[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T25387] Fix optimisation of InstCo

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Oct 25 16:37:53 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T25387 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

0740c45f by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-10-25T17:37:17+01:00
Fix optimisation of InstCo

It turned out (#25387) that the fix to #15725 was not quite right:

  commit 48efbc04bd45d806c52376641e1a7ed7278d1ec7
  Date:   Mon Oct 15 10:25:02 2018 +0200

    Fix #15725 with an extra Sym

Optimising InstCo is quite subtle, and the invariants surrounding
the LiftingContext in the coercion optimiser were not stated explicitly.

This patch refactors the InstCo optimisation, and documents these
invariants.  See
  * Note [Optimising InstCo]
  * Note [The LiftingContext in optCoercion]

I also did some refactoring of course:

* Instead of a Bool swap-flag, I am not using GHC.Types.Basic.SwapFlag

* I added some invariant-checking the coercion-construction functions
  in GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt.  (Sadly these invariants don't hold during
  typechecking, becuase the types are un-zonked, so I can't put these
  checks in GHC.Core.Coercion.)

- - - - -

9 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion.hs-boot
- compiler/GHC/Core/Coercion/Opt.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/TyCo/Subst.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Type.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/Types/Basic.hs
- + testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/T25387.hs
- testsuite/tests/dependent/should_compile/all.T


@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Coercion (
         coercionRole, coercionKindRole,
         -- ** Constructing coercions
-        mkGReflCo, mkReflCo, mkRepReflCo, mkNomReflCo,
+        mkGReflCo, mkGReflMCo, mkReflCo, mkRepReflCo, mkNomReflCo,
         mkCoVarCo, mkCoVarCos,
         mkAxInstCo, mkUnbranchedAxInstCo,
         mkAxInstRHS, mkUnbranchedAxInstRHS,
@@ -334,8 +334,23 @@ isGReflMCo _ = False
 mkGReflCo :: Role -> Type -> MCoercionN -> Coercion
 mkGReflCo r ty mco
   | isGReflMCo mco = if r == Nominal then Refl ty
-                     else GRefl r ty MRefl
-  | otherwise    = GRefl r ty mco
+                                     else GRefl r ty MRefl
+  | otherwise
+  = -- I'd like to have this assert, but sadly it's not true during type
+    -- inference because the types are not fully zonked
+    -- assertPpr (case mco of
+    --              MCo co -> typeKind ty `eqType` coercionLKind co
+    --              MRefl  -> True)
+    --          (vcat [ text "ty" <+> ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)
+    --                , case mco of
+    --                     MCo co -> text "co" <+> ppr co
+    --                                  <+> dcolon <+> ppr (coercionKind co)
+    --                     MRefl  -> text "MRefl"
+    --                , callStackDoc ]) $
+    GRefl r ty mco
+mkGReflMCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion
+mkGReflMCo r ty co = mkGReflCo r ty (MCo co)
 -- | Compose two MCoercions via transitivity
 mkTransMCo :: MCoercion -> MCoercion -> MCoercion
@@ -1129,14 +1144,19 @@ mkSymCo co@(ForAllCo { fco_kind = kco, fco_body = body_co })
   | isReflCo kco           = co { fco_body = mkSymCo body_co }
 mkSymCo co                 = SymCo co
--- | Create a new 'Coercion' by composing the two given 'Coercion's transitively.
---   (co1 ; co2)
-mkTransCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
-mkTransCo co1 co2 | isReflCo co1 = co2
-                  | isReflCo co2 = co1
-mkTransCo (GRefl r t1 (MCo co1)) (GRefl _ _ (MCo co2))
-  = GRefl r t1 (MCo $ mkTransCo co1 co2)
-mkTransCo co1 co2                = TransCo co1 co2
+-- | mkTransCo creates a new 'Coercion' by composing the two
+--   given 'Coercion's transitively: (co1 ; co2)
+mkTransCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkTransCo co1 co2
+   | isReflCo co1 = co2
+   | isReflCo co2 = co1
+   | GRefl r t1 (MCo kco1) <- co1
+   , GRefl _ _  (MCo kco2) <- co2
+   = GRefl r t1 (MCo $ mkTransCo kco1 kco2)
+   | otherwise
+   = TransCo co1 co2
 {- Note [mkSelCo precondition]
@@ -1296,7 +1316,7 @@ mkGReflRightCo r ty co
   | isGReflCo co = mkReflCo r ty
     -- the kinds of @k1@ and @k2@ are the same, thus @isGReflCo@
     -- instead of @isReflCo@
-  | otherwise = GRefl r ty (MCo co)
+  | otherwise = mkGReflMCo r ty co
 -- | Given @r@, @ty :: k1@, and @co :: k1 ~N k2@,
 -- produces @co' :: (ty |> co) ~r ty@
@@ -1305,7 +1325,7 @@ mkGReflLeftCo r ty co
   | isGReflCo co = mkReflCo r ty
     -- the kinds of @k1@ and @k2@ are the same, thus @isGReflCo@
     -- instead of @isReflCo@
-  | otherwise    = mkSymCo $ GRefl r ty (MCo co)
+  | otherwise    = mkSymCo $ mkGReflMCo r ty co
 -- | Given @ty :: k1@, @co :: k1 ~ k2@, @co2:: ty ~r ty'@,
 -- produces @co' :: (ty |> co) ~r ty'
@@ -1314,16 +1334,16 @@ mkGReflLeftCo r ty co
 mkCoherenceLeftCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkCoherenceLeftCo r ty co co2
   | isGReflCo co = co2
-  | otherwise    = (mkSymCo $ GRefl r ty (MCo co)) `mkTransCo` co2
+  | otherwise    = (mkSymCo $ mkGReflMCo r ty co) `mkTransCo` co2
 -- | Given @ty :: k1@, @co :: k1 ~ k2@, @co2:: ty' ~r ty@,
 -- produces @co' :: ty' ~r (ty |> co)
 -- It is not only a utility function, but it saves allocation when co
 -- is a GRefl coercion.
-mkCoherenceRightCo :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkCoherenceRightCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkCoherenceRightCo r ty co co2
   | isGReflCo co = co2
-  | otherwise    = co2 `mkTransCo` GRefl r ty (MCo co)
+  | otherwise    = co2 `mkTransCo` mkGReflMCo r ty co
 -- | Given @co :: (a :: k) ~ (b :: k')@ produce @co' :: k ~ k'@.
 mkKindCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
@@ -1682,8 +1702,8 @@ castCoercionKind1 g r t1 t2 h
                  mkNomReflCo (mkCastTy t2 h)
       GRefl _ _ mco -> case mco of
            MRefl       -> mkReflCo r (mkCastTy t2 h)
-           MCo kind_co -> GRefl r (mkCastTy t1 h) $
-                          MCo (mkSymCo h `mkTransCo` kind_co `mkTransCo` h)
+           MCo kind_co -> mkGReflMCo r (mkCastTy t1 h)
+                               (mkSymCo h `mkTransCo` kind_co `mkTransCo` h)
       _ -> castCoercionKind2 g r t1 t2 h h
 -- | Creates a new coercion with both of its types casted by different casts
@@ -2110,10 +2130,10 @@ zapLiftingContext :: LiftingContext -> LiftingContext
 zapLiftingContext (LC subst _) = LC (zapSubst subst) emptyVarEnv
 -- | Like 'substForAllCoBndr', but works on a lifting context
-substForAllCoBndrUsingLC :: Bool
-                            -> (Coercion -> Coercion)
-                            -> LiftingContext -> TyCoVar -> Coercion
-                            -> (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, Coercion)
+substForAllCoBndrUsingLC :: SwapFlag
+                         -> (Coercion -> Coercion)
+                         -> LiftingContext -> TyCoVar -> Coercion
+                         -> (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, Coercion)
 substForAllCoBndrUsingLC sym sco (LC subst lc_env) tv co
   = (LC subst' lc_env, tv', co')
@@ -2691,7 +2711,7 @@ mkNomPrimEqPred k ty1 ty2 = mkTyConApp eqPrimTyCon [k, k, ty1, ty2]
 -- transitivity over coercion applications, where splitting two
 -- AppCos might yield different kinds. See Note [EtaAppCo] in
 -- "GHC.Core.Coercion.Opt".
-buildCoercion :: Type -> Type -> CoercionN
+buildCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Type -> CoercionN
 buildCoercion orig_ty1 orig_ty2 = go orig_ty1 orig_ty2
     go ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- coreView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
@@ -2719,7 +2739,10 @@ buildCoercion orig_ty1 orig_ty2 = go orig_ty1 orig_ty2
         mkFunCo Nominal af1 (go w1 w2) (go arg1 arg2) (go res1 res2)
     go (TyConApp tc1 args1) (TyConApp tc2 args2)
-      = assert (tc1 == tc2) $
+      = assertPpr (tc1 == tc2) (vcat [ ppr tc1 <+> ppr tc2
+                                     , text "orig_ty1:" <+> ppr orig_ty1
+                                     , text "orig_ty2:" <+> ppr orig_ty2
+                                     ]) $
         mkTyConAppCo Nominal tc1 (zipWith go args1 args2)
     go (AppTy ty1a ty1b) ty2

