[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] Capture bound tyvars of rules in zonker

Simon Peyton Jones (@simonpj) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Nov 27 17:44:16 UTC 2024

Simon Peyton Jones pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

17c7320d by Simon Peyton Jones at 2024-11-27T17:42:18+00:00
Capture bound tyvars of rules in zonker

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Zonk/Env.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/Zonk/Type.hs


@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ import Control.Monad
 import Control.Monad.Catch as MC
 import Data.Array
 import Data.Dynamic
+import Data.IORef( newIORef )
 import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
 import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
 import Data.List (find,intercalate)
@@ -1072,8 +1073,10 @@ parseInstanceHead str = withSession $ \hsc_env0 -> do
   (ty, _) <- liftIO $ runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
     hsc_env <- getHscEnv
     ty <- hscParseType str
-    ioMsgMaybe $ hoistTcRnMessage $ tcRnType hsc_env SkolemiseFlexi True ty
+    skol_tv_ref <- liftIO (newIORef [])
+    ioMsgMaybe $ hoistTcRnMessage $
+                 tcRnType hsc_env (SkolemiseFlexi skol_tv_ref) True ty
+      -- I'm not sure what to do about those zonked skolems
   return ty
 -- Get all the constraints required of a dictionary binding

@@ -957,57 +957,6 @@ tcSpecPrag poly_id (SpecSigE nm bndrs spec_e inl)
                            , spe_call     = lhs_call
                            , spe_inl      = inl }] }
-       -- Solve unification constraints
-       -- c.f. Note [The SimplifyRule Plan] step 1
-       ; cloned_wanted <- cloneWC wanted  -- See Note [Simplify cloned constraints]
-       ; _ <- setTcLevel tc_lvl $ runTcS $ solveWanteds cloned_wanted
-       -- Apply the unifications
-       -- c.f. Note [The SimplifyRule Plan] step 2
-       ; wanted   <- liftZonkM $ zonkWC wanted
-       ; seed_tys <- liftZonkM (mapM zonkTcType (rho : map idType id_bndrs))
-       -- Quantify
-       ; let (quant_cts, residual_wanted) = getRuleQuantCts wanted
-             quant_preds = ctsPreds quant_cts
-       ; dvs <- candidateQTyVarsOfTypes (quant_preds ++ seed_tys)
-       ; let grown_tcvs = growThetaTyVars quant_preds (tyCoVarsOfTypes seed_tys)
-             weeded_dvs = weedOutCandidates (`dVarSetIntersectVarSet` grown_tcvs) dvs
-       ; qtkvs <- quantifyTyVars skol_info DefaultNonStandardTyVars weeded_dvs
-       -- Left hand side of the RULE
-       ; lhs_evs   <- mk_quant_evs quant_cts
-       ; (implic1, lhs_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tc_lvl skol_info_anon
-                                                     qtkvs lhs_evs residual_wanted
-       -- rhs_binds uses rhs_evs to build `wanted` (NB not just `residual_wanted`)
-       ; rhs_evs <- mapM newEvVar quant_preds
-       ; (implic2, rhs_binds) <- buildImplicationFor tc_lvl skol_info_anon
-                                                     qtkvs rhs_evs
-                                                     (emptyWC { wc_simple = quant_cts })
-       ; emitImplications (implic1 `unionBags` implic2)
-       ; traceTc "tcSpecPrag:SpecSigE" $
-         vcat [ text "nm:" <+> ppr nm
-              , text "bndrs:" <+> ppr bndrs
-              , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e
-              , text "tv/id bndrs:" <+> ppr qtkvs <+> ppr id_bndrs
-              , text "lhs_evs:" <+> ppr lhs_evs
-              , text "rhs_evs:" <+> ppr rhs_evs
-              , text "spec_e:" <+> ppr spec_e'
-              , text "inl:" <+> ppr inl ]
-       ; return [SpecPragE { spe_poly_id      = poly_id
-                           , spe_tv_bndrs     = qtkvs
-                           , spe_id_bndrs     = id_bndrs
-                           , spe_lhs_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs
-                           , spe_lhs_binds    = lhs_binds
-                           , spe_lhs_call     = spec_e'
-                           , spe_rhs_ev_bndrs = rhs_evs
-                           , spe_rhs_binds    = rhs_binds
-                           , spe_inl          = inl }] }
 tcSpecPrag _ prag = pprPanic "tcSpecPrag" (ppr prag)

@@ -61,10 +61,14 @@ data ZonkEnv
 -- See Note [Un-unified unification variables]
 data ZonkFlexi
-  = DefaultFlexi    -- ^ Default unbound unification variables to Any
-  | SkolemiseFlexi  -- ^ Skolemise unbound unification variables
-                    --   See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
+  = DefaultFlexi       -- ^ Default unbound unification variables to Any
+  | SkolemiseFlexi     -- ^ Skolemise unbound unification variables
+      (IORef [TyVar])  --   See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
+                       --   Records the tyvars thus skolemised
   | RuntimeUnkFlexi -- ^ Used in the GHCi debugger
   | NoFlexi         -- ^ Panic on unfilled meta-variables
                     -- See Note [Error on unconstrained meta-variables]
                     -- in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType

