[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/T24359] 2 commits: Hadrian: use / when making filepaths absolute

sheaf (@sheaf) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Wed Nov 27 12:16:24 UTC 2024

sheaf pushed to branch wip/T24359 at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

23538038 by sheaf at 2024-11-27T13:16:00+01:00
Hadrian: use / when making filepaths absolute

In Hadrian, we are careful to use -/- rather than </>, in order to use
/ instead of \ in filepaths. However, this gets ruined by the use of
makeAbsolute from System.Directory, which, on Windows, changes back
forward slashes to backslashes.

- - - - -
4034f989 by sheaf at 2024-11-27T13:16:00+01:00
TH support for new SPECIALISE syntax

- - - - -

9 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/Builtin/Names/TH.hs
- compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Quote.hs
- compiler/GHC/ThToHs.hs
- hadrian/src/Hadrian/Utilities.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/CabalReinstall.hs
- hadrian/src/Rules/Test.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Cabal.hs
- hadrian/src/Settings/Builders/Ghc.hs
- libraries/ghc-internal/src/GHC/Internal/TH/Syntax.hs


@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ templateHaskellNames = [
     funDName, valDName, dataDName, newtypeDName, typeDataDName, tySynDName,
     classDName, instanceWithOverlapDName,
     standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName, sigDName, kiSigDName, forImpDName,
-    pragInlDName, pragOpaqueDName, pragSpecDName, pragSpecInlDName, pragSpecInstDName,
+    pragInlDName, pragOpaqueDName, pragSpecDName, pragSpecEDName, pragSpecInstDName,
     pragRuleDName, pragCompleteDName, pragAnnDName, pragSCCFunDName, pragSCCFunNamedDName,
     defaultSigDName, defaultDName,
     dataFamilyDName, openTypeFamilyDName, closedTypeFamilyDName,
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ recSName    = libFun (fsLit "recS")    recSIdKey
 -- data Dec = ...
 funDName, valDName, dataDName, newtypeDName, typeDataDName, tySynDName, classDName,
     instanceWithOverlapDName, sigDName, kiSigDName, forImpDName, pragInlDName,
-    pragSpecDName, pragSpecInlDName, pragSpecInstDName, pragRuleDName,
+    pragSpecDName, pragSpecEDName, pragSpecInstDName, pragRuleDName,
     pragAnnDName, pragSCCFunDName, pragSCCFunNamedDName,
     standaloneDerivWithStrategyDName, defaultSigDName, defaultDName,
     dataInstDName, newtypeInstDName, tySynInstDName, dataFamilyDName,
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ forImpDName                      = libFun (fsLit "forImpD")
 pragInlDName                     = libFun (fsLit "pragInlD")                     pragInlDIdKey
 pragOpaqueDName                  = libFun (fsLit "pragOpaqueD")                  pragOpaqueDIdKey
 pragSpecDName                    = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecD")                    pragSpecDIdKey
-pragSpecInlDName                 = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecInlD")                 pragSpecInlDIdKey
+pragSpecEDName                   = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecED")                   pragSpecEDIdKey
 pragSpecInstDName                = libFun (fsLit "pragSpecInstD")                pragSpecInstDIdKey
 pragRuleDName                    = libFun (fsLit "pragRuleD")                    pragRuleDIdKey
 pragCompleteDName                = libFun (fsLit "pragCompleteD")                pragCompleteDIdKey
@@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ recSIdKey        = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 316
 -- data Dec = ...
 funDIdKey, valDIdKey, dataDIdKey, newtypeDIdKey, tySynDIdKey, classDIdKey,
     instanceWithOverlapDIdKey, instanceDIdKey, sigDIdKey, forImpDIdKey,
-    pragInlDIdKey, pragSpecDIdKey, pragSpecInlDIdKey, pragSpecInstDIdKey,
+    pragInlDIdKey, pragSpecDIdKey, pragSpecEDIdKey, pragSpecInstDIdKey,
     pragRuleDIdKey, pragAnnDIdKey, defaultSigDIdKey, dataFamilyDIdKey,
     openTypeFamilyDIdKey, closedTypeFamilyDIdKey, dataInstDIdKey,
     newtypeInstDIdKey, tySynInstDIdKey, standaloneDerivWithStrategyDIdKey,
@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ sigDIdKey                         = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 328
 forImpDIdKey                      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 329
 pragInlDIdKey                     = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 330
 pragSpecDIdKey                    = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 331
-pragSpecInlDIdKey                 = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 332
+pragSpecEDIdKey                   = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 332
 pragSpecInstDIdKey                = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 333
 pragRuleDIdKey                    = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 334
 pragAnnDIdKey                     = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 335