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ mkCoVarCo :: CoVar -> Coercion
 mkPhantomCo :: Coercion -> Type -> Type -> Coercion
 mkUnivCo :: UnivCoProvenance -> [Coercion] -> Role -> Type -> Type -> Coercion
 mkSymCo :: Coercion -> Coercion
-mkTransCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mkTransCo :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkSelCo :: HasDebugCallStack => CoSel -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkLRCo :: LeftOrRight -> Coercion -> Coercion
 mkInstCo :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCon
 import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
 import GHC.Core.Unify
+import GHC.Types.Basic( SwapFlag(..), flipSwap, isSwapped, pickSwap, notSwapped )
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
@@ -66,32 +67,55 @@ opt_co2.
 Note [Optimising InstCo]
-(1) tv is a type variable
-When we have (InstCo (ForAllCo tv h g) g2), we want to optimise.
+Optimising InstCo is pretty subtle: #15725, #25387.
-Let's look at the typing rules.
+(1) tv is a type variable. We want to optimise
-h : k1 ~ k2
-tv:k1 |- g : t1 ~ t2
-ForAllCo tv h g : (all tv:k1.t1) ~ (all tv:k2.t2[tv |-> tv |> sym h])
+  InstCo (ForAllCo tv kco g) g2  -->   S(g)
-g1 : (all tv:k1.t1') ~ (all tv:k2.t2')
-g2 : s1 ~ s2
-InstCo g1 g2 : t1'[tv |-> s1] ~ t2'[tv |-> s2]
+where S is some substitution. Let's look at the typing rules.
-We thus want some coercion proving this:
+    kco : k1 ~ k2
+    tv:k1 |- g : t1 ~ t2
+    -----------------------------
+    ForAllCo tv kco g : (all tv:k1.t1) ~ (all tv:k2.t2[tv |-> tv |> sym kco])
+    g1 : (all tv:k1.t1') ~ (all tv:k2.t2')
+    g2 : (s1:k1) ~ (s2:k2)
+    --------------------
+    InstCo g1 g2 : t1'[tv |-> s1] ~ t2'[tv |-> s2]
+Putting these two together
-  (t1[tv |-> s1]) ~ (t2[tv |-> s2 |> sym h])
+    kco : k1 ~ k2
+    tv:k1 |- g : t1 ~ t2
+    g2 : (s1:k1) ~ (s2:k2)
+    --------------------
+    InstCo (ForAllCo tv kco g) g2 : t1[tv |-> s1] ~ t2[tv |-> s2 |> sym kco]
-If we substitute the *type* tv for the *coercion*
-(g2 ; t2 ~ t2 |> sym h) in g, we'll get this result exactly.
-This is bizarre,
-though, because we're substituting a type variable with a coercion. However,
-this operation already exists: it's called *lifting*, and defined in GHC.Core.Coercion.
-We just need to enhance the lifting operation to be able to deal with
-an ambient substitution, which is why a LiftingContext stores a TCvSubst.
+We thus want S(g) to have kind
+  S(g) :: (t1[tv |-> s1]) ~ (t2[tv |-> s2 |> sym kco])
+All we need do is to substitute the coercion tv_co for tv:
+  S = [tv :-> tv_co]
+  tv_co : s1 ~ (s2 |> sym kco)
+This looks bizarre, because we're substituting a /type variable/ with a
+/coercion/. However, this operation already exists: it's called *lifting*, and
+defined in GHC.Core.Coercion.  We just need to enhance the lifting operation to
+be able to deal with an ambient substitution, which is why a LiftingContext
+stores a TCvSubst.
+In general if
+  S = [tv :-> tv_co]
+  tv_co : r1 ~ r2
+  g     : t1 ~ t2
+  S(g) : t1[tv :-> r1] ~ t2[tv :-> r2]
+The substitution S is embodied in the LiftingContext argument of `opt_co4`;
+See Note [The LiftingContext in optCoercion]
 (2) cv is a coercion variable
 Now consider we have (InstCo (ForAllCo cv h g) g2), we want to optimise.
@@ -117,6 +141,27 @@ We thus want some coercion proving this:
 So we substitute the coercion variable c for the coercion
 (h1 ~N (n1; h2; sym n2)) in g.
+Note [The LiftingContext in optCoercion]
+To suppport Note [Optimising InstCo] the coercion optimiser carries a
+GHC.Core.Coercion.LiftingContext, which comprises
+  * An ordinary Subst
+  * The `lc_env`: a mapping from /type variables/ to /coercions/
+We don't actually have a separate function
+   liftCoSubstCo :: LiftingContext -> Coercion -> Coercion
+The substitution of a type variable by a coercion is done by the calls to
+`liftCoSubst` (on a type) in the Refl and GRefl cases of `opt_co4`.
+We use the following invariants:
+ (LC1) The coercions in the range of `lc_env` have already had all substitutions
+       applied; they are "OutCoercions".  If you re-optimise these coercions, you
+       must zap the LiftingContext first.
+ (LC2) However they have /not/ had the "ambient sym" (the second argument of
+       `opt_co4`) applied.  The ambient sym applies to the entire coercion not
+       to the little bits being substituted.
 -- | Coercion optimisation options
@@ -147,7 +192,7 @@ optCoercion opts env co
 optCoercion' :: Subst -> Coercion -> NormalCo
 optCoercion' env co
   | debugIsOn
-  = let out_co = opt_co1 lc False co
+  = let out_co = opt_co1 lc NotSwapped co
         (Pair in_ty1  in_ty2,  in_role)  = coercionKindRole co
         (Pair out_ty1 out_ty2, out_role) = coercionKindRole out_co
@@ -170,7 +215,7 @@ optCoercion' env co
   | otherwise
-  = opt_co1 lc False co
+  = opt_co1 lc NotSwapped co
     lc = mkSubstLiftingContext env
 --    ppr_one cv = ppr cv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (coVarKind cv)
@@ -184,41 +229,38 @@ type NormalCo    = Coercion
 type NormalNonIdCo = NormalCo  -- Extra invariant: not the identity
--- | Do we apply a @sym@ to the result?
-type SymFlag = Bool
 -- | Do we force the result to be representational?
 type ReprFlag = Bool
 -- | Optimize a coercion, making no assumptions. All coercions in
 -- the lifting context are already optimized (and sym'd if nec'y)
 opt_co1 :: LiftingContext
-        -> SymFlag
+        -> SwapFlag   -- IsSwapped => apply Sym to the result
         -> Coercion -> NormalCo
 opt_co1 env sym co = opt_co2 env sym (coercionRole co) co
 -- See Note [Optimising coercion optimisation]
 -- | Optimize a coercion, knowing the coercion's role. No other assumptions.
 opt_co2 :: LiftingContext
-        -> SymFlag
-        -> Role   -- ^ The role of the input coercion
+        -> SwapFlag   -- ^IsSwapped => apply Sym to the result
+        -> Role       -- ^ The role of the input coercion
         -> Coercion -> NormalCo
 opt_co2 env sym Phantom co = opt_phantom env sym co
-opt_co2 env sym r       co = opt_co4_wrap env sym False r co
+opt_co2 env sym r       co = opt_co4 env sym False r co
 -- See Note [Optimising coercion optimisation]
 -- | Optimize a coercion, knowing the coercion's non-Phantom role,
 --   and with an optional downgrade
-opt_co3 :: LiftingContext -> SymFlag -> Maybe Role -> Role -> Coercion -> NormalCo
+opt_co3 :: LiftingContext -> SwapFlag -> Maybe Role -> Role -> Coercion -> NormalCo
 opt_co3 env sym (Just Phantom)          _ co = opt_phantom env sym co
-opt_co3 env sym (Just Representational) r co = opt_co4_wrap env sym True  r co
+opt_co3 env sym (Just Representational) r co = opt_co4 env sym True  r co
   -- if mrole is Just Nominal, that can't be a downgrade, so we can ignore
-opt_co3 env sym _                       r co = opt_co4_wrap env sym False r co
+opt_co3 env sym _                       r co = opt_co4 env sym False r co
 -- See Note [Optimising coercion optimisation]
 -- | Optimize a non-phantom coercion.
-opt_co4, opt_co4_wrap :: LiftingContext -> SymFlag -> ReprFlag
-                      -> Role -> Coercion -> NormalCo
+opt_co4, opt_co4' :: LiftingContext -> SwapFlag -> ReprFlag
+                  -> Role -> Coercion -> NormalCo
 -- Precondition:  In every call (opt_co4 lc sym rep role co)
 --                we should have role = coercionRole co
 -- Precondition:  role is not Phantom
@@ -227,20 +269,20 @@ opt_co4, opt_co4_wrap :: LiftingContext -> SymFlag -> ReprFlag
 --                 where wrapsym is SymCo if sym=True
 --                       wrapsub is SubCo if rep=True
--- opt_co4_wrap is there just to support tracing, when debugging
--- Usually it just goes straight to opt_co4
-opt_co4_wrap = opt_co4
+-- opt_co4 is there just to support tracing, when debugging
+-- Usually it just goes straight to opt_co4'
+opt_co4 = opt_co4'
-opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co
-  = pprTrace "opt_co4_wrap {"
+opt_co4 env sym rep r co
+  = pprTrace "opt_co4 {"
    ( vcat [ text "Sym:" <+> ppr sym
           , text "Rep:" <+> ppr rep
           , text "Role:" <+> ppr r
           , text "Co:" <+> ppr co ]) $
    assert (r == coercionRole co )    $
-   let result = opt_co4 env sym rep r co in
-   pprTrace "opt_co4_wrap }" (ppr co $$ text "---" $$ ppr result) $
+   let result = opt_co4' env sym rep r co in
+   pprTrace "opt_co4 }" (ppr co $$ text "---" $$ ppr result) $
    assertPpr (res_role == coercionRole result)
              (vcat [ text "Role:" <+> ppr r
                    , text "Result: " <+>  ppr result
@@ -252,40 +294,45 @@ opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co
              | otherwise = r
