[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T25445b] Lint applications better
Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj)
gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Fri Nov 29 17:33:13 UTC 2024
Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T25445b at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC
a886a5de by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-11-29T17:31:53+00:00
Lint applications better
Notably lint_app2
- - - - -
3 changed files:
- compiler/GHC/Core/Lint.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
- testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/genT14766.py
@@ -889,10 +889,10 @@ lintCoreExpr (Cast expr co)
-- markAllJoinsBad: see Note [Join points and casts]
; lintCoercion co
+ ; lintRole co Representational (coercionRole co)
; Pair from_ty to_ty <- substCoKindM co
; checkValueType (typeKind to_ty) $
text "target of cast" <+> quotes (ppr co)
- ; lintRole co Representational (coercionRole co)
; ensureEqTys from_ty expr_ty (mkCastErr expr co from_ty expr_ty)
; return (to_ty, ue) }
@@ -959,20 +959,24 @@ lintCoreExpr e@(Let (Rec pairs) body)
lintCoreExpr e@(App _ _)
| Var fun <- fun
, fun `hasKey` runRWKey
+ -- See Note [Linting of runRW#]
-- N.B. we may have an over-saturated application of the form:
-- runRW (\s -> \x -> ...) y
- , ty_arg1 : ty_arg2 : arg3 : rest <- args
- = do { fun_pair1 <- lintCoreArg (idType fun, zeroUE) ty_arg1
- ; (fun_ty2, ue2) <- lintCoreArg fun_pair1 ty_arg2
- -- See Note [Linting of runRW#]
- ; let lintRunRWCont :: CoreArg -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
- lintRunRWCont expr@(Lam _ _) =
- lintJoinLams 1 (Just fun) expr
- lintRunRWCont other = markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr other
+ , ty_arg1 : ty_arg2 : cont_arg : rest <- args
+ = do { let lint_rw_cont :: CoreArg -> Mult -> UsageEnv -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+ lint_rw_cont expr@(Lam _ _) mult fun_ue
+ = do { (arg_ty, arg_ue) <- lintJoinLams 1 (Just fun) expr
+ ; let app_ue = addUE fun_ue (scaleUE mult arg_ue)
+ ; return (arg_ty, app_ue) }
+ lint_rw_cont expr mult ue
+ = lintValArg expr mult ue
-- TODO: Look through ticks?
- ; (arg3_ty, ue3) <- lintRunRWCont arg3
- ; app_ty <- lintValApp arg3 fun_ty2 arg3_ty ue2 ue3
- ; lintCoreArgs app_ty rest }
+ ; runrw_pr <- lint_app2 (text "runRW# expression")
+ lintTyArg lint_rw_cont
+ (idType fun) zeroUE [ty_arg1,ty_arg2,cont_arg]
+ ; lintCoreArgs runrw_pr rest }
| otherwise
= do { fun_pair <- lintCoreFun fun (length args)
@@ -1008,8 +1012,7 @@ lintCoreExpr (Lam var expr)
lintCoreExpr (Case scrut var alt_ty alts)
= lintCaseExpr scrut var alt_ty alts
--- This case can't happen; linting types in expressions gets routed through
--- lintCoreArgs
+-- This case can't happen; linting types in expressions gets routed through lintTyArg
lintCoreExpr (Type ty)
= failWithL (text "Type found as expression" <+> ppr ty)
@@ -1453,42 +1456,28 @@ subtype of the required type, as one would expect.
-- Takes the functions type and arguments as argument.
-- Returns the *result* of applying the function to arguments.
-- e.g. f :: Int -> Bool -> Int would return `Int` as result type.
