[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T25281] 3 commits: Wibbles

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Oct 1 11:20:44 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T25281 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

315cd26b by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-10-01T12:11:56+01:00

- - - - -
66a1fde8 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-10-01T12:17:46+01:00

- - - - -
07c56357 by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-10-01T12:20:28+01:00

- - - - -

3 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Pmc.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Instance/Class.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Utils.hs


@@ -280,11 +280,9 @@ Here is how we achieve all this in the implementation:
     (Remember, the same field may occur in several constructors of the data
     type; hence the selector may succeed on more than one constructor.)
-The next three items describe mechanisms for producing warnings on record
-selectors and situations in which they trigger.
-They are ordered by specificity, so we prefer (2) over (3) over (4).
-Item (5) below describes how we resolve the overlap.
-(-XOverloadedRecordDot is discussed separately in Item (6) and (7).)
+We generate warnings for incomplete record selectors in two places:
+* Mainly: in GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_app (see (IRS2-5) below)
+* Plus: in GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.matchHassField (see (IRS6-7) below)
 (IRS2) In function `ldi`, we have a record selector application `sel arg`.
     This situation is detected `GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_app_rec_sel`, when the
@@ -305,7 +303,7 @@ Item (5) below describes how we resolve the overlap.
     In case of `urgh`, `T1` is indeed the case that we report as inexhaustive.
     However, in function `ldi`, we have *both* the result type of
-    `arg::T a` (boring, but see (3)) as well as Note [Long-distance information]
+    `arg::T a` (boring, but see (IRS3)) as well as Note [Long-distance information]
     about `arg` from the ambient match, and the latter lists the constraint
     `arg /~ T1`. Consequently, since `arg` is neither `T1` nor `T2` in the
     reduced problem, the match is exhaustive and the use of the record selector
@@ -313,70 +311,52 @@ Item (5) below describes how we resolve the overlap.
 (IRS3) In function `resTy`, the record selector is unsaturated, but the result type
     ensures a safe use of the selector.
     This situation is also detected in `GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_app_rec_sel`.
     THe selector is elaborated with its type arguments; we simply match on
     desugared Core `sel @Bool :: T Bool -> Int` to learn the result type `T Bool`.
     We again call `pmcRecSel`, but this time with a fresh dummy Id `ds::T Bool`.
 (IRS4) In case of an unsaturated record selector that is *not* applied to any type
-    argument after elaboration (e.g. in `urgh2 = sel2 :: Dot -> Int`), we simply
-    produce a warning about all `sel_cons`; no need to call `pmcRecSel`.
-    This happens in the `HsRecSel` case of `dsExpr`.
-    XXXX: this isn't right, is it? We might have
-          data T a where
-            T1 :: { sel1 :: Char } -> T Int
-            T2 :: T a
-          f :: T a -> T Int -> Char
-          f T1 = \_ -> 'x'
-          f T2 = sel1
-We resolve the overlap between situations (2)-(4) by preferring (2) over (3)
-over (4) as follows:
-Finally, there are 2 more items addressing -XOverloadedRecordDot:
- 6. -XOverloadedRecordDot such as in function `ldiDot` desugars as follows:
-      getField @GHC.Types.Symbol
-               @"sel2"
-               @Dot
-               @Int
-               ($dHasField :: HasField "sel2" Dot Int)
-               d
-    where
+  argument after elaboration (e.g. in `urgh2 = sel2 :: Dot -> Int`), we simply
+  produce a warning about all `sel_cons`; no need to call `pmcRecSel`.
+  This happens in `ds_app_rec_sel`
+Finally, there are two more items addressing -XOverloadedRecordDot:
+(IRS5) With -XOverloadedDot, all occurrences of (r.x), such as in `ldiDot` and
+  `accessDot` above, are warned about as follows.  `r.x` is parsed as
+  `HsGetField` in `HsExpr`; which is then expanded (in `rnExpr`) to a call to
+  `getField`.  For example, consider:
+         ldiDot No = 0
+         ldiDot x  = x.sel2  -- should not warn
+  The `d.sel2` in the RHS generates
+      getField @GHC.Types.Symbol @"sel2" @Dot @Int
+               ($dHasField :: HasField "sel2" Dot Int) x
+  where
       $dHasField = sel2 |> (co :: Dot -> Int ~R# HasField "sel2" Dot Int)
-    We want to catch these applications in the saturated (2) case.
-    (The unsaturated case is handled implicitly by (7).)
-    For example, we do not want to generate a warning for function `ldiDot`!
-    Function `GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_app_var` spots the `getField` application,
-    and then treats the above expression similar to a vanilla (RecSel app sel2 d).
-    This is a bit nasty (it has to do instance lookup) since we cannot look at
-    the unfolding of `$dHasField`.  Tested in T24891.
- 7. For `accessDot` above, `ds_app_var` will fail to find a record selector,
-    because type `t` is not obviously a record type.
-    That's good, because it means we won't emit a warning for `accessDot`.
-    But we really should emit a warning for `solveDot`!  There, the
-    compiler solves a `HasField` constraint and without an immediate
-    `getField`, roughly `solveDot = accessDot @Dot $d`.  It must be the job
-    of the solver to warn about incompleteness here, in
-    `GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.matchHasField`.
-    What makes this complicated is that we do not *also* want to warn in the
-    example `dot d = d.sel2` above, which is covered by more precise case (6)!
-    We suppress the warning in this case as follows:
-      1. The type-checker (`GHC.Tc.Gen.tcApp`) produces `getField @.. $d e`
-         (Remember that (6) will detect `getField @.. $d e` as well.)
-      2. Through `tcl_suppress_incomplete_rec_sel`, we suppress warnings when
-         solving `$d`.
-      3. ... but not when checking `e`, because `e` might itself be a field
-         access that would need to be checked individually.
-      4. What complicates matters is that the solver runs *after* type-checking,
-         so we must persist `tcl_suppress_incomplete_rec_sel` in the `CtLocEnv`.
-    What a hassle. This is all tested in T24891.
+  We spot this `getField` application in `GHC.HsToCore.Expr.ds_app_var`,
+  and treat it exactly like (IRS2) and (IRS3).
+  Note carefully that doing this in the desugarer allows us to account for the
+  long-distance info about `x`; even though `sel2` is partial, we don't want
+  to warn about `x.sel2` in this example.
+(IRS6) Finally we have
+          solveDot :: Dot -> Int
+          solveDot = accessDot
+  No field-accesses or selectors in sight!  From the RHS we get the constraint
+      [W] HasField @"sel2" @Dot @Int`
+  The only time we can generate a warning is when we solve this constraint,
+  in `GHC.Tc.Instance.Class.matchHasField`, generating a call to the (partial)
+  selector.  We have no hope of exploiting long-distance info here.
+(IRS7) BUT, look back at `ldiDot`.  Doesn't `matchHasField` /also/ generate a
+  warning for the `HasField` constraint arising from `x.sel2`?  We don't
+  want that, because the desugarer will catch it: see (IRS5).  So we suppress
+  the (IRS6) warning in the typechecker for a `HasField` constraint that
+  arises from a record-dot HsGetField occurrence.  Happily, this is easy to do
+  by looking at its `CtOrigin`. Tested in T24891.
 pmcRecSel :: Id       -- ^ Id of the selector