-opt_co4 env _   rep r (Refl ty)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (Refl ty)
   = assertPpr (r == Nominal)
               (text "Expected role:" <+> ppr r    $$
                text "Found role:" <+> ppr Nominal $$
                text "Type:" <+> ppr ty) $
-    liftCoSubst (chooseRole rep r) env ty
+    wrapSym sym $ liftCoSubst (chooseRole rep r) env ty
+        -- wrapSym: see (LC2) of Note [The LiftingContext in optCoercion]
-opt_co4 env _   rep r (GRefl _r ty MRefl)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (GRefl _r ty MRefl)
   = assertPpr (r == _r)
               (text "Expected role:" <+> ppr r $$
                text "Found role:" <+> ppr _r   $$
                text "Type:" <+> ppr ty) $
-    liftCoSubst (chooseRole rep r) env ty
+    wrapSym sym $ liftCoSubst (chooseRole rep r) env ty
+        -- wrapSym: see (LC2) of Note [The LiftingContext in optCoercion]
-opt_co4 env sym  rep r (GRefl _r ty (MCo co))
+opt_co4' env sym  rep r (GRefl _r ty (MCo kco))
   = assertPpr (r == _r)
               (text "Expected role:" <+> ppr r $$
                text "Found role:" <+> ppr _r   $$
                text "Type:" <+> ppr ty) $
-    if isGReflCo co || isGReflCo co'
-    then liftCoSubst r' env ty
-    else wrapSym sym $ mkCoherenceRightCo r' ty' co' (liftCoSubst r' env ty)
+    if isGReflCo kco || isGReflCo kco'
+    then wrapSym sym ty_co
+    else wrapSym sym $ mk_coherence_right_co r' (coercionRKind ty_co) kco' ty_co
+            -- ty :: k1
+            -- kco :: k1 ~ k2
+            -- Desired result coercion:   ty ~ ty |> co
-    r'  = chooseRole rep r
-    ty' = substTy (lcSubstLeft env) ty
-    co' = opt_co4 env False False Nominal co
+    r'    = chooseRole rep r
+    ty_co = liftCoSubst r' env ty
+    kco'  = opt_co4 env NotSwapped False Nominal kco
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (SymCo co)  = opt_co4_wrap env (not sym) rep r co
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (SymCo co)  = opt_co4 env (flipSwap sym) rep r co
   -- surprisingly, we don't have to do anything to the env here. This is
   -- because any "lifting" substitutions in the env are tied to ForAllCos,
   -- which treat their left and right sides differently. We don't want to
   -- exchange them.
-opt_co4 env sym rep r g@(TyConAppCo _r tc cos)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r g@(TyConAppCo _r tc cos)
   = assert (r == _r) $
     case (rep, r) of
       (True, Nominal) ->
@@ -295,7 +342,7 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r g@(TyConAppCo _r tc cos)
                                (repeat Nominal)
       (False, Nominal) ->
-        mkTyConAppCo Nominal tc (map (opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal) cos)
+        mkTyConAppCo Nominal tc (map (opt_co4 env sym False Nominal) cos)
       (_, Representational) ->
                       -- must use opt_co2 here, because some roles may be P
                       -- See Note [Optimising coercion optimisation]
@@ -304,34 +351,35 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r g@(TyConAppCo _r tc cos)
       (_, Phantom) -> pprPanic "opt_co4 sees a phantom!" (ppr g)
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (AppCo co1 co2)
-  = mkAppCo (opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co1)
-            (opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal co2)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (AppCo co1 co2)
+  = mkAppCo (opt_co4 env sym rep r co1)
+            (opt_co4 env sym False Nominal co2)
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
                                 , fco_kind = k_co, fco_body = co })
   = case optForAllCoBndr env sym tv k_co of
       (env', tv', k_co') -> mkForAllCo tv' visL' visR' k_co' $
-                            opt_co4_wrap env' sym rep r co
+                            opt_co4 env' sym rep r co
      -- Use the "mk" functions to check for nested Refls
     !(visL', visR') = swapSym sym (visL, visR)
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (FunCo _r afl afr cow co1 co2)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (FunCo _r afl afr cow co1 co2)
   = assert (r == _r) $
     mkFunCo2 r' afl' afr' cow' co1' co2'
-    co1' = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co1
-    co2' = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co2
+    co1' = opt_co4 env sym rep r co1
+    co2' = opt_co4 env sym rep r co2
     cow' = opt_co1 env sym cow
     !r' | rep       = Representational
         | otherwise = r
     !(afl', afr') = swapSym sym (afl, afr)
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (CoVarCo cv)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (CoVarCo cv)
   | Just co <- lcLookupCoVar env cv   -- see Note [Forall over coercion] for why
                                       -- this is the right thing here
-  = opt_co4_wrap (zapLiftingContext env) sym rep r co
+  = -- pprTrace "CoVarCo" (ppr cv $$ ppr co) $
+    opt_co4 (zapLiftingContext env) sym rep r co
   | ty1 `eqType` ty2   -- See Note [Optimise CoVarCo to Refl]
   = mkReflCo (chooseRole rep r) ty1
@@ -352,10 +400,10 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r (CoVarCo cv)
           -- cv1 might have a substituted kind!
-opt_co4 _ _ _ _ (HoleCo h)
+opt_co4' _ _ _ _ (HoleCo h)
   = pprPanic "opt_univ fell into a hole" (ppr h)
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (AxiomCo con cos)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (AxiomCo con cos)
     -- Do *not* push sym inside top-level axioms
     -- e.g. if g is a top-level axiom
     --   g a : f a ~ a
@@ -365,25 +413,25 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r (AxiomCo con cos)
     wrapSym sym $
                        -- some sub-cos might be P: use opt_co2
                        -- See Note [Optimising coercion optimisation]
-    AxiomCo con (zipWith (opt_co2 env False)
+    AxiomCo con (zipWith (opt_co2 env NotSwapped)
                          (coAxiomRuleArgRoles con)
       -- Note that the_co does *not* have sym pushed into it
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (UnivCo { uco_prov = prov, uco_lty = t1
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (UnivCo { uco_prov = prov, uco_lty = t1
                               , uco_rty = t2, uco_deps = deps })
   = opt_univ env sym prov deps (chooseRole rep r) t1 t2
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (TransCo co1 co2)
-                      -- sym (g `o` h) = sym h `o` sym g
-  | sym       = opt_trans in_scope co2' co1'
-  | otherwise = opt_trans in_scope co1' co2'
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (TransCo co1 co2)
+  -- sym (g `o` h) = sym h `o` sym g
+  | isSwapped sym = opt_trans in_scope co2' co1'
+  | otherwise     = opt_trans in_scope co1' co2'
-    co1' = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co1
-    co2' = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co2
+    co1' = opt_co4 env sym rep r co1
+    co2' = opt_co4 env sym rep r co2
     in_scope = lcInScopeSet env
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (SelCo cs co)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (SelCo cs co)
   -- Historical note 1: we used to check `co` for Refl, TyConAppCo etc
   -- before optimising `co`; but actually the SelCo will have been built
   -- with mkSelCo, so these tests always fail.
@@ -393,19 +441,19 @@ opt_co4 env sym rep r (SelCo cs co)
   -- and (b) wrapRole uses mkSubCo which does much the same job
   = wrapRole rep r $ mkSelCo cs $ opt_co1 env sym co
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (LRCo lr co)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (LRCo lr co)
   | Just pr_co <- splitAppCo_maybe co
   = assert (r == Nominal )
-    opt_co4_wrap env sym rep Nominal (pick_lr lr pr_co)
+    opt_co4 env sym rep Nominal (pick_lr lr pr_co)
   | Just pr_co <- splitAppCo_maybe co'
   = assert (r == Nominal) $
     if rep
-    then opt_co4_wrap (zapLiftingContext env) False True Nominal (pick_lr lr pr_co)
+    then opt_co4 (zapLiftingContext env) NotSwapped True Nominal (pick_lr lr pr_co)
     else pick_lr lr pr_co
   | otherwise
   = wrapRole rep Nominal $ LRCo lr co'
-    co' = opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal co
+    co' = opt_co4 env sym False Nominal co
     pick_lr CLeft  (l, _) = l
     pick_lr CRight (_, r) = r
@@ -445,66 +493,68 @@ So we extend the environment binding cv to arg's left-hand type.
 -- See Note [Optimising InstCo]
-opt_co4 env sym rep r (InstCo co1 arg)
+opt_co4' env sym rep r (InstCo fun_co arg_co)
     -- forall over type...
-  | Just (tv, _visL, _visR, kind_co, co_body) <- splitForAllCo_ty_maybe co1
