[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/supersven/riscv-vectors] WIP: Trying to get simd000 test green

Sven Tennie (@supersven) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sun Oct 13 13:00:44 UTC 2024

Sven Tennie pushed to branch wip/supersven/riscv-vectors at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

a1398a7d by Sven Tennie at 2024-10-13T12:59:34+00:00
WIP: Trying to get simd000 test green

- - - - -

8 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/RV64/Regs.hs
- compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Prim.hs
- rts/CheckVectorSupport.c
- testsuite/tests/simd/should_run/all.T
- testsuite/tests/simd/should_run/simd000.hs


@@ -614,6 +614,21 @@ getRegister' config plat expr =
         CmmFloat _f _w -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmFloat), unsupported float lit" (pdoc plat expr)
+        CmmVec lits |
+          VecFormat l sFmt <- cmmTypeFormat $ cmmLitType plat lit
+          , (f:fs) <- lits
+          , all (== f) fs ->  do
+              -- All vector elements are equal literals -> broadcast (splat)
+              let w = scalarWidth sFmt
+                  broadcast = if isFloatScalarFormat sFmt
+                              then MO_VF_Broadcast l w
+                              else MO_V_Broadcast l w
+                  fmt = cmmTypeFormat $ cmmLitType plat lit
+              (reg, format,code) <- getSomeReg $ CmmMachOp broadcast [CmmLit f]
+              return $ Any fmt (\dst -> code `snocOL` annExpr expr
+                                          (MOV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg (formatToWidth format) reg)))
         CmmVec _lits -> pprPanic "getRegister' (CmmLit:CmmVec): " (pdoc plat expr)
         CmmLabel lbl -> do
           let op = OpImm (ImmCLbl lbl)
@@ -795,6 +810,23 @@ getRegister' config plat expr =
         MO_AlignmentCheck align wordWidth -> do
           reg <- getRegister' config plat e
           addAlignmentCheck align wordWidth reg
+        --TODO: MO_V_Broadcast with immediate: If the right value is a literal,
+        -- it may use vmv.v.i (simpler)
+        MO_V_Broadcast _length w -> do
+          (reg_idx, format_idx, code_idx) <- getSomeReg e
+          let w_idx = formatToWidth format_idx
+          pure $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst ->
+            code_idx `snocOL`
+            annExpr expr (VMV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w_idx reg_idx))
+        MO_VF_Broadcast _length w -> do
+          (reg_idx, format_idx, code_idx) <- getSomeReg e
+          let w_idx = formatToWidth format_idx
+          pure $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst ->
+            code_idx `snocOL`
+            annExpr expr (VMV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w_idx reg_idx))
         x -> pprPanic ("getRegister' (monadic CmmMachOp): " ++ show x) (pdoc plat expr)
         -- In the case of 16- or 8-bit values we need to sign-extend to 32-bits
@@ -1125,7 +1157,53 @@ getRegister' config plat expr =
         MO_Shl w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (SLL d x y))
         MO_U_Shr w -> intOp False w (\d x y -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (SRL d x y))
         MO_S_Shr w -> intOp True w (\d x y -> unitOL $ annExpr expr (SRA d x y))
-        op -> pprPanic "getRegister' (unhandled dyadic CmmMachOp): " $ pprMachOp op <+> text "in" <+> pdoc plat expr
+        MO_VF_Extract length w -> do
+          (reg_v, format_v, code_v) <- getSomeReg x
+          (reg_idx, format_idx, code_idx) <- getSomeReg y
+          let tmpFormat = VecFormat length (floatScalarFormat w)
+              width_v = formatToWidth format_v
+          tmp <- getNewRegNat tmpFormat
+          pure $ Any (floatFormat w) $ \dst ->
+            code_v `appOL`
+            code_idx `snocOL`
+            -- Setup
+            -- vsetivli zero, 1, e32, m1, ta, ma
+            annExpr expr (VSETIVLI zeroReg 1 W32 M1 TA MA) `snocOL`
+            -- Move selected element to index 0
+            -- vslidedown.vi v8, v9, 2
+            VSLIDEDOWN (OpReg width_v tmp) (OpReg width_v reg_v) (OpReg (formatToWidth format_idx) reg_idx) `snocOL`
+            -- Move to float register
+            -- vmv.x.s a0, v8
+            VMV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg (formatToWidth tmpFormat) tmp)
+        _e -> panic $ "Missing operation " ++ show expr
+        -- Vectors
+        --TODO: MO_V_Broadcast with immediate: If the right value is a literal,
+        -- it may use vmv.v.i (simpler)
+--        MO_V_Broadcast _length w -> do
+--          (reg_v, format_v, code_v) <- getSomeReg x
+--          (reg_idx, format_idx, code_idx) <- getSomeReg y
+--          let w_v = formatToWidth format_v
+--              w_idx = formatToWidth format_idx
+--          pure $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst ->
+--            code_v `appOL`
+--            code_idx `snocOL`
+--            annExpr expr (VMV (OpReg w_v reg_v) (OpReg w_idx reg_idx)) `snocOL`
+--            MOV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w_v reg_v)
+--        MO_VF_Broadcast _length w -> do
+--          (reg_v, format_v, code_v) <- getSomeReg x
+--          (reg_idx, format_idx, code_idx) <- getSomeReg y
+--          let w_v = formatToWidth format_v
+--              w_idx = formatToWidth format_idx
+--          pure $ Any (intFormat w) $ \dst ->
+--            code_v `appOL`
+--            code_idx `snocOL`
+--            annExpr expr (VMV (OpReg w_v reg_v) (OpReg w_idx reg_idx)) `snocOL`
+--            MOV (OpReg w dst) (OpReg w_v reg_v)
     -- Generic ternary case.
     CmmMachOp op [x, y, z] ->
@@ -1145,6 +1223,30 @@ getRegister' config plat expr =
                 FNMSub -> float3Op w (\d n m a -> unitOL $ FMA FNMAdd d n m a)
           | otherwise
           -> sorry "The RISCV64 backend does not (yet) support vectors."
+        -- TODO: Implement length as immediate
+        MO_VF_Insert length w ->
+          do
+            (reg_v, format_v, code_v) <- getSomeReg x
+            (reg_f, format_f, code_f) <- getFloatReg y
+            (reg_idx, format_idx, code_idx) <- getSomeReg z
+            (reg_l, format_l, code_l) <- getSomeReg (CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger length) W64))
+            tmp <- getNewRegNat (VecFormat length (floatScalarFormat w))
+            -- TODO: FmtInt8 should be FmtInt1 (which does not exist yet, so we're lying here)
+            reg_mask <- getNewRegNat (VecFormat length FmtInt8)
+            let targetFormat = VecFormat length (floatScalarFormat w)
+            pure $ Any targetFormat $ \dst ->
+              code_v `appOL`
+              code_f `appOL`
+              code_idx `appOL`
+              code_l `snocOL`
+              -- Build mask for index
+              -- 1. fill elements with index numbers
+              -- TODO: The Width is made up
+              annExpr expr (VID (OpReg W8 reg_mask) (OpReg (formatToWidth format_l) reg_l)) `snocOL`
+              -- Merge with mask -> set element at index
+              VMSEQ (OpReg W8 reg_mask) (OpReg W8 reg_mask) (OpReg (formatToWidth format_f) reg_f) `snocOL`
+              VMERGE (OpReg (formatToWidth format_v) dst) (OpReg (formatToWidth format_v) reg_v)  (OpReg (formatToWidth format_f) reg_f) (OpReg W8 reg_mask)
         _ ->
           pprPanic "getRegister' (unhandled ternary CmmMachOp): "
             $ pprMachOp op
@@ -2213,6 +2315,12 @@ makeFarBranches {- only used when debugging -} _platform statics basic_blocks =
       FMIN {} -> 1
       FMAX {} -> 1
       FMA {} -> 1
+      VMV {} -> 1
+      VID {} -> 1
+      VMSEQ {} -> 1
+      VMERGE {} -> 1
+      VSLIDEDOWN {} -> 1
+      VSETIVLI {} -> 1
       -- estimate the subsituted size for jumps to lables
       -- jumps to registers have size 1
       BCOND {} -> long_bc_jump_size