@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ matchGlobalInst dflags short_cut clas tys mb_loc
   | cls_name == typeableClassName      = matchTypeable                     clas tys
   | cls_name == withDictClassName      = matchWithDict                          tys
   | cls_name == dataToTagClassName     = matchDataToTag                    clas tys
-  | cls_name == hasFieldClassName      = matchHasField    dflags short_cut clas tys mb_loc
+  | cls_name == hasFieldClassName      = matchHasField    dflags           clas tys mb_loc
   | cls_name == unsatisfiableClassName = return NoInstance -- See (B) in Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints] in GHC.Tc.Errors
   | otherwise                          = matchInstEnv     dflags short_cut clas tys
@@ -1247,9 +1247,10 @@ addUsedGRE extends tcg_used_gres with imported GREs only.
 -- See Note [HasField instances]
-matchHasField :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Class -> [Type] -> Maybe CtLoc
+matchHasField :: DynFlags -> Class -> [Type]
+              -> Maybe CtLoc        -- Nothing used only during type validity checking
               -> TcM ClsInstResult
-matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys mb_ct_loc
+matchHasField dflags clas tys mb_ct_loc
   = do { fam_inst_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
        ; rdr_env       <- getGlobalRdrEnv
        ; case lookupHasFieldLabel fam_inst_envs rdr_env tys of
@@ -1262,7 +1263,8 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys mb_ct_loc
                          -- the HasField x r a dictionary.  The preds will
                          -- typically be empty, but if the datatype has a
                          -- "stupid theta" then we have to include it here.
-                   ; let theta = mkPrimEqPred sel_ty (mkVisFunTyMany r_ty a_ty) : preds
+                   ; let tvs   = mkTyVarTys (map snd tv_prs)
+                         theta = mkPrimEqPred sel_ty (mkVisFunTyMany r_ty a_ty) : preds
                          -- Use the equality proof to cast the selector Id to
                          -- type (r -> a), then use the newtype coercion to cast
@@ -1273,35 +1275,41 @@ matchHasField dflags short_cut clas tys mb_ct_loc
                                       `mkTransCo` mkSymCo co2
                          mk_ev [] = panic "matchHasField.mk_ev"
-                         Just (_, co2) = tcInstNewTyCon_maybe (classTyCon clas)
-                                                              tys
-                         tvs = mkTyVarTys (map snd tv_prs)
+                         Just (_, co2) = tcInstNewTyCon_maybe (classTyCon clas) tys
                      -- The selector must not be "naughty" (i.e. the field
-                     -- cannot have an existentially quantified type), and
-                     -- it must not be higher-rank.
-                   ; if not (isNaughtyRecordSelector sel_id) && isTauTy sel_ty
-                     then do { -- See Note [Unused name reporting and HasField]
-                               addUsedGRE AllDeprecationWarnings gre
-                             ; keepAlive sel_name
-                             ; warnIncompleteRecSel dflags sel_id mb_ct_loc
-                             ; return OneInst { cir_new_theta   = theta
-                                              , cir_mk_ev       = mk_ev
-                                              , cir_canonical   = EvCanonical
-                                              , cir_what        = BuiltinInstance } }
-                     else matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
-            Nothing -> matchInstEnv dflags short_cut clas tys }
-warnIncompleteRecSel :: DynFlags -> Id -> Maybe CtLoc -> TcM ()
-warnIncompleteRecSel dflags sel_id mb_ct_loc
-  | Just ct_loc <- mb_ct_loc
-  , not (isGetFieldOrigin (ctLocOrigin ct_loc))
+                     -- cannot have an existentially quantified type),
+                     -- and it must not be higher-rank.
+                   ; if (isNaughtyRecordSelector sel_id) && isTauTy sel_ty
+                     then return NoInstance
