[Git][ghc/ghc][wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job] 3 commits: Refactored BooleanFormula to be in line with TTG (#21592)

Marge Bot (@marge-bot) gitlab at gitlab.haskell.org
Tue Nov 5 02:55:54 UTC 2024

Marge Bot pushed to branch wip/marge_bot_batch_merge_job at Glasgow Haskell Compiler / GHC

97f600c6 by Hassan Al-Awwadi at 2024-11-04T15:52:12+00:00
Refactored BooleanFormula to be in line with TTG (#21592)

There are two parts to this commit.
* We moved the definition of BooleanFormula over to L.H.S.BooleanFormula
* We parameterized the BooleanFormula over the pass

The GHC specific details of BooleanFormula remain in Ghc.Data.BooleanFormula.
Because its parameterized over the pass its no longer a functor or
traversable, but we defined bfMap and bfTraverse for the cases where we
needed fmap and traverse originally. Most other changes are just churn.

Metric Decrease:

- - - - -
7c6bf2f4 by Andreas Klebinger at 2024-11-04T21:55:26-05:00
ghc-heap: Fix incomplete selector warnings.

Use utility functions instead of selectors to read partial attributes.

Part of fixing #25380.

- - - - -
ac45790b by Peter Trommler at 2024-11-04T21:55:27-05:00
PPC NCG: Implement fmin and fmax

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/CodeGen.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Instr.hs
- compiler/GHC/CmmToAsm/PPC/Ppr.hs
- compiler/GHC/Core/Class.hs
- compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
- compiler/GHC/Data/BooleanFormula.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Binds.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Decls.hs
- compiler/GHC/Hs/Instances.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Decl.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Ext/Ast.hs
- compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
- compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
- compiler/GHC/Parser.y
- compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
- compiler/GHC/Runtime/Heap/Inspect.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Class.hs
- compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs
- compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/Binds.hs
- + compiler/Language/Haskell/Syntax/BooleanFormula.hs
- compiler/ghc.cabal.in
- docs/users_guide/9.14.1-notes.rst
- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap.hs
- libraries/ghc-heap/GHC/Exts/Heap/Closures.hs
- testsuite/tests/count-deps/CountDepsAst.stdout
- testsuite/tests/count-deps/CountDepsParser.stdout
- utils/check-exact/ExactPrint.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Convert.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs
- utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Types.hs


@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ iselExpr64 expr
      platform <- getPlatform
      pprPanic "iselExpr64(powerpc)" (pdoc platform expr)
+data MinOrMax = Min | Max
 getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
 getRegister e = do config <- getConfig
@@ -589,8 +589,9 @@ getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) -- dyadic PrimOps
       MO_F_Sub w  -> triv_float w FSUB
       MO_F_Mul w  -> triv_float w FMUL
       MO_F_Quot w -> triv_float w FDIV
-      MO_F_Min w  -> triv_float w FMIN
-      MO_F_Max w  -> triv_float w FMAX
+      MO_F_Min w -> minmax_float Min w x y
+      MO_F_Max w -> minmax_float Max w x y
          -- optimize addition with 32-bit immediate
          -- (needed for PIC)
@@ -696,6 +697,31 @@ getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp mop [x, y]) -- dyadic PrimOps
       code <- remainderCode rep sgn tmp x y
       return (Any fmt code)
+    minmax_float :: MinOrMax -> Width -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
+    minmax_float m w x y =
+      do
+        (src1, src1Code) <- getSomeReg x
+        (src2, src2Code) <- getSomeReg y
+        l1 <- getBlockIdNat
+        l2 <- getBlockIdNat
+        end <- getBlockIdNat
+        let cond = case m of
+                     Min -> LTT
+                     Max -> GTT
+        let code dst = src1Code `appOL` src2Code `appOL`
+                       toOL [ FCMP src1 src2
+                            , BCC cond l1 Nothing
+                            , BCC ALWAYS l2 Nothing
+                            , NEWBLOCK l2
+                            , MR dst src2
+                            , BCC ALWAYS end Nothing
+                            , NEWBLOCK l1
+                            , MR dst src1
+                            , BCC ALWAYS end Nothing
+                            , NEWBLOCK end
+                            ]
+        return (Any (floatFormat w) code)
 getRegister' _ _ (CmmMachOp mop [x, y, z]) -- ternary PrimOps
   = case mop of

@@ -277,8 +277,6 @@ data Instr
     | FDIV    Format Reg Reg Reg
     | FABS    Reg Reg               -- abs is the same for single and double
     | FNEG    Reg Reg               -- negate is the same for single and double prec.
-    | FMIN    Format Reg Reg Reg
-    | FMAX    Format Reg Reg Reg
     -- | Fused multiply-add instructions.

@@ -941,12 +941,6 @@ pprInstr platform instr = case instr of
    FNEG reg1 reg2
       -> pprUnary (text "fneg") reg1 reg2
-   FMIN fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
-      -> pprBinaryF (text "fmin") fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
-   FMAX fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
-      -> pprBinaryF (text "fmax") fmt reg1 reg2 reg3
    FMADD signs fmt dst ra rc rb
      -> pprTernaryF (pprFMASign signs) fmt dst ra rc rb

@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCon    ( TyCon )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep ( Type, PredType )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprType )
+import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcRn)
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Basic
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (BooleanFormula, mkTrue)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula ( BooleanFormula, mkTrue )
 import qualified Data.Data as Data
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ data TyFamEqnValidityInfo
       -- Note [Type-checking default assoc decls] in GHC.Tc.TyCl.
-type ClassMinimalDef = BooleanFormula Name -- Required methods
+type ClassMinimalDef = BooleanFormula GhcRn -- Required methods
 data ClassBody
   = AbstractClass

@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module GHC.CoreToIface
     , toIfaceVar
       -- * Other stuff
     , toIfaceLFInfo
+    , toIfaceBooleanFormula
       -- * CgBreakInfo
     , dehydrateCgBreakInfo
     ) where
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types ( heqTyCon )
 import GHC.Iface.Syntax
 import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula qualified as BF(BooleanFormula(..))
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Id.Info
@@ -82,11 +84,14 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Set
 import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Types.Demand ( isNopSig )
 import GHC.Types.Cpr ( topCprSig )
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (unLoc)
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
 import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcRn)
 import Data.Maybe ( isNothing, catMaybes )
 {- Note [Avoiding space leaks in toIface*]
@@ -537,6 +542,14 @@ toIfGuidance src guidance
   , isStableSource src = IfWhen arity unsat_ok boring_ok
   | otherwise          = IfNoGuidance
+toIfaceBooleanFormula :: BF.BooleanFormula GhcRn -> IfaceBooleanFormula
+toIfaceBooleanFormula = go
+  where
+    go (BF.Var nm   ) = IfVar    $ mkIfLclName . getOccFS . unLoc $  nm
+    go (BF.And bfs  ) = IfAnd    $ map (go . unLoc) bfs
+    go (BF.Or bfs   ) = IfOr     $ map (go . unLoc) bfs
+    go (BF.Parens bf) = IfParens $     (go . unLoc) bf
 *                                                                      *