@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ zonkTyVarBinderX (Bndr tv vis)
 zonkTyVarOcc :: HasDebugCallStack => TcTyVar -> ZonkTcM Type
 zonkTyVarOcc tv
-  = do { ZonkEnv { ze_tv_env = tv_env } <- getZonkEnv
+  = do { ZonkEnv { ze_tv_env = tv_env, ze_flexi = zonk_flexi } <- getZonkEnv
        ; let lookup_in_tv_env    -- Look up in the env just as we do for Ids
                = case lookupVarEnv tv_env tv of
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ zonkTyVarOcc tv
              zonk_meta ref Flexi
                = do { kind <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX (tyVarKind tv)
-                    ; ty <- commitFlexi tv kind
+                    ; ty <- lift $ commitFlexi zonk_flexi tv kind
                     ; lift $ liftZonkM $ writeMetaTyVarRef tv ref ty  -- Belt and braces
                     ; finish_meta ty }
@@ -442,50 +442,47 @@ lookupTyVarX tv
                       Nothing -> pprPanic "lookupTyVarOcc" (ppr tv $$ ppr tv_env)
        ; return res }
-commitFlexi :: TcTyVar -> Kind -> ZonkTcM Type
-commitFlexi tv zonked_kind
-  = do { flexi <- ze_flexi <$> getZonkEnv
-       ; lift $ case flexi of
-         SkolemiseFlexi  -> return (mkTyVarTy (mkTyVar name zonked_kind))
-         DefaultFlexi
-             -- Normally, RuntimeRep variables are defaulted in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType.defaultTyVar
-             -- But that sees only type variables that appear in, say, an inferred type.
-             -- Defaulting here, in the zonker, is needed to catch e.g.
-             --    y :: Bool
-             --    y = (\x -> True) undefined
-             -- We need *some* known RuntimeRep for the x and undefined, but no one
-             -- will choose it until we get here, in the zonker.
-           | isRuntimeRepTy zonked_kind
-           -> do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to LiftedRep:" (pprTyVar tv)
-                 ; return liftedRepTy }
-           | isLevityTy zonked_kind
-           -> do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to Lifted:" (pprTyVar tv)
-                 ; return liftedDataConTy }
-           | isMultiplicityTy zonked_kind
-           -> do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to Many:" (pprTyVar tv)
-                 ; return manyDataConTy }
-           | Just (ConcreteFRR origin) <- isConcreteTyVar_maybe tv
-           -> do { addErr $ TcRnZonkerMessage (ZonkerCannotDefaultConcrete origin)
-                 ; return (anyTypeOfKind zonked_kind) }
-           | otherwise
-           -> do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to ZonkAny:" (pprTyVar tv)
-                   -- See Note [Any types] in GHC.Builtin.Types, esp wrinkle (Any4)
-                 ; newZonkAnyType zonked_kind }
-         RuntimeUnkFlexi
-           -> do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to RuntimeUnk:" (pprTyVar tv)
-                 ; return (mkTyVarTy (mkTcTyVar name zonked_kind RuntimeUnk)) }
-                           -- This is where RuntimeUnks are born:
-                           -- otherwise-unconstrained unification variables are
-                           -- turned into RuntimeUnks as they leave the
-                           -- typechecker's monad
-         NoFlexi -> pprPanic "NoFlexi" (ppr tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr zonked_kind) }
-  where
-     name = tyVarName tv
+commitFlexi :: ZonkFlexi -> TcTyVar -> Kind -> TcM Type
+commitFlexi NoFlexi tv zonked_kind
+  = pprPanic "NoFlexi" (ppr tv <+> dcolon <+> ppr zonked_kind)
+commitFlexi (SkolemiseFlexi tvs_ref) tv zonked_kind
+  = do { let skol_tv = mkTyVar (tyVarName tv) zonked_kind
+       ; updTcRef tvs_ref (skol_tv :)
+       ; return (mkTyVarTy skol_tv) }
+commitFlexi RuntimeUnkFlexi tv zonked_kind
+  = do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to RuntimeUnk:" (pprTyVar tv)
+       ; return (mkTyVarTy (mkTcTyVar (tyVarName tv) zonked_kind RuntimeUnk)) }
+            -- This is where RuntimeUnks are born:
+            -- otherwise-unconstrained unification variables are
+            -- turned into RuntimeUnks as they leave the
+            -- typechecker's monad
+commitFlexi DefaultFlexi tv zonked_kind
+  -- Normally, RuntimeRep variables are defaulted in GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType.defaultTyVar
+  -- But that sees only type variables that appear in, say, an inferred type.
+  -- Defaulting here, in the zonker, is needed to catch e.g.
+  --    y :: Bool
+  --    y = (\x -> True) undefined
+  -- We need *some* known RuntimeRep for the x and undefined, but no one
+  -- will choose it until we get here, in the zonker.
+  | isRuntimeRepTy zonked_kind
+  = do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to LiftedRep:" (pprTyVar tv)
+       ; return liftedRepTy }
+  | isLevityTy zonked_kind
