[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/ttg-booleanformula] review changes for BooleanFormula

Hassan Al-Awwadi (@hassan.awwadi) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Oct 9 15:54:36 UTC 2024

Hassan Al-Awwadi pushed to branch wip/ttg-booleanformula at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

9f34aa08 by Hassan Al-Awwadi at 2024-10-09T17:53:19+02:00
review changes for BooleanFormula

* Removed bfExprMap, instead bfMap is fully defined inside Ghc.Data.BooleanFormula
* Cleaned up some classes for BooleanFormula
* Simplified toIfaceBooleanFormula to no longer be a higher order function
* And removed fromIfaceBooleanFormula completely

- - - - -

6 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Decl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/BooleanFormula.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs


@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@@ -36,17 +37,35 @@ import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula
 type instance Anno (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)) = SrcSpanAnnL
--- the other part of jury rigging some fake instances for booleanformula
--- using the genlocated instances of Functor and Traversable.
+-- if we had Functor/Traversable (LbooleanFormula p) we could use that
+-- as a constraint and we wouldn't need to specialize to just GhcPass p,
+-- but becuase LBooleanFormula is a type synonym such a constraint is
+-- impossible.
+-- BooleanFormula can't be an instance of functor because it can't lift
+-- arbitrary functions `a -> b`, only functions of type `LIdP a -> LIdP b`
+-- ditto for Traversable.
 bfMap :: (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> LIdP (GhcPass p'))
       -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p')
-bfMap f = bfExplMap fmap f
+bfMap f = go
+  where
+    go (Var    a  ) = Var     $ f a
+    go (And    bfs) = And     $ map (fmap go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or      $ map (fmap go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens  $ fmap go bf
 bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
             => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> f (LIdP (GhcPass p')))
             -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
             -> f (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p'))
-bfTraverse f = bfExplTraverse traverse f
+bfTraverse f = go
+  where
+    go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
+    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> traverse go bf
 Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
@@ -208,9 +227,7 @@ pprBooleanFormulaNice = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr 0
   pprAnd' (x:xs) = fsep (punctuate comma (init (x:|xs))) <> text ", and" <+> last (x:|xs)
   pprOr p xs = cparen (p > 1) $ text "either" <+> sep (intersperse (text "or") xs)
-instance Outputable (BooleanFormula GhcPs) where
-  ppr = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
-instance Outputable (BooleanFormula GhcRn) where
+instance OutputableBndrId p => Outputable (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)) where
   ppr = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
 pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: OutputableBndrId p => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc

@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module GHC.Iface.Decl
    , toIfaceBooleanFormula
    -- converting back
-   , fromIfaceBooleanFormula
    , traverseIfaceBooleanFormula
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ import GHC.Data.Maybe
 import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula
 import Data.List ( findIndex, mapAccumL )
-import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (LIdP)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (IdP, LIdP)
@@ -294,7 +293,7 @@ classToIfaceDecl env clas
                 ifClassCtxt   = tidyToIfaceContext env1 sc_theta,
                 ifATs    = map toIfaceAT clas_ats,
                 ifSigs   = map toIfaceClassOp op_stuff,
-                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula (mkIfLclName . getOccFS . unLoc) (classMinimalDef clas)
+                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula (classMinimalDef clas)
     (env1, tc_binders) = tidyTyConBinders env (tyConBinders tycon)
@@ -343,21 +342,13 @@ tidyTyConBinders = mapAccumL tidyTyConBinder
 tidyTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> IfLclName
 tidyTyVar (_, subst) tv = toIfaceTyVar (lookupVarEnv subst tv `orElse` tv)
-toIfaceBooleanFormula :: (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> IfLclName) ->  BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)  -> IfaceBooleanFormula
-toIfaceBooleanFormula f = go
+toIfaceBooleanFormula ::  NamedThing (IdP (GhcPass p)) => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)  -> IfaceBooleanFormula
+toIfaceBooleanFormula = go
-    go (Var nm   ) = IfVar    (f nm)
-    go (And bfs  ) = IfAnd    (map (go . unLoc) bfs)
-    go (Or bfs   ) = IfOr     (map (go . unLoc) bfs)
-    go (Parens bf) = IfParens (go . unLoc $ bf)
-fromIfaceBooleanFormula :: (IfLclName -> LIdP (GhcPass p))  -> IfaceBooleanFormula -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
-fromIfaceBooleanFormula f = go
-  where
-    go (IfVar nm    ) = Var    $ f nm
-    go (IfAnd ibfs  ) = And    $ map (noLocA . go) ibfs
-    go (IfOr ibfs   ) = Or     $ map (noLocA . go) ibfs
-    go (IfParens ibf) = Parens $ (noLocA . go) ibf
+    go (Var nm   ) = IfVar    $ mkIfLclName . getOccFS . unLoc $ nm
+    go (And bfs  ) = IfAnd    $ map (go . unLoc) bfs
+    go (Or bfs   ) = IfOr     $ map (go . unLoc) bfs
+    go (Parens bf) = IfParens $ go . unLoc $ bf
 traverseIfaceBooleanFormula :: Applicative f
                             => (IfLclName -> f (LIdP (GhcPass p)))

@@ -2043,22 +2043,9 @@ instance ToHie PendingRnSplice where
 instance ToHie PendingTcSplice where
   toHie (PendingTcSplice _ e) = toHie e
-instance HiePass p => ToHie (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnL (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p))) where
-  toHie (L span form) = case hiePass @p of
-    HieRn -> concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
-      Var a ->
-        [ toHie $ C Use a
-        ]
-      And forms ->
-        [ toHie forms
-        ]
-      Or forms ->
-        [ toHie forms
-        ]
-      Parens f ->
-        [ toHie f
-        ]
-    HieTc -> concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
+instance (HiePass p, Data (IdGhcP p))
+  => ToHie (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnL (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p))) where
+    toHie (L span form) =  concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
       Var a ->
         [ toHie $ C Use a

