[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/romes/graph-compact-easy] fixup! A start on module graphs

Rodrigo Mesquita (@alt-romes) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Mon Nov 18 14:58:11 UTC 2024

Rodrigo Mesquita pushed to branch wip/romes/graph-compact-easy at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

dc510042 by Rodrigo Mesquita at 2024-11-18T14:57:50+00:00
fixup! A start on module graphs

- - - - -

4 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/Reg/Linear.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/Directed.hs
- compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
- compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs


@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ allocateRegsAndSpill reading keep spills alloc (r@(VirtualRegWithFormat vr _fmt)
                 Just (InMem slot) | reading   -> doSpill (ReadMem slot)
                                   | otherwise -> doSpill WriteMem
                 Nothing | reading   ->
-                   pprPanic "allocateRegsAndSpill: Cannot read from uninitialized register" (ppr vr)
+                   pprPanic "allocateRegsAndSpill: Cannot read from uninitialized register" (ppr vr <+> ppr assig)
                    -- NOTE: if the input to the NCG contains some
                    -- unreachable blocks with junk code, this panic
                    -- might be triggered.  Make sure you only feed

@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ module GHC.Data.Graph.Directed (
         verticesG, edgesG, hasVertexG,
-        reachableG, reachablesG, transposeG, outgoingG,
+        reachableG, reachableG',
+        reachablesG, transposeG, outgoingG,
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ module GHC.Data.Graph.Directed (
         -- Simple way to classify edges
         EdgeType(..), classifyEdges,
-        ReachabilityIndex, reachabilityIndex, emptyGraph, nodeLookupByIx
+        ReachabilityIndex, reachabilityIndex, emptyGraph, nodeLookupByIx, reachable
         ) where
@@ -358,11 +359,20 @@ topologicalSortG :: Graph node -> [node]
 topologicalSortG graph = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
   where result = {-# SCC "Digraph.topSort" #-} G.topSort (gr_int_graph graph)
+-- ROMES:TODO: ADD UNIT TESTS(To the properly defined graph interface)
+-- ROMES:TODO: ADD UNIT TESTS(To the mOduleGraph properly defined graph interface)
 reachableG :: Graph node -> node -> [node]
 reachableG graph from = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
   where from_vertex = expectJust "reachableG" (gr_node_to_vertex graph from)
         hits = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-} IM.lookup from_vertex (gr_reachability graph)
-        result = maybe [] IS.toList hits
+        result = IS.toList $! IS.insert from_vertex $ expectJust "reachableG2" hits
+reachableG' :: Graph node -> node -> [node]
+reachableG' graph from = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+  where from_vertex = expectJust "reachableG" (gr_node_to_vertex graph from)
+        hits = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-} IM.lookup from_vertex (gr_reachability graph)
+        result = IS.toList $! expectJust "reachableG2" hits
 outgoingG :: Graph node -> node -> [node]
 outgoingG graph from = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
@@ -371,9 +381,10 @@ outgoingG graph from = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
 -- | Given a list of roots return all reachable nodes.
 reachablesG :: Graph node -> [node] -> [node]
-reachablesG graph froms = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) result
+reachablesG graph froms = map (gr_vertex_to_node graph) (IS.toList result)
   where result = {-# SCC "Digraph.reachable" #-}
-                 concatMap (maybe [] IS.toList . flip IM.lookup (gr_reachability graph)) vs
+                 IS.union (IS.fromList vs) $
+                 IS.unions $ map (expectJust "reachablesG" . flip IM.lookup (gr_reachability graph)) vs
         vs = [ v | Just v <- map (gr_node_to_vertex graph) froms ]
 hasVertexG :: Graph node -> node -> Bool
@@ -428,31 +439,13 @@ graphEmpty g = lo > hi
 type IntGraph = G.Graph
----- Depth first search numbering
----- Data.Tree has flatten for Tree, but nothing for Forest
---_preorderF           :: Forest a -> [a]
---_preorderF ts         = concatMap flatten ts
----- Finding reachable vertices
----- This generalizes reachable which was found in Data.Graph
---_reachable    :: IntGraph -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]
---_reachable g vs = _preorderF (G.dfs g vs)
 reachableGraph :: IntGraph -> IM.IntMap IS.IntSet
 reachableGraph g = res
     do_one v = IS.unions (IS.fromList (g ! v) : mapMaybe (flip IM.lookup res) (g ! v))
     res = IM.fromList [(v, do_one v) | v <- G.vertices g]
+-- NB: We also used to have `reachableGraphCyclic`, but it was unused in the source so it was removed.
+-- If you need something like that, search the git history for `reachableGraphCyclic`.
 scc :: IntGraph -> [SCC Vertex]
 scc graph = map decode forest
@@ -465,47 +458,6 @@ scc graph = map decode forest
       where dec (Node v ts) vs = v : foldr dec vs ts
     mentions_itself v = v `elem` (graph ! v)
-{- unused?
-reachableGraphCyclic :: IntGraph -> IM.IntMap IS.IntSet
-reachableGraphCyclic g = foldl' add_one_comp mempty comps
-  where
-    neighboursOf v = g!v
-    comps = scc g
-    -- To avoid divergence on cyclic input, we build the result
-    -- strongly connected component by component, in topological
-    -- order. For each SCC, we know that:
-    --
-    --   * All vertices in the component can reach all other vertices
-    --     in the component ("local" reachables)
-    --
-    --   * Other reachable vertices ("remote" reachables) must come
-    --     from earlier components, either via direct neighbourhood, or
-    --     transitively from earlier reachability map
-    --
-    -- This allows us to build the extension of the reachability map
-    -- directly, without any self-reference, thereby avoiding a loop.
-    add_one_comp :: IM.IntMap IS.IntSet -> SCC Vertex -> IM.IntMap IS.IntSet
-    add_one_comp earlier (AcyclicSCC v) = IM.insert v all_remotes earlier
-      where
-        earlier_neighbours = neighboursOf v
-        earlier_further = mapMaybe (flip IM.lookup earlier) earlier_neighbours
-        all_remotes = IS.unions (IS.fromList earlier_neighbours : earlier_further)
-    add_one_comp earlier (CyclicSCC vs) = IM.union (IM.fromList [(v, local v `IS.union` all_remotes) | v <- vs]) earlier
-      where
-        all_locals = IS.fromList vs
-        local v = IS.delete v all_locals
-            -- Arguably, for a cyclic SCC we should include each
-            -- vertex in its own reachable set. However, this could
-            -- lead to a lot of extra pain in client code to avoid
-            -- looping when traversing the reachability map.
-        all_neighbours = IS.fromList (concatMap neighboursOf vs)
-        earlier_neighbours = all_neighbours IS.\\ all_locals
-        earlier_further = mapMaybe (flip IM.lookup earlier) (IS.toList earlier_neighbours)
-        all_remotes = IS.unions (earlier_neighbours : earlier_further)
 *                                                                      *
@@ -625,3 +577,13 @@ reachabilityIndex = gr_reachability
 nodeLookupByIx :: Graph node -> Vertex -> node
 nodeLookupByIx (Graph _ from _ _) v = from v
+-- | Reachability query. On graph @g@ and nodes @a@ and @b@, @reachable(g, a,
+-- b)@ asks whether @b@ can be reached starting from @a at .
+reachable :: Graph node -- ^ @g@
+          -> node -- ^ @a@
+          -> node -- ^ @b@
+          -> Bool -- ^ @b@ is reachable from @a@
+reachable (Graph _ _ to index) a b = IS.member b_i $ expectJust "reachable" $ IM.lookup a_i index
+  where a_i = expectJust "reachable:node not in graph" $ to a
+        b_i = expectJust "reachable:node not in graph" $ to b