-lintCoreArgs :: (OutType, UsageEnv) -> [CoreArg] -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+lintCoreArgs :: (OutType, UsageEnv) -> [InExpr] -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
lintCoreArgs (fun_ty, fun_ue) args
- = do { in_scope <- getInScope
- ; let init_subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
- go subst (fun_ty,fun_ue) []
- = (substTy subst fun_ty, fun_ue)
+ = lint_app2 (text "expression")
+ lintTyArg lintValArg fun_ty fun_ue args
- go subst (fun_ty, fun_ue) all_args@(Type ty:args)
- |
- ; go init_subst (fun_ty, fun_ue) args }
-lintCoreArg :: (OutType, UsageEnv) -> CoreArg -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+lintTyArg :: InExpr -> LintM OutType
-- Type argument
-lintCoreArg (fun_ty, ue) (Type arg_ty)
+lintTyArg (Type arg_ty)
= do { checkL (not (isCoercionTy arg_ty))
(text "Unnecessary coercion-to-type injection:"
<+> ppr arg_ty)
- ; arg_ty' <- lintTypeAndSubst arg_ty
- ; res <- lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty'
- ; return (res, ue) }
--- Coercion argument
-lintCoreArg (fun_ty, ue) (Coercion co)
- = do { addLoc (InCo co) (lintCoercion co)
- ; res <- lintCoApp fun_ty co
- ; return (res, ue) }
--- Other value argument
-lintCoreArg (fun_ty, fun_ue) arg
+ ; lintTypeAndSubst arg_ty }
+lintTyArg arg
+ = failWithL (hang (text "Expected type argument but found") 2 (ppr arg))
+lintValArg :: InExpr -> Mult -> UsageEnv -> LintM (OutType, UsageEnv)
+lintValArg arg mult fun_ue
= do { (arg_ty, arg_ue) <- markAllJoinsBad $ lintCoreExpr arg
-- See Note [Representation polymorphism invariants] in GHC.Core
- ; flags <- getLintFlags
+ ; flags <- getLintFlags
; when (lf_check_fixed_rep flags) $
-- Only check that 'arg_ty' has a fixed RuntimeRep
-- if 'lf_check_fixed_rep' is on.
@@ -1497,7 +1486,8 @@ lintCoreArg (fun_ty, fun_ue) arg
<+> ppr arg <+> dcolon
<+> parens (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))) }
- ; lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty fun_ue arg_ue }
+ ; let app_ue = addUE fun_ue (scaleUE mult arg_ue)
+ ; return (arg_ty, app_ue) }
lintAltBinders :: UsageEnv
@@ -1559,26 +1549,6 @@ lintTyApp fun_ty arg_ty
| otherwise
= failWithL (mkTyAppMsg fun_ty arg_ty)
-lintCoApp :: OutType -> InCoercion -> LintM OutType
-lintCoApp fun_ty co
- = do { co_ty <- substTyM (coercionType co)
- ; if | Just (cv,body_ty) <- splitForAllCoVar_maybe fun_ty
- , let cv_ty = idType cv
- , cv_ty `eqType` co_ty
- -> do { in_scope <- getInScope
- ; let init_subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
- subst = extendCvSubst init_subst cv co
- ; return (substTy subst body_ty) }
- | Just (_, _, arg_ty', res_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
- , co_ty `eqType` arg_ty'
- -> return (res_ty')
- | otherwise
- -> failWithL (mkCoAppMsg fun_ty co) }
-- | @lintValApp arg fun_ty arg_ty@ lints an application of @fun arg@
@@ -2110,78 +2080,78 @@ lintTyLit (CharTyLit _) = return ()
lint_ty_app :: InType -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
-lint_ty_app msg_ty fun_kind arg_tys
- -- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
- = do { mapM_ lintType arg_tys
- ; lint_app (text "type" <+> quotes (ppr msg_ty)) fun_kind arg_tys }
+lint_ty_app ty = lint_tyco_app (text "type" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
-lint_co_app :: Coercion -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
-lint_co_app msg_ty k tys
+lint_co_app :: HasDebugCallStack => Coercion -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
+lint_co_app co = lint_tyco_app (text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr co))
+lint_tyco_app :: SDoc -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
+lint_tyco_app msg fun_kind arg_tys
-- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
- = lint_app (text "coercion" <+> quotes (ppr msg_ty)) k tys
+ = do { _ <- lint_app2 msg (\ty -> do { lintType ty; substTyM ty })