@@ -800,28 +800,37 @@ repDefD (L loc (DefaultDecl _ _ tys)) = do { tys1 <- repLTys tys
 repRuleD :: LRuleDecl GhcRn -> MetaM (SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))
 repRuleD (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n
                         , rd_act = act
-                        , rd_bndrs = RuleBndrs { rb_tyvs = m_ty_bndrs, rb_tmvs = tm_bndrs }
+                        , rd_bndrs = bndrs
                         , rd_lhs = lhs
                         , rd_rhs = rhs }))
+  = fmap (locA loc, ) <$>
+      repRuleBinders bndrs $ \ ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs' ->
+        do { n'   <- coreStringLit $ unLoc n
+           ; act' <- repPhases act
+           ; lhs' <- repLE lhs
+           ; rhs' <- repLE rhs
+           ; repPragRule n' ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs' lhs' rhs' act' }
+repRuleBinders :: RuleBndrs GhcRn
+               -> (Core (Maybe [M (TH.TyVarBndr ())]) -> Core [M TH.RuleBndr] -> MetaM (Core (M a)))
+               -> MetaM (Core (M a))
+repRuleBinders (RuleBndrs { rb_tyvs = m_ty_bndrs, rb_tmvs = tm_bndrs }) thing_inside
   = do { let ty_bndrs = fromMaybe [] m_ty_bndrs
-       ; rule <- addHsTyVarBinds FreshNamesOnly ty_bndrs $ \ ex_bndrs ->
-         do { let tm_bndr_names = concatMap ruleBndrNames tm_bndrs
-            ; ss <- mkGenSyms tm_bndr_names
-            ; rule <- addBinds ss $
-                      do { elt_ty <- wrapName tyVarBndrUnitTyConName
-                         ; ty_bndrs' <- return $ case m_ty_bndrs of
-                             Nothing -> coreNothing' (mkListTy elt_ty)
-                             Just _  -> coreJust' (mkListTy elt_ty) ex_bndrs
-                         ; tm_bndrs' <- repListM ruleBndrTyConName
-                                                repRuleBndr
-                                                tm_bndrs
-                         ; n'   <- coreStringLit $ unLoc n
-                         ; act' <- repPhases act
-                         ; lhs' <- repLE lhs
-                         ; rhs' <- repLE rhs
-                         ; repPragRule n' ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs' lhs' rhs' act' }
-           ; wrapGenSyms ss rule  }
-       ; return (locA loc, rule) }
+       ; addHsTyVarBinds FreshNamesOnly ty_bndrs $ \ ex_bndrs ->
+          do { let tm_bndr_names = concatMap ruleBndrNames tm_bndrs
+             ; ss <- mkGenSyms tm_bndr_names
+             ; x <- addBinds ss $
+                 do { elt_ty <- wrapName tyVarBndrUnitTyConName
+                    ; ty_bndrs' <- return $ case m_ty_bndrs of
+                        Nothing -> coreNothing' (mkListTy elt_ty)
+                        Just _  -> coreJust' (mkListTy elt_ty) ex_bndrs
+                    ; tm_bndrs' <- repListM ruleBndrTyConName
+                                           repRuleBndr
+                                           tm_bndrs
+                    ; thing_inside ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs'
+                    }
+              ; wrapGenSyms ss x }
+        }
 ruleBndrNames :: LRuleBndr GhcRn -> [Name]
 ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndr _ n))      = [unLoc n]
@@ -992,8 +1001,9 @@ rep_sig (L loc (FixSig _ fix_sig))   = rep_fix_d (locA loc) fix_sig
 rep_sig (L loc (InlineSig _ nm ispec))= rep_inline nm ispec (locA loc)
 rep_sig (L loc (SpecSig _ nm tys ispec))
   = concatMapM (\t -> rep_specialise nm t ispec (locA loc)) tys
-rep_sig (L _ sig@(SpecSigE {}))
-  = pprPanic "No TH for SPECIALISE yet" (ppr sig)
+rep_sig (L loc (SpecSigE _nm bndrs expr ispec))
+  = fmap ( \ d -> [(locA loc, d)]) $
+    rep_specialiseE bndrs expr ispec
