[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T25281] Yet more

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Sat Oct 5 20:50:57 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T25281 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

1768fb71 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-10-05T21:50:39+01:00
Yet more

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Rename/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Typeable.hs


@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ lookupRecFieldOcc mb_con rdr_name
           ; Just nm -> return nm } }
   | otherwise  -- Can't use the data constructor to disambiguate
-  = lookupGlobalOccRn' (RelevantGREsFOS WantField) rdr_name
+  = lookupGlobalOccRn' WantField rdr_name
     -- This use of Global is right as we are looking up a selector,
     -- which can only be defined at the top level.
@@ -1405,20 +1405,23 @@ lookupGlobalOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM Name
 -- environment.
 -- Used by exports_from_avail
-lookupGlobalOccRn = lookupGlobalOccRn' (RelevantGREsFOS WantNormal)
-lookupGlobalOccRn' :: WhichGREs GREInfo -> RdrName -> RnM Name
-lookupGlobalOccRn' which_gres rdr_name =
-  lookupExactOrOrig rdr_name greName $ do
-    mb_gre <- lookupGlobalOccRn_base which_gres rdr_name
-    case mb_gre of
-      Just gre -> return (greName gre)
-      Nothing -> do { traceRn "lookupGlobalOccRn" (ppr rdr_name)
-                    ; unboundName (LF which_suggest WL_Global) rdr_name }
-        where which_suggest = case includeFieldSelectors which_gres of
-                WantBoth   -> WL_RecField
-                WantField  -> WL_RecField
-                WantNormal -> WL_Anything
+lookupGlobalOccRn = lookupGlobalOccRn' WantNormal
+lookupGlobalOccRn' :: FieldsOrSelectors -> RdrName -> RnM Name
+lookupGlobalOccRn' fos rdr_name
+  = lookupExactOrOrig rdr_name greName $
+    do { mb_gre <- lookupGlobalOccRn_base which_gres rdr_name
+       ; case mb_gre of
+           Just gre -> return (greName gre)
+           Nothing  -> do { traceRn "lookupGlobalOccRn" (ppr rdr_name)
+                          ; unboundName looking_for rdr_name } }
+  where
+    which_gres   = RelevantGREsFOS fos
+    looking_for  = LF { lf_which = what_looking, lf_where =  WL_Global }
+    what_looking = case fos of
+                      WantBoth   -> WL_RecField
+                      WantField  -> WL_RecField
+                      WantNormal -> WL_Anything
 -- Looks up a RdrName occurrence in the GlobalRdrEnv and with
 -- lookupQualifiedNameGHCi. Does not try to find an Exact or Orig name first.

@@ -221,18 +221,21 @@ data TypeableTyCon
       , tycon_rep_id :: !Id
--- | A group of 'TyCon's in need of type-rep bindings.
 data TypeRepTodo
-    = TypeRepTodo
-      { mod_rep_expr    :: LHsExpr GhcTc    -- ^ Module's typerep binding
-      , pkg_fingerprint :: !Fingerprint     -- ^ Package name fingerprint
-      , mod_fingerprint :: !Fingerprint     -- ^ Module name fingerprint
-      , todo_tycons     :: [TypeableTyCon]
-        -- ^ The 'TyCon's in need of bindings kinds
-      }
-    | ExportedKindRepsTodo [(Kind, Id)]
+  = TyConTodo TyConTodo
+  | ExportedKindRepsTodo [(Kind, Id)]
       -- ^ Build exported 'KindRep' bindings for the given set of kinds.
+-- | A group of 'TyCon's in need of type-rep bindings.
+data TyConTodo
+    = TCTD { mod_rep_expr    :: LHsExpr GhcTc    -- ^ Module's typerep binding
+           , pkg_fingerprint :: !Fingerprint     -- ^ Package name fingerprint
+           , mod_fingerprint :: !Fingerprint     -- ^ Module name fingerprint
+           , todo_tycons     :: [TypeableTyCon]
+                -- ^ The 'TyCon's in need of bindings kinds
+           }
 todoForTyCons :: Module -> Id -> [TyCon] -> TcM TypeRepTodo
 todoForTyCons mod mod_id tycons = do
     trTyConTy <- mkTyConTy <$> tcLookupTyCon trTyConTyConName
@@ -255,11 +258,11 @@ todoForTyCons mod mod_id tycons = do
             , Just rep_name <- pure $ tyConRepName_maybe tc''
             , tyConIsTypeable tc''
-    return TypeRepTodo { mod_rep_expr    = nlHsVar mod_id
-                       , pkg_fingerprint = pkg_fpr
-                       , mod_fingerprint = mod_fpr
-                       , todo_tycons     = typeable_tycons
-                       }
+    return $ TyConTodo $
+             TCTD { mod_rep_expr    = nlHsVar mod_id
+                  , pkg_fingerprint = pkg_fpr
+                  , mod_fingerprint = mod_fpr
+                  , todo_tycons     = typeable_tycons }
     mod_fpr = fingerprintString $ moduleNameString $ moduleName mod
     pkg_fpr = fingerprintString $ unitString $ moduleUnit mod
@@ -283,8 +286,8 @@ mkTypeRepTodoBinds todos
          -- TyCon associated with the applied type constructor).
        ; let produced_bndrs :: [Id]
              produced_bndrs = [ tycon_rep_id
-                              | todo@(TypeRepTodo{}) <- todos
-                              , TypeableTyCon {..} <- todo_tycons todo
+                              | TyConTodo (TCTD { todo_tycons = tcs }) <- todos
+                              , TypeableTyCon {..} <- tcs
                               ] ++
                               [ rep_id
                               | ExportedKindRepsTodo kinds <- todos
@@ -293,8 +296,8 @@ mkTypeRepTodoBinds todos
        ; gbl_env <- tcExtendGlobalValEnv produced_bndrs getGblEnv
        ; let mk_binds :: TypeRepTodo -> KindRepM [LHsBinds GhcTc]
-             mk_binds todo@(TypeRepTodo {}) =
-                 mapM (mkTyConRepBinds stuff todo) (todo_tycons todo)
+             mk_binds (TyConTodo (todo@(TCTD { todo_tycons = tcs }))) =
+                 mapM (mkTyConRepBinds stuff todo) tcs
              mk_binds (ExportedKindRepsTodo kinds) =
                  mkExportedKindReps stuff kinds >> return []
@@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ mkTrNameLit = do
     return trNameLit
 -- | Make Typeable bindings for the given 'TyCon'.
-mkTyConRepBinds :: TypeableStuff -> TypeRepTodo
+mkTyConRepBinds :: TypeableStuff -> TyConTodo
                 -> TypeableTyCon -> KindRepM (LHsBinds GhcTc)
 mkTyConRepBinds stuff todo (TypeableTyCon {..})
   = do -- Make a KindRep
@@ -649,7 +652,7 @@ mkKindRepRhs stuff@(Stuff {..}) in_scope = new_kind_rep_shortcut
       = pprPanic "mkTyConKindRepBinds.go(coercion)" (ppr co)
 -- | Produce the right-hand-side of a @TyCon@ representation.
-mkTyConRepTyConRHS :: TypeableStuff -> TypeRepTodo
+mkTyConRepTyConRHS :: TypeableStuff -> TyConTodo
                    -> TyCon      -- ^ the 'TyCon' we are producing a binding for
                    -> LHsExpr GhcTc -- ^ its 'KindRep'
                    -> LHsExpr GhcTc

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