+ (\ty _ _ -> do { lintType ty; ki <- substTyM (typeKind ty); return (ki,()) })
+ fun_kind () arg_tys
+ ; return () }
-lint_app :: SDoc -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
--- (lint_app d fun_kind arg_tys)
--- We have an application (f arg_ty1 .. arg_tyn),
--- where f :: fun_kind
--- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
--- See Note [GHC Formalism]
--- Being strict in the kind here avoids quite a few pointless thunks
--- reducing allocations by ~5%
-lint_app msg !kfn arg_tys
+lint_app2 :: Outputable a => SDoc
+ -> (a -> LintM OutType) -- Lint the thing and return its value
+ -> (a -> Mult -> acc -> LintM (OutKind, acc)) -- Lint the thing and return its type
+ -> OutType -> acc -> [a] -> LintM (OutType,acc)
+{-# INLINE lint_app2 #-} -- Very few call sites
+-- 'acc' is either () for types, or UsageEnv for terms
+lint_app2 msg lint_val lint_ty !orig_fun_ty acc all_args
= do { !in_scope <- getInScope
-- We need the in_scope set to satisfy the invariant in
-- Note [The substitution invariant] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
-- Forcing the in scope set eagerly here reduces allocations by up to 4%.
- ; go_app in_scope kfn arg_tys
- }
- where
- -- We use explicit recursion instead of a fold here to avoid go_app becoming
- -- an allocated function closure. This reduced allocations by up to 7% for some
- -- modules.
- go_app :: InScopeSet -> OutKind -> [InType] -> LintM ()
- go_app !in_scope !kfn ta
- | Just kfn' <- coreView kfn
- = go_app in_scope kfn' ta
- go_app _in_scope _kfn [] = return ()
- go_app in_scope fun_kind@(FunTy _ _ kfa kfb) (ta:tas)
- = do { ka <- substTyM (typeKind ta)
- ; unless (ka `eqType` kfa) $
- addErrL (lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys msg
- (text "Fun:" <+> (ppr fun_kind $$ ppr ta <+> dcolon <+> ppr ka)))
- ; go_app in_scope kfb tas }
- go_app in_scope (ForAllTy (Bndr kv _vis) kfn) (ta:tas)
- = do { ta' <- substTyM ta
- ; let kv_kind = varType kv
- ka = typeKind ta'
- ; unless (ka `eqType` kv_kind) $
- addErrL (lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys msg
- (text "Forall:" <+> (ppr kv $$ ppr kv_kind $$
- ppr ta' <+> dcolon <+> ppr ka)))
- ; let kind' = substTy (extendTCvSubst (mkEmptySubst in_scope) kv ta') kfn
- ; go_app in_scope kind' tas }
- go_app _ kfn ta
- = failWithL (lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys msg
- (text "Not a fun:" <+> (ppr kfn $$ ppr ta)))
+ ; let init_subst = mkEmptySubst in_scope
+ go subst fun_ty acc [] = return (substTy subst fun_ty, acc)
+ go subst fun_ty@(FunTy _ mult exp_arg_ty res_ty) acc (arg:args)
+ = do { (arg_ty, acc') <- lint_ty arg mult acc
+ ; ensureEqTys (substTy subst exp_arg_ty) arg_ty $
+ lint_app_fail_msg msg orig_fun_ty all_args
+ (text "Fun:" <+> (vcat [ text "fun_ty:" <+> ppr fun_ty
+ , text "exp_arg_ty:" <+> ppr exp_arg_ty
+ , text "arg:" <+> ppr arg <+> dcolon <+> ppr arg_ty ]))
+ ; go subst res_ty acc' args }
+ go subst (ForAllTy (Bndr tv _vis) body_ty) acc (arg:args)
+ = do { arg' <- lint_val arg
+ ; let tv_kind = substTy subst (varType tv)
+ karg' = typeKind arg'
+ subst' = extendTCvSubst subst tv arg'
+ ; ensureEqTys karg' tv_kind $
+ lint_app_fail_msg msg orig_fun_ty all_args
+ (hang (text "Forall:" <+> (ppr tv $$ ppr tv_kind))
+ 2 (ppr arg' <+> dcolon <+> ppr karg'))
+ ; go subst' body_ty acc args }
+ go subst fun_ty acc args
+ | Just fun_ty' <- coreView fun_ty
+ = go subst fun_ty' acc args
+ | not (isEmptyTCvSubst subst) -- See Note [Care with kind instantiation]
+ = go init_subst (substTy subst fun_ty) acc args
+ | otherwise
+ = failWithL (lint_app_fail_msg msg orig_fun_ty all_args
+ (text "Not a fun:" <+> (ppr fun_ty $$ ppr args)))
+ ; go init_subst orig_fun_ty acc all_args }
-- This is a top level definition to ensure we pass all variables of the error message
-- explicitly and don't capture them as free variables. Otherwise this binder might
-- become a thunk that get's allocated in the hot code path.