 rep_sig (L loc (SpecInstSig _ ty))   = rep_specialiseInst ty (locA loc)
 rep_sig (L _   (MinimalSig {}))      = notHandled ThMinimalPragmas
 rep_sig (L loc (SCCFunSig _ nm str)) = rep_sccFun nm str (locA loc)
@@ -1096,23 +1106,39 @@ rep_inline nm ispec loc
        ; return [(loc, pragma)]
+rep_inline_phases :: InlinePragma -> MetaM (Core (Maybe TH.Inline), Core TH.Phases)
+rep_inline_phases (InlinePragma { inl_act = act, inl_inline = inl })
+  = do { phases <- repPhases act
+       ; inl <- if noUserInlineSpec inl
+                -- SPECIALISE
+                then dataCon nothingDataConName
+                -- SPECIALISE INLINE
+                else do { MkC inl1 <- repInline inl
+                        ; dataCon' justDataConName [inl1] }
+       ; return (inl, phases) }
 rep_specialise :: LocatedN Name -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> InlinePragma
                -> SrcSpan
                -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
 rep_specialise nm ty ispec loc
+  -- Old form SPECIALISE pragmas
   = do { nm1 <- lookupLOcc nm
        ; ty1 <- repHsSigType ty
-       ; phases <- repPhases $ inl_act ispec
-       ; let inline = inl_inline ispec
-       ; pragma <- if noUserInlineSpec inline
-                   then -- SPECIALISE
-                     repPragSpec nm1 ty1 phases
-                   else -- SPECIALISE INLINE
-                     do { inline1 <- repInline inline
-                        ; repPragSpecInl nm1 ty1 inline1 phases }
+       ; (inl, phases) <- rep_inline_phases ispec
+       ; pragma <- repPragSpec nm1 ty1 inl phases
        ; return [(loc, pragma)]
+rep_specialiseE :: RuleBndrs GhcRn -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> InlinePragma
+                -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
+rep_specialiseE bndrs e ispec
+  -- New form SPECIALISE pragmas
+  = repRuleBinders bndrs $ \ ty_bndrs tm_bndrs ->
+      do { (inl, phases) <- rep_inline_phases ispec
+         ; exp <- repLE e
+         ; repPragSpecE ty_bndrs tm_bndrs exp inl phases
+         }
 rep_specialiseInst :: LHsSigType GhcRn -> SrcSpan
                    -> MetaM [(SrcSpan, Core (M TH.Dec))]
 rep_specialiseInst ty loc
@@ -2751,15 +2777,18 @@ repPragInl (MkC nm) (MkC inline) (MkC rm) (MkC phases)
 repPragOpaque :: Core TH.Name -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
 repPragOpaque (MkC nm) = rep2 pragOpaqueDName [nm]
-repPragSpec :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type) -> Core TH.Phases
+repPragSpec :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type) -> Core (Maybe (TH.Inline))
+            -> Core TH.Phases
             -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
-repPragSpec (MkC nm) (MkC ty) (MkC phases)
-  = rep2 pragSpecDName [nm, ty, phases]
-repPragSpecInl :: Core TH.Name -> Core (M TH.Type) -> Core TH.Inline
-               -> Core TH.Phases -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
-repPragSpecInl (MkC nm) (MkC ty) (MkC inline) (MkC phases)
-  = rep2 pragSpecInlDName [nm, ty, inline, phases]
+repPragSpec (MkC nm) (MkC ty) (MkC inline) (MkC phases)
+  = rep2 pragSpecDName [nm, ty, inline, phases]
+repPragSpecE :: Core (Maybe [M (TH.TyVarBndr ())]) -> Core [(M TH.RuleBndr)]
+             -> Core (M TH.Exp)
+             -> Core (Maybe (TH.Inline)) -> Core TH.Phases
+             -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
+repPragSpecE (MkC ty_bndrs) (MkC tm_bndrs) (MkC expr) (MkC inline) (MkC phases)
+  = rep2 pragSpecEDName [ty_bndrs, tm_bndrs, expr, inline, phases]
 repPragSpecInst :: Core (M TH.Type) -> MetaM (Core (M TH.Dec))
 repPragSpecInst (MkC ty) = rep2 pragSpecInstDName [ty]