-  = opt_co4_wrap (extendLiftingContext env tv
-                    (mkCoherenceRightCo Nominal t2 (mkSymCo kind_co) sym_arg))
-                   -- mkSymCo kind_co :: k1 ~ k2
-                   -- sym_arg :: (t1 :: k1) ~ (t2 :: k2)
-                   -- tv |-> (t1 :: k1) ~ (((t2 :: k2) |> (sym kind_co)) :: k1)
-                 sym rep r co_body
+  | Just (tv, _visL, _visR, k_co, body_co) <- splitForAllCo_ty_maybe fun_co
+    -- tv      :: k1
+    -- k_co    :: k1 ~ k2
+    -- body_co :: t1 ~ t2
+    -- arg_co  :: (s1:k1) ~ (s2:k2)
+  , let arg_co'  = opt_co4 env NotSwapped False Nominal arg_co
+                  -- Do /not/ push Sym into the arg_co, hence sym=False
+                  -- see (LC2) of Note [The LiftingContext in optCoercion]
+        k_co' = opt_co4 env NotSwapped False Nominal k_co
+        s2'   = coercionRKind arg_co'
+        tv_co = mk_coherence_right_co Nominal s2' (mkSymCo k_co') arg_co'
+                   -- mkSymCo kind_co :: k2 ~ k1
+                   -- tv_co   :: (s1 :: k1) ~ (((s2 :: k2) |> (sym kind_co)) :: k1)
+  = opt_co4 (extendLiftingContext env tv tv_co) sym rep r body_co
     -- See Note [Forall over coercion]
-  | Just (cv, _visL, _visR, _kind_co, co_body) <- splitForAllCo_co_maybe co1
-  , CoercionTy h1 <- t1
-  = opt_co4_wrap (extendLiftingContextCvSubst env cv h1) sym rep r co_body
+  | Just (cv, _visL, _visR, _kind_co, body_co) <- splitForAllCo_co_maybe fun_co
+  , CoercionTy h1 <- coercionLKind arg_co
+  , let h1' = opt_co4 env NotSwapped False Nominal h1
+  = opt_co4 (extendLiftingContextCvSubst env cv h1') sym rep r body_co
-    -- See if it is a forall after optimization
-    -- If so, do an inefficient one-variable substitution, then re-optimize
+  -- OK so those cases didn't work.  See if it is a forall /after/ optimization
+  -- If so, do an inefficient one-variable substitution, then re-optimize
     -- forall over type...
-  | Just (tv', _visL, _visR, kind_co', co_body') <- splitForAllCo_ty_maybe co1'
-  = opt_co4_wrap (extendLiftingContext (zapLiftingContext env) tv'
-                    (mkCoherenceRightCo Nominal t2' (mkSymCo kind_co') arg'))
-            False False r' co_body'
+  | Just (tv', _visL, _visR, k_co', body_co') <- splitForAllCo_ty_maybe fun_co'
+  , let s2'   = coercionRKind arg_co'
+        tv_co = mk_coherence_right_co Nominal s2' (mkSymCo k_co') arg_co'
+        env'  = extendLiftingContext (zapLiftingContext env) tv' tv_co
+  = opt_co4 env' NotSwapped False r' body_co'
     -- See Note [Forall over coercion]
-  | Just (cv', _visL, _visR, _kind_co', co_body') <- splitForAllCo_co_maybe co1'
-  , CoercionTy h1' <- t1'
-  = opt_co4_wrap (extendLiftingContextCvSubst (zapLiftingContext env) cv' h1')
-                    False False r' co_body'
+  | Just (cv', _visL, _visR, _kind_co', body_co') <- splitForAllCo_co_maybe fun_co'
+  , CoercionTy h1' <- coercionLKind arg_co'
+  , let env' = extendLiftingContextCvSubst (zapLiftingContext env) cv' h1'
+  = opt_co4 env' NotSwapped False r' body_co'
+  -- Those cases didn't work either, so rebuild the InstCo
+  -- Push Sym into /both/ function /and/ arg_coument
+  | otherwise = InstCo fun_co' arg_co'
-  | otherwise = InstCo co1' arg'
-    co1'    = opt_co4_wrap env sym rep r co1
-    r'      = chooseRole rep r
-    arg'    = opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal arg
-    sym_arg = wrapSym sym arg'
-    -- Performance note: don't be alarmed by the two calls to coercionKind
-    -- here, as only one call to coercionKind is actually demanded per guard.
-    -- t1/t2 are used when checking if co1 is a forall, and t1'/t2' are used
-    -- when checking if co1' (i.e., co1 post-optimization) is a forall.
-    --
-    -- t1/t2 must come from sym_arg, not arg', since it's possible that arg'
-    -- might have an extra Sym at the front (after being optimized) that co1
-    -- lacks, so we need to use sym_arg to balance the number of Syms. (#15725)
-    Pair t1  t2  = coercionKind sym_arg
-    Pair t1' t2' = coercionKind arg'
-opt_co4 env sym _rep r (KindCo co)
+    -- fun_co' arg_co' are both optimised, /and/ we have pushed `sym` into both
+    -- So no more sym'ing on th results of fun_co' arg_co'
+    fun_co' = opt_co4 env sym rep r fun_co
+    arg_co' = opt_co4 env sym False Nominal arg_co
+    r'   = chooseRole rep r
+opt_co4' env sym _rep r (KindCo co)
   = assert (r == Nominal) $
     let kco' = promoteCoercion co in
     case kco' of
       KindCo co' -> promoteCoercion (opt_co1 env sym co')
-      _          -> opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal kco'
+      _          -> opt_co4 env sym False Nominal kco'
   -- This might be able to be optimized more to do the promotion
   -- and substitution/optimization at the same time
-opt_co4 env sym _ r (SubCo co)
+opt_co4' env sym _ r (SubCo co)
   = assert (r == Representational) $
-    opt_co4_wrap env sym True Nominal co
+    opt_co4 env sym True Nominal co
 {- Note [Optimise CoVarCo to Refl]
@@ -518,7 +568,7 @@ in GHC.Core.Coercion.
 -- | Optimize a phantom coercion. The input coercion may not necessarily
 -- be a phantom, but the output sure will be.
-opt_phantom :: LiftingContext -> SymFlag -> Coercion -> NormalCo
+opt_phantom :: LiftingContext -> SwapFlag -> Coercion -> NormalCo
 opt_phantom env sym (UnivCo { uco_prov = prov, uco_lty = t1
                             , uco_rty = t2, uco_deps = deps })
   = opt_univ env sym prov deps Phantom t1 t2
@@ -559,7 +609,7 @@ See #19509.
-opt_univ :: LiftingContext -> SymFlag -> UnivCoProvenance
+opt_univ :: LiftingContext -> SwapFlag -> UnivCoProvenance
          -> [Coercion]
          -> Role -> Type -> Type -> Coercion
 opt_univ env sym prov deps role ty1 ty2
@@ -640,11 +690,19 @@ opt_transList :: HasDebugCallStack => InScopeSet -> [NormalCo] -> [NormalCo] ->
 opt_transList is = zipWithEqual "opt_transList" (opt_trans is)
   -- The input lists must have identical length.
-opt_trans, opt_trans' :: InScopeSet -> NormalCo -> NormalCo -> NormalCo
+opt_trans :: HasDebugCallStack => InScopeSet -> NormalCo -> NormalCo -> NormalCo
 -- opt_trans just allows us to add some debug tracing
 -- Usually it just goes to opt_trans'
-opt_trans is co1 co2 = opt_trans' is co1 co2
+opt_trans is co1 co2
+  = -- (if coercionRKind co1 `eqType` coercionLKind co2
+    --  then (\x -> x) else
+    --  pprTrace "opt_trans" (vcat [ text "co1" <+> ppr co1
+    --                             , text "co2" <+> ppr co2
+    --                             , text "co1 kind" <+> ppr (coercionKind co1)
+    --                             , text "co2 kind" <+> ppr (coercionKind co2)
+    --                             , callStackDoc ])) $
+    opt_trans' is co1 co2
 opt_trans is co1 co2
@@ -658,19 +716,20 @@ opt_trans is co1 co2
     r2 = coercionRole co1
+opt_trans' :: HasDebugCallStack => InScopeSet -> NormalCo -> NormalCo -> NormalCo
 opt_trans' is co1 co2
   | isReflCo co1 = co2
     -- optimize when co1 is a Refl Co
   | otherwise    = opt_trans1 is co1 co2
-opt_trans1 :: InScopeSet -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalCo -> NormalCo
+opt_trans1 :: HasDebugCallStack => InScopeSet -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalCo -> NormalCo
 -- First arg is not the identity
 opt_trans1 is co1 co2
   | isReflCo co2 = co1
     -- optimize when co2 is a Refl Co
   | otherwise    = opt_trans2 is co1 co2
-opt_trans2 :: InScopeSet -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalCo
+opt_trans2 :: HasDebugCallStack => InScopeSet -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalCo
 -- Neither arg is the identity
 opt_trans2 is (TransCo co1a co1b) co2
     -- Don't know whether the sub-coercions are the identity
@@ -687,16 +746,27 @@ opt_trans2 is co1 (TransCo co2a co2b)
     else opt_trans1 is co1_2a co2b
 opt_trans2 _ co1 co2
-  = mkTransCo co1 co2
+  = mk_trans_co co1 co2
 -- Optimize coercions with a top-level use of transitivity.
-opt_trans_rule :: InScopeSet -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalNonIdCo -> Maybe NormalCo
-opt_trans_rule is in_co1@(GRefl r1 t1 (MCo co1)) in_co2@(GRefl r2 _ (MCo co2))
+opt_trans_rule :: HasDebugCallStack => InScopeSet -> NormalNonIdCo -> NormalNonIdCo -> Maybe NormalCo
+opt_trans_rule _ in_co1 in_co2
+  | assertPpr (coercionRKind in_co1 `eqType` coercionLKind in_co2)
+              (vcat [ text "in_co1" <+> ppr in_co1
+                   , text "in_co2" <+> ppr in_co2
+                   , text "in_co1 kind" <+> ppr (coercionKind in_co1)
+                   , text "in_co2 kind" <+> ppr (coercionKind in_co2)
+                   , callStackDoc ]) $
+    False
+  = panic "opt_trans_rule"  -- This entire equation is purely assertion checking
