '(' name_boolformula ')'  {  (Parens $2) }
-        | name_var                  {  (Var $1) }
+name_boolformula_atom :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
+        : '(' name_boolformula ')'  {% amsr (sLL $1 $> (Parens $2))
+                                      (AnnList Nothing (Just (mop $1)) (Just (mcp $3)) [] []) }
+        | name_var                  { sL1a $1 (Var $1) }
 namelist :: { Located [LocatedN RdrName] }
 namelist : name_var              { sL1 $1 [$1] }
@@ -4742,4 +4746,4 @@ combineHasLocs a b = combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc a) (getHasLoc b)
 fromTrailingN :: SrcSpanAnnN -> SrcSpanAnnA
 fromTrailingN (EpAnn anc ann cs)
     = EpAnn anc (AnnListItem (nann_trailing ann)) cs
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1137,9 +1137,9 @@ renameSig ctxt (FixSig _ fsig)
   = do  { new_fsig <- rnSrcFixityDecl ctxt fsig
         ; return (FixSig noAnn new_fsig, emptyFVs) }
-renameSig ctxt sig@(MinimalSig (_, s) bf)
+renameSig ctxt sig@(MinimalSig (_, s) (L l bf))
   = do new_bf <- bfTraverse (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) bf
-       return (MinimalSig (noAnn, s) new_bf, emptyFVs)
+       return (MinimalSig (noAnn, s) (L l new_bf), emptyFVs)
 renameSig ctxt sig@(PatSynSig _ vs ty)
   = do  { new_vs <- mapM (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) vs

@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ tcClassMinimalDef _clas sigs op_info
     -- By default require all methods without a default implementation
     defMindef :: ClassMinimalDef
-    defMindef = mkAnd [ mkVar (noLocA name)
+    defMindef = mkAnd [ noLocA (mkVar (noLocA name))
                       | (name, _, Nothing) <- op_info ]
 instantiateMethod :: Class -> TcId -> [TcType] -> TcType
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ findMinimalDef :: [LSig GhcRn] -> Maybe ClassMinimalDef
 findMinimalDef = firstJusts . map toMinimalDef
     toMinimalDef :: LSig GhcRn -> Maybe ClassMinimalDef
-    toMinimalDef (L _ (MinimalSig _ bf)) = Just bf
+    toMinimalDef (L _ (MinimalSig _ (L _ bf))) = Just bf
     toMinimalDef _                             = Nothing
@@ -603,4 +603,4 @@ warnMissingAT name
                   $ InvalidAssoc $ InvalidAssocInstance
                   $ AssocInstanceMissing name
        ; diagnosticTc  (warn && hsc_src == HsSrcFile) diag
-                       }
+                       }
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -127,19 +127,6 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.ForeignSrcLang
 import GHC.Data.FastString
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-    ( SDoc,
-      Outputable(..),
-      IsLine((<+>), sep, ftext, fsep, char, text, (<>)),
-      IsOutput(empty),
-      JoinPointHood(..),
-      parens,
-      vbar,
-      brackets,
-      ifPprDebug,
-      doubleQuotes,
-      int,
-      isJoinPoint,
-      OutputableP(..) )
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Binary
 import GHC.Types.SourceText

@@ -26,10 +26,8 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr
   ( LHsExpr
   , MatchGroup
   , GRHSs )
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat
-  ( LPat )
-import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula (BooleanFormula)
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat( LPat )
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula (LBooleanFormula)
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Type
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Basic ( Fixity )
@@ -464,7 +462,7 @@ data Sig pass
         --      'GHC.Parser.Annotation.AnnClose'
         -- For details on above see Note [exact print annotations] in GHC.Parser.Annotation
-  | MinimalSig (XMinimalSig pass) (BooleanFormula pass)
+  | MinimalSig (XMinimalSig pass) (LBooleanFormula pass)
         -- | A "set cost centre" pragma for declarations