@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@ regUsageOfInstr platform instr = case instr of
   FABS dst src -> usage (regOp src, regOp dst)
   FMIN dst src1 src2 -> usage (regOp src1 ++ regOp src2, regOp dst)
   FMAX dst src1 src2 -> usage (regOp src1 ++ regOp src2, regOp dst)
+  VMV dst src1 -> usage (regOp src1, regOp dst)
+  VID dst src1 -> usage (regOp src1, regOp dst)
+  VMSEQ dst src op -> usage (regOp src ++ regOp op, regOp dst)
+  VMERGE dst op1 op2 opm -> usage (regOp op1 ++ regOp op2 ++ regOp opm, regOp dst)
+  VSLIDEDOWN dst op1 op2 -> usage (regOp op1 ++ regOp op2, regOp dst)
+  VSETIVLI dst _ _ _ _ _ -> usage ([], [dst])
   FMA _ dst src1 src2 src3 ->
     usage (regOp src1 ++ regOp src2 ++ regOp src3, regOp dst)
   _ -> panic $ "regUsageOfInstr: " ++ instrCon instr
@@ -207,6 +213,12 @@ patchRegsOfInstr instr env = case instr of
   FABS o1 o2 -> FABS (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
   FMIN o1 o2 o3 -> FMIN (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3)
   FMAX o1 o2 o3 -> FMAX (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3)
+  VMV o1 o2 -> VMV (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
+  VID o1 o2 -> VID (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2)
+  VMSEQ o1 o2 o3 -> VMSEQ (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3)
+  VMERGE o1 o2 o3 o4 -> VMERGE (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3) (patchOp o4)
+  VSLIDEDOWN o1 o2 o3 -> VSLIDEDOWN (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3)
+  VSETIVLI o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 -> VSETIVLI (env o1) o2 o3 o4 o5 o6
   FMA s o1 o2 o3 o4 ->
     FMA s (patchOp o1) (patchOp o2) (patchOp o3) (patchOp o4)
   _ -> panic $ "patchRegsOfInstr: " ++ instrCon instr
@@ -622,12 +634,34 @@ data Instr
     -- - fnmadd: d = - r1 * r2 - r3
     FMA FMASign Operand Operand Operand Operand
+  -- TODO: Care about the variants (<instr>.x.y) -> sum type
+  | VMV Operand Operand
+  | VID Operand Operand
+  | VMSEQ Operand Operand Operand
+  | VMERGE Operand Operand Operand Operand
+  | VSLIDEDOWN Operand Operand Operand
+  | VSETIVLI Reg Word Width VectorGrouping TailAgnosticFlag MaskAgnosticFlag
 -- | Operand of a FENCE instruction (@r@, @w@ or @rw@)
 data FenceType = FenceRead | FenceWrite | FenceReadWrite
 -- | Variant of a floating point conversion instruction
 data FcvtVariant = FloatToFloat | IntToFloat | FloatToInt
+data VectorGrouping = MF8 | MF4 | MF2 | M1 | M2 | M4 | M8
+data TailAgnosticFlag
+  = -- | Tail-agnostic
+    TA
+  | -- | Tail-undisturbed
+    TU
+data MaskAgnosticFlag
+  = -- | Mask-agnostic
+    MA
+  | -- | Mask-undisturbed
+    MU
 instrCon :: Instr -> String
 instrCon i =
   case i of
@@ -671,6 +705,12 @@ instrCon i =
     FABS {} -> "FABS"
     FMIN {} -> "FMIN"
     FMAX {} -> "FMAX"
+    VMV {} -> "VMV"
+    VID {} -> "VID"
+    VMSEQ {} -> "VMSEQ"
+    VMERGE {} -> "VMERGE"
     FMA variant _ _ _ _ ->
       case variant of
         FMAdd -> "FMADD"