+                     else
+                do { case mb_ct_loc of
+                       Nothing -> return ()  -- Nothing: only during type-validity checking
+                       Just loc ->  setCtLocM loc $  -- Set location for warnings
+                         do { -- See Note [Unused name reporting and HasField]
+                              addUsedGRE AllDeprecationWarnings gre
+                            ; keepAlive sel_name
+                              -- Warn about incomplete record selection
+                           ; warnIncompleteRecSel dflags sel_id loc }
+                   ; return OneInst { cir_new_theta   = theta
+                                    , cir_mk_ev       = mk_ev
+                                    , cir_canonical   = EvCanonical
+                                    , cir_what        = BuiltinInstance } } }
+            Nothing -> return NoInstance }
+warnIncompleteRecSel :: DynFlags -> Id -> CtLoc -> TcM ()
+-- Warn about incomplete record selectors
+-- See (IRS6) in Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
+warnIncompleteRecSel dflags sel_id ct_loc
+  | not (isGetFieldOrigin (ctLocOrigin ct_loc))
+      -- isGetFieldOrigin: see (IRS7) in
+      -- Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
   , not (null fallible_cons)
-  = traceTc "tc-warn" (ppr sel_id $$ ppr (ctLocOrigin ct_loc))  >>
-    (setCtLocM ct_loc $ addDiagnostic $
-     TcRnHasFieldResolvedIncomplete (idName sel_id) fallible_cons maxCons)
+  = addDiagnostic $
+    TcRnHasFieldResolvedIncomplete (idName sel_id) fallible_cons maxCons
   | otherwise
   = return ()
@@ -1320,25 +1328,27 @@ lookupHasFieldLabel
            , GlobalRdrElt  -- GRE for the selector
            , Type          -- Type of the record value
            , Type )        -- Type of the field of the record
--- The call (lookupHasFieldLabel fam_envs (LitTy "fld") (T t1..tn))
--- returns the `Name` of record selector Id for field "fld" in the data type T.
+-- If possible, decompose application
+--     (HasField @k @rrep @arep @"fld" @(T t1..tn) @fld-ty),
+--  or (getField @k @rrep @arep @"fld" @(T t1..tn) @fld-ty)
+-- and return the pieces, if the record selector is in scope
 -- A complication is that `T` might be a data family, so we need to
 -- look it up in the `fam_envs` to find its representation tycon.
 lookupHasFieldLabel fam_inst_envs rdr_env arg_tys
   |  -- We are matching HasField {k} {r_rep} {a_rep} x r a...
-    (_k_ty : _r_rep : _a_rep : x_ty : r_ty : a_ty : _) <- arg_tys
-               -- Look up the field named x in the type r
+    (_k : _rec_rep : _fld_rep : x_ty : rec_ty : fld_ty : _) <- arg_tys
     -- x should be a literal string
   , Just x <- isStrLitTy x_ty
     -- r should be an applied type constructor
-  , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe r_ty
-    -- use representation tycon (if data family); it has the fields
+  , Just (tc, args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe rec_ty
+    -- Use the representation tycon (if data family); it has the fields
   , let r_tc = fstOf3 (tcLookupDataFamInst fam_inst_envs tc args)
     -- x should be a field of r
   , Just fl <- lookupTyConFieldLabel (FieldLabelString x) r_tc
-     -- and ensure the field selector is in scope
+    -- Ensure the field selector is in scope
   , Just gre <- lookupGRE_FieldLabel rdr_env fl
-  = Just (flSelector fl, gre, r_ty, a_ty)
+  = Just (flSelector fl, gre, rec_ty, fld_ty)
   | otherwise
   = Nothing

@@ -890,7 +890,8 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl has_sel
                            , sel_naughty    = is_naughty
                            , sel_fieldLabel = fl
                            , sel_cons       = rec_sel_info }
-                               -- See Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors] in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
+                             -- See (IRS1) in Note [Detecting incomplete record selectors]
+                             -- in GHC.HsToCore.Pmc
     -- Selector type; Note [Polymorphic selectors]

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