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable  #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
 -- | Boolean formulas without quantifiers and without negation.
@@ -8,73 +9,62 @@
 -- This module is used to represent minimal complete definitions for classes.
 module GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (
-        BooleanFormula(..), LBooleanFormula,
-        mkFalse, mkTrue, mkAnd, mkOr, mkVar,
+        module Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula,
         isFalse, isTrue,
+        bfMap, bfTraverse,
         eval, simplify, isUnsatisfied,
         implies, impliesAtom,
-        pprBooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNice
+        pprBooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNice, pprBooleanFormulaNormal
   ) where
-import GHC.Prelude hiding ( init, last )
-import Data.List ( nub, intersperse )
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty (..), init, last )
-import Data.Data
-import GHC.Utils.Monad
-import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Parser.Annotation ( LocatedL )
-import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
+import GHC.Prelude hiding ( init, last )
 import GHC.Types.Unique
 import GHC.Types.Unique.Set
+import GHC.Types.SrcLoc (unLoc)
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable
+import GHC.Parser.Annotation ( SrcSpanAnnL )
+import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcPass (..), OutputableBndrId)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (Anno, LIdP, IdP)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula
 -- Boolean formula type and smart constructors
-type LBooleanFormula a = LocatedL (BooleanFormula a)
-data BooleanFormula a = Var a | And [LBooleanFormula a] | Or [LBooleanFormula a]
-                      | Parens (LBooleanFormula a)
-  deriving (Eq, Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
-mkVar :: a -> BooleanFormula a
-mkVar = Var
+type instance Anno (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)) = SrcSpanAnnL
-mkFalse, mkTrue :: BooleanFormula a
-mkFalse = Or []
-mkTrue = And []
+-- if we had Functor/Traversable (LbooleanFormula p) we could use that
+-- as a constraint and we wouldn't need to specialize to just GhcPass p,
+-- but becuase LBooleanFormula is a type synonym such a constraint is
+-- impossible.
--- Convert a Bool to a BooleanFormula
-mkBool :: Bool -> BooleanFormula a
-mkBool False = mkFalse
-mkBool True  = mkTrue
--- Make a conjunction, and try to simplify
-mkAnd :: Eq a => [LBooleanFormula a] -> BooleanFormula a
-mkAnd = maybe mkFalse (mkAnd' . nub) . concatMapM fromAnd
+-- BooleanFormula can't be an instance of functor because it can't lift
+-- arbitrary functions `a -> b`, only functions of type `LIdP a -> LIdP b`
+-- ditto for Traversable.
+bfMap :: (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> LIdP (GhcPass p'))
+      -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p')
+bfMap f = go
-  -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
-  fromAnd :: LBooleanFormula a -> Maybe [LBooleanFormula a]
-  fromAnd (L _ (And xs)) = Just xs
-     -- assume that xs are already simplified
-     -- otherwise we would need: fromAnd (And xs) = concat <$> traverse fromAnd xs
-  fromAnd (L _ (Or [])) = Nothing
-     -- in case of False we bail out, And [..,mkFalse,..] == mkFalse
-  fromAnd x = Just [x]
-  mkAnd' [x] = unLoc x
-  mkAnd' xs = And xs
-mkOr :: Eq a => [LBooleanFormula a] -> BooleanFormula a
-mkOr = maybe mkTrue (mkOr' . nub) . concatMapM fromOr
+    go (Var    a  ) = Var     $ f a
+    go (And    bfs) = And     $ map (fmap go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or      $ map (fmap go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens  $ fmap go bf
+bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
+            => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> f (LIdP (GhcPass p')))
+            -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
+            -> f (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p'))
+bfTraverse f = go
-  -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
-  fromOr (L _ (Or xs)) = Just xs
-  fromOr (L _ (And [])) = Nothing
-  fromOr x = Just [x]
-  mkOr' [x] = unLoc x
-  mkOr' xs = Or xs
+    go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
+    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> traverse go bf
@@ -115,15 +105,15 @@ We don't show a ridiculous error message like
 -- Evaluation and simplification
-isFalse :: BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+isFalse :: BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> Bool
 isFalse (Or []) = True
 isFalse _ = False
-isTrue :: BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+isTrue :: BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> Bool
 isTrue (And []) = True
 isTrue _ = False
-eval :: (a -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+eval :: (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> Bool
 eval f (Var x)  = f x
 eval f (And xs) = all (eval f . unLoc) xs
 eval f (Or xs)  = any (eval f . unLoc) xs
@@ -131,18 +121,24 @@ eval f (Parens x) = eval f (unLoc x)
 -- Simplify a boolean formula.
 -- The argument function should give the truth of the atoms, or Nothing if undecided.
-simplify :: Eq a => (a -> Maybe Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> BooleanFormula a
+simplify :: forall p. Eq (LIdP (GhcPass p))
+          => (LIdP (GhcPass p) ->  Maybe Bool)
+          -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
+          -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
 simplify f (Var a) = case f a of
   Nothing -> Var a
   Just b  -> mkBool b
-simplify f (And xs) = mkAnd (map (\(L l x) -> L l (simplify f x)) xs)
-simplify f (Or xs) = mkOr (map (\(L l x) -> L l (simplify f x)) xs)
+simplify f (And xs) = mkAnd (map (fmap (simplify f)) xs)
+simplify f (Or xs)  = mkOr  (map (fmap (simplify f)) xs)
 simplify f (Parens x) = simplify f (unLoc x)
 -- Test if a boolean formula is satisfied when the given values are assigned to the atoms
 -- if it is, returns Nothing
 -- if it is not, return (Just remainder)
-isUnsatisfied :: Eq a => (a -> Bool) -> BooleanFormula a -> Maybe (BooleanFormula a)
+isUnsatisfied :: Eq (LIdP (GhcPass p))
+              => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool)
+              -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
+              -> Maybe (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p))
 isUnsatisfied f bf
     | isTrue bf' = Nothing
     | otherwise  = Just bf'
@@ -155,42 +151,42 @@ isUnsatisfied f bf
 --   eval f x == False  <==>  isFalse (simplify (Just . f) x)
 -- If the boolean formula holds, does that mean that the given atom is always true?
-impliesAtom :: Eq a => BooleanFormula a -> a -> Bool
-Var x  `impliesAtom` y = x == y
-And xs `impliesAtom` y = any (\x -> (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y) xs
+impliesAtom :: Eq (IdP (GhcPass p)) => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> LIdP (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+Var x  `impliesAtom` y = (unLoc x) == (unLoc y)