@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ createBuildPlan mod_graph maybe_top_mod =
           -- on the boot file.
           Set.filter (\(mkNodeKey -> nk) ->
             nodeKeyUnitId nk == uid  -- Cheap test
-              && (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot)) `notElem` (mkNodeKey <$> mgReachable mod_graph nk)) $
+              && mgQuery mod_graph nk (NodeKey_Module (key IsBoot))) $
           Set.fromList $
           mgReachable mod_graph (NodeKey_Module (key NotBoot))
@@ -1840,7 +1840,8 @@ checkHomeUnitsClosed ue
     inverse_closure = transposeG downwards_closure
-    upwards_closure = Set.fromList $ map node_key $ reachablesG inverse_closure [DigraphNode uid uid [] | uid <- Set.toList home_id_set]
+    upwards_closure =
+      Set.fromList $ map node_key $ reachablesG inverse_closure [DigraphNode uid uid [] | uid <- Set.toList home_id_set]
     all_unit_direct_deps :: UniqMap UnitId (Set.Set UnitId)

@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
    , moduleGraphNodeModSum
    , moduleGraphModulesBelow
    , mgReachable
+   , mgQuery
    , moduleGraphNodes
    , SummaryNode
@@ -407,5 +408,16 @@ moduleGraphModulesBelow mg uid mn = filtered_mods [ mn | NodeKey_Module mn <- mo
 mgReachable :: ModuleGraph -> NodeKey -> [ModuleGraphNode]
 mgReachable mg nk = map summaryNodeSummary modules_below where
   (td_map, lookup_node) = mg_graph mg
-  modules_below = fromMaybe [] $
-    reachableG td_map <$> lookup_node nk
+  modules_below = expectJust "mgReachable" $
+    reachableG' td_map <$> lookup_node nk
+-- | Reachability Query. @mgQuery(g, a, b)@ asks: Can we reach @b@ from @a@ in graph @g@?
+mgQuery :: ModuleGraph -- ^ @g@
+        -> NodeKey -- ^ @a@
+        -> NodeKey -- ^ @b@
+        -> Bool -- ^ @b@ is reachable from @a@
+mgQuery mg nka nkb = reachable td_map na nb where
+  (td_map, lookup_node) = mg_graph mg
+  na = expectJust "mgQuery:a" $ lookup_node nka
+  nb = expectJust "mgQuery:b" $ lookup_node nkb

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