+opt_trans_rule is in_co1@(GRefl r1 t1 (MCo co1)) in_co2@(GRefl r2 _t2 (MCo co2))
   = assert (r1 == r2) $
     fireTransRule "GRefl" in_co1 in_co2 $
-    mkGReflRightCo r1 t1 (opt_trans is co1 co2)
+    mk_grefl_right_co r1 t1 (opt_trans is co1 co2)
 -- Push transitivity through matching destructors
 opt_trans_rule is in_co1@(SelCo d1 co1) in_co2@(SelCo d2 co2)
@@ -818,8 +888,8 @@ opt_trans_rule is co1 co2
       eta1' = downgradeRole role Nominal eta1
       n1   = mkSelCo (SelTyCon 2 role) eta1'
       n2   = mkSelCo (SelTyCon 3 role) eta1'
-      r2'  = substCo (zipCvSubst [cv2] [(mkSymCo n1) `mkTransCo`
-                                        (mkCoVarCo cv1) `mkTransCo` n2])
+      r2'  = substCo (zipCvSubst [cv2] [(mkSymCo n1) `mk_trans_co`
+                                        (mkCoVarCo cv1) `mk_trans_co` n2])
 -- Push transitivity inside axioms
@@ -836,15 +906,15 @@ opt_trans_rule is co1 co2
   | Just (sym1, axr1, cos1) <- isAxiomCo_maybe co1
   , Just (sym2, axr2, cos2) <- isAxiomCo_maybe co2
   , axr1 == axr2
-  , sym1 == not sym2
+  , sym1 == flipSwap sym2
   , Just (tc, role, branch) <- coAxiomRuleBranch_maybe axr1
   , let qtvs   = coAxBranchTyVars branch ++ coAxBranchCoVars branch
         lhs    = mkTyConApp tc (coAxBranchLHS branch)
         rhs    = coAxBranchRHS branch
-        pivot_tvs = exactTyCoVarsOfType (if sym2 then rhs else lhs)
+        pivot_tvs = exactTyCoVarsOfType (pickSwap sym2 lhs rhs)
   , all (`elemVarSet` pivot_tvs) qtvs
   = fireTransRule "TrPushAxSym" co1 co2 $
-    if sym2
+    if isSwapped sym2
        -- TrPushAxSym
     then liftCoSubstWith role qtvs (opt_transList is cos1 (map mkSymCo cos2)) lhs
        -- TrPushSymAx
@@ -854,29 +924,29 @@ opt_trans_rule is co1 co2
   -- Note [Push transitivity inside newtype axioms only]
   -- TrPushSymAxR
   | Just (sym, axr, cos1) <- isAxiomCo_maybe co1
-  , True <- sym
+  , isSwapped sym
   , Just cos2 <- matchNewtypeBranch sym axr co2
   , let newAxInst = AxiomCo axr (opt_transList is (map mkSymCo cos2) cos1)
   = fireTransRule "TrPushSymAxR" co1 co2 $ SymCo newAxInst
   -- TrPushAxR
   | Just (sym, axr, cos1) <- isAxiomCo_maybe co1
-  , False <- sym
+  , notSwapped sym
   , Just cos2 <- matchNewtypeBranch sym axr co2
   , let newAxInst = AxiomCo axr (opt_transList is cos1 cos2)
   = fireTransRule "TrPushAxR" co1 co2 newAxInst
   -- TrPushSymAxL
   | Just (sym, axr, cos2) <- isAxiomCo_maybe co2
-  , True <- sym
-  , Just cos1 <- matchNewtypeBranch (not sym) axr co1
+  , isSwapped sym
+  , Just cos1 <- matchNewtypeBranch (flipSwap sym) axr co1
   , let newAxInst = AxiomCo axr (opt_transList is cos2 (map mkSymCo cos1))
   = fireTransRule "TrPushSymAxL" co1 co2 $ SymCo newAxInst
   -- TrPushAxL
   | Just (sym, axr, cos2) <- isAxiomCo_maybe co2
-  , False <- sym
-  , Just cos1 <- matchNewtypeBranch (not sym) axr co1
+  , notSwapped sym
+  , Just cos1 <- matchNewtypeBranch (flipSwap sym) axr co1
   , let newAxInst = AxiomCo axr (opt_transList is cos1 cos2)
   = fireTransRule "TrPushAxL" co1 co2 newAxInst
@@ -926,7 +996,7 @@ opt_trans_rule_app is orig_co1 orig_co2 co1a co1bs co2a co2bs
         co2a'   = mkCoherenceLeftCo rt2a lt2a kcoa co2a
         co2bs'  = zipWith3 mkGReflLeftCo rt2bs lt2bs kcobs
-        co2bs'' = zipWith mkTransCo co2bs' co2bs
+        co2bs'' = zipWith mk_trans_co co2bs' co2bs
     mkAppCos (opt_trans is co1a co2a')
              (zipWith (opt_trans is) co1bs co2bs'')
@@ -1108,13 +1178,13 @@ The problem described here was first found in dependent/should_compile/dynamic-p
-swapSym :: SymFlag -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
-swapSym sym (x,y) | sym       = (y,x)
-                  | otherwise = (x,y)
+swapSym :: SwapFlag -> (a,a) -> (a,a)
+swapSym IsSwapped  (x,y) = (y,x)
+swapSym NotSwapped (x,y) = (x,y)
-wrapSym :: SymFlag -> Coercion -> Coercion
-wrapSym sym co | sym       = mkSymCo co
-               | otherwise = co
+wrapSym :: SwapFlag -> Coercion -> Coercion
+wrapSym IsSwapped  co = mkSymCo co
+wrapSym NotSwapped co = co
 -- | Conditionally set a role to be representational
 wrapRole :: ReprFlag
@@ -1132,15 +1202,15 @@ chooseRole True _ = Representational
 chooseRole _    r = r
-isAxiomCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (SymFlag, CoAxiomRule, [Coercion])
+isAxiomCo_maybe :: Coercion -> Maybe (SwapFlag, CoAxiomRule, [Coercion])
 -- We don't expect to see nested SymCo; and that lets us write a simple,
 -- non-recursive function. (If we see a nested SymCo we'll just fail,
 -- which is ok.)
-isAxiomCo_maybe (SymCo (AxiomCo ax cos)) = Just (True, ax, cos)
-isAxiomCo_maybe (AxiomCo ax cos)         = Just (False, ax, cos)
+isAxiomCo_maybe (SymCo (AxiomCo ax cos)) = Just (IsSwapped,  ax, cos)
+isAxiomCo_maybe (AxiomCo ax cos)         = Just (NotSwapped, ax, cos)
 isAxiomCo_maybe _                        = Nothing
-matchNewtypeBranch :: Bool -- True = match LHS, False = match RHS
+matchNewtypeBranch :: SwapFlag -- IsSwapped = match LHS, NotSwapped = match RHS
                    -> CoAxiomRule
                    -> Coercion -> Maybe [Coercion]
 matchNewtypeBranch sym axr co
@@ -1151,7 +1221,7 @@ matchNewtypeBranch sym axr co
                , cab_lhs = lhs
                , cab_rhs = rhs } <- branch
   , Just subst <- liftCoMatch (mkVarSet qtvs)
-                              (if sym then (mkTyConApp tc lhs) else rhs)
+                              (pickSwap sym rhs (mkTyConApp tc lhs))
   , all (`isMappedByLC` subst) qtvs
   = zipWithM (liftCoSubstTyVar subst) roles qtvs
@@ -1228,7 +1298,7 @@ etaForAllCo_ty_maybe co
   , (role /= Nominal) || (vis1 `eqForAllVis` vis2)
   , let kind_co = mkSelCo SelForAll co
   = Just ( tv1, vis1, vis2, kind_co
-         , mkInstCo co (mkGReflRightCo Nominal (TyVarTy tv1) kind_co))
+         , mkInstCo co (mk_grefl_right_co Nominal (TyVarTy tv1) kind_co))
   | otherwise
   = Nothing
@@ -1251,8 +1321,8 @@ etaForAllCo_co_maybe co
         l_co     = mkCoVarCo cv1
         kind_co' = downgradeRole r Nominal kind_co
         r_co     = mkSymCo (mkSelCo (SelTyCon 2 r) kind_co')
-                   `mkTransCo` l_co
-                   `mkTransCo` mkSelCo (SelTyCon 3 r) kind_co'
+                   `mk_trans_co` l_co
+                   `mk_trans_co` mkSelCo (SelTyCon 3 r) kind_co'
     in Just ( cv1, vis1, vis2, kind_co
             , mkInstCo co (mkProofIrrelCo Nominal kind_co l_co r_co))
@@ -1329,7 +1399,55 @@ and these two imply
-optForAllCoBndr :: LiftingContext -> Bool
+optForAllCoBndr :: LiftingContext -> SwapFlag
                 -> TyCoVar -> Coercion -> (LiftingContext, TyCoVar, Coercion)
 optForAllCoBndr env sym
-  = substForAllCoBndrUsingLC sym (opt_co4_wrap env sym False Nominal) env
+  = substForAllCoBndrUsingLC sym (opt_co4 env sym False Nominal) env
+{- **********************************************************************
+%*                                                                      *
+       Assertion-checking versions of functions in Coercion.hs
+%*                                                                      *
+%********************************************************************* -}
+-- We can't check the assertions in the "main" functions of these
+-- functions, because the assertions don't hold during zonking.
+-- But they are fantastically helpful in finding bugs in the coercion
+-- optimiser itself, so I have copied them here with assertions.
+mk_trans_co :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+-- Do assertion checking in mk_trans_co
+mk_trans_co co1 co2
+  = assertPpr (coercionRKind co1 `eqType` coercionLKind co2)
+              (vcat [ text "co1" <+> ppr co1
+                    , text "co2" <+> ppr co2
+                    , text "co1 kind" <+> ppr (coercionKind co1)
+                    , text "co2 kind" <+> ppr (coercionKind co2)
+                    , callStackDoc ]) $
+    mkTransCo co1 co2
+mk_coherence_right_co :: HasDebugCallStack => Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion -> Coercion
+mk_coherence_right_co r ty co co2
+  = assertGRefl ty co $
+    mkCoherenceRightCo r ty co co2
+assertGRefl :: HasDebugCallStack => Type -> Coercion -> r -> r
+assertGRefl ty co res
+  = assertPpr (typeKind ty `eqType` coercionLKind co)
+              (vcat [ pp_ty "ty" ty
+                    , pp_co "co" co
+                    , callStackDoc ]) $
+    res
+mk_grefl_right_co :: Role -> Type -> CoercionN -> Coercion
+mk_grefl_right_co r ty co
+  = assertGRefl ty co $
+    mkGReflRightCo r ty co
+pp_co :: String -> Coercion -> SDoc
+pp_co s co = text s <+> hang (ppr co) 2 (dcolon <+> ppr (coercionKind co))
+pp_ty :: String -> Type -> SDoc
+pp_ty s ty = text s <+> hang (ppr ty) 2 (dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty))