+And xs `impliesAtom` y = any (\x -> unLoc x `impliesAtom` y) xs
            -- we have all of xs, so one of them implying y is enough
-Or  xs `impliesAtom` y = all (\x -> (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y) xs
-Parens x `impliesAtom` y = (unLoc x) `impliesAtom` y
+Or  xs `impliesAtom` y = all (\x -> unLoc x `impliesAtom` y) xs
+Parens x `impliesAtom` y = unLoc x `impliesAtom` y
-implies :: Uniquable a => BooleanFormula a -> BooleanFormula a -> Bool
+implies :: (Uniquable (IdP (GhcPass p))) => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> Bool
 implies e1 e2 = go (Clause emptyUniqSet [e1]) (Clause emptyUniqSet [e2])
-    go :: Uniquable a => Clause a -> Clause a -> Bool
+    go :: Uniquable (IdP (GhcPass p)) => Clause (GhcPass p) -> Clause (GhcPass p) -> Bool
     go l at Clause{ clauseExprs = hyp:hyps } r =
         case hyp of
-            Var x | memberClauseAtoms x r -> True
-                  | otherwise -> go (extendClauseAtoms l x) { clauseExprs = hyps } r
+            Var x | memberClauseAtoms (unLoc x) r -> True
+                  | otherwise -> go (extendClauseAtoms l (unLoc x)) { clauseExprs = hyps } r
             Parens hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps }     r
             And hyps'  -> go l { clauseExprs = map unLoc hyps' ++ hyps } r
             Or hyps'   -> all (\hyp' -> go l { clauseExprs = unLoc hyp':hyps } r) hyps'
     go l r at Clause{ clauseExprs = con:cons } =
         case con of
-            Var x | memberClauseAtoms x l -> True
-                  | otherwise -> go l (extendClauseAtoms r x) { clauseExprs = cons }
+            Var x | memberClauseAtoms (unLoc x) l -> True
+                  | otherwise -> go l (extendClauseAtoms r (unLoc x)) { clauseExprs = cons }
             Parens con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }
             And cons'   -> all (\con' -> go l r { clauseExprs = unLoc con':cons }) cons'
             Or cons'    -> go l r { clauseExprs = map unLoc cons' ++ cons }
     go _ _ = False
 -- A small sequent calculus proof engine.
-data Clause a = Clause {
-        clauseAtoms :: UniqSet a,
-        clauseExprs :: [BooleanFormula a]
+data Clause p = Clause {
+        clauseAtoms :: UniqSet (IdP p),
+        clauseExprs :: [BooleanFormula p]
-extendClauseAtoms :: Uniquable a => Clause a -> a -> Clause a
+extendClauseAtoms :: Uniquable (IdP p) => Clause p -> IdP p -> Clause p
 extendClauseAtoms c x = c { clauseAtoms = addOneToUniqSet (clauseAtoms c) x }
-memberClauseAtoms :: Uniquable a => a -> Clause a -> Bool
+memberClauseAtoms :: Uniquable (IdP p) => IdP p -> Clause p -> Bool
 memberClauseAtoms x c = x `elementOfUniqSet` clauseAtoms c
@@ -199,28 +195,29 @@ memberClauseAtoms x c = x `elementOfUniqSet` clauseAtoms c
 -- Pretty print a BooleanFormula,
 -- using the arguments as pretty printers for Var, And and Or respectively
-pprBooleanFormula' :: (Rational -> a -> SDoc)
-                   -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
-                   -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
-                   -> Rational -> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormula'  :: (Rational -> LIdP (GhcPass p) -> SDoc)
+                    -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
+                    -> (Rational -> [SDoc] -> SDoc)
+                    -> Rational -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
 pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr = go
   go p (Var x)  = pprVar p x
-  go p (And []) = cparen (p > 0) $ empty
+  go p (And []) = cparen (p > 0) empty
   go p (And xs) = pprAnd p (map (go 3 . unLoc) xs)
   go _ (Or  []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
   go p (Or  xs) = pprOr p (map (go 2 . unLoc) xs)
   go p (Parens x) = go p (unLoc x)
 -- Pretty print in source syntax, "a | b | c,d,e"
-pprBooleanFormula :: (Rational -> a -> SDoc) -> Rational -> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormula :: (Rational -> LIdP (GhcPass p) -> SDoc)
+                  -> Rational -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
 pprBooleanFormula pprVar = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr
   pprAnd p = cparen (p > 3) . fsep . punctuate comma
   pprOr  p = cparen (p > 2) . fsep . intersperse vbar
 -- Pretty print human in readable format, "either `a' or `b' or (`c', `d' and `e')"?
-pprBooleanFormulaNice :: Outputable a => BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormulaNice :: Outputable (LIdP (GhcPass p)) => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
 pprBooleanFormulaNice = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr 0
   pprVar _ = quotes . ppr
@@ -230,15 +227,14 @@ pprBooleanFormulaNice = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr 0
   pprAnd' (x:xs) = fsep (punctuate comma (init (x:|xs))) <> text ", and" <+> last (x:|xs)
   pprOr p xs = cparen (p > 1) $ text "either" <+> sep (intersperse (text "or") xs)
-instance (OutputableBndr a) => Outputable (BooleanFormula a) where
+instance OutputableBndrId p => Outputable (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)) where
   ppr = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
-pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: (OutputableBndr a)
-                        => BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
+pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: OutputableBndrId p => BooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
 pprBooleanFormulaNormal = go
-    go (Var x)    = pprPrefixOcc x
+    go (Var x)    = pprPrefixOcc (unLoc x)
     go (And xs)   = fsep $ punctuate comma (map (go . unLoc) xs)
     go (Or [])    = keyword $ text "FALSE"
     go (Or xs)    = fsep $ intersperse vbar (map (go . unLoc) xs)
-    go (Parens x) = parens (go $ unLoc x)
+    go (Parens x) = parens (go $ unLoc x)
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Binds
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr ( pprExpr, pprFunBind, pprPatBind )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Pat  (pprLPat )
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula ( LBooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormulaNormal )
 import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Hs.Extension
 import GHC.Parser.Annotation
@@ -47,7 +48,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Types.SourceText
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.Var
-import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (LBooleanFormula)
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -968,9 +968,8 @@ instance Outputable TcSpecPrag where
   ppr (SpecPrag var _ inl)
     = text (extractSpecPragName $ inl_src inl) <+> pprSpec var (text "<type>") inl
-pprMinimalSig :: (OutputableBndr name)
-              => LBooleanFormula (GenLocated l name) -> SDoc
-pprMinimalSig (L _ bf) = ppr (fmap unLoc bf)
+pprMinimalSig :: OutputableBndrId p  => LBooleanFormula (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
+pprMinimalSig (L _ bf) = pprBooleanFormulaNormal bf