@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ module Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula(
 import Prelude hiding ( init, last )
 import Data.List ( nub )
-import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (XRec, LIdP)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (XRec, UnXRec (..), LIdP)
 -- types
 type LBooleanFormula p = XRec p (BooleanFormula p)
-data BooleanFormula p = Var (LIdP p) | And [BooleanFormula p] | Or [BooleanFormula p]
-                      | Parens (BooleanFormula p)
+data BooleanFormula p = Var (LIdP p) | And [LBooleanFormula p] | Or [LBooleanFormula p]
+                      | Parens (LBooleanFormula p)
 -- instances
-deriving instance Eq (LIdP p) => Eq (BooleanFormula p)
+deriving instance (Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => Eq (BooleanFormula p)
 -- smart constructors
 -- see note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
@@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ mkBool False = mkFalse
 mkBool True  = mkTrue
 -- Make a conjunction, and try to simplify
-mkAnd :: Eq (LIdP p) => [BooleanFormula p] -> BooleanFormula p
+mkAnd :: forall p. (UnXRec p, Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => [LBooleanFormula p] -> BooleanFormula p
 mkAnd = maybe mkFalse (mkAnd' . nub . concat) . mapM fromAnd
   -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
-  fromAnd :: BooleanFormula p -> Maybe [BooleanFormula p]
-  fromAnd bf = case bf of
+  fromAnd :: LBooleanFormula p -> Maybe [LBooleanFormula p]
+  fromAnd bf = case unXRec @p bf of
     (And xs) -> Just xs
      -- assume that xs are already simplified
      -- otherwise we would need: fromAnd (And xs) = concat <$> traverse fromAnd xs
     (Or [])  -> Nothing
      -- in case of False we bail out, And [..,mkFalse,..] == mkFalse
     _        -> Just [bf]
-  mkAnd' [x] = x
+  mkAnd' [x] = unXRec @p x
   mkAnd' xs = And xs
-mkOr :: Eq (LIdP p) => [BooleanFormula p] -> BooleanFormula p
+mkOr :: forall p. (UnXRec p, Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => [LBooleanFormula p] -> BooleanFormula p
 mkOr = maybe mkTrue (mkOr' . nub . concat) . mapM fromOr
   -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
-  fromOr bf = case  bf of
+  fromOr bf = case unXRec @p bf of
     (Or xs)  -> Just xs
     (And []) -> Nothing
     _        -> Just [bf]
-  mkOr' [x] = x
-  mkOr' xs  = Or xs
+  mkOr' [x] = unXRec @p x
+  mkOr' xs = Or xs

@@ -990,10 +990,10 @@ ppClassDecl
       -- Minimal complete definition
-      minimalBit = case [s | MinimalSig _ s <- sigs] of
+      minimalBit = case [s | MinimalSig _ (L _ s) <- sigs] of
         -- Miminal complete definition = every shown method
         And xs : _
-          | sort [getName n | (Var (L _ n)) <- xs]
+          | sort [getName n | L _ (Var (L _ n)) <- xs]
               == sort [getName n | ClassOpSig _ _ ns _ <- sigs, L _ n <- ns] ->
         -- Minimal complete definition = the only shown method
@@ -1007,11 +1007,11 @@ ppClassDecl
         _ -> noHtml
       ppMinimal _ (Var (L _ n)) = ppDocName qual Prefix True n
-      ppMinimal _ (And fs) = foldr1 (\a b -> a +++ ", " +++ b) $ map (ppMinimal True) fs
-      ppMinimal p (Or fs) = wrap $ foldr1 (\a b -> a +++ " | " +++ b) $ map (ppMinimal False ) fs
+      ppMinimal _ (And fs) = foldr1 (\a b -> a +++ ", " +++ b) $ map (ppMinimal True . unLoc) fs
+      ppMinimal p (Or fs) = wrap $ foldr1 (\a b -> a +++ " | " +++ b) $ map (ppMinimal False . unLoc) fs
           wrap | p = parens | otherwise = id
-      ppMinimal p (Parens x) = ppMinimal p x
+      ppMinimal p (Parens x) = ppMinimal p (unLoc x)
       -- Instances
       instancesBit =

@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl prr t = case t of
                       $ snd
                       $ classTvsFds cl
                 , tcdSigs =
-                    noLocA (MinimalSig (noAnn, NoSourceText) $ classMinimalDef cl)
+                    noLocA (MinimalSig (noAnn, NoSourceText) . noLocA $ classMinimalDef cl)
                       : [ noLocA tcdSig
                         | clsOp <- classOpItems cl
                         , tcdSig <- synifyTcIdSig vs clsOp

@@ -772,9 +772,9 @@ renameSig sig = case sig of
   FixSig _ (FixitySig _ lnames fixity) -> do
     lnames' <- mapM renameNameL lnames
     return $ FixSig noExtField (FixitySig noExtField lnames' fixity)
-  MinimalSig _ s -> do
+  MinimalSig _ (L l s) -> do
     s' <- bfTraverse (traverse lookupRn) s
-    return $ MinimalSig noExtField s'
+    return $ MinimalSig noExtField (L l s')
   -- we have filtered out all other kinds of signatures in Interface.Create
   _ -> error "expected TypeSig"
@@ -782,12 +782,12 @@ bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
             => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> f (LIdP DocNameI))
             -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
             -> f (BooleanFormula DocNameI)
-bfTraverse f = go 
-  where 
+bfTraverse f = go
+  where
     go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
-    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] go bfs
-    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] go bfs
-    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$>              go bf
+    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> traverse go bf
 renameForD :: ForeignDecl GhcRn -> RnM (ForeignDecl DocNameI)
 renameForD (ForeignImport _ lname ltype x) = do

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