-- See Note [Avoiding compiler perf traps when constructing error messages.]
-lint_app_fail_msg :: OutKind -> [InType] -> SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
-lint_app_fail_msg kfn arg_tys msg extra
- = vcat [ hang (text "Kind application error in") 2 msg
- , nest 2 (text "Function kind =" <+> ppr kfn)
- , nest 2 (text "Arg types =" <+> ppr arg_tys)
+lint_app_fail_msg :: (Outputable a2) => SDoc -> OutType -> a2 -> SDoc -> SDoc
+lint_app_fail_msg msg kfn arg_tys extra
+ = vcat [ hang (text "Application error in") 2 msg
+ , nest 2 (text "Function type =" <+> ppr kfn)
+ , nest 2 (text "Args =" <+> ppr arg_tys)
, extra ]
{- *********************************************************************
@@ -2322,7 +2292,7 @@ substCoKindM co
; rk' <- substTyM rk
; return (Pair lk' rk') }
-lintCoercion :: InCoercion -> LintM ()
+lintCoercion :: HasDebugCallStack => InCoercion -> LintM ()
-- If you edit this function, you may need to update the GHC formalism
-- See Note [GHC Formalism]
@@ -2402,15 +2372,16 @@ lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
; ensureEqTys (varType tcv') lk $
text "Kind mis-match in ForallCo" <+> ppr co
+-- TODO: these calls are expensive
-- Assuming kind_co :: k1 ~ k2
-- Need to check that
-- (forall (tcv:k1). lty) and
-- (forall (tcv:k2). rty[(tcv:k2) |> sym kind_co/tcv])
-- are both well formed. Easiest way is to call lintForAllBody
-- for each; there is actually no need to do the funky substitution
- ; let (Pair lty rty, body_role) = coercionKindRole body_co
- ; lintForAllBody tcv' lty
- ; lintForAllBody tcv' rty
+-- ; let (Pair lty rty, body_role) = coercionKindRole body_co
+-- ; lintForAllBody tcv' lty
+-- ; lintForAllBody tcv' rty
; when (isCoVar tcv) $
do { lintL (visL == coreTyLamForAllTyFlag && visR == coreTyLamForAllTyFlag) $
@@ -2421,7 +2392,7 @@ lintCoercion co@(ForAllCo { fco_tcv = tcv, fco_visL = visL, fco_visR = visR
-- See (FC6) in Note [ForAllCo] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
- ; when (body_role == Nominal) $
+ ; when (coercionRole body_co == Nominal) $
lintL (visL `eqForAllVis` visR) $
text "Nominal ForAllCo has mismatched visibilities: " <+> ppr co } }
@@ -3418,11 +3389,11 @@ addInScopeId in_id out_ty thing_inside
| isJoinId out_id = extendVarSet join_set in_id -- Overwrite with new arity
| otherwise = delVarSet join_set in_id -- Remove any existing binding
-addInScopeTyCoVar :: HasDebugCallStack => InTyCoVar -> OutType -> (OutTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
-addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_kind thing_inside
+addInScopeTyCoVar :: InTyCoVar -> OutType -> (OutTyCoVar -> LintM a) -> LintM a
+addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_type thing_inside