@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ module GHC.Hs.Decls (
 import GHC.Prelude
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Decls
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension
 import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Hs.Expr ( pprExpr, pprUntypedSplice )
         -- Because Expr imports Decls via HsBracket
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ import GHC.Hs.Type
 import GHC.Hs.Doc
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Core.Coercion
-import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension
 import GHC.Hs.Extension
 import GHC.Parser.Annotation
 import GHC.Types.Name

@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import GHC.Hs.Type
 import GHC.Hs.Pat
 import GHC.Hs.ImpExp
 import GHC.Parser.Annotation
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (BooleanFormula(..))
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (Anno)
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Data derivations from GHC.Hs-----------------------------------------
@@ -590,3 +592,6 @@ deriving instance Data XXPatGhcTc
 deriving instance Data XViaStrategyPs
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+deriving instance (Typeable p, Data (Anno (IdGhcP p)), Data (IdGhcP p)) => Data (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p))
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 module GHC.Iface.Decl
    ( coAxiomToIfaceDecl
    , tyThingToIfaceDecl -- Converting things to their Iface equivalents
-   , toIfaceBooleanFormula
@@ -33,21 +32,17 @@ import GHC.Core.DataCon
 import GHC.Core.Type
 import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
 import GHC.Types.Id
 import GHC.Types.Var.Env
 import GHC.Types.Var
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Basic
 import GHC.Types.TyThing
-import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
 import GHC.Utils.Misc
 import GHC.Data.Maybe
-import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula
 import Data.List ( findIndex, mapAccumL )
@@ -287,7 +282,7 @@ classToIfaceDecl env clas
                 ifClassCtxt   = tidyToIfaceContext env1 sc_theta,
                 ifATs    = map toIfaceAT clas_ats,
                 ifSigs   = map toIfaceClassOp op_stuff,
-                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula $ fmap (mkIfLclName . getOccFS) (classMinimalDef clas)
+                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula (classMinimalDef clas)
     (env1, tc_binders) = tidyTyConBinders env (tyConBinders tycon)
@@ -335,10 +330,3 @@ tidyTyConBinders = mapAccumL tidyTyConBinder
 tidyTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> IfLclName
 tidyTyVar (_, subst) tv = toIfaceTyVar (lookupVarEnv subst tv `orElse` tv)
-toIfaceBooleanFormula :: BooleanFormula IfLclName -> IfaceBooleanFormula
-toIfaceBooleanFormula = \case
-    Var nm    -> IfVar    nm
-    And bfs   -> IfAnd    (map (toIfaceBooleanFormula . unLoc) bfs)
-    Or bfs    -> IfOr     (map (toIfaceBooleanFormula . unLoc) bfs)
-    Parens bf -> IfParens (toIfaceBooleanFormula . unLoc $ bf)

@@ -2041,8 +2041,9 @@ instance ToHie PendingRnSplice where
 instance ToHie PendingTcSplice where
   toHie (PendingTcSplice _ e) = toHie e
-instance ToHie (LBooleanFormula (LocatedN Name)) where
-  toHie (L span form) = concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
+instance (HiePass p, Data (IdGhcP p))
+  => ToHie (GenLocated SrcSpanAnnL (BooleanFormula (GhcPass p))) where
+    toHie (L span form) =  concatM $ makeNode form (locA span) : case form of
       Var a ->
         [ toHie $ C Use a

@@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ module GHC.Iface.Syntax (
         -- Misc
         ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs, visibleIfConDecls,
-        fromIfaceBooleanFormula,
         -- Free Names
         freeNamesIfDecl, freeNamesIfRule, freeNamesIfFamInst,
@@ -51,7 +49,10 @@ module GHC.Iface.Syntax (
 import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Builtin.Names(mkUnboundName)
 import GHC.Data.FastString
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (pprBooleanFormula, isTrue)
 import GHC.Builtin.Names ( unrestrictedFunTyConKey, liftedTypeKindTyConKey,
                            constraintKindTyConKey )
 import GHC.Types.Unique ( hasKey )
@@ -62,9 +63,9 @@ import GHC.Types.Demand
 import GHC.Types.Cpr
 import GHC.Core.Class
 import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
-import GHC.Types.Name.Set
 import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( BranchIndex )
 import GHC.Types.Name
+import GHC.Types.Name.Set
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
 import GHC.Types.CostCentre
 import GHC.Types.Literal
@@ -75,7 +76,6 @@ import GHC.Unit.Module
 import GHC.Unit.Module.Warnings
 import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
 import GHC.Types.SourceText
-import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula ( BooleanFormula(..), pprBooleanFormula, isTrue )
 import GHC.Types.Var( VarBndr(..), binderVar, tyVarSpecToBinders, visArgTypeLike )
 import GHC.Core.TyCon ( Role (..), Injectivity(..), tyConBndrVisForAllTyFlag )
 import GHC.Core.DataCon (SrcStrictness(..), SrcUnpackedness(..))
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic
 import GHC.Utils.Misc( dropList, filterByList, notNull, unzipWith,
                        seqList, zipWithEqual )
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula(BooleanFormula(..))
 import Control.Monad
 import System.IO.Unsafe
 import Control.DeepSeq
@@ -213,18 +215,14 @@ data IfaceClassBody
      ifMinDef    :: IfaceBooleanFormula       -- Minimal complete definition
+-- See also 'BooleanFormula'
 data IfaceBooleanFormula
   = IfVar IfLclName
   | IfAnd [IfaceBooleanFormula]
   | IfOr [IfaceBooleanFormula]
   | IfParens IfaceBooleanFormula
+  deriving Eq
-fromIfaceBooleanFormula :: IfaceBooleanFormula -> BooleanFormula IfLclName
-fromIfaceBooleanFormula = \case
-    IfVar nm     -> Var    nm
-    IfAnd ibfs   -> And    (map (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) ibfs)
-    IfOr ibfs    -> Or     (map (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) ibfs)
-    IfParens ibf -> Parens (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula $ ibf)
 data IfaceTyConParent
   = IfNoParent
@@ -1039,13 +1037,21 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName  = clas
         | showSub ss sg = Just $  pprIfaceClassOp ss sg
         | otherwise     = Nothing
-      pprMinDef :: BooleanFormula IfLclName -> SDoc
+      pprMinDef :: BooleanFormula GhcRn -> SDoc
       pprMinDef minDef = ppUnless (isTrue minDef) $ -- hide empty definitions
         text "{-# MINIMAL" <+>
-          (\_ def -> cparen (isLexSym def) (ppr def)) 0 (fmap ifLclNameFS minDef) <+>
+          (\_ def -> let fs = getOccFS def in cparen (isLexSym fs) (ppr fs)) 0 minDef <+>
         text "#-}"
+      fromIfaceBooleanFormula :: IfaceBooleanFormula -> BooleanFormula GhcRn
+      -- `mkUnboundName` here is fine because the Name generated is only used for pretty printing and nothing else.
+      fromIfaceBooleanFormula (IfVar nm   ) = Var    $ noLocA . mkUnboundName . mkVarOccFS . ifLclNameFS $ nm
+      fromIfaceBooleanFormula (IfAnd bfs  ) = And    $ map (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) bfs
+      fromIfaceBooleanFormula (IfOr bfs   ) = Or     $ map (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) bfs
+      fromIfaceBooleanFormula (IfParens bf) = Parens $     (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) bf
       -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in GHC.Iface.Type
       suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True