@@ -898,21 +898,7 @@ cvtPragmaD (OpaqueP nm)
 cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseP nm ty inline phases)
   = do { nm' <- vNameN nm
        ; ty' <- cvtSigType ty
-       ; let src TH.NoInline  = fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE NOINLINE"
-             src TH.Inline    = fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
-             src TH.Inlinable = fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
-       ; let (inline', dflt, srcText) = case inline of
-               Just inline1 -> (cvtInline inline1 (toSrcTxt inline1), dfltActivation inline1,
-                                toSrcTxt inline1)
-               Nothing      -> (NoUserInlinePrag,   AlwaysActive,
-                                SourceText $ fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE")
-               where
-                toSrcTxt a = SourceText $ src a
-       ; let ip = InlinePragma { inl_src    = srcText
-                               , inl_inline = inline'
-                               , inl_rule   = Hs.FunLike
-                               , inl_act    = cvtPhases phases dflt
-                               , inl_sat    = Nothing }
+       ; let ip = cvtInlinePhases inline phases
        ; returnJustLA $ Hs.SigD noExtField $ SpecSig noAnn nm' [ty'] ip }
 cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseInstP ty)
@@ -920,6 +906,16 @@ cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseInstP ty)
        ; returnJustLA $ Hs.SigD noExtField $
          SpecInstSig (noAnn, (SourceText $ fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE")) ty' }
+cvtPragmaD (SpecialiseEP ty_bndrs tm_bndrs exp inline phases)
+  = do { ty_bndrs' <- traverse cvtTvs ty_bndrs
+       ; tm_bndrs' <- mapM cvtRuleBndr tm_bndrs
+       ; let ip = cvtInlinePhases inline phases
+       ; exp'      <- cvtl exp
+       ; let bndrs' = RuleBndrs { rb_ext = noAnn, rb_tyvs = ty_bndrs', rb_tmvs = tm_bndrs' }
+       ; returnJustLA $ Hs.SigD noExtField $
+           SpecSigE noAnn bndrs' exp' ip
+       }
 cvtPragmaD (RuleP nm ty_bndrs tm_bndrs lhs rhs phases)
   = do { let nm' = mkFastString nm
        ; rd_name' <- returnLA nm'
@@ -1000,6 +996,24 @@ cvtRuleBndr (TypedRuleVar n ty)
        ; ty' <- cvtType ty
        ; returnLA $ Hs.RuleBndrSig noAnn n' $ mkHsPatSigType noAnn ty' }
+cvtInlinePhases :: Maybe Inline -> Phases -> InlinePragma
+cvtInlinePhases inline phases =
+  let src TH.NoInline  = fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE NOINLINE"
+      src TH.Inline    = fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
+      src TH.Inlinable = fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE INLINE"
+      (inline', dflt, srcText) = case inline of
+        Just inline1 -> (cvtInline inline1 (toSrcTxt inline1), dfltActivation inline1,
+                         toSrcTxt inline1)
+        Nothing      -> (NoUserInlinePrag,   AlwaysActive,
+                         SourceText $ fsLit "{-# SPECIALISE")
+        where
+         toSrcTxt a = SourceText $ src a
+  in InlinePragma { inl_src    = srcText
+                  , inl_inline = inline'
+                  , inl_rule   = Hs.FunLike
+                  , inl_act    = cvtPhases phases dflt
+                  , inl_sat    = Nothing }
 --              Declarations