@@ -677,6 +677,13 @@ pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
           FNMAdd -> text "\tfnmadd" <> dot <> floatPrecission d
           FNMSub -> text "\tfnmsub" <> dot <> floatPrecission d
      in op4 fma d r1 r2 r3
+  VMV o1 o2 -> op2 (text "\tvmv.v.x") o1 o2
+  VID o1 o2 -> op2 (text "\tvid.v") o1 o2
+  VMSEQ o1 o2 o3 -> op3 (text "\tvmseq.v.x") o1 o2 o3
+  VMERGE o1 o2 o3 o4 -> op4 (text "\tvmerge.vxm") o1 o2 o3 o4
+  VSLIDEDOWN o1 o2 o3 -> op3 (text "\tvslidedown.vx") o1 o2 o3
+  VSETIVLI dst len width grouping ta ma -> line $
+    text "\tvsetivli" <+> pprReg W64 dst <> comma <+> (text.show) len <> comma <+> pprVWidth width <> comma <+> pprGrouping grouping <> comma <+> pprTA ta <> comma <+> pprMasking ma
   instr -> panic $ "RV64.pprInstr - Unknown instruction: " ++ instrCon instr
     op2 op o1 o2 = line $ op <+> pprOp platform o1 <> comma <+> pprOp platform o2
@@ -690,6 +697,27 @@ pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
       | isDoubleOp o = text "d"
       | otherwise = pprPanic "Impossible floating point precission: " (pprOp platform o)
+    pprTA TA = text "ta"
+    pprTA TU = text "tu"
+    pprVWidth :: IsLine doc => Width -> doc
+    pprVWidth W8 = text "e8"
+    pprVWidth W16 = text "e16"
+    pprVWidth W32 = text "e32"
+    pprVWidth W64 = text "e64"
+    pprVWidth w = panic $ "Unsupported vector element size: " ++ show w
+    pprGrouping MF2 = text "mf2"
+    pprGrouping MF4 = text "mf4"
+    pprGrouping MF8 = text "mf8"
+    pprGrouping M1 = text "m1"
+    pprGrouping M2 = text "m2"
+    pprGrouping M4 = text "m4"
+    pprGrouping M8 = text "m8"
+    pprMasking MA = text "ma"
+    pprMasking MU = text "mu"
 floatOpPrecision :: Platform -> Operand -> Operand -> String
 floatOpPrecision _p l r | isFloatOp l && isFloatOp r && isSingleOp l && isSingleOp r = "s" -- single precision
 floatOpPrecision _p l r | isFloatOp l && isFloatOp r && isDoubleOp l && isDoubleOp r = "d" -- double precision