@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module GHC.IfaceToCore (
  ) where
 import GHC.Prelude
 import GHC.ByteCode.Types
@@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ import GHC.Driver.Config.Core.Lint ( initLintConfig )
 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Literals(typeNatCoAxiomRules)
 import GHC.Builtin.Types
-import GHC.Iface.Decl (toIfaceBooleanFormula)
 import GHC.Iface.Syntax
 import GHC.Iface.Load
 import GHC.Iface.Env
@@ -123,20 +123,26 @@ import GHC.Types.Tickish
 import GHC.Types.TyThing
 import GHC.Types.Error
+import GHC.Parser.Annotation (noLocA)
+import GHC.Hs.Extension ( GhcRn )
 import GHC.Fingerprint
-import qualified GHC.Data.BooleanFormula as BF
 import Control.Monad
-import GHC.Parser.Annotation
 import GHC.Driver.Env.KnotVars
 import GHC.Unit.Module.WholeCoreBindings
 import Data.IORef
 import Data.Foldable
 import Data.Function ( on )
+import Data.List(nub)
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
 import GHC.Builtin.Names (ioTyConName, rOOT_MAIN)
 import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula (BooleanFormula)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula qualified as BF(BooleanFormula(..))
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (NoExtField (NoExtField))
@@ -297,14 +303,38 @@ mergeIfaceDecl d1 d2
                   plusNameEnv_C mergeIfaceClassOp
                     (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops1 ])
                     (mkNameEnv [ (n, op) | op@(IfaceClassOp n _ _) <- ops2 ])
       in d1 { ifBody = (ifBody d1) {
                 ifSigs  = ops,
-                ifMinDef = toIfaceBooleanFormula . BF.mkOr . map (noLocA . fromIfaceBooleanFormula) $ [bf1, bf2]
+                ifMinDef = mkOr [ bf1, bf2]
             } `withRolesFrom` d2
     -- It doesn't matter; we'll check for consistency later when
     -- we merge, see 'mergeSignatures'
     | otherwise              = d1 `withRolesFrom` d2
+      where
+        -- The reason we need to duplicate mkOr here, instead of
+        -- using BooleanFormula's mkOr and just doing the loop like:
+        -- `toIfaceBooleanFormula . mkOr . fromIfaceBooleanFormula`
+        -- is quite subtle. Say we have the following minimal pragma:
+        -- {-# MINIMAL f | g #-}. If we use fromIfaceBooleanFormula
+        -- first, we will end up doing
+        -- `nub [Var (mkUnboundName f), Var (mkUnboundName g)]`,
+        -- which might seem fine, but Name equallity is decided by
+        -- their Unique, which will be identical since mkUnboundName
+        -- just stuffs the mkUnboundKey unqiue into both.
+        -- So the result will be {-# MINIMAL f #-}, oopsie.
+        -- Duplication it is.
+        mkOr :: [IfaceBooleanFormula] -> IfaceBooleanFormula
+        mkOr = maybe (IfAnd []) (mkOr' . nub . concat) . mapM fromOr
+          where
+          -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+          fromOr bf = case bf of
+            (IfOr xs)  -> Just xs
+            (IfAnd []) -> Nothing
+            _        -> Just [bf]
+          mkOr' [x] = x
+          mkOr' xs = IfOr xs
 -- Note [Role merging]
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -795,8 +825,7 @@ tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
     ; sigs <- mapM tc_sig rdr_sigs
     ; fds  <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds
     ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class3" <+> ppr tc_name)
-    ; let mindef_occ = fromIfaceBooleanFormula if_mindef
-    ; mindef <- traverse (lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS . ifLclNameFS) mindef_occ
+    ; mindef <- tc_boolean_formula if_mindef
     ; cls  <- fixM $ \ cls -> do
               { ats  <- mapM (tc_at cls) rdr_ats
               ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class4" <+> ppr tc_name)
@@ -845,6 +874,12 @@ tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
                   -- e.g.   type AT a; type AT b = AT [b]   #8002
           return (ATI tc mb_def)
+   tc_boolean_formula :: IfaceBooleanFormula -> IfL (BooleanFormula GhcRn)
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfAnd ibfs  ) = BF.And    . map noLocA <$> traverse tc_boolean_formula ibfs
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfOr ibfs   ) = BF.Or     . map noLocA <$> traverse tc_boolean_formula ibfs
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfParens ibf) = BF.Parens .     noLocA <$>          tc_boolean_formula ibf
+   tc_boolean_formula (IfVar nm    ) = BF.Var    .     noLocA <$> (lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS . ifLclNameFS $ nm)
    mk_sc_doc pred = text "Superclass" <+> ppr pred
    mk_at_doc tc = text "Associated type" <+> ppr tc
    mk_op_doc op_name op_ty = text "Class op" <+> sep [ppr op_name, ppr op_ty]