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Hadrian.Utilities (
     quote, yesNo, parseYesNo, zeroOne,
     -- * FilePath manipulation
-    unifyPath, (-/-), makeRelativeNoSysLink,
+    unifyPath, (-/-), makeRelativeNoSysLink, makeAbsolute,
     -- * Accessing Shake's type-indexed map
     insertExtra, lookupExtra, userSetting,
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ import qualified System.Directory.Extra as IO
 import qualified System.Info.Extra      as IO
 import qualified System.IO              as IO
 import System.IO.Error (isPermissionError)
+import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
 -- | Extract a value from a singleton list, or terminate with an error message
 -- if the list does not contain exactly one value.
@@ -146,6 +147,14 @@ a  -/- b
 infixr 6 -/-
+-- | Like 'System.Directory.makeAbsolute' from @directory@, but always
+-- using forward slashes.
+makeAbsolute :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
+makeAbsolute fp = do
+  cwd <- IO.getCurrentDirectory
+  let fp' = cwd -/- fp
+  return $ Posix.normalise fp'
 -- | This is like Posix makeRelative, but assumes no sys links in the input
 -- paths. This allows the result to start with possibly many "../"s. Input
 -- paths must both be relative, or be on the same drive

@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ cabalBuildRules = do
         distDir        <- Context.distDir (vanillaContext Stage1 rts)
         let rtsIncludeDir    = distDir -/- "include"
-        libdir  <- liftIO . IO.makeAbsolute =<< stageLibPath Stage1
-        work_dir <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute $ root -/- "stage-cabal"
+        libdir  <- liftIO . makeAbsolute =<< stageLibPath Stage1
+        work_dir <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute $ root -/- "stage-cabal"
         let outputDir = work_dir -/- "bin"
-        includeDir <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute rtsIncludeDir
+        includeDir <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute rtsIncludeDir
         createDirectory outputDir
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ cabalBuildRules = do
         -- Just symlink these for now
         -- TODO: build these with cabal as well
         forM_ iserv_targets $ \(_bin_pkg,bin_path') -> do
-            bin_path <- liftIO $ IO.makeAbsolute bin_path'
+            bin_path <- liftIO $ makeAbsolute bin_path'
             let orig_filename = takeFileName bin_path
                 output_file = outputDir -/- orig_filename
             liftIO $ do

@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ testRules = do
         -- get relative path for the given program in the given stage
         let relative_path_stage s p = programPath =<< programContext s p
         let make_absolute rel_path = do
-              abs_path <- liftIO (IO.makeAbsolute rel_path)
+              abs_path <- liftIO (makeAbsolute rel_path)
               fixAbsolutePathOnWindows abs_path
         rel_ghc_pkg     <- relative_path_stage Stage1 ghcPkg

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Settings.Builders.Common
 import qualified Settings.Builders.Common as S
 import Control.Exception (assert)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import System.Directory
 import Settings.Program (programContext)
 import GHC.Toolchain (ccLinkProgram, tgtCCompilerLink)
 import GHC.Toolchain.Program (prgFlags)

@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import Settings.Warnings
 import qualified Context as Context
 import Rules.Libffi (libffiName)
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import System.Directory
 import Data.Version.Extra
 ghcBuilderArgs :: Args

@@ -2164,7 +2164,9 @@ data Pragma = InlineP         Name Inline RuleMatch Phases
             | OpaqueP         Name
             -- ^ @{ {\-\# OPAQUE T #-} }@
             | SpecialiseP     Name Type (Maybe Inline) Phases
-            -- ^ @{ {\-\# SPECIALISE [INLINE] [phases] T #-} }@
+            -- ^ @{ {\-\# SPECIALISE [INLINE] [phases] nm :: ty #-} }@
+            | SpecialiseEP    (Maybe [TyVarBndr ()]) [RuleBndr] Exp (Maybe Inline) Phases
+            -- ^ @{ {\-\# SPECIALISE [INLINE] [phases] exp #-} }@
             | SpecialiseInstP Type
             -- ^ @{ {\-\# SPECIALISE instance I #-} }@
             | RuleP           String (Maybe [TyVarBndr ()]) [RuleBndr] Exp Exp Phases

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