@@ -299,20 +299,23 @@ mergeIfaceDecl d1 d2
                     (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops1 ])
                     (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops2 ])
-          -- specialized version of BooleanFormula's MkOr.
-          mkOr :: [IfaceBooleanFormula] -> IfaceBooleanFormula
-          mkOr = maybe (IfAnd []) (mkOr' . nub . concat) . mapM fromOr
+          -- same as BooleanFormula's mkOr, but specialized to IfaceBooleanFormula,
+          -- which can be taught of as being (BooleanFormula IfacePass) morally.
+          -- In practice, however, its a seperate type so it needs its own function
+          -- It makes an Or and does some super basic simplification.
+          mkIfaceOr :: [IfaceBooleanFormula] -> IfaceBooleanFormula
+          mkIfaceOr = maybe (IfAnd []) (mkIfaceOr' . nub . concat) . mapM fromOr
             fromOr bf = case bf of
               (IfOr xs)  -> Just xs
               (IfAnd []) -> Nothing
               _        -> Just [bf]
-            mkOr' [x] = x
-            mkOr' xs = IfOr xs
+            mkIfaceOr' [x] = x
+            mkIfaceOr' xs = IfOr xs
       in d1 { ifBody = (ifBody d1) {
                 ifSigs  = ops,
-                ifMinDef = mkOr [bf1, bf2]
+                ifMinDef = mkIfaceOr [bf1, bf2]
             } `withRolesFrom` d2
     -- It doesn't matter; we'll check for consistency later when

@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 module Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula(
   BooleanFormula(..), LBooleanFormula,
-  mkVar, mkFalse, mkTrue, mkBool, mkAnd, mkOr,
-  bfExplMap, bfExplTraverse) where
+  mkVar, mkFalse, mkTrue, mkBool, mkAnd, mkOr
+  ) where
 import Prelude hiding ( init, last )
 import Data.List ( nub )
@@ -20,31 +20,6 @@ data BooleanFormula p = Var (LIdP p) | And [LBooleanFormula p] | Or [LBooleanFor
 -- instances
 deriving instance (Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => Eq (BooleanFormula p)
--- jury rigged map and traverse functions.
--- if we had Functor/Traversable (LbooleanFormula p) we could use as a constraint
--- we wouldn't neeed the first higher order argument, but because LBooleanformula
--- is a type synonym that's no can do.
-bfExplMap :: ((BooleanFormula p -> BooleanFormula p') -> LBooleanFormula p -> LBooleanFormula p')
-          -> (LIdP p -> LIdP p')
-          -> BooleanFormula p -> BooleanFormula p'
-bfExplMap lbfMap f = go
-  where
-    go (Var    a  ) = Var     $ f a
-    go (And    bfs) = And     $ map (lbfMap go) bfs
-    go (Or     bfs) = Or      $ map (lbfMap go) bfs
-    go (Parens bf ) = Parens  $ lbfMap go bf
-bfExplTraverse  :: Applicative f
-                => ((BooleanFormula p -> f (BooleanFormula p')) -> LBooleanFormula p -> f (LBooleanFormula p'))
-                -> (LIdP p -> f (LIdP p'))
-                -> BooleanFormula p -> f (BooleanFormula p')
-bfExplTraverse lbfTraverse f  = go
-  where
-    go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
-    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (lbfTraverse go) bfs
-    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (lbfTraverse go) bfs
-    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> lbfTraverse go bf
 -- smart constructors
 -- see note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
 mkVar :: LIdP p -> BooleanFormula p

@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 -- Portability :  portable
 module Haddock.Interface.Rename (renameInterface) where
+import Prelude hiding (mapM)
 import Control.Applicative ()
 import Control.DeepSeq (force)
 import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
@@ -28,13 +30,13 @@ import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import Data.Traversable (mapM)
 import GHC hiding (NoLink)
 import GHC.Builtin.Types (eqTyCon_RDR, tupleDataConName, tupleTyConName)
 import GHC.Types.Basic (Boxity (..), TopLevelFlag (..), TupleSort (..))
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (RdrName (Exact))
-import Prelude hiding (mapM)
-import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula (bfExplTraverse)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula(BooleanFormula(..))
 import Haddock.Backends.Hoogle (ppExportD)
 import Haddock.GhcUtils
@@ -771,11 +773,22 @@ renameSig sig = case sig of
     lnames' <- mapM renameNameL lnames
     return $ FixSig noExtField (FixitySig noExtField lnames' fixity)
   MinimalSig _ (L l s) -> do
-    s' <- bfExplTraverse traverse (traverse lookupRn) s
+    s' <- bfTraverse (traverse lookupRn) s
     return $ MinimalSig noExtField (L l s')
   -- we have filtered out all other kinds of signatures in Interface.Create
   _ -> error "expected TypeSig"
+bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
+            => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> f (LIdP DocNameI))
+            -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
+            -> f (BooleanFormula (DocNameI))
+bfTraverse f = go
+  where
+    go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
+    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> traverse go bf
 renameForD :: ForeignDecl GhcRn -> RnM (ForeignDecl DocNameI)
 renameForD (ForeignImport _ lname ltype x) = do
   lname' <- renameNameL lname

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