= LintM $ \ env@(LE { le_in_vars = in_vars, le_subst = subst }) errs ->
let (tcv', subst') = subst_bndr subst
- env' = env { le_in_vars = extendVarEnv in_vars tcv (tcv, tcv_kind)
+ env' = env { le_in_vars = extendVarEnv in_vars tcv (tcv, tcv_type)
, le_subst = subst' }
in unLintM (thing_inside tcv') env' errs
@@ -3430,11 +3401,13 @@ addInScopeTyCoVar tcv tcv_kind thing_inside
| isEmptyTCvSubst subst -- No change in kind
, not (tcv `elemInScopeSet` in_scope) -- No change in unique
= -- Do not extend the substitution, just the in-scope set
- assertPpr (varType tcv `eqType` tcv_kind)
- (ppr tcv $$ ppr (varType tcv) $$ ppr tcv_kind) $
+ (if (varType tcv `eqType` tcv_type) then (\x->x) else
+ pprTrace "addInScopeTyCoVar" (
+ vcat [ text "tcv" <+> ppr tcv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType tcv)
+ , text "tcv_type" <+> ppr tcv_type ])) $
(tcv, subst `extendSubstInScope` tcv)
- | let tcv' = uniqAway in_scope (setVarType tcv tcv_kind)
+ | let tcv' = uniqAway in_scope (setVarType tcv tcv_type)
= (tcv', extendTCvSubstWithClone subst tcv tcv')
in_scope = substInScopeSet subst
@@ -3769,14 +3742,6 @@ mkTyAppMsg ty arg_ty
hang (text "Type argument:")
4 (ppr arg_ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind arg_ty))]
-mkCoAppMsg :: Type -> Coercion -> SDoc
-mkCoAppMsg fun_ty co
- = vcat [ text "Illegal coercion application:"
- , hang (text "Function type:")
- 4 (ppr fun_ty)
- , hang (text "Coercion argument:")
- 4 (ppr co <+> dcolon <+> ppr (coercionType co))]
emptyRec :: CoreExpr -> SDoc
emptyRec e = hang (text "Empty Rec binding:") 2 (ppr e)
@@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@ ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceFunCo r co_mult co1 co2)
mb_conc _ = Nothing
ppr_co _ (IfaceTyConAppCo r tc cos)
- = parens (pprIfaceCoTcApp topPrec tc cos) <> ppr_role r
+ = parens (text "tcapp" <+> pprIfaceCoTcApp topPrec tc cos) <> ppr_role r
ppr_co ctxt_prec (IfaceAppCo co1 co2)
= maybeParen ctxt_prec appPrec $
ppr_co funPrec co1 <+> pprParendIfaceCoercion co2
@@ -2038,8 +2038,8 @@ ppr_special_co ctxt_prec doc cos
(sep [doc, nest 4 (sep (map pprParendIfaceCoercion cos))])
pprIfAxRule :: IfaceAxiomRule -> SDoc
-pprIfAxRule (IfaceAR_X n) = ppr n
-pprIfAxRule (IfaceAR_U n) = ppr n
+pprIfAxRule (IfaceAR_X n) = ppr n <> text "axx"
+pprIfAxRule (IfaceAR_U n) = ppr n <> text "axu"
pprIfAxRule (IfaceAR_B n i) = ppr n <> brackets (int i)
ppr_role :: Role -> SDoc
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-N_VARS = 100
-N_BINDS = 50
+# N_VARS = 100
+# N_BINDS = 50
+N_VARS = 600
+# N_VARS = 10
+N_BINDS = 1
tyvars = ' '.join('v{i}'.format(i=i) for i in range(N_VARS))
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