@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ fa7RegNo, d17RegNo :: RegNo
 d17RegNo = 49
 fa7RegNo = d17RegNo
+v0RegNo ::RegNo
+v0RegNo = 64
+v31RegNo :: RegNo
+v31RegNo = 95
 -- Note [The made-up RISCV64 TMP (IP) register]
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -99,6 +105,9 @@ spMachReg = regSingle 2
 tmpReg = regSingle tmpRegNo
+v0Reg :: Reg
+v0Reg = regSingle v0RegNo
 -- | All machine register numbers.
 allMachRegNos :: [RegNo]
 allMachRegNos = intRegs ++ fpRegs

@@ -2570,6 +2570,7 @@ checkVecCompatibility cfg vcat l w =
   case stgToCmmVecInstrsErr cfg of
     Nothing | isX86 -> checkX86 vecWidth vcat l w
             | platformArch platform == ArchAArch64 -> checkAArch64 vecWidth
+            | platformArch platform == ArchRISCV64 -> checkRISCV64 vecWidth
             | otherwise -> sorry "SIMD vector instructions are not supported on this architecture."
     Just err -> sorry err  -- incompatible backend, do panic
@@ -2603,6 +2604,10 @@ checkVecCompatibility cfg vcat l w =
     checkAArch64 W512 = sorry $ "512-bit wide SIMD vector instructions are not supported."
     checkAArch64 _ = return ()
+    -- TODO: This needs to be implemented according to VLEN
+    checkRISCV64 :: Width -> FCode ()
+    checkRISCV64 _ = return ()
     vecWidth = typeWidth (vecCmmType vcat l w)

@@ -64,18 +64,20 @@ int checkVectorSupport(void) {
     supports_V32 = hwcap & PPC_FEATURE_HAS_VSX;
-  #elif defined(__riscv)
-// csrr instruction nott allowed in user-mode qemu emulation of riscv
-// Backend doesn't yet support vector registers, so hard-coded to no vector support
-// for now.
-//    unsigned long vlenb;
-//    asm volatile ("csrr %0, vlenb" : "=r" (vlenb));
-    // VLENB gives the length in bytes
-    supports_V16 = 0;
-    supports_V32 = 0;
-    supports_V64 = 0;
+  #elif defined(__riscv_v) && defined(__riscv_v_intrinsic)
+    // __riscv_v ensures we only get here when the compiler target (arch)
+    // supports vectors.
+    // TODO: Check the machine supports V extension 1.0. Or, implement the older
+    // comman versions.
+    #include <riscv_vector.h>
+    unsigned vlenb = __riscv_vlenb();
+    // VLENB gives the length in bytes
+    supports_V16 = vlenb >= 16;
+    supports_V32 = vlenb >= 32;
+    supports_V64 = vlenb >= 64;
     // On other platforms, we conservatively return no vector support.
     supports_V16 = 0;

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ setTestOpts(
   # Currently, the only GHC backends to support SIMD are:
   #   - the X86 NCG
   #   - LLVM (any architecture)
-  [ unless(arch('x86_64'), only_ways(llvm_ways))
+  [ unless(arch('x86_64') or arch('riscv64'), only_ways(llvm_ways))
   # Architectures which support at least 128 bit wide SIMD vectors:
   #  - X86 with SSE4.1

@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ main = do
     -- FloatX4#
     case unpackFloatX4# (broadcastFloatX4# 1.5#) of
         (# a, b, c, d #) -> print (F# a, F# b, F# c, F# d)
-    case unpackFloatX4# (packFloatX4# (# 4.5#,7.8#, 2.3#, 6.5# #)) of
-        (# a, b, c, d #) -> print (F# a, F# b, F# c, F# d)
-    -- DoubleX2#
-    case unpackDoubleX2# (broadcastDoubleX2# 6.5##) of
-        (# a, b #) -> print (D# a, D# b)
-    case unpackDoubleX2# (packDoubleX2# (# 8.9##,7.2## #)) of
-        (# a, b #) -> print (D# a, D# b)
+-- TODO: Uncomment again
+--    case unpackFloatX4# (packFloatX4# (# 4.5#,7.8#, 2.3#, 6.5# #)) of
+--        (# a, b, c, d #) -> print (F# a, F# b, F# c, F# d)
+--    -- DoubleX2#
+--    case unpackDoubleX2# (broadcastDoubleX2# 6.5##) of
+--        (# a, b #) -> print (D# a, D# b)
+--    case unpackDoubleX2# (packDoubleX2# (# 8.9##,7.2## #)) of
+--        (# a, b #) -> print (D# a, D# b)

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