@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ module GHC.Parser
 -- base
-import Control.Monad    ( unless, liftM, when, (<=<) )
+import Control.Monad      ( unless, liftM, when, (<=<) )
 import GHC.Exts
-import Data.Maybe       ( maybeToList )
+import Data.Maybe         ( maybeToList )
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
 import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
 import qualified Prelude -- for happy-generated code
@@ -3710,27 +3710,27 @@ overloaded_label :: { Located (SourceText, FastString) }
 -- Warnings and deprecations
-name_boolformula_opt :: { LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName) }
+name_boolformula_opt :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
         : name_boolformula          { $1 }
         | {- empty -}               { noLocA mkTrue }
-name_boolformula :: { LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName) }
-        : name_boolformula_and                      { $1 }
+name_boolformula :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
+        : name_boolformula_and      { $1 }
         | name_boolformula_and '|' name_boolformula
                            {% do { h <- addTrailingVbarL $1 (epTok $2)
                                  ; return (sLLa $1 $> (Or [h,$3])) } }
-name_boolformula_and :: { LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName) }
+name_boolformula_and :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
         : name_boolformula_and_list
                   { sLLa (head $1) (last $1) (And ($1)) }
-name_boolformula_and_list :: { [LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName)] }
+name_boolformula_and_list :: { [LBooleanFormula GhcPs] }
         : name_boolformula_atom                               { [$1] }
         | name_boolformula_atom ',' name_boolformula_and_list
             {% do { h <- addTrailingCommaL $1 (epTok $2)
                   ; return (h : $3) } }
-name_boolformula_atom :: { LBooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName) }
+name_boolformula_atom :: { LBooleanFormula GhcPs }
         : '(' name_boolformula ')'  {% amsr (sLL $1 $> (Parens $2))
                                       (AnnList Nothing (ListParens (epTok $1) (epTok $3)) [] noAnn []) }
         | name_var                  { sL1a $1 (Var $1) }
@@ -4704,4 +4704,4 @@ combineHasLocs a b = combineSrcSpans (getHasLoc a) (getHasLoc b)
 fromTrailingN :: SrcSpanAnnN -> SrcSpanAnnA
 fromTrailingN (EpAnn anc ann cs)
     = EpAnn anc (AnnListItem (nann_trailing ann)) cs
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ import Control.Monad
 import Data.List          ( partition )
 import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty(..) )
 import GHC.Types.Unique.DSet (mkUniqDSet)
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (bfTraverse)
 -- ToDo: Put the annotations into the monad, so that they arrive in the proper
@@ -1137,7 +1138,7 @@ renameSig ctxt (FixSig _ fsig)
         ; return (FixSig noAnn new_fsig, emptyFVs) }
 renameSig ctxt sig@(MinimalSig (_, s) (L l bf))
-  = do new_bf <- traverse (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) bf
+  = do new_bf <- bfTraverse (lookupSigOccRnN ctxt sig) bf
        return (MinimalSig (noAnn, s) (L l new_bf), emptyFVs)
 renameSig ctxt sig@(PatSynSig _ vs ty)

@@ -128,6 +128,11 @@ isFullyEvaluatedTerm NewtypeWrap{wrapped_term=t} = isFullyEvaluatedTerm t
 isFullyEvaluatedTerm RefWrap{wrapped_term=t}     = isFullyEvaluatedTerm t
 isFullyEvaluatedTerm _                  = False
+-- | Gives an error if the term doesn't have subterms
+expectSubTerms :: Term -> [Term]
+expectSubTerms (Term { subTerms = subTerms} ) = subTerms
+expectSubTerms _                              = panic "expectSubTerms"
 instance Outputable (Term) where
  ppr t | Just doc <- cPprTerm cPprTermBase t = doc
        | otherwise = panic "Outputable Term instance"
@@ -332,8 +337,8 @@ cPprTermBase :: forall m. Monad m => CustomTermPrinter m
 cPprTermBase y =
   [ ifTerm (isTupleTy.ty) (\_p -> liftM (parens . hcat . punctuate comma)
                                       . mapM (y (-1))
-                                      . subTerms)
-  , ifTerm (\t -> isTyCon listTyCon (ty t) && subTerms t `lengthIs` 2)
+                                      . expectSubTerms)
+  , ifTerm (\t -> isTyCon listTyCon (ty t) && expectSubTerms t `lengthIs` 2)
   , ifTerm' (isTyCon intTyCon     . ty) ppr_int
   , ifTerm' (isTyCon charTyCon    . ty) ppr_char
@@ -768,7 +773,7 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
     traceTR (text "Gave up reconstructing a term after" <>
                   int max_depth <> text " steps")
     clos <- trIO $ GHCi.getClosure interp a
-    return (Suspension (tipe (info clos)) my_ty a Nothing)
+    return (Suspension (tipe (getClosureInfoTbl clos)) my_ty a Nothing)
   go !max_depth my_ty old_ty a = do
     let monomorphic = not(isTyVarTy my_ty)
     -- This ^^^ is a convention. The ancestor tests for
@@ -864,7 +869,7 @@ cvObtainTerm hsc_env max_depth force old_ty hval = runTR hsc_env $ do
       _ -> do
          traceTR (text "Unknown closure:" <+>
                   text (show (fmap (const ()) clos)))
-         return (Suspension (tipe (info clos)) my_ty a Nothing)
+         return (Suspension (tipe (getClosureInfoTbl clos)) my_ty a Nothing)
   -- insert NewtypeWraps around newtypes
   expandNewtypes = foldTerm idTermFold { fTerm = worker } where
@@ -918,7 +923,7 @@ extractSubTerms recurse clos = liftM thdOf3 . go 0 0
     go_rep ptr_i arr_i ty rep
       | isGcPtrRep rep = do
-          t <- recurse ty $ (ptrArgs clos)!!ptr_i
+          t <- recurse ty $ (getClosurePtrArgs clos)!!ptr_i
           return (ptr_i + 1, arr_i, t)
       | otherwise = do
           -- This is a bit involved since we allow packing multiple fields

@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ tcClassMinimalDef _clas sigs op_info
     -- By default require all methods without a default implementation
     defMindef :: ClassMinimalDef
-    defMindef = mkAnd [ noLocA (mkVar name)
+    defMindef = mkAnd [ noLocA (mkVar (noLocA name))
                       | (name, _, Nothing) <- op_info ]
 instantiateMethod :: Class -> TcId -> [TcType] -> TcType
@@ -402,8 +402,8 @@ findMinimalDef :: [LSig GhcRn] -> Maybe ClassMinimalDef
 findMinimalDef = firstJusts . map toMinimalDef
     toMinimalDef :: LSig GhcRn -> Maybe ClassMinimalDef
-    toMinimalDef (L _ (MinimalSig _ (L _ bf))) = Just (fmap unLoc bf)
-    toMinimalDef _                               = Nothing
+    toMinimalDef (L _ (MinimalSig _ (L _ bf))) = Just bf
+    toMinimalDef _                             = Nothing
 Note [Polymorphic methods]
@@ -603,4 +603,4 @@ warnMissingAT name
                   $ InvalidAssoc $ InvalidAssocInstance
                   $ AssocInstanceMissing name
        ; diagnosticTc  (warn && hsc_src == HsSrcFile) diag
-                       }
+                       }
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ tcMethods skol_info dfun_id clas tyvars dfun_ev_vars inst_tys
         -- See Note [Implementation of Unsatisfiable constraints] in GHC.Tc.Errors,
         -- point (D).
-        whenIsJust (isUnsatisfied methodExists (classMinimalDef clas)) $
+        whenIsJust (isUnsatisfied (methodExists . unLoc) (classMinimalDef clas)) $
     methodExists meth = isJust (findMethodBind meth binds prag_fn)