@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core ( CoreExpr )
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
 import GHC.Core.TyCo.FVs
+import GHC.Types.Basic( SwapFlag(..), isSwapped, pickSwap, notSwapped )
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
@@ -916,7 +917,7 @@ substDCoVarSet subst cvs = coVarsOfCosDSet $ map (substCoVar subst) $
 substForAllCoBndr :: Subst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
                   -> (Subst, TyCoVar, Coercion)
 substForAllCoBndr subst
-  = substForAllCoBndrUsing False (substCo subst) subst
+  = substForAllCoBndrUsing NotSwapped (substCo subst) subst
 -- | Like 'substForAllCoBndr', but disables sanity checks.
 -- The problems that the sanity checks in substCo catch are described in
@@ -926,10 +927,10 @@ substForAllCoBndr subst
 substForAllCoBndrUnchecked :: Subst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
                            -> (Subst, TyCoVar, Coercion)
 substForAllCoBndrUnchecked subst
-  = substForAllCoBndrUsing False (substCoUnchecked subst) subst
+  = substForAllCoBndrUsing NotSwapped (substCoUnchecked subst) subst
 -- See Note [Sym and ForAllCo]
-substForAllCoBndrUsing :: Bool  -- apply sym to binder?
+substForAllCoBndrUsing :: SwapFlag  -- Apply sym to binder?
                        -> (Coercion -> Coercion)  -- transformation to kind co
                        -> Subst -> TyCoVar -> KindCoercion
                        -> (Subst, TyCoVar, KindCoercion)
@@ -937,7 +938,7 @@ substForAllCoBndrUsing sym sco subst old_var
   | isTyVar old_var = substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing sym sco subst old_var
   | otherwise       = substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing sym sco subst old_var
-substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing :: Bool  -- apply sym to binder?
+substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing :: SwapFlag  -- Apply sym to binder?
                             -> (Coercion -> Coercion)  -- transformation to kind co
                             -> Subst -> TyVar -> KindCoercion
                             -> (Subst, TyVar, KindCoercion)
@@ -946,10 +947,13 @@ substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing sym sco (Subst in_scope idenv tenv cenv) old_var old
     ( Subst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_var) idenv new_env cenv
     , new_var, new_kind_co )
-    new_env | no_change && not sym = delVarEnv tenv old_var
-            | sym       = extendVarEnv tenv old_var $
-                          TyVarTy new_var `CastTy` new_kind_co
-            | otherwise = extendVarEnv tenv old_var (TyVarTy new_var)
+    new_env | no_change, notSwapped sym
+            = delVarEnv tenv old_var
+            | isSwapped sym
+            = extendVarEnv tenv old_var $
+              TyVarTy new_var `CastTy` new_kind_co
+            | otherwise
+            = extendVarEnv tenv old_var (TyVarTy new_var)
     no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfCo old_kind_co
     no_change = no_kind_change && (new_var == old_var)
@@ -965,7 +969,7 @@ substForAllCoTyVarBndrUsing sym sco (Subst in_scope idenv tenv cenv) old_var old
     new_var  = uniqAway in_scope (setTyVarKind old_var new_ki1)
-substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing :: Bool  -- apply sym to binder?
+substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing :: SwapFlag  -- Apply sym to binder?
                             -> (Coercion -> Coercion)  -- transformation to kind co
                             -> Subst -> CoVar -> KindCoercion
                             -> (Subst, CoVar, KindCoercion)
@@ -975,8 +979,10 @@ substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing sym sco (Subst in_scope idenv tenv cenv)
     ( Subst (in_scope `extendInScopeSet` new_var) idenv tenv new_cenv
     , new_var, new_kind_co )
-    new_cenv | no_change && not sym = delVarEnv cenv old_var
-             | otherwise = extendVarEnv cenv old_var (mkCoVarCo new_var)
+    new_cenv | no_change, notSwapped sym
+             = delVarEnv cenv old_var
+             | otherwise
+             = extendVarEnv cenv old_var (mkCoVarCo new_var)
     no_kind_change = noFreeVarsOfCo old_kind_co
     no_change = no_kind_change && (new_var == old_var)
@@ -987,8 +993,7 @@ substForAllCoCoVarBndrUsing sym sco (Subst in_scope idenv tenv cenv)
     Pair h1 h2 = coercionKind new_kind_co
     new_var       = uniqAway in_scope $ mkCoVar (varName old_var) new_var_type
-    new_var_type  | sym       = h2
-                  | otherwise = h1
+    new_var_type  = pickSwap sym h1 h2
 substCoVar :: Subst -> CoVar -> Coercion
 substCoVar (Subst _ _ _ cenv) cv