+  = do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to Lifted:" (pprTyVar tv)
+       ; return liftedDataConTy }
+  | isMultiplicityTy zonked_kind
+  = do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to Many:" (pprTyVar tv)
+       ; return manyDataConTy }
+  | Just (ConcreteFRR origin) <- isConcreteTyVar_maybe tv
+  = do { addErr $ TcRnZonkerMessage (ZonkerCannotDefaultConcrete origin)
+       ; return (anyTypeOfKind zonked_kind) }
+  | otherwise
+  = do { traceTc "Defaulting flexi tyvar to ZonkAny:" (pprTyVar tv)
+          -- See Note [Any types] in GHC.Builtin.Types, esp wrinkle (Any4)
+       ; newZonkAnyType zonked_kind }
 zonkCoVarOcc :: CoVar -> ZonkTcM Coercion
 zonkCoVarOcc cv
@@ -858,22 +855,25 @@ zonkLTcSpecPrags ps
            ; id' <- zonkIdOcc id
            ; return (L loc (SpecPrag id' co_fn' inl)) }
     zonk_prag (L loc (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id = poly_id
-                                , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs, spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs
+                                , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs
+                                , spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs
                                 , spe_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs
                                 , spe_call = spec_e
                                 , spe_inl = inl }))
-      = setZonkType SkolemiseFlexi $
-        runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX tv_bndrs)     $ \tv_bndrs' ->
-        runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX id_bndrs)     $ \id_bndrs' ->
-        runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX lhs_evs)      $ \lhs_evs' ->
-        do { poly_id' <- zonkIdOcc poly_id  -- Does not need to be under all these binders, but no harm
-           ; spec_e' <- zonkLExpr spec_e
-           ; return (L loc (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id  = poly_id'
-                                      , spe_tv_bndrs = tv_bndrs'
-                                      , spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs'
-                                      , spe_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs'
-                                      , spe_call     = spec_e'
-                                      , spe_inl      = inl })) }
+      = do { skol_tvs_ref <- lift $ newTcRef []
+           ; setZonkType (SkolemiseFlexi skol_tvs_ref) $
+             runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX tv_bndrs)     $ \tv_bndrs' ->
+             runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX id_bndrs)     $ \id_bndrs' ->
+             runZonkBndrT (zonkCoreBndrsX lhs_evs)      $ \lhs_evs'  ->
+             do { poly_id' <- zonkIdOcc poly_id  -- Does not need to be under all these binders, but no harm
+                ; spec_e' <- zonkLExpr spec_e
+                ; skol_tvs <- lift $ readTcRef skol_tvs_ref
+                ; return (L loc (SpecPragE { spe_poly_id  = poly_id'
+                                           , spe_tv_bndrs = skol_tvs ++ tv_bndrs'
+                                           , spe_id_bndrs = id_bndrs'
+                                           , spe_ev_bndrs = lhs_evs'
+                                           , spe_call     = spec_e'
+                                           , spe_inl      = inl })) } }
@@ -1690,13 +1690,20 @@ zonkRule :: RuleDecl GhcTc -> ZonkTcM (RuleDecl GhcTc)
 zonkRule rule@(HsRule { rd_bndrs = bndrs
                       , rd_lhs = lhs
                       , rd_rhs = rhs })
-  = zonkRuleBndrs bndrs $ \ new_bndrs ->
-    do { -- See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
-       ; new_lhs <- setZonkType SkolemiseFlexi $ zonkLExpr lhs
-       ; new_rhs <-                              zonkLExpr rhs
-       ; return $ rule { rd_bndrs = new_bndrs
-                       , rd_lhs  = new_lhs
-                       , rd_rhs  = new_rhs } }
+  = do { skol_tvs_ref <- lift $ newTcRef []
+       ; setZonkType (SkolemiseFlexi skol_tvs_ref) $
+         zonkRuleBndrs bndrs $ \ new_bndrs ->
+         do { -- See Note [Zonking the LHS of a RULE]
+            ; new_lhs  <- zonkLExpr lhs
+            ; skol_tvs <- lift $ readTcRef skol_tvs_ref
+            ; new_rhs  <- setZonkType DefaultFlexi $ zonkLExpr rhs
+            ; return $ rule { rd_bndrs = add_tvs skol_tvs new_bndrs
+                            , rd_lhs   = new_lhs
+                            , rd_rhs   = new_rhs } } }
+   where
+     add_tvs :: [TyVar] -> RuleBndrs GhcTc -> RuleBndrs GhcTc
+     add_tvs tvs rbs@(RuleBndrs { rb_tmvs = bndrs })
+       = rbs { rb_tmvs = map (noLocA . RuleBndr noAnn . noLocA) tvs ++ bndrs }
 zonkRuleBndrs :: RuleBndrs GhcTc -> (RuleBndrs GhcTc -> ZonkTcM a) -> ZonkTcM a

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