@@ -26,15 +26,13 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.Expr
   ( LHsExpr
   , MatchGroup
   , GRHSs )
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat
-  ( LPat )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.Haskell.Syntax.Pat( LPat )
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula (LBooleanFormula)
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Type
 import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Basic ( Fixity )
 import GHC.Types.Basic (InlinePragma)
-import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (LBooleanFormula)
 import GHC.Types.SourceText (StringLiteral)
 import Data.Void
@@ -379,7 +377,7 @@ data Sig pass
         -- | A minimal complete definition pragma
         -- > {-# MINIMAL a | (b, c | (d | e)) #-}
-  | MinimalSig (XMinimalSig pass) (LBooleanFormula (LIdP pass))
+  | MinimalSig (XMinimalSig pass) (LBooleanFormula pass)
         -- | A "set cost centre" pragma for declarations

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
+module Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula(
+  BooleanFormula(..), LBooleanFormula,
+  mkVar, mkFalse, mkTrue, mkBool, mkAnd, mkOr
+  ) where
+import Prelude hiding ( init, last )
+import Data.List ( nub )
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Extension (XRec, UnXRec (..), LIdP)
+-- types
+type LBooleanFormula p = XRec p (BooleanFormula p)
+data BooleanFormula p = Var (LIdP p) | And [LBooleanFormula p] | Or [LBooleanFormula p]
+                      | Parens (LBooleanFormula p)
+-- instances
+deriving instance (Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => Eq (BooleanFormula p)
+-- smart constructors
+-- see note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+mkVar :: LIdP p -> BooleanFormula p
+mkVar = Var
+mkFalse, mkTrue :: BooleanFormula p
+mkFalse = Or []
+mkTrue = And []
+-- Convert a Bool to a BooleanFormula
+mkBool :: Bool -> BooleanFormula p
+mkBool False = mkFalse
+mkBool True  = mkTrue
+-- Make a conjunction, and try to simplify
+mkAnd :: forall p. (UnXRec p, Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => [LBooleanFormula p] -> BooleanFormula p
+mkAnd = maybe mkFalse (mkAnd' . nub . concat) . mapM fromAnd
+  where
+  -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+  fromAnd :: LBooleanFormula p -> Maybe [LBooleanFormula p]
+  fromAnd bf = case unXRec @p bf of
+    (And xs) -> Just xs
+     -- assume that xs are already simplified
+     -- otherwise we would need: fromAnd (And xs) = concat <$> traverse fromAnd xs
+    (Or [])  -> Nothing
+     -- in case of False we bail out, And [..,mkFalse,..] == mkFalse
+    _        -> Just [bf]
+  mkAnd' [x] = unXRec @p x
+  mkAnd' xs = And xs
+mkOr :: forall p. (UnXRec p, Eq (LIdP p), Eq (LBooleanFormula p)) => [LBooleanFormula p] -> BooleanFormula p
+mkOr = maybe mkTrue (mkOr' . nub . concat) . mapM fromOr
+  where
+  -- See Note [Simplification of BooleanFormulas]
+  fromOr bf = case unXRec @p bf of
+    (Or xs)  -> Just xs
+    (And []) -> Nothing
+    _        -> Just [bf]
+  mkOr' [x] = unXRec @p x
+  mkOr' xs = Or xs

@@ -993,6 +993,7 @@ Library
+        Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula

@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ Cmm
 ``ghc-heap`` library
+* The functions `getClosureInfoTbl_maybe`, `getClosureInfoTbl`,
+ `getClosurePtrArgs` and `getClosurePtrArgs_maybe` have been added to allow
+  reading of the relevant Closure attributes without reliance on incomplete
+  selectors.
 ``ghc-experimental`` library

@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ module GHC.Exts.Heap (
     , WhyBlocked(..)
     , TsoFlags(..)
     , HasHeapRep(getClosureData)
+    , getClosureInfoTbl
+    , getClosureInfoTbl_maybe
+    , getClosurePtrArgs
+    , getClosurePtrArgs_maybe
     , getClosureDataFromHeapRep
     , getClosureDataFromHeapRepPrim

@@ -8,12 +8,18 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
 -- Late cost centres introduce a thunk in the asBox function, which leads to
 -- an additional wrapper being added to any value placed inside a box.
+-- This can be removed once our boot compiler is no longer affected by #25212
 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-prof-late  #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
 module GHC.Exts.Heap.Closures (
     -- * Closures
     , GenClosure(..)
+    , getClosureInfoTbl
+    , getClosureInfoTbl_maybe
+    , getClosurePtrArgs
+    , getClosurePtrArgs_maybe
     , PrimType(..)
     , WhatNext(..)
     , WhyBlocked(..)
@@ -67,6 +73,7 @@ import Data.Word
 import GHC.Exts
 import GHC.Generics
 import Numeric
+import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
 -- Boxes
@@ -382,6 +389,104 @@ data GenClosure b
         { wordVal :: !Word }
   deriving (Show, Generic, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+-- | Get the info table for a heap closure, or Nothing for a prim value
+-- @since 9.14.1
+getClosureInfoTbl_maybe :: GenClosure b -> Maybe StgInfoTable
+{-# INLINE getClosureInfoTbl_maybe #-} -- Ensure we can get rid of the just box
+getClosureInfoTbl_maybe closure = case closure of
+  ConstrClosure{info} ->Just info
+  FunClosure{info} ->Just info
+  ThunkClosure{info} ->Just info
+  SelectorClosure{info} ->Just info
+  PAPClosure{info} ->Just info
+  APClosure{info} ->Just info
+  APStackClosure{info} ->Just info
+  IndClosure{info} ->Just info
+  BCOClosure{info} ->Just info
+  BlackholeClosure{info} ->Just info
+  ArrWordsClosure{info} ->Just info
+  MutArrClosure{info} ->Just info
+  SmallMutArrClosure{info} ->Just info
+  MVarClosure{info} ->Just info
+  IOPortClosure{info} ->Just info
+  MutVarClosure{info} ->Just info
+  BlockingQueueClosure{info} ->Just info
+  WeakClosure{info} ->Just info
+  TSOClosure{info} ->Just info
+  StackClosure{info} ->Just info
+  IntClosure{} -> Nothing
+  WordClosure{} -> Nothing
+  Int64Closure{} -> Nothing
+  Word64Closure{} -> Nothing
+  AddrClosure{} -> Nothing
+  FloatClosure{} -> Nothing
+  DoubleClosure{} -> Nothing
+  OtherClosure{info} -> Just info
+  UnsupportedClosure {info} -> Just info
+  UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive{} -> Nothing
+-- | Partial version of getClosureInfoTbl_maybe for when we know we deal with a
+-- heap closure.
+-- @since 9.14.1
+getClosureInfoTbl :: HasCallStack => GenClosure b -> StgInfoTable
+getClosureInfoTbl closure = case getClosureInfoTbl_maybe closure of
+  Just info -> info
+  Nothing -> error "getClosureInfoTbl - Closure without info table"
+-- | Get the info table for a heap closure, or Nothing for a prim value
+-- @since 9.14.1
+getClosurePtrArgs_maybe :: GenClosure b -> Maybe [b]
+{-# INLINE getClosurePtrArgs_maybe #-} -- Ensure we can get rid of the just box
+getClosurePtrArgs_maybe closure = case closure of
+  ConstrClosure{ptrArgs} -> Just ptrArgs
+  FunClosure{ptrArgs} -> Just ptrArgs
+  ThunkClosure{ptrArgs} -> Just ptrArgs
+  SelectorClosure{} -> Nothing
+  PAPClosure{} -> Nothing
+  APClosure{} -> Nothing
+  APStackClosure{} -> Nothing
+  IndClosure{} -> Nothing
+  BCOClosure{} -> Nothing
+  BlackholeClosure{} -> Nothing
+  ArrWordsClosure{} -> Nothing
+  MutArrClosure{} -> Nothing
+  SmallMutArrClosure{} -> Nothing
+  MVarClosure{} -> Nothing
+  IOPortClosure{} -> Nothing
+  MutVarClosure{} -> Nothing
+  BlockingQueueClosure{} -> Nothing
+  WeakClosure{} -> Nothing
+  TSOClosure{} -> Nothing
+  StackClosure{} -> Nothing
+  IntClosure{} -> Nothing
+  WordClosure{} -> Nothing
+  Int64Closure{} -> Nothing
+  Word64Closure{} -> Nothing
+  AddrClosure{} -> Nothing
+  FloatClosure{} -> Nothing
+  DoubleClosure{} -> Nothing
+  OtherClosure{} -> Nothing
+  UnsupportedClosure{} -> Nothing
+  UnknownTypeWordSizedPrimitive{} -> Nothing
+-- | Partial version of getClosureInfoTbl_maybe for when we know we deal with a
+-- heap closure.
+-- @since 9.14.1
+getClosurePtrArgs :: HasCallStack => GenClosure b -> [b]
+getClosurePtrArgs closure = case getClosurePtrArgs_maybe closure of
+  Just ptrs -> ptrs
+  Nothing -> error "getClosurePtrArgs - Closure without ptrArgs field"
 type StgStackClosure = GenStgStackClosure Box
 -- | A decoded @StgStack@ with `StackFrame`s