@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ expandTypeSynonyms ty
       -- substForAllCoBndrUsing, which is general enough to
       -- handle coercion optimization (which sometimes swaps the
       -- order of a coercion)
-    go_cobndr subst = substForAllCoBndrUsing False (go_co subst) subst
+    go_cobndr subst = substForAllCoBndrUsing NotSwapped (go_co subst) subst
 {- Notes on type synonyms

@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ mkUnsafeCoercePrimPair _old_id old_expr
              alpha_co = mkTyConAppCo Nominal tYPETyCon [mkCoVarCo rr_cv]
              -- x_co :: alpha ~R# beta
-             x_co = mkGReflCo Representational openAlphaTy (MCo alpha_co) `mkTransCo`
+             x_co = mkGReflMCo Representational openAlphaTy alpha_co `mkTransCo`
                     mkSubCo (mkCoVarCo ab_cv)

@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Basic (
-        SwapFlag(..), flipSwap, unSwap, isSwapped,
+        SwapFlag(..), flipSwap, unSwap, notSwapped, isSwapped, pickSwap,
         CompilerPhase(..), PhaseNum, beginPhase, nextPhase, laterPhase,
@@ -456,6 +456,7 @@ instance Outputable OneShotInfo where
 data SwapFlag
   = NotSwapped  -- Args are: actual,   expected
   | IsSwapped   -- Args are: expected, actual
+  deriving( Eq )
 instance Outputable SwapFlag where
   ppr IsSwapped  = text "Is-swapped"
@@ -469,6 +470,14 @@ isSwapped :: SwapFlag -> Bool
 isSwapped IsSwapped  = True
 isSwapped NotSwapped = False
+notSwapped :: SwapFlag -> Bool
+notSwapped NotSwapped = True
+notSwapped IsSwapped  = False
+pickSwap :: SwapFlag -> a -> a -> a
+pickSwap NotSwapped a _ = a
+pickSwap IsSwapped  _ b = b
 unSwap :: SwapFlag -> (a->a->b) -> a -> a -> b
 unSwap NotSwapped f a b = f a b
 unSwap IsSwapped  f a b = f b a

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GHC2024 #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module Bug (f) where
+import Data.Kind (Type)
+import Data.Type.Equality (type (~~))
+type Promote :: Type -> Type
+type family Promote k
+type PromoteX :: k -> Promote k
+type family PromoteX a
+type Demote :: Type -> Type
+type family Demote (k :: Type) :: Type
+type DemoteX :: k -> Demote k
+type family DemoteX a
+type HEq :: j -> k -> Type
+data HEq a b where
+  HRefl :: forall j (a :: j). HEq a a
+type SHEq :: forall j k (a :: j) (b :: k). HEq a b -> Type
+data SHEq heq where
+  SHRefl :: forall j (a :: j). SHEq (HRefl @j @a)
+type SomeSHEq :: j -> k -> Type
+data SomeSHEq a b where
+  SomeSHEq :: forall j k (a :: j) (b :: k) (heq :: HEq a b). SHEq heq -> SomeSHEq a b
+f :: forall j k (a :: j) (b :: k).
+     (PromoteX (DemoteX a) ~~ a, PromoteX (DemoteX b) ~~ b) =>
+     HEq (DemoteX a) (DemoteX b) ->
+     SomeSHEq a b
+f HRefl = SomeSHEq SHRefl

@@ -63,3 +63,4 @@ test('T16347', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T18660', normal, compile, [''])
 test('T12174', normal, compile, [''])
 test('LopezJuan', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T25387', normal, compile, [''])

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