@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ GHC.Utils.Word64

@@ -258,6 +258,7 @@ GHC.Utils.Word64

@@ -2807,7 +2807,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (AnnDecl GhcPs) where
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-instance ExactPrint (BF.BooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName)) where
+instance ExactPrint (BF.BooleanFormula GhcPs) where
   getAnnotationEntry = const NoEntryVal
   setAnnotationAnchor a _ _ _ = a
@@ -4527,7 +4527,7 @@ instance ExactPrint (LocatedL [LocatedA (ConDeclField GhcPs)]) where
     (an', fs') <- markAnnList an (markAnnotated fs)
     return (L an' fs')
-instance ExactPrint (LocatedL (BF.BooleanFormula (LocatedN RdrName))) where
+instance ExactPrint (LocatedL (BF.BooleanFormula GhcPs)) where
   getAnnotationEntry = entryFromLocatedA
   setAnnotationAnchor = setAnchorAn
   exact (L an bf) = do

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types
   , promotedNilDataCon
   , unitTy
 import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim (alphaTyVars)
 import GHC.Core.Class
 import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ tyThingToLHsDecl prr t = case t of
                       $ snd
                       $ classTvsFds cl
                 , tcdSigs =
-                    noLocA (MinimalSig (noAnn, NoSourceText) . noLocA . fmap noLocA $ classMinimalDef cl)
+                    noLocA (MinimalSig (noAnn, NoSourceText) . noLocA $ classMinimalDef cl)
                       : [ noLocA tcdSig
                         | clsOp <- classOpItems cl
                         , tcdSig <- synifyTcIdSig vs clsOp

@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 -- Portability :  portable
 module Haddock.Interface.Rename (renameInterface) where
+import Prelude hiding (mapM)
 import Control.Applicative ()
 import Control.DeepSeq (force)
 import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
@@ -28,12 +30,13 @@ import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import Data.Traversable (mapM)
 import GHC hiding (NoLink)
 import GHC.Builtin.Types (eqTyCon_RDR, tupleDataConName, tupleTyConName)
 import GHC.Types.Basic (Boxity (..), TopLevelFlag (..), TupleSort (..))
 import GHC.Types.Name
 import GHC.Types.Name.Reader (RdrName (Exact))
-import Prelude hiding (mapM)
+import Language.Haskell.Syntax.BooleanFormula(BooleanFormula(..))
 import Haddock.Backends.Hoogle (ppExportD)
 import Haddock.GhcUtils
@@ -770,11 +773,22 @@ renameSig sig = case sig of
     lnames' <- mapM renameNameL lnames
     return $ FixSig noExtField (FixitySig noExtField lnames' fixity)
   MinimalSig _ (L l s) -> do
-    s' <- traverse (traverse lookupRn) s
+    s' <- bfTraverse (traverse lookupRn) s
     return $ MinimalSig noExtField (L l s')
   -- we have filtered out all other kinds of signatures in Interface.Create
   _ -> error "expected TypeSig"
+bfTraverse  :: Applicative f
+            => (LIdP (GhcPass p) -> f (LIdP DocNameI))
+            -> BooleanFormula (GhcPass p)
+            -> f (BooleanFormula DocNameI)
+bfTraverse f = go
+  where
+    go (Var    a  ) = Var    <$> f a
+    go (And    bfs) = And    <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Or     bfs) = Or     <$> traverse @[] (traverse go) bfs
+    go (Parens bf ) = Parens <$> traverse go bf
 renameForD :: ForeignDecl GhcRn -> RnM (ForeignDecl DocNameI)
 renameForD (ForeignImport _ lname ltype x) = do
   lname' <- renameNameL lname

@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as Set
 import GHC
 import qualified GHC.Data.Strict as Strict
+import GHC.Data.BooleanFormula (BooleanFormula)
 import GHC.Driver.Session (Language)
 import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
 import GHC.Core.InstEnv (is_dfun_name)
@@ -819,6 +820,7 @@ type instance Anno (HsDecl DocNameI) = SrcSpanAnnA
 type instance Anno (FamilyResultSig DocNameI) = EpAnn NoEpAnns
 type instance Anno (HsOuterTyVarBndrs Specificity DocNameI) = SrcSpanAnnA
 type instance Anno (HsSigType DocNameI) = SrcSpanAnnA
+type instance Anno (BooleanFormula DocNameI) = SrcSpanAnnL
 type XRecCond a =
   ( XParTy a ~ (EpToken "(